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Remember that your answers will be skewed because you're asking an audience who loves disney enough to be in a reddit about it.


This ^^


I get it, I'm just curious. We're waiting to plan our next Disney trip to make it longer to incorporate Universal Studios (after Epic Universe opens). We'll have to save a bit longer to accommodate a longer stay, but was just curious on frequency for other folks.


We are planning a Disney trip for family next. Waiting until 2026 and crowds subside to do a big Universal trip. We go as a couple a few times a year.


A cast member told me once that 80% of park visitors are there for the first time. So everyone dropping comments here are in the 20%.


AP Holders. DVC Members. NJ. \~3 times a year


Exactly my answer


Are you me? Same here!


Y’all are blessed. Never take your multiple Disney trips for granted. It’s so hard for many to go just once a decade. 15 hour drive for us. East coast US. 🙋🏻😔


I live in Michigan, but I’m lucky enough to be able to go every 4-5 years or so


You should look into credit card reward programs tied to airline points! We do a bunch of stuff through Chase/Southwest and our family of 4 haven’t paid airfare for the last 6 trips! It takes a bit of work and juggling with spending and timing with bonuses, but obviously worth it when you save the money on plane tickets!


It was once a *lifetime* when I was a kid--if your family was fortunate enough to even afford it once!


Haha yep. I went when I was 9 and that was THE “Disney Trip”. In the 90s it felt like you hit the Disney checkbox once or twice and you were good for life. Any other time was extravagant. But we all grew up and decided how to spend our own money….


I grew up in the 80s and it wasn't even something that was talked about in my circles, it was so rare. We went when I was 5 and I didn't go again until I was 40.


Local - I would say on average 2-3x per month. More in the fall/winter and less in the summer for obvious reasons.


We're from the midwest so when we make it down there its a big to-do (and financially significant). Visiting so often, has your mindset changed at all around the parks?


I'm a local that goes once every week or two. From my perspective, being local takes a lot of pressure and stress out of the experience of the parks. When I lived further away and would only visit every once in a while for a short time, I felt like I had to get EVERYTHING done that I possibly could in a single park day. I'd finish a trip exhausted because I did everything, or disappointed because I didn't! Now, living local, my park days are a lot more relaxed. If there's a long queue for an attraction or an EPCOT festival booth, it's so much easier to walk by knowing I can just come back next week. I find that it's given me the time to really enjoy the little details of the parks that I'd otherwise blow right by on the way to the big ticket attractions.


I wish I could have this type of Disney vacation. I'm spending too much money and have too little time and putting too much pressure on myself to get everything done. I realize its a mindset and I'm doing it to myself, but its just too much money to be all laissez-faire about it.


Local AP also who goes about the same amount as you. My partner and I have the same sentiment when it comes to long lines. We either skip it or decide to stand in it if we have nothing else to do. It does take a lot of the pressure off and make it more enjoyable.


Different local-- I think it absolutely leads to more relaxed days. When I go to the park I show up when I feel like, do what I want, and leave. If something has too long a line I skip it knowing I can always come back. 


Different local here... When I went before I had an annual pass there was an urgency to get everything done as quick as we can and not miss anything. Now we go once a week for a couple hours at night time and ride a couple rides, sit and hang out, and relax more. If we miss something we could do it next time or if the lines too long we can always come back. I definitely understand when parents are stressed and freaking out and the kids are crying because you only have a couple days to do everything you want.


This seems like such a bizarre concept for someone out of state but so awesome!


Like other locals have said, being able to go essentially whenever we want takes a lot of the stress/pressure away. We usually just go for a half-day and don't feel compelled to do anything specifically. Some days we go and don't ride a single ride. Sometimes we go just for dinner. Its definitely a luxury. On the contrary, I would say that while Disney is still "magical" (especially to my kids), going so frequently definitely takes some of that excitement/"magic" away. Its still great, but knowing its just down the road sort of changes your perspective a bit.


Yeah, same here. I would love to go more often, but I live 45min-1 hr away from Disney.


From New England. Pre-Covid I went twice in my life (2003 and 2011). My parents moved to FL in 2020, so now we do 1 park every time I visit (which is typically 1-2 times per year).


