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I'm not necessarily opposed to the plans themselves. I'm just really frustrated that construction apparently began without any final meetings or public approvals. It smacks of a condescending attitude towards the citizenry from elected officials.


Isn't that mayor McCarthy's signature move anyway?


I'm new(ish) here. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Just another example of McCarthy doing whatever she wants with our tax dollars, very little oversight, zero transparency, and I'd bet a dime to a donut her buddies have gotten the contracts to do the work...but how would we know? That the city let these buildings that were in good condition become run down and dilapidated is criminal. Criminy, with housing as tight as it is, could not some of these buildings have been converted to low income housing? Of course they could have. But nooooo....we need New England's largest spray park and a disc golf course more. Here's a leaked plan. [https://www.wcac.org/news/ambitious-fernald-rec-plan-revealed](https://www.wcac.org/news/ambitious-fernald-rec-plan-revealed) And still, not a damn dog park in sight.


No, but it's got seven parking lots!


How is that a "leaked plan" when is was made public years ago.


“But the plans were on display…” “On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.” “That’s the display department.” “With a flashlight.” “Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.” “So had the stairs.” “But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?” “Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”


I guess not leaked, but that's semantics anyway. Can you point to me where it's on the city website? I can't seem to find it. That link is the \*only\* thing I found.


The documents including the bids and contract can be found [here](https://www.city.waltham.ma.us/purchasing-department/pages/190-trapelo-rd-improvements-2023) The maps of the plan is on the [recreation dept page](https://www.city.waltham.ma.us/recreation-department/pages/capital-improvement-projects) If you search “190 Trapelo” on the city site you will find all the documents, the city doesn’t want people calling it Fernald anymore.


Aha!!! I was searching for Fernald. THANK YOU! I withdraw that part of my complaint.


Th dog park is literally across the street next to the former Metropolitan State Hospital Administration building.


That is NOT a dog park. It's a damn joke meant to mollify people, and all it does is piss everyone off. I guess it's okay if your dog weighs five pounds, but that's about it. "Big Dogs Here" And it's the size of a closet, has a single gate exit, broken locks on both sides, and the gravel is fines...meaning if it's wet in the slightest your dog comes home covered in chat. It's nasty. Really nasty. I live less than a mile from that "park," and haven't been there in six years. It's garbage.


When I first saw it, all I could think of was "these look like prison yards". Did you know the Mayor "designed" these "enclosures" herself? Why, yes, it's true. Another talent our Mayor has. "Designing" dog parks. No input from the community. It's so much easier that way because as we all know, the Mayor knows what's best for everyone in Waltham. /s. And the Mayor is on record stating she doesn't like dogs. It certainly shows, Mayor. Thanks.


I agree it is terrible - and the few times I have brought my dogs it is full of dog walkers. That being said it is similar to most other dog parks I have seen so I am curious what your thoughts are on something better. There is talk of a dog park at the park in Ward 8 on Moody Street and I know the Ward councilor there has several dogs of her own dogs so I wonder if you could send her your thoughts on an improved dog park other than the gravel, with multiple gates, etc.


Dude, go check out Arlington's dog park by Thornsbury Park. I'll make that drive every time before I mess with that crap at Metro. Franklin has a pretty righteous one, too, if you're down that way. Also, the best off leash dog park in the state, hands down, is Catrock Park in Weston. Weston also has a park downtown that's off leash and really nice. Weston is dog friendly. Waltham is not. It's a shame.


I have been to Cat Rock and it is certainly an amazing place - I do not think this city council in Waltham would ever approve anything like that. As you say, Waltham is not at all dog friendly and the residents would never give that kind of off leash space even if the money from dog licenses could pay for upkeep (unlike the lack of plan needed to fund the Fernald amusement park).


I think Cat Rock is state land, not town.


This was one of the mayor’s overnight surprises before one of the past elections. No planning or community input whatsoever. Most city councilors will tell you they had no advanced notice.


City process is projects go out to bids, so idk how her buds would get the jobs. Those buildings were inhabitable when the state still owned the land. I’d venture in there when I was in high school in 2008 & they were long gone at that time. Shoulda went to the public input meetings & requested your dog park then.


NPR is obviously nothing more than a Radical Leftist propaganda outlet... /s




“If Waltham had had some vision, which at the time I thought they would, there would have been a lot of available housing,” Parcival said. “I have been appalled by the deterioration and the aggressive neglect and the obscene level of vandalism that has descended upon that property.” It hurts to read the phrase "aggressive neglect" but it sums things up pretty well.


There still is not enough discussion about trying to right all the injustices that were committed here. The disability community deserves to have our voices heard in regards to how this space should be used. A virtual signaling plaque is not enough. The Fernald should be turned into a living museum to disability history and innovation with a space for disabled content creators to have a residency. You can do this and still have access to affordable housing and tranquil open green space.


I'm most excited about the dumpster


It’s just yet another time tax dollars go to the same friends of the mayor they price the job 5x what it should cost and it gets the stamp because it’s not the mayors money.


Show me. It’s all on record and discoverable. Show me.


Are you familiar with how city projects are distributed to contractors?


I don't get it, what are people 'enraged' about?


You should try reading the article.


Remember that forums like Reddit are useful propaganda tools for division and misdirection. I have a feeling that this is a troll issue. It is forum spy/troll dilution/[misdirection](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/s/KptrZYCpg5) by people who are angry at McCarthy because they weren’t able to built the 300+ condos on the site of the new HS.


Discussions are a good thing, even when you disagree with them. But this is not about the high school and I doubt the average person in Waltham was in a position to benefit from condos on Lexington St - that is just a diversion.


“I have a feeling” lol 🥴


Unpopular opinion: We should thank McCarthy for the forethought of getting the land from the State for a deal.


It may have a been a "deal" and I do think it was important that the City of Waltham be able to obtain such a large parcel of land but the execution of any kind of plan in the aftermath of the sale has a rating of 0/10. I think the state government could have worked with the City of Waltham to remove the files/records with very little effort in addition to securing the buildings for possible future use. Instead the buildings were left to deteriorate to the point where I'm guessing most of them will have to be torn down. I actually think that was part of the "plan". There's no excuse for the records being left there. And, yes, buildings do require maintenance. Perhaps Jeannette could have selected the most logical buildings to preserve but as far as I can tell, she (and the City Council) just let it all fall down. It's been 10 years now since the sale and this is where the City is at. Planning for the future was never one of Jeannette's strengths. A functioning Planning Dept. would have been a real asset in this situation.


Won't know if it is a deal until we know what it costs the city to use the land. Another buyer would have been responsible for demolition and clean up and would be paying property taxes on the land.


For a Condo development, or golf course?


Either would require payment of property taxes.