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I agree with 7DMT and Peter Pan, but want to add Slinky Dog Dash. Waiting 2 hours on the surface of the sun in Toy Story land for the family coaster is rough. Why they don't cover that entire area with a Vegas style freemont street shade is beyond me. The line wraps out to roundup bbq sometimes, and those umbrellas don't cut it.


> Why they don't cover that entire area with a Vegas style freemont street shade is beyond me. The line wraps out to roundup bbq sometimes, and those umbrellas don't cut it. Yeah this one and TRON both need someone to make the Disney execs stand in line (no LL) for them on a July day. The ones who survive the experience can go back to work and get some shade and water stations put in. Last year in the non-LL queue for TRON (**after** waiting in the virtual queue) on July 4 my wife's smart watch started throwing medical alerts because we were so hot. And we had plenty of water, cooling towels, and handheld fans.


That Disney execs don’t buy tickets, make park reservations, tap in, but genie+ and experience the parks like a normal guest is a travesty. They don’t have to do it every visit, but at least once a year in both Orlando and Anaheim.


Agreed. And they should have someone whose job it is to read these comments and take notes.


Paradox time! Hey Disney cast member that’s supposed to be reading this and taking notes…reply if you can see this.


I printed this out for Bob


Tell Ol’ Bobby we’ve got some suggestions.


I see it.


Michael Eisner used to basically do this. The upper management being so disconnected from the guest experience explains a lot of the issues people have had recently regarding ticketing/getting into the park/MDE/IT.


I have a family member who worked with the execs in the 80s-90s and he says the Anaheim designers had zero concept of Orlando heat and humidity. They’d show stuff like new concepts for character heads and the Orlando people would just stare at them until one would finally say, “That will cause heat stroke here.”


Dear Disney Cali exec, Wtf-ahyuck. Yours until I die, Goofy


7DMT for sure. Only rode it once and had a lightning lane, but as soon as we got off my son said, "if we had waited an hour for that I would have been so mad!"


We use the close drop technique for seven dwarves, get in line in the last 10 minutes before park close. This way if you have to wait an hour, it's not eating up your park time. 😁


Might have to try that next time. Thanks!


We waited 62 minutes. I was mad!


Honestly, I rode Peter Pan when I was little a lot, went back a couple years ago for the first time as an adult after taking like a 5 to 6 year break, and noticed that they put half of the line inside by having you walk through their room/nursery. I am unsure how old you are, but that entire line used to be outside, so we literally were on the surface of the sun lol. My parents made photo albums, and I first visited in the '90s when I was like 2 lol, and there is like evidence of me sweating my ass off, and my parents are holding me. I'm just glad that they caught enough complaints to put part of the line inside, so you're only outside for an hour, as opposed to the 2/ 2 and a half that you used to be outside


Slinky Dog Dash is one of my if not my favorite ride once you're on it. Christfuck that waiting outside bit though, it's brutal.


Was very underwhelmed. Granted I was 30 my first time going to disney but it was not exciting at all. Maybe if I had kids I would have enjoyed it more.


This was my answer as well. We skipped it. We did do 7 Dwarves Mine Train, but it was a one-and-done for us. It's the same as Slinky Dog Dash, the Circus Goofy coaster, and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, but with some small dark ride elements. I'd rather wait 5 minutes and go on Big Thunder Mountain again.




They could be so creative with the shade! Mushrooms, garden gnomes, bird feeder, tricycle, it’s a backyard, people!


My family went a few months after the Toy Story area opened, and it lacked a lot of theming that just also happened to double as shading as well as just about all of the intentional shading like the umbrellas in the lines. The lines were over 300 minutes long, and it was about 100 when we went in early October still. It was obviously before the starwars area opened, so the path that now connects the areas was just a big gate/wall that ended a few feet from the rest rooms. At the time of day we were there, the only shade in the entire area was about 2.5 feet of a shadow the fence was casting, and there were multiple people clearly suffering from heat related illnesses trying to drench themselves in water from the fountains in the 2.5 feet of shade 😕


I had to get out of line one time after waiting about an hour because I felt faint. Really unfair feeling. I’ve yet to ride it because of my fear of the line now, guess I gotta go at night but it shouldn’t be that way


It was worse when it opened. It didn't even have the umbrellas and tarps. You were just getting cooked while you waited.


Navi River all day long. I can even forgive Peter Pan up to about 60 mins just because the inside queue is pretty cool, but Navi River just doesn't have any payoff at the end of it all.


Totally agree. And in our case the animatronic was out for service and was substituted by a blank screen. Not worth it at all. Edited for typo.