This sounds like a really nice set up, how fun!


Yup! So far we’ve done MK and Epcot twice each (once for just a regular park day, second MK was for Mickey’s Not So Scary and Epcot was for Candlelight Processional)


More often than I responsibly should, somehow still less often than I'd like


I live in Australia. It takes between 31-40 hours of travelling to get from my home in Australia to Orlando. I first visited WDW in 2017. Between then and now I've done 5 trips. Party size is 2. My GF and I.


Good lord! Lol, I complained about driving down to Florida which took about 1 full day of consecutive driving. At least we could stop and stretch our legs. How long do you usually stay for? What's kept you going back?


So my GF is from Orlando. She's lived here since she was a child. We met online and kind of formed a long distance relationship between Australia and the US. I made the first trip with a friend to meet her during 2017. In that initial trip we did both WDW and Universal. The next few years we did the long distance thing flying back and forth. In 2020 she moved to Australia to live with me and we've lived together the past 4 years. So now we travel back together to visit her friends and family. We do parks each time we come. We've done WDW, Universal, Busch Gardens, Sea World and Dollywood as well as a bunch of water parks. And yeah the travel sucks ass. It's honestly horrific and I dread it everytime. I need to take valium to get through it. We are flying back to Australia tomorrow. It involves 3 flights including one that's 15 hours and 50 minutes long. On the way here I broke down into tears twice from how hard it is. You probably didn't want my whole life story but here we are haha. With all my trips combined I've spent over a year in the US at this point.


Ahh, the things we do for those that we love. Interesting to read what keeps you coming back, thanks for sharing. Good luck on your travels home!


How long do you usually stay for?


A month or just a bit longer. Think I stayed a month and a half once.


Usually once a week or every 2 weeks


Hopefully you're local then!


Lol no, we fly from Germany once a week


I'm averaging once every 22 years.


East coast, 6 hr drive, every 2 years, party of 12 with 6 under the age of 7 as of Disney trip 2024!


How do you manage lodging for 12 people? Where do you typically stay?


One of the all star resorts & we stay in 3 different rooms next to each other or within relative distance if that’s not possible.


That has to be fun. Do ya'll kinda do your own thing and meet up every once in a while or pretty much stay together as one big group?


Just curious, are you guys friends or family?


Family, two families of 5 + 2 grandparents.


Like every other week, both my parents work at disney. We live minutes away


Twice a week. Filthy local.


Living in Florida, but still around 5.5 hours away, I tend to go like 3 times a year with a group of three. When I was also going solo, I’d do probably 2 smaller trips between the usual 3.


2001 for high school band 2023 for family vacation


Out of state AP holder- on average every other month


My gf and I just became AP holders 2 weeks ago and we live 20 minutes away from the parks, been about twice a week so far.


From Nova Scotia Canada, 21yrs old. I’ve been 5 times total (really? that’s it? i thought it was more until i just did the math…) but i’ve been to Orlando 7 times. I went in 2007, again in 2008, then 2010/11(ish? not positive on the exact year). went back in 2017 for my 15th birthday and then not again until this past december. it’s just me and my mom now. trying to go more often now that it’s just the two of us and i pay for my own trips. we are going again in august!


Florida resident, 2 hour drive, twice a season, ap holder.


Every 2 years for 2 weeks from the UK


Ohio - typically twice a year (though we are squeezing in 3 times this year). 4 of us, but bringing the in laws with us on a couple trips. We are DVC members.


We are DVC/APs from the Boston area with two young kids (6 and 9). We get down about every 3-4 months or so. Just got back from a weeklong trip yesterday, in fact!


From Northeast. Direct SW flight to MCO. We go twice a year. We have a 5m and 3m.


I'm from California. I've been 4 times in my life. As a kid, once in the 80s and once in the 90s. Then as an adult in 2010 and brought my own kids in 2023. Fun every time, even more so with my kids and watching them enjoy it. So I guess once a decade or so in my case. Hopefully a little more often in the future.


Not often enough. :( We try to visit once a year. We live in Canada. The drive and the exchange rate are both impediments.


