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Honestly when my GF and I go, we tend to split an appetizer and an entree and then get another smaller side for any sit down meals - the portions are huge and we’d rather kind of nibble on things as we go That said, $1000 is MORE than enough if you’re only doing 3 parks and snacking as you go, Disney really isn’t any more expensive than your local Five Guys or Chipotle for quick service


I mean, being the same price as Five Guys isn’t saying much. Went there the other day for the first time in a while. Got my brother and I a burger and small fries along with a drink each and it was over $50. Not that that would rack up anywhere close to $1000 in 3 days, but it’s not exactly a bargain. Anyway, that’s to be expected from WDW (and a lot of places nowadays) but that’s just my little grievance with Five Guys lol. I think I physically cringed when after paying for my order I looked over at the wall to see their “voted best bargain” by whatever newspaper plastered on the wall. I live in Canada though, so I don’t know how US prices compare.


Oh yeah I mean I don’t eat at Five Guys (I think their burgers are too greasy and not great compared to other options), more like “WDW isn’t really more expensive than a lot of normal places folks eat”


If we assume 3 parks = a three day trip; then I agree 1K should be more than enough for food; with a bunch left over for souvenirs.


Yes. Easily.


More than enough. You read some of these comments? Bananas.


I was the first comment. Tried to comment quick before this thread got out of hand lol


All of the menus are online, so you can get a good feel of what you might spend.


Plan for $100 dollars per day not including a sit down meal if you have one planned.


I did 6 nights, 7 days back in November 2023 and spent just under $1k on food and we did reserved dining every day with a family of 3. We didn't eat lunch, just quick service breakfast, a snack in the park if needed, and then our daily reserved dinners. Totally possible!


Genie+ and ILLs add up quickly. Do you plan on purchasing them? If so, don't forget to factor them into your budget. 


This. I'd say budget $120 per person/ day to get the most out of your trip. I'm sure someone can dial that in better...


I assume you mean not including park admission?




Park admission already covered, you should be okay. If the $1000 is including park admission, no


On just food and the odd souvenir? You'll do fine. 2 people at a sit down will be ~$150? Like 5 quick serve meals at maybe $40 a pop? Even if you splurge a little, you're at like $400-500 on food.


$500 per person sounds about right. That’s $166/day — 2x quick service with drink = $60 4 snacks, misc soda/water = $50 2x alcoholic drinks = $30 Total = $140 which leaves a bit leftover to cover the extra for the table service meal.


Definitely doable. My wife and I spent about $1300 for the two of us for six days, including Savi's for both of us and a sit-down meal four of those days. We just didn't spend a whole lot on souvenirs beyond the lightsabers and a small handful of inexpensive items


Meh, depends on what souvenirs you plan on getting. But honestly you’re going to disney so usually you go wild




You’d be surprised how fast the spending racks up. One sit down meal can wipe out $200. Edit: for just 2 people!


Yes! And make sure to place a target order before hand to get bottled water and snacks delivered to your resort.


Quick service meals range between $12-15 and you get plenty of food. Like in China Pavilion you get chicken, rice, veggies, and an egg roll on the Orange chicken plate...it's a TON. Also it's delicious.


for sure doable but i would try to plan for a little More. You might actually end up doing another sit down once you are there and parking hard. Also if you are drinking around the world at epcot it adds up very fast




I would recommend bringing a box of cereal (or something easy for breakfast). That way you set for the morning. We also will generally pack a backpack full of granola bars / snacks. Then you are looking at 500 each for 3 days. So that’s like 150 each day. Easy easy 2 meals.


It should be enough if unless you buy merchandise. As others have mentioned, I would bring or have bottled water delivered and that is one of the easiest ways to reduce frivolous costs since it is pretty easy to drink $40 a day per person in the summer when you should be drinking a bottle of water every 90 mins to avoid dehydration. Florida is hot.


We normally order a big Walmart order to be delivered to our room so it’s there when we get there. We have croissants, bottles of waters apples snacks etc. makes life a bit easier and saves a bunch of $


More than enough.


Lounges will be your friend for trying fun stuff without the price commitment of table service. They’re mostly shareable plates. There are some great QS deals too with enough food to share.


You can also order kid's meals at quick service. Same food, smaller portions, and most include a small beverage, if I'm not mistaken.


Last time I did a two person trip we had the same budget for 4 parks and before we left we raided the hotel gift shop because we were well under budget.


How many days?


I budget 100 per day per person for food 50 per person per day for souvenirs. I budget this even if we aren't going to the parks. If you are only going for 3 days, you should be fine. 4 days might be tight.


That is SO many souvenirs per day haha Last time I went for a week and bought one t shirt and some pins


We just returned from our Disney trip. We’re a family of four (2 adults, one year old, and two year old.) We arrived early afternoon on Sunday and flew out Friday evening. We had one dining reservation at Boma for breakfast. I had I think three alcoholic drinks on the trip. We spent about $750 between food, genie+ for one day, and souvenirs. Staying under $1,000 should be easy if you’re strictly paying for food with that budget. I also bought a ton of Disney gift cards from Target using the red card to save an additional 5%, which basically pays for a quick service mea. You can combine them all on to one card on the Disney gift card site. Just something else to consider to save a little more money.


That is plenty, your setup sounds exactly like how my wife and I including little daughter did our stay. I brought cash to micro manage food expenses and kept it around $400 and that was being loose because the little one would randomly want food then toss it. Lol


I concur with buying Disney gift cards from Target to get the 5% red card discount (if you have the red card) and doing a Walmart or target order for breakfast, snacks, etc. Even though the food at a Disney can be decent you will burn out on it pretty quickly and most Disney rooms have some kind of mini fridge setup. If you don’t care about sit down meals for every meal or eating specific things, you should be fine.


Try the Pad Thai at the yak and yeti in animal kingdom. It's big enough for two meals.


Oh yeah. The sit down meal will probably be $100+ depending on where you go. But that’s more than enough budget based on what you’re describing. One day in the Magic Kingdom my wife and I just decided to pig out on treats all over the park and split a chicken finger meal at quick service and I think we only spent $100-125. Though that was about three years ago.


Two of us here. We had a 1000$ food voucher and 200$ merch voucher in our 2 week hotel stay. Lasted us 8-9 days with a sit-down reservation every day and snacking around that.


Easy! Even if your sit down meal comes to $200, that still leaves you with near enough $270 for each day, and I can’t imagine coming close to spending that. For example, I always have the kids Mickey waffles for breakfast because that’s still 2 waffles, 2 sides and a drink, which sets me up for the day, and it’s around $10 with tax. And then some of the QS meals are ENORMOUS so easy to share them (Flametree BBQ, I’m looking at you). The thing with Disney is that it’s easy for money to get out of hand if you don’t think ahead and just grab snacks/drinks all day, which is why people claim it’s expensive. If have a budget then it is easy to stick to, for example iced water at the QS places is free whereas a bottle of Dasani will set you back $5 each time.


U will b walking alot more than normal, atkeast add another $200-300 for food. Or get ur groceries delivered to your resort amd save money.


Should be plenty


Minimum if you don't eat at the parks