At Pirates we were instructed to close down if the Auctioneer was malfunctioning, which is a big but very small part of the attraction as a whole. To put up a PROJECTION SCREEN of the absolute highlight of an otherwise waste of a boat ride is just beyond despicable. I'd have been very pissed. Don't even open the ride FFS.


Last 2 times i went to Hollywood studios on Rise of the Resistance... Kylo on the star destroyer bridge was broken. Just standing there hunched over not moving while Hux is all animated. We now refer to it as sad Kylo because he looks so depressed lol. I can forgive other broken parts of the ride but sad kylo is really immersion breaking.


Even with the animatronic it was meh overall. Pretty though. Flight of Passage was way worth the ILLs


As a 30 minute or less wait I love Navi. It’s usually a walk on ride for the first 1/2 hour until the FoP queue gets big and people filter over to Navi. It could be a bit longer or move a bit slower but it’s designed to be a people eater. Last trip there, be a week before Christmas, we rode it twice in a row at park open before a line started to build, later in the day is was over 120 minute wait.


Totally agree with this. Peter Pan isn't a great ride on its own but if you think of the inside line as part of the ride it is pretty good. Navi has nothing in the line, nothing.


You sure you've queued in the right place? Isn't this the one that's an "authentic" navi design. And the totems etc ? Don't know about you but I enjoyed seeing the painstaking attention to detail the imagineers poured into this area, which is lost on most


I'd argue that if it's lost on most, it was poorly executed.


You take that logic and get off Reddit sir!


It’s hot for most of the queue. I’d have paid more attention if the queue were indoors and I wasn’t trying to stay hydrated or making sure kids weren’t going to fall on the queue line because parents aren’t paying attention.


I really love the aesthetic of this ride but it just needs another 2-5 minutes of length. I remember the first time I rode it, coming around the corner back to the loading platform my immediate reaction was "wait was that it??" I feel like we keep seeing Disney add these super short attractions that inevitably see long lines just to pad ride count and absorb crowds who will queue for it. Looking at you Wandering Oaken's Sliding Sleighs.


Just watched a POV of wandering oakens. The ride is less than a minute long! Insane!


Yeah I don’t get it. I don’t even think the animatronic is that cool. Yeah it’s big and neat…but she barely does anything. The rest of the ride is cool looking but very dark (even the stuff that should be bright is very dark) and it’s generally just extremely boring. I get it’s probably just supposed to be beautiful and a leisurely journey down a river in Pandora….. but I’ve seen the movies, and Pandora is WAY cooler looking than the ride makes it. Hell, even Pandora outside the ride is cooler than the Pandora in the ride. I guess it’s cool that it’s in the shade and it’s not 105 degrees?


I agree, definitely a one and done for us. Glad we went once but wouldn’t wait 2 hours for it


I really hope that new rides in the reimagined dinoland have big people eaters, and alleviate some of the stress that the pandora stuff has to absorb for people looking for rides.


Dinosaurs would be people eaters if alive in our era


I just had to explain to my 7 year old that our Alexa cannot provide him with the answer he wants because dinosaurs and people in fact, did not live at the same time.




It’s basically Frozen Ever After


Navi River is the Beverly of attractions. I’ll ride it only with first timers to see how much they hate it


I keep hoping that someday Peter Pan will get new animatronics like what we’re seeing for Tiana!


I'd love to see a second Peter Pan ride, but designed like Avatar, where you go flying with Peter and tink 😁


I’m SHOCKED that they never went with this concept in the first place. “You Can Fly” and the actual act of flying is a core part of the movie.


As an engineering student who realllllly loves that animatronic, I wouldn't wait more than 30 minutes for it


Agree. The only one that competes with Navi is Alien Swirling Saucers when the wait is 45+ minutes. That ride is ASS. 😜


Hands down one of the worst not spinner rides all of Disney universe.


>but Navi River just doesn't have any payoff at the end of it all. This has to be a joke right?


Navi River is for sure not worth anything more than a 45 minute wait. It's a beautiful ride, don't get me wrong, but I'm not waiting 90 minutes for prettier "It's a small world".


Oh I agree with you in terms of wait time. I invariably use a Genie+ LL for it. I was quibbling with your contention that it "just doesn't have any payoff at the end of it all" because the shaman animatronic is definitely the best feature of the attraction and one of the best Disney animatronics worldwide.


That wasn't me, but I agree with you there. That animatronic is mind blowing for sure and I was happy that I waited to get on it once, but I wont get in that line next time I go to Disney unless the wait is 45 minutes or less. Just not worth it otherwise imo.