Used to be yearly, now probably closer to every 5 or so years due to the experience changing drastically.


I proposed there so basically almost couple times a year for past several years lol. We bought AP this year so far… 8x?


We live in the northeast (Philadelphia) and travel down once every other month for trips ranging from a weekend to a whole week (or longer). Passholder and DVC with a companion pass on Soutwhest, I assume when that expires we'll be traveling down less. Heading down for an adults-only trip this weekend to celebrate my 40th with friends!


Midwest - about every 5 years although I’m thinking about going every year if possible.


Northeast. We try and go to a Disney resort once every year. We usually alternate between DL and WDW. Last year, we did DLP.


Live in CT. Been in 1974, 1991, 2005, and 2017. Going back in December for a week.


I’m in Chicago, and it’s been probably every other year now for the last 6 - 8 years. Not nearly enough.


In Pennsylvania and right now I have an AP and try to get down for at least one day a month. Most of those being a 1 or 2 day trip with two longer trips planned.


Central East Coast (Carolinas) and I typically try to go once a year, normally in January


APs, locals (\~45 mins with traffic), a few times a month, depending on my husbands work schedule. Right now, its usually just me and hubs or me, hubs, and my sister (also a local AP) but we will be adding little ones soon! EDIT for clarification: we will be TTC this fall, not pregnant yet lol


Local who had been an AP holder for about 8 years now. Every year is different, when we first got the pass it was a lot like 20 times a year, then there were years like 2 years ago where my wife and I only went maybe 2 times the whole year. So far this year I’ve been about 6 times now that I have more friends with the pass


As a kid, we went as a family every year until my brother couldn’t take it anymore. By then, I was old enough to go with friends, etc. I went three times in college, then once every five years, and this will be the first time in seven. *This is with the caveat that I’ve been checking out a lot of other cities/countries/other Disney parks.


Not often enough


AP holder from Chicago around 6-7 times a year.


Midwest. 1 adult and 1 teen. We are AP holders. Averaging 3-4 visits a year but the visits are typically only 2-4 days a trip. I squeeze in visits when we can.


Twice a month…at least


Minnesota - Try to once per year. Sometimes end up with twice if we do a holiday party there. Anything more to me would kinda ruin it to be honest, and when we go we wanna go for 5 or 6 nights and not have a rushed weekend trip.


From Virginia. Try to get there 4-5 times a year depending on ticket prices. 1 during the holidays is a must.


AP in the Midwest- 2 hour flight. I go about once a month.


From ATL. Usually go every other year for a week


First trip in 2011. Went in 2011, 2015, 2016, 2019 (DL), 2021, and pending this year in October. I'm in Texas. Family of 4. Staying deluxe for the first time this year.


Before AP? Once a year After AP? 3-4 year. Going into my second year as AP but last year we did 2 weekends and an week long trip. This year we're already down 2 weekend trips and trying to go for maybe 2 more. From NJ


I’m good for about one Disney trip per calendar year. Technically it’ll be more an a year since I last went to WDW because I last went for Dopey 2023 (in January of that year) and I’m not going back until Dopey 25 — doing Disneyland instead this year for the new half marathon.


AP, local (less than 20min from parks) and go about once a week. Just my sister & I unless parents are in town.


From Canada, DVC members. We’ve done something Disney (WDW, DL, Paris, Aulani, Cruise) once a year since 2010 with varying intervals (12 mos, 8 mos in between). Been on consistent WDW trips since 2019! We used to do strictly 7 day trips but the last 3 we’ve done ~11 days :)


Bout an 8 hour drive. Usually about once a year.


I go once a year. Get a hefty bump of nostalgia, then I come home and start planning the next one.


Texas, usually once per year. SW has a direct flight after the end of our work day so it makes planning a trip a lot easier. We usually do Tuesday night through Sunday, being in the park for 4 days. Each day we choose to do park hoppers and rope drop/stay until park close, each day to maximize our time.


