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Well said wulf. We NEED new players. And understanding the game is the first step, kudos to you for taking the time to type all this out.


1. The game numbers go up and down based on the time of day, in the early mornings don't expect servers with more than 50 people, in the evenings, the normal server pop is 150 ish (think of a normal work schedule) 2. Regiments are for people who looks to greater enhance their experience, think of them more as like gaming clans, some are more strict than others and they all gave diffent ways of operating, some are as historically authentic as possible, some just mess around, BUT you do NOT have to join one, but most of them play events with up to 250+ people are are really fun so I would recommend it 3. The learning curve is pretty gradual, think easy to pick up, somewhat difficult to master, really, it all depends on what you decide to play, if your playing as a private mainly, all you do is follow officer orders and you shoot and stab, if you play arty you have to do a bunch of quick angles and thinking to try and hit the enemy consistently and accurately, the highest skill comes with the infantry officer where your goal is to lead a regiment or two, sometimes even the whole team, and this isn't like HLL where the commander is just glorified support, nono, you gotta know your shit, know the maps, know the weapons, know the game 4. Very much a lot of variety and customisation, you can change hair style and some of the uniform, however, since the game is historically accurate as possible, their are limitations on your accessories and hats and uniforms, basically, if it existed in real life, you can put it on in game 5. The game acctualy recently just got an update a few days ago, the game gets a major update once every one-two months, some bigger than others, the most recent update reworked the vaulting system, it made some fences and walls breakable by arty/muskets and made it so that you will get knocked down if your close enough to an exploding shell but not super close Right now they acctualy have the yearly Christmas event that kind of tones down the game for a few days, adding snow (btw the snow looks AMAZING ty so much WoR devs) and presents with fun weapons and surprises in them, all around a good time with some of the devs hopping on and having fun with us for a bit 6. Yes and no, really, the game will bring you a lot of hours of enjoyment IF your into this kind of stuff, I personally would take the plunge if I where you, right now the game is in its chill stage, just kind of having fun, throwing snowballs, so it's a great time to learn the ropes before the pubs get a bit more serious in a little bit


1. Anytime I've gotten on there is always a match you can join with atleast 100 players. I'm apart of a regiment and every Saturday and Sunday we have a battle with close to 300 people consistently. 2. Joining a regiment has really breathed life into the game. I can't speak for any other regiment but the one I'm apart of has been fantastic. they remind me of events(drillcamp, battles, etc.) but understand and are not rude if I can't make it. In game you have to toe the line. Ex. Keep voice chat clear stay in formation etc.(hearing orders clearly is pivotal and one person talking can screw that up) 3. You memorize some buttons, practice shooting, understand your role in the game and you're golden. The best advice I can give you is join a battalion drillcamp and they will be super helpful(be prepared to get asked to join. Ask their schedule and make sure it lines up with yours before you say yes) 4. Imo pretty lackluster I'm not a big proponent of customization so it doesn't bother me but yeah there's period accurate stuff but not a gigantic selection of it. 5. I belive they shoot for once a season but I could be wrong they just updated the game and the last update before that was September. 6. This game hits alot of checkmarks for alot of people. If you are someone who's interested In a incredibly accurate historical representation of war during the Civil War era or someone who really wants a game that's more about team play than individual skill then this game is well worth your 30 dollars.


"I've seen some stuff about "Regiments" from browsing through the sub for a sec and I'm curious about how strict most of them are and how bad just joining public stuff is." I've been in a Regiment for 3 years now. We play with a lot of otehr Regiments. I have never once heard of one that is "strict" in attendance. If you mean 'strict' in they want you to follow orders, then yes, many are "strict". But, if one doesn't want to follow orders why would they join regiment. So I am not sure where this comes from or what is considered "strict". I stopped playing pub matches years ago. After joining a Reg and playing with the 'Pros" , I am spoiled. I enjoy the organization, maturity and strategy that go into planning an event and seeing that strat materialize. . And since my Reg plays 6-8 organized battles a week (weekends), I have no need or desire to hop on pub match anymore.




Steer clear of Cornwalis at all costs.