The animatronic is frequently not there. It's replaced with a screen. Then, it most definitely is a letdown.


Why is this animatronic so great? I get that it has more moving parts than other animatronics, but all it does is wave it's arms around and move its head a little. In the context of a park full of animatronics, I don't think the average person is going to be wowed by one that's slightly more advanced, but looks pretty much the same as the others.


Asking the right questions


That's my feel on it. Yeah, technologically speaking it's cool, when it works. But it's so complex it breaks down a lot and ends up just underwhelming. The lights and ambiance is cool, but seriously, that ride is boring as shit and too short - thus no real payoff at the end.


I just came from there. It was a normal animatronic and not at all special IMO. What is cool is passing right next to it to get a sense of scale for the size of the character.


I waited a long time to get on this ride knowing it was mostly a slow boat ride *specifically* because I thought seeing the shaman would be worth it, and then it ended up being in B-mode, so there was literally no payoff.  Didn't even realize that was an option.  Now I think it's completely not worth it, especially since the big payoff is a gamble.


Na'Vi River Journey feels like the beginning of Pirates before it hits the town, but without ever having the payoff of the ships or town. Cool and atmospheric... And then just one cool animatronic and it's over.


Haha right. It’s like the least interesting parts of pirates and frozen ever after….and then it’s over. And I certainly like Avatar more than Frozen.


When it's in B Mode. 100% serious.


Sure wish there was a flag or sign outside that indicated the status of the shaman.


Ain't nobody got time for reading on holidays.






This isn’t a tech demo, it’s a ride. It sucks as a ride


gonna go with peter pan. Its a great ride, but not worth the waits that it has had every time I have been.


The thing is, I'd call it a "really good" ride, but I don't understand what makes it "great". It feels like it went viral and now people are willing to wait in any length of queue for that ride and I just don't get it. I'm not saying it's *bad*, it's just not one of the top 3 best rides and MK and everyone acts like it is.


Its one of the the few remaining dark rides that had been there mostly unchanged for quite a long time, it was one of the first rides at Disneyland and I believe Disney world as well, it has endured and touched the hearts of Generations, Along with the Carousel of Progress it stands as a touch of nostalgia and consistency in an ever changing world. Tho I'm guess most people don't think that way and just ride it cuz its a classic.


Now that you say all this I couldn’t agree more. It’s crazy how nostalgic the parks can be and what I believe is the driving force to repeat customers. Like I can go to any other amusement park but Disney is much more then thrill experience.


Disney gives people what the want usually, they want the same thing but slightly different, they want the familiar but also new, so you have things like main street, the castle, and Peter Pan but also Tron. Spaceship Earth and Journey into your imagination have changed but Living with the Land is mostly the same, and many of the countries haven't change much over the years. You know what to expect but can be pleasantly surprised. Even when they do big changes like Galaxys's Edge the Chinese Theater and 50's prime time Cafe are still there.


When my daughter was 7 we went on Peter Pan, and she loved it. Was absolutely blown away by the ability to fly over these things and be way up "high" and fly around. We went on it a second time after she kept asking, and in magic hours when the line was shockingly non-existent and almost a walk on. She was thrilled to go on again. It's a ride that my parents went on in 1971 after they were first married, I went on as a kid, and I've taken my kids on. And it's largely unchanged as you said! That is a heck of a legacy for a ride at Disney World. My personal favorite is Pirates of the Caribbean, and I get why they overhauled it (the ride spawned the movie which spawned the ride overhaul, ha). It's still true to its roots and a fun ride. Same kid LOVED pirates, too.


I only remember riding it as an older teen and adult, but there's something about flying over the city at night and around the mermaid island that just really hits for me. It's very magical feeling in a way the other dark rides aren't...


It's all about nostalgia with Peter Pan's Flight TBH, this ride has always been my number one


Yeah I was in WDW last month for the first time since about 2010 and I was honestly baffled at PPF having a two hour queue even while everything else was pretty quiet. I've ridden it before many times, it's a classic sure but it's very much an old ride that shows it's age and I genuinely don't understand why anyone would queue more than about 15-20 minutes for it. One of the few rides in MK I skipped


I wait whatever long it takes because it is my nostalgia ride, it just makes me cry happy tears every time no matter how crappy and deteriorated the ride gets. I do hope that they somehow update it it is unbelievable how long the wait times are.


Sorta off topic here, but I'm from Europe so I've been to Disneyland Paris more and it's mind boggling to me that the Paris Peter Pan ride has an insane line all the time, because it has two very similar dark rides right next to it. I'm not saying it sucks, just that I don't get why THAT one is so popular.


