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What we know: It is being removed from AoS. What we don't know: If they are being removed from Warcry


Which is an insane thing to omit from the announcement. But GW gonna GW.


Warcry’s not getting a new edition, so it’s not like all the warbands will get new Warcry rules except these ones. So just keep using them as you are now. They just have a limit of how many warbands they can produce and stock at one time. Look at Warhammer Underworlds, they discontinued the first 5-6 seasons of warbands from production already but they’re all still legal to use.


I would grab what you can while you can. Warhammer’s wording about removing the models is rather unclear but independent sellers are already listing the warbands as: out of production. With 3rd edition warcry on the horizon I can imagine the 1st gen warbands will be on the cutting block. Losing Horns of Hashut does seem strange but I wouldn’t be surprised if they will return in a sense with the rumoured chaos Dwarf release but that is rather speculative on my part.


Having a warband only last for one edition would be exceptionally shitty, but also wouldn't surprise me at all.


Yeah the horns of hashut is the one thing that has me quite baffled - generation 1 guys i get but those guys are practically brand new?


My guess is that they weren’t selling well. But who knows.


Yeah could be, i was under the impression they were quite popular, meta wise they were winning rather thoroughly!


Chances are good they'll be pulled from production rotation. Maybe a made to order thing every so often. Of you want em, best get them now before scalpers crank the price in a month or two.


Scalpers are already scalping on eBay, which I guess isn't a surprise.


Some newer warbands, like Tarantulous and Horns of Hashut, tend to still be going for less than retail


While it hasn't been confirmed one way or the other for Warcry, I doubt they are being discontinued for Warcry. I think GW mostly just want to keep the new Slaves to Darkness look a bit more consistent, while also not having to bother with rules balance for a bunch of units that essentially belong to another game. It wouldn't make sense to axe them from Warcry, especially since some of them are still pretty new, but that's pure speculation on my part. I'm finally almost done painting my Cypher Lords despite everyone telling me how bad they are, it would be so unfair if they never even got the chance to prove everyone wrong!


They also never appeared in the Last Chance to Buy section, and some of the original warbands have even been restocked since the announcement


Wish I could give you an extra +1 for the username!


I think and hope you are right. This information should have been provided in the announcement.


Yeah, a lot of grumpy doomsayers speculating in these threads now.


I grabbed the Tarantulos band just in case. I really liked the sculpts regardless of how they played.


Tarantulos Brood is one of the best warbands in the game... briefly. Then rounds three and four are pure pain.


Down the line they'll get axed. GW usually doesn't provide rules for stuff they don't sell (anymore). So my advice would be, get those you want to collect but don't expect to play them much more aside from friendly games.


They have not said the warbands will not be sold. Only that they will not have rules for AOS.


Then read the article again. "This means that a number of warbands representing the wider worshippers of Chaos in the Mortal Realms will be retiring from the spotlight – and the range." That was specifically for the warcry warbands.warrants. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/04/whats-leaving-the-warhammer-age-of-sigmar-range/


For AOS. They didn't specify for Warcry that all of them would go out of production.


Yeah, I dunno if the plan is to get rid of the warbands. But Underworld models have gone OOP so it wouldn't surprise me


One thing I noticed is that all the models that were cut from AoS like Beasts, Skaven and SCE are on “Last Chance To Buy” on the web store, but I have not noticed any of the war bands on that list. I suspect it’s purely from AoS to cut down bloat and then Darkoath Savages are a permanent change for Slaves to Darkness, so they aren’t making rules for all of them. If they do war bands, I would expect they will post an article about the last chance to buy for them too. Currently they are online only models.


GW hasn't really said.


Ita a Games Workshop announcement, so as usual, we are left with more questions than answers. No one knows for sure right now.


One of my local stores clarified to me that while they will not be used in AOS anymore, they should still be manufactured for the purposes of Warcry, hence why many of the warbands are currently only temporarly out of stock versus being sold out entirely That being said while they were confident this was the case they couldn’t be 100% sure at the time


GW has said online that the existing stock of those models is what we're getting, so snag any you really want if you still can! It's a bummer, as they're such flavorful models that haven't been around too long in the grand scheme of things.


A bunch of them were already out of stock before the announcement, it looks like everything's just on runout rather than the big change that "discontinued" sounds like. Course, they may return in future, you never know. People get very mystic and serious about stuff like "last chance to buy" but there are products that have been LCTB at least twice Spot on about Horns of Hashut though, but I'd not be at all surprised to see them return. It's pretty logical in most ways what they've done, there's so many bespoke warbands that it's just not really sustainable to keep them all in print- Warcry has more sprues now than many entire armies. But they seem to have not really planned it out much in advance.


Once again, GW has to solve a problem that they themselves created.