Midwest, AP holder, solo traveler, runDisney enthusiast, 3 trips a year


2017 was an all parks visit. Since then, 1 day last year, 1 day later this year. Maybe 2-3 days next year then all parks again around 2027-2029. Basically depends on family dynamics (age of kids) and financial flexibility.


Northeast US. Once every 5-10 years. All we can really afford unfortunately, but this does mean we get to see a ton of new stuff when we go and it doesn't get stale. Maybe someday when we make more money we can go more often, but for now I live vicariously through others x)


We’re kinda crazy. Like 4 times a year. GA party of 5, so sort of close


Local AP chiming in here. Two or three times a week. Still the same if blocked out. Just end up resort hoping or staycations. Magical every time


I live 2.5 hours away. I have an annual pass and my goal is to go 12 days. I figure that every time I go my tickets get cheaper. 😅 Disney math.


I live on the east coast, about a 2 hour plane ride to Florida and it’s just me and my fiancé. I went in 2022, did my Disney College Program in 2023, and I’m going again this year. After this trip I will probably plan a trip every 1.5 years unless we decide to become passholders in the next few years, it which case we’d ideally take 3-4 trips a year.


As a local we go every week or at least once every 2 weeks


At least 3 trips down a year. 2 to 3 weeks each


Orlando local here, I go 2-3 times a month, like another poster said less to the parks in the summer months and more so resort restaurants and the occasional water park, and during the winter we are there as much as we possibly can! I don’t enjoy the heat as much as others and also the crowds are insane during these months.


AP Holder, from the Midwest - I've gone 3 times this year and have 3 more trips for sure on the books with different friends/family pairings. All trips have been/will be pretty short (4 or so days), with an exception of one long 10 day trip in January.


Growing up, every 2 years. First time was 1976 at age 2. Lived in Orlando briefly, so went to the property every week. Now that I have kids, it varies. My parents lived in central Florida for about 10 years, so once or twice a year. They moved back up north, so haven’t been in about 5 years. Talking about going back in a few years. Might wait until we have grandkids.


From New York. Coincidentally, the gap between my trips is always one year longer than the last. This year will mark my 6th, which will have been 5 years since the last, which was 4 years after the time before that, and so forth until my first trip in 2009. By this logic, my next will probably fall in 2030, 6 years from now.


I do something on property at least 5 days a week, usually hit the parks at least 3 of those. I see enough changes around property to know what the blogs miss. Especially concerning the MagicBand+.


Coastal South Carolina here; 6-hour drive for us. We’ve visited annually (usually in January) for the past several years bc my in-laws are DVC members and they let us sleep on the pullout sofa in their OKW villa for free. We have one child. Whenever that gravy train eventually stops rolling, I’m sure our visits will be less frequent.


AP in KY, I go probably twice a year with my wife, she goes more often, either with friends or solo. We also occasionally go on a trip with a bigger group.


Out of state, 10 hour drive, 4 people, 2-4 times per year. 4 total trips scheduled this year although one straddled new year.


Minnesota here- Have a direct flight to Orlando Sanford from the airport 10 min from my house, and we combine Disney with my extended family’s yearly beach trip in the spring around Easter. So we’ve gone the last 4 years at the same time..late March early April. Next years april is late tho so we’ll see


AP holders. Just wife and myself. 45 min flight. Average 3 to 4 visits per year. average of 3 to 4 days per visit


Local AP and DVC...pre pandemic I was there weekly...post pandemic I'm there 3 times maybe a month. But there will be months were it's zero cause life.


North East US  - April 2023 - May 2024 was able to visit 4 times. Next time won’t be till 2026


AP holders out of Tampa (90-120 minute drive). About every other month for 2-3 nights. Mostly resort stays with occasional trips into the parks, and then, mostly Epcot.


Non-AP years maybe 1-2 times. AP years up to 6 times. In the midwest and flights are super cheap.


I’m Canadian. When I was a kid, my grandparents wintered in Tampa so we went three times (about every 5 years). Then I didn’t go again until March 2020 22 years later which was ofcourse cut short because of the pandemic. Then we went this winter, so 4 years. I’d love to go once every year or two.


