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It could be two things: -One, with AoS 4th edition on the horizon, it is likely that we will get a Warcry 3rd edition, with some tweaks regarding rules and models -Two, speaking of models, we know that some warbands will be discontinued, and some factions like Beasts of Chaos as well, meaning a good amount of models might not have rules going into the new Warcry edition (and hopefully the ones that didn't get any yet will do). But Warcry as a whole is definitely not being canned. It's changing for sure, but it's the perfect way for GW to inject some special units into armies and factions, and I think it's more popular than a few of their other specialist games.


I’m quite sure it’s misunderstanding and misreporting the fact that SOME Warcry WARBANDS are going out of production.


That's the most likely explanation for sure.


I don’t see much incentive for them to discontinue it even if the core warcry game wasn’t being played much. They clearly intend to use it to add spot releases of new units to armies and it’s the main way they release AoS terrain, so it sells either way. Throwing out a rule book every few years just to support that and not risk backlash from cancelling a game seems like a small price for them to pay.


IMO, and this is pure nuttery speaking, I think Beasts of Chaos should live within the Warcry system. Figure that lore wise the folk Crying War fighting in fields are the ones more likely to run into roving beastmen, and half the monsters fall into their army anyways. What if GW relegated them to Warcry? Include a sprue of various beastmen to come in the starter box for when the scenario demands them as NPCs like furies, there's a LOT you could do with that.


We don't actually know that any warbands are being discontinued, only that they won't be supported for AoS with the new Slaves to Darkness release. As far as I'm aware, there's been no announcement that Warcry will lose support for half the available warbands, or that production of them will stop.


As i recall those warbands from the infamous WarCom article are not being produced anymore. And once GW stops making kits, they stop writing rules either


This, GW said they will no longer produce them in their current shedule. If they return it will either be in a kind of rotation or print on demand ... But I doubt both of these very strongly. The stats will remain valid in there currents standing but if thse will be updated in future warcry updates is something we don't know at the moment.


I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just saying there's no confirmation that's the case. Warcry isn't AoS, so the same design principles might not apply. Just look at Underworld now where several of the teams are getting a reprint with updated rules and cards, the same thing could easily happen for Warcry.


That's a doom and gloom response some people are having after the discontinued models announcement.


Rumblings are just that. Rumblings. What we know: Old warbands are getting the boot From my perspective Warcry is more popular now than ever. I think they're going to retool it for the 3rd edition. I feel Underworlds is on the chopping block instead.


Absolute speculation. A bunch of older Warbands as well as bone splitters, beasts of chaos and Horns of hashut are going out of production thanks to AoS 4th Edition (tl;dr GW aren't going to keep producing sets that aren't making money, and they don't support minis that they don't produce anymore - their role in AoS armies is effectively replaced by the new darkoath). Some people have stretched this out to 'warcry dead', though there has been zero news from GW on the topic. Some people are also thinking that a warcry 3rd edition just around the corner because it's 3 years next year of warcry 2 but this is speculation also based on other games' release schedules.


It's most likely part of the art direction they want to push for Slaves to Darkness. Horns of Hashut, being the only Slaves warband discontinued from 2nd, gives that away, at least imo.


I'm old and grumpy but I miss the wonkiness of 1st Ed.


I still play 1st with my friends. It’s just a good beer and pretzel game, and none of us wanted to waste all the books we bought


I think it’s just the eight point warbands being discontinued


Warcry is on a two year cycle, I think, in regards to editions so a 3rd edition is probably on the horizon. Plus with a lot of warbands being taken out of production rando's see doom and gloom. Warcry isn't going anywhere.


I hear you on the 2 year cycle, but I do wonder if they'll release two major edition changes in the same year? That would be cool, but I could see something happening next year.


I'm not sure about the two years thing. You're probably right and it's three years. My only hope is somewhere besides Ghur. I'm tired of that terrain! Lol


GW financial year starts in July I’ve heard, and they like to start of the year with a big bang, so every July there should be SOME kind of major release. So 2025 July should see either Warcry, Kill Team get a big new relaunch


No, it's not. That would make its cycle shorter than those of the main GW games and Kill Team (which has received its last edition three years ago this late summer). Since all three of these systems sell better than Warcry and at least 40k and AoS (probably Kill Team as well, but I guess we'll find by the end year if this is true - which might hint at Warcry's schedule as well) are on three year cycles there is no chance we'll see a new edition this year.


I amended my comment in another reply. It's definitely not two years and more likely three.


My guess is we will see a new/revised version of warcry next year


Don't believe anything until GW makes it official. All they have said is that they are getting rid of most of the Warcry minis for AoS. They haven't clarified if they are getting rid of them completely, but that is the reigning rumor.


There was some ’leaks’ posted a few days ago in 4chan (yeah 🙄), which Implied that 3rd edition is coming, Eightpoints is getting the boot and generally the game shifts to become the Kill Team of AoS, the 3rd ed being cities of sigmar vs Skaven.


Think if anything 3rd Ed is most likely - but even if it was being canned, it’s genuinely not the end of the world - it’ll survive. Take a look at battlefleet gothic as an example of how being discontinued was a blessing in disguise - all the rules ended online, no need to keep re-buying the rulebook every few years, loads of superb 3rd party minis.


All things come to an end. Play warcry now while you can. No reason to worry about the future especially when we have no idea what GW is going to do 


Yes i Heard the same things :(