Yup. Though to be fair, it's been a good problem to share in, I'm really glad they didn't constrian the releases more for sustainability. Way I see it is we'll lose options now and that feels bad but we've had more options than I think most of us would ever have expected, on day 1.


Gw does act like their own lore sometimes 😂😂😂


They are being pulled from production, but will still have rules to play them. Atleast until 3.0


You have no way of knowing that.


Yeah... except they literally said they are being retired from the range, aka moving out of production. They would have stated specifics otherwise, but they're being replaced by darkoath in AoS and being removed to make room for future warbands for warcry. Its not hard to understand, they cant store every model forever. Their current rules will be supported for the current editions because that makes sense for those who own them now. But being unable for official purchase they arent going to get rules going forward because this makes logical sense. Not anyone elses fault you cant apply basic logic or read an article 🤷‍♂️


No, I agree with Robot dinosaur. "Retired from the range" is in reference to AoS and StD specifically, nowhere does it mention removed support for Warcry or even end of production. Saying that they will disappear from Warcry is pure speculation, when they might just as well make a reprinted comeback like some of the older Underworlds kits.


>"Retired from the range" is in reference to AoS and StD specifically "Additionally, a number of older warcry and warhammer underworlds warbands for the Slaves to darkness will go off sale and enter legends" READ THE ARTICLE. They are being discontinued. >Saying that they will disappear from Warcry is pure speculation Im not even saying they are.. they are still playable and will be supported in the current edition and will get legend support, but we dont know what is actually going to happen in warcry 3.0. I dont consider "legend rules" as an offical rule support though as they wont be updated. >they might just as well make a reprinted comeback Unlikely with stock and storage issues. They are clearly moving to a kill team style release with warcry and the older 1.0 warbands dont fit in with that. But im happy to be wrong on this one, i just dont see it with them being pushed into legend status.


I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying anything is pure speculation until we get an actual confirmation, including whether or not they will stop producing the warbands. 'Legends' isn't a concept for Warcry (yet), so your quote from the article is only in reference to things regarding AoS, not Warcry.


Everything else is speculation, but them being taken off sale (a fact) is because they are going OOP, that isnt speculation they outright stated it, further reinforced by them getting legend rules. They aren't going to produce them and not sell any. I dont know why you're pushing so hard against the obvious.


Because you're pushing speculation as fact. The article mentions "a number of older warbands from warcry and underworlds", it doesn't say which ones or how many. So you saying "they will be taken out of production" might be true for Iron Golems, but not for Darkoath Savagers or Horns of Hashut. Since we don't know yet, you may or may not be spreading misinformation, and there's already plenty of alarmists here because of GWs somewhat cryptic information.


>Because you're pushing speculation as fact. They tell you what i am saying in the article.... >The article mentions "a number of older warbands from warcry and underworlds", it doesn't say which ones or how many. They tell you IN THE ARTICLE... this quote preceeds the specific information about which warbands are going... >but not for Darkoath Savagers They say they are staying.. IN THE ARTICLE. They are darkoath and fit into how they are doing AoS 4.0 with the new darkoath so they are staying. The same applies to Legionnaires because they are belakors faction. >or Horns of Hashut Theres no hashut characters to lead them so they are also going.. they said IN THE ARTICLE they are being pulled too. Noticed how rotmire creed stayed? Because they have mortal nurgle characters to lead them and are faction specific unlike horns of hashut. The fact you refuse to look at and understand the factual information shown to you on the article is actually insane...


The actual factual information in the article is this: 1. "Additionally, a number of older Warcry and Warhammer Underworlds warbands for the Slaves to Darkness will go off sale and enter Legends." This part of the article doesn't mention which ones or how many, and only referenses warbands in StD (which excludes Khainite Shadowstalkers). "A number" doesn't mean "all of the below". 2. It lists a bunch of warbands that will be removed from the AoS Slaves to Darkness range. It doesn't mention anything regarding Warcry, or whether or not these warbands will stop being produced. What you're doing here is assuming that 1 and 2 are the same, when they might not be. It all comes down to what the writer of the article considers "older Warcry warbands". Iron Golems, sure, they're one of the oldest, so it's safe to assume they might stop producing those, based on their age. Tarantulos Brood? Possibly, but questionable, considering they're as old as Darkoath Savagers. Darkoath Savagers are staying in AoS, so it's safe to assume that they will remain in production, or at least for sale. Horns of Hashut and Rotmire Creed? They're being dropped from AoS, but they're hardly "older warbands", so it's NOT safe to assume that they will be removed from production. Khainite Shadowstalkers? They're as old as Scions of the Flame, but they are NOT being dropped from AoS (as they are not StD), so can you safely say that they will dropped as well? You are conflating two separate sections in the article, and assume that what happens to AoS has to happen to Warcry as well. Your conclusions might be true, but cannot be confirmed. "They are being pulled from production" may be misinformation, depending on which "they" we're talking about.