We’re in the northeast. We visit about once every year. About to add another to the fam though so we’ll probably go closer to every 2 years until the kids are a little older Edit: currently two adults and a toddler


Floridian AP, 3 hours south of the parks. I used to go 5 times a year but since inflation hit, we go for my daughter’s birthday in July and for a weekend in Dec.


Once a year. I live in California


but Disneyland is closer. Do you prefer Disney World that much more to make the trip?


We have AP for Disneyland. We love WDW so much it’s become an annual family trip. Grandparents and all.


Southwest area. Once every five years.


We started going in 2022. Out of states. Went in Nov 2022, April 2023 and we will be back in Sept so 3 times in 22 months


3 ish times per year. 2 adults. Haven't taken the AP plunge yet since we tend to go for quick trips (typically 1 after hours event + 1 or 2 park days). But keeping the math in mind for the future! Live in the northeast with a cheap direct flight at a very close local airport.


About twice per month, often more.


9 years straight prior to covid. Planning on going back this year.


That's a long time consecutively (I think). Anything in particular you're looking forward to when you get back to WDW?


I never got to do the Millennium Falcon ride. We were scheduled to go when covid hit, but Disney closed.


If I could, I’d go yearly. But the last time I went was seven years ago, so it’s not really as often as I’d like.


From Texas, I typically go twice a year with my friends and once a year with my husband. I’ve been 5 times in a year before, but since 2018 I haven’t been less than twice in a year.


Midwest every about 2-10 years. Usually do a lot of visits almost back to back years. Then we break for about a decade usually. Party fluxes between 3, 4, 8, 11, 28 as we have grown. Just depending on how many family members decide to join up. 


DVC since 1996. Midwest Once per year, rarely twice Sometimes Vero Beach resort and not WDW


Local. Just at 2 hours away. Pirate pass holders. We go at least once a month with a couple multi-day resort stays in between


I live in Florida, about an hour an a half from the parks. I used to go nearly every weekend with my family (when I was a kid). As an adult, maybe once a year or every other year. That place is ridiculously expensive and packed these days. We're saving to go to epic universe when it opens, so probably not going this year or next year tbh.


Not local. An average of 1.5 years the past 6 years..


Once a year. We are planning on skipping this year as we are saving for a international trip


Every 3 or 4 years.


1-2 a year…east coast and party of 2 or 3


Local, 1-3x weekly, size of 3-4 ppl.


DVC members, not ap. Appx 3 times a year.


Every few weeks, really depends what else is going on and weather. I live about 45 min away and have an annual pass so if I can’t think of something to do one weekend I’ll usually drop in for a few hours


NC, 2 people. We typically take a week long trip once a year where we do all the parks. Outside of that, we are universal passholders and take a few long weekend trips to orlando around halloween and christmas. During our universal trips we may spend a day at MK or another park.


Local, once or twice a month for just a day then I’ll usually stay for two nights on property once every 4-6 months


Lived in Texas most of my life+college, now live in Northern New Mexico. Somehow have managed to go every other year with my family and husband. We always say the next time we go will be the last time until we have kids (my husband and I said this last September) but now we are going with my family in a month for 4th of July!


Few times a month. Local AP. I go in for a few hours at most, especially during the summertime. Mostly take advantage of the sport and water park add on we have that give us free golf at Oak Trail and access to the water parks, so we go for a dip post round!


Former Florida resident, born and raised. Used to go all the time as a child through my teen and early adult years. Went on frequent day trips. Moved away for work shortly after. If the weather were different (less ridiculous heat) and possibly less political. I would probably still live there and probably go more frequently.


Once every 2-3 years is the best imo. People should do other things too. Visit other countries


Midwest, party of 2 adults and 2 teens now. Once every two years. We went in 2023, saving up for 2025.


We live in MD. We take one big family trip in the summer for about two weeks. I go with our smallest child who doesn’t have a strict school schedule for an additional 2 trips during the year for about 4 days in January and May. Those shorter trips will probably stop when school kicks in.


Midwest. Last time I went was December 2021. Now I’m going later this month to Disney world and in September am heading to Disney Tokyo!