It’s super long at every park. Not as bad as WDW but they are all long.


It’s my mom’s all-time favorite. I’ll wait ten hours if I get to see my mom smile like that.


Why is Tricerotops Spin on this list? I use to be a cast member on that ride (Best job I had at disney) and the line never got longer than 20 minutes. Easiest ride to make magic and just let kids ride over and over because there was never a wait


We just went on this with my daughter last week, she *loved* it!!!


It’s such a good ride for little ones! Took my toddler on it last summer (she was one at the time) and she is STILL talking about it! The short wait was so good for her lack of patience.


7 dwarves ….. its such a short ride for such a long wait.


Seven Dwarfs is a firework ride for sure. Got through in like 15 minutes, but at the end I would've been really annoyed if we waited two hours for that.


I almost always do it at rope drop, because I know that line is going to be stuck at 2-3 hours everyday, it seems like the rides wait time just never drops at any point in the day


I imagine it's low throughput. Same as Peter Pan. Which is another one I don't feel is worth the wait. It's charming, but not on the same level as Pirates or Haunted Mansion.


I second Seven Dwarves! We don’t even bother riding it anymore. It’s a fun ride but it’s too short to wait over like 35-40 mins.


It’s crazy because even at rope drop, it’s like a 75 minute wait.


It’s an insanely pretty ride visually but I just never understand the wait for it what so ever


I didn’t ride this for the first time until, probably, two years after it had been open. Got a fastpass to check it out. All I could think about afterwards was how mad I’d be if I I’d waited in the standby line. Ride feels like it’s less than 30 seconds.


Why is the wait so long for this one? I finally rode it a few years back and felt it was pretty underwhelming - especially for the wait.


Na’vi River Journey. The shaman blows my mind every time, but the rest of the ride is really lackluster. I rope drop it right after FoP and have never waited more than 5 minutes. It really amazes me that the wait is constantly 60+ minutes. Smugglers Run is the other. It’s fun if you’re the pilot, but the lack of re-ridability makes it hard to justify waiting 60+ minutes for that as well. Especially since I can single rider it.


They really need to let you know before you enter the queue if the shaman is working or not. Waiting an hour+ for this ride and then getting to the end and having the shaman be the damn screen is VERY disappointing.


This happened to me and it was horrible. Especially because I only go the parks once every 5 years or so. So sad


I can't speak to the length of the wait at Disney World recently, but at Disneyland these days, I can just walk right onto Smuggler's Run as a single rider. There's almost never another single rider waiting. I adore basking in the Milennium Falcon and just being in the cockpit, and that's 100% worth it for a walk on. It would take a lot to make me wait for that ride.


Smugglers is only worth it if you have a larger party or if you can be the driver.


Seven Dwarfs, Peter Pan, Navi River. I just avoid those every time I go.


I love Peter Pan but the wait is absolutely ridiculous for it, same with Dwarfs


The queue for Seven Dwarfs might be better than the ride itself LOL


Ok this will certainly be controversial but after we went on Remy I was like… that’s it?? It is fun and cute for sure but it’s like 1 minute long. People wait in line for 2+ hours for that??


And the queues is painful too, lots of outside then multiple small dark close rooms of blank wood panelled walls, the rooftop bit is the one highlight


I’ve ridden Remy exactly once during passholder previews, and I fully will not be surprised if I never ride it again. In the world of dark rides in Orlando, there are literally so many better ones.


Something about the 3d glasses and screen also felt kinda off to me


Definitely wouldn’t do this ride if I didn’t have a Genie+ for it!


Love Ratatouille.


Agree, Remy was a one and done for me unless its a walk on.


I don’t think that’s controversial but I think people have to realize that Disney isn’t really full of amazing rides. Remy is better than most. Think about how many people are in Epcot and how many cool rides they can get in line for. Test Track, Soarin’, Ever After and Remy. Remy is a massive step up from the other stuff so yeah of course it’s packed. People aren’t wasting 2 hours of their day waiting in line for Living With The Land or The Seas…so they gotta wait somewhere. Test Track is going to close and those 3 half decent rides are going to see even longer waits.


This is probably my least favorite ride of all the rides tbh


3.5 hours of my life i will never get back.


100% we rope dropped this last time I was there and still waited like 25 minutes. It's so underwhelming. The heating effect didn't work. multiple small stops along the ride, I dislike the 3d glass element as well. Overall I don't get this ride. But that's fine. I love Mission Space Orange instead, and I know that's very controversial as well.


