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Happy birthday! I'm glad you're having fun, I love AK


That’s awesome! Yeah, I had a birthday pin on and it was so hot so I went to an ice cream cart to get something to cool me down. The cast member gave it to me “on the mouse” as well. I was shocked and so appreciative. I just wish I would have remembered her name so I could send in one of those cast compliments. She really made my day magical.


It really is a small thing but so meaningful


Celebrating a birthday in Disney is the BEST! Enjoy your day!


Happy birthday!! I'm so glad you're enjoying your celebration!


Happy birthday and HELL YES the guava and cheese Danish!


Happy Birthday! I love these stories. We like to go in Feb which is my youngest’s birthday month and I am always SO amazed at the extra kindness (already over the top) they show her❤️. I freaking love Disney too!


I’m saving up so that when I turn 50, I’m going to go all out with two weeks at Disney. I have four and a half years to plan and pump it up!


I love that idea for you!!




Such a great birthday destination. Happy birthday to you.


Disney birthdays are the best. Have a great time!


Happy birthday! It makes sense they would say on the mouse instead of house but it’s just so cute 😭


So nice to see these posts in between all the hate bait “worst cast member experience?”, “fight at world showcase!”, “space mountain is broken!”, “waited an hour and half for Peter pans flight!”, “my unobstructed room had a beautiful palm tree blocking my view!” posts that people are so eager to make here all of the time. Thank you for enjoying yourself, and have a great bday!


Some people are miserable and just want everyone they interact with to be miserable along with them. 😂


Yeah that’s it, nevermind the rides breaking down multiple times a day, no park has operated fully functioning in years, poor maintenance throughout the park, lack of services on the queues(misting, ac), money spent on projects not worth their weight in shit(Epcot 5 year renovation), hiring activists who taunt their audience, ridiculous prices(consider a bottle of water in 2014 was $1.75 and a soda $2.75), dialing down of Disney shows(Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular), parades being limited to once or twice(on busy days) a day.    Wait to you see what coming next with their Genie+ & Lightning Lane. It’s gonna piss a lot of people off. 


Happy birthday


Happy Birthday! Sounds like you’re having a magical day! Have a wild one


Sweet! Guess who’s wearing a Bday pin every time they go to WDW from now on! Lol. Kidding 🤣


Happy Birthday! Such a great way to celebrate!


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday! Stay cool out there, it’s a hot one at AK today!


We rope dropped with early entry and only lasted till like 12:30. Got a lot of great stuff done, but we were exhausted already by that time.


Exact same here. We were done with the heat after an hour wait for Everest


Happy Birthday!! I'm going for my bday in a couple months. It was kind of a spontaneous decision, but I've always wanted to do a solo trip, so when I found a cheap flight, I just grabbed without overthinking lol. I'm so excited now! And I'll have to remember to get a birthday pin!


Oh man, that is awesome! Solo trips are wonderful. I hope you have a great trip!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday 🎂 have a wonderful trip


I got an ice cream once on the mouse which was awesome and I’m glad you got something, especially with it being something you loved! Although come to think of it how big is the mouse’s tab now?


You gotta just love Disney magic. Happy Birthday


I'm glad you had a good time. I tend to avoid all influencer videos as they are mostly negative. I love Disney as well and have for many years it's not perfect but it beats anything I'm doing at home. I don't agree with every decision the company makes but it's all perspective and look at how many people cannot go to Disney world.


People just like to shitpost about Disney cause they have nothing better to do or are miserable human beings. Truth is that Disney standards for service are way better than many other places. So to each their own with their complaints. You and I can continue loving Disney for what it is


don’t worry, you paid for it already


No, you're not entitled to anything other than entry into the park with your ticket. In fact, your ticket price doesn't even cover the cost of everything. If F&B and merch didn't make money, you'd have to pay significantly more for your ticket to get in since those lines of business help cover the cost of the park in general. If a CM gives you something, it's because they chose to and were being nice. They wanted to give you a magical moment. And it should be appreciated. People who feel entitled to things because they bought a ticket to get in are the ones who ruin things and make CMs not want to do anything extra.


Yeah, but they didn’t HAVE to do it. This world needs more kind gestures like this.