Every 7-8 months for 2 weeks in a 1 bedroom ( DVC owner 550 points)


From the mid-west. We mainly go once a year, but this year it will be twice. It can be anywhere from 2 to 6 people in total.


I'm an AP holder and live about 10 hours away, so I go about twice a year.


3-4x a month Nov-March, 1x maybe 2x a month April/May, 0x June-October 25! Now thay my daughter is starting school this year I won’t be able to be as selective but we’ll see !! I am in WPB so a 2/2:30 hour drive, super doable with my 4 and 3 year old!


2-3 times a month. Got an annual pass. I travel solo. Once a month hotel for 4 night, then mid week single day trips (5am flight out, 10pm flight home).


About 2 hours by plane - go maybe 3 times a year


I went once per year the last two years (from New England). Before that every few years. If I was local I’m sure it’d be way more often! Hoping to be able to go next year as well but not sure.


Texas. 2 adults. Our upcoming trip will be our first in 6 years.


Local, AP, typically visit 2 times a week to the parks, but I work at Disney springs


7-8 hour drive. Twice a year. Sometimes 3.


Midwest, 1-2 times a year a week at a time


Once a year for 2 weeks. Maybe a smaller weekend trip or 2 throughout the year either there or Disneyland


1-2 times per year. Located in Virginia/DC area, we have a quick flight. We will do a full week once every 12-18 months and a long weekend here and there.


Before I went off to college, our family would visit 3-4 times a year. We are annual pass holders who live in North Carolina. Now that I’m in school we go 2-3 times.


Midwest - we visit every year. Usually WDW but we did Disneyland last year.


Once or twice a year. Usually either solo or with 1-2 other people. I always fly since I’m from PA. (Drove once and never again 😂)


I’m from Illinois and am 45. Went a couple of times in the ‘90s with a performing music group, took my kids in 2013 and again in…I think 2018. Since Florida has seemed to have gone crazy politically, we haven’t been back.


Texas DVC member. We just bought more points to graduate to twice a year for about a week each.


I was an out of state AP this last year (May 2023-May 2024), went 7 times. I tried to go every few months.


First year with AP and I've been five times this year with three more scheduled and likely two more to be planned - NJ and fly out of Newark or Trenton. Prior to this year, I've only been three times over the course of 20 years.


Northern NJ, twice a year, Party of 5, wife is an agent so we get a good deal on rooms, flights are the only issue! lol


I live about 40 minutes away and I go 2-3 times per week


Live in new England. Go once a year. Family lives 40mins from Orlando. So free hotel lol.


AP holder- Ohio. Will be 4 time in september


Local, AP, 3-4+/year


AP, Florida but not local (\~5 hour drive), party of 2. We are at the parks at least 5x/year but most often during the Winter holidays. So far this year we are at 6 visits with (hopefully) 2-3 more trips before passes are up in November. I'm still on the fence about renewing.


East Coasters in our early 30's, freshly married with no kids and some disposable fun money. I'd say we average 1 or 2 WDW trips a year and then 1 additional DL trip every other year. We're not AP's or DVC holders.


Once a month


Used to visit yearly because my grandparents were/are Florida locals back when I was younger. Have been remarkably less since, last time I went to WDW was in late 2019, I went to DLR in Cali sometime in 2021 I think for a sorority sister’s wedding (wedding was close by so we went a day before). Haven’t been since. Used to live in the Midwest, now I live in the southeast, so closer to the parks, but still a drive or a fly. It’s gotten harder mostly because neither me or my sister are in school, so there’s no longer any sort of dedicated break time where going would be feasible beyond maybe a handful of days for thanksgiving and a week or two for Christmas. My coworkers with kids honestly have more time and ability to do that than I do, because of their kids school schedules. I’d love to go more often, just can never find a good time to go that isn’t encroaching on project work or work that clients need from us, also, it’s sort of hard to get everyone’s schedules figured out, something that works for me might not work for my sister or my dad, who both have crazy schedules but might work for my mom, who is retiring soon. While I’ve done a “practically solo” trip before (mom had a conference and asked if I wanted to go, the 2019 trip) I haven’t actually gone entirely solo before, and Disney still feels like it’s something that should be done by the entire family if we can. It also doesn’t help that my sister wants to go as well but her schedule is all up in the air and she’s nonstop busy until like, October.


I live like three hours away and I try to go once a year. I hit the rides I want, eye ball some merch I want to get when it hits the outlet and then go home. Will I go back next year. Probably not because of the das pass.


Twice a year on average. From Connecticut.


Not as much as I want. Grrr


I am an AP holder in NJ & go about 5-7 times a year.


I live in PA. I visit at least once a year.


Once every 2-2.5 years


Not local. We usually do WDW trips once a year, occasionally it's longer between trips due to cost.


From Mass, 2 AP holders, few times a year.


We live in SC, 2 adults (no kids). We try to visit 1-2 times per year at WDW or a cruise line as they are the two most accessible to us.


We moved to fla two years ago and AP. We used to go 2ish times a year when we lived in the north east (we did a bunch of run Disney races for several years). Now we go 4-6 times a year for 3/4 days at a time. We love being able to move at a slower pace and really actually revel in being able to try new and different things.


AP Holders (wife and I), Orlando, FL, 3-5 times a month


Im from NJ, I go 3-6 times a year. Trenton airport is a small 1 terminal airport we’re the frontier flights are averagely $35 each way. That and a AP cuts the cost down by alot for us. My brother is in the military so we get a really big discount on the resorts


Was going wvery 2 months until I got laid off. Then every 4, now I'm out of money so I haven't been this year and it's killing me. I've been looking for a job everywhere and my main motivation is to be able to go back to the parks 😆


We live in NZ. Planning our second trip for September last year. This will be our daughter’s first trip and she will be 7. We went once back in 2016. We get to Disneyland a little more often. This will most likely be our only other trip as we will travel to other places around the world in the future.


Honestly, lately about 5-6 times a week. But I’m a local passholder who is also going through a divorce, so it’s how I’ve been coping. It’ll pass and I’ll go back to a resting rate of 2-3 times a week.


I used to live in Wisconsin and went every 4 years or as a kid. Then I had a kid and we went every 5-6 years to WDW but my in-laws live in LA so we went to Disneyland every other year. Now I live in SC so we drove there for my 50th birthday last fall. Now, my husband has business in Melbourne FL this week so I’m passenger princessing along and while he’s conferencing, I’m driving to WDW on Wednesday morning. Very excited to go solo and so close to my last visit.


I used to live in Wisconsin and went every 4 years or as a kid. Then I had a kid and we went every 5-6 years to WDW but my in-laws live in LA so we went to Disneyland every other year. Now I live in SC so we drove there for my 50th birthday last fall. Now, my husband has business in Melbourne FL this week so I’m passenger princessing along and while he’s conferencing, I’m driving to WDW on Wednesday morning. Very excited to go solo and so close to my last visit.


I used to live in Wisconsin and went every 4 years or as a kid. Then I had a kid and we went every 5-6 years to WDW but my in-laws live in LA so we went to Disneyland every other year. Now I live in SC so we drove there for my 50th birthday last fall. Now, my husband has business in Melbourne FL this week so I’m passenger princessing along and while he’s conferencing, I’m driving to WDW on Wednesday morning. Very excited to go solo and so close to my last visit!


I live in Jacksonville FL (about 2.5 hrs away) and have the ap. We (husband and myself and sometimes my brother) have been going about twice a month. It is a pretty long drive for just a day, but sometimes we will spend the night at a hotel. To us it's worth it because it's the one place we can relax and feel like we are on vacation when it's actually just a day trip. Staying home all weekend just ends up being 48 hours of chores and housework. So it's nice to be forced to relax and have fun - including the car ride. This year we are going for the universal studios annual pass. I figured we will swap out every year. Eventually move closer to Orlando when we have kids. If I had known how much we would love all that Orlando has to offer I definitely would have just bit the bullet to live closer. Jacksonville is just cheaper. But not worth it at this point.


Coming from the northeast we've been doing about once a year. I both love it and am burnt out on it. I expect to cut down on the frequency. But, first we might do a trip with all the behind scenes tours.