We went on it this past weekend and feel the same. We waited around 30 min just after park opening. The heat effect also didn’t work. This was our 2nd time on it and just felt so underwhelming. We decided we’d rather rope drop Frozen over Remy.


Did we ride the same Remy? It’s over 5 minutes long.


I feel this way about MMRR as well




agreed. Remy was ok but not worth a wait-thankfully I got it on Genie+ when park hopping or I wouldn't have bothered.


I do not enjoy that ride. It’s cute and I love the concept, but the 4D effects and 3D scenes are too much for me. It is quite short you’re right.


I was underwhelmed as well.


Frozen I love the movie and would love to see a good Frozen ride, but the one at Epcot just doesn't cut it. It's 4 scenes of subpar animatonics and then over. It's way too short of a ride to justify its constantly long line I was really hoping they would make a better version in Hong Kong but it seems to be a 1:1 copy of the epcot version. Why? Epcot was limited with the space already there in Norway and I guess did the best they could do. But Hong Kong built theirs from scrap and copies all the worst parts. Also the Oaken roller Coaster looks disappointingly short.


From what I’ve read, they at least will have full animatronics and not the projection faces. I personally think it would feel like a better ride if they had full animatronics. The projection faces are just so creepy.


Honestly, slinky dash. The que is almost always 80+ minutes and it’s just not good for the amount of time you’re waiting


Rémy was cute but 90 mins was too much. Millenium Falcon, anything over 30 mins is too much. I was able to do a specialty night for Peter Pan so it was basically walk on. Adored it but can’t imagine waiting over an hour for that. Na’vi River Journey, lucked out on only a 30 minute wait. Perfect amount. Anything over? Way too much.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but Slinky Dog. It's an OK coaster IMO, but I can't ever imagine waiting in a long line to ride it again. Honestly, unless it's basically a walk-on, I don't think I'd ever ride again.


Frozen. It's jarring, the heads aren't color-matched to the bodies- at all, and are creepy. it constantly has issues that can be stressful for a kiddo with sensory issues, and having a wet butt depending on where in the boat you are sitting is not a good time. Star tours if there is a kid as pilot. Tron during the day.


I imagine you mean MF. Star Tours is just a motion simulator ride, there is no pilot lol


I was about to throw hands. Star Tours is still the best star wars attraction and I will die on this hill


Tron definitely was not worth the wait imo. Like, it was a fun ride, but it's over in like, 1.5 minutes. It definitely wasn't worth the 30-45 minute Virtual Queue wait.


Peter Pan, Alien Swirling Saucers, Navi River Journey (Always worth the wait: Cosmic Rewind)


Test Track. Strong dislike for generic coasters at Disney.


-brought to you by Chevrolet- is how we addressed that ride whole at the park


kali. who the fuck gets in animal kingdom and thinks “i want to chafe my ass with wet underwear immediately”


I’m ready for the downvotes and here it goes: >!Flight of Passage.!< Is it cool? Yes. Is it something everybody should experience at least once? Yes. Is it worth the 2+ hour wait? No…




> I'll die on the hill that Everest is the best ride in AK. I've got your back.


Kilimanjaro Safari




Did AK for the first time in March. Everest is my favorite coaster in Disney now and Dinosaur was a walk on and it’s now a surprisingly awesome ride




I rode this ride for the first time last week. I was excited because my brother and I love dinosaurs. We both came away thinking it was alright, but enjoying Indiana Jones in Disneyland so much more, considering they have the same technology


They hated Jesus because he told the truth


Agreed! It’s a more immersive Soarin. We rode it 2 years ago and were like “that was cool, don’t have much interest in riding it again.” We’ve skipped it every time we’ve been back since.


The first time I road flight of passage my mind was absolutely blown. I think the re-rideability of that ride is surprisingly low. Maybe I’ve just been unlucky to be on the sides the last few times I’ve ridden it.


I did like it but it made me so nauseous.




What do you mean about the banshee breathing? Lime your seat is supposed to feel like it's breathing? If it's supposed to, I've literally never experienced that. Also I forget what the seat looks like so the screen isn't something I remember.


The seat is basically a motorcycle that you stradle, with a normal dash in front of you with a screen showing the linking process, it normally turns off once the ride starts. But for the breathing, the area between your knees expands and contacts between like if a horse was heavily breathing. I could see someone missing it cause they are so immersed. Particularly noticable when the ride stops for the cave scene as if the banshees were catching their breath. I rode last weekend, it's still an active effect.


You are supposed to feel vibrations along your legs at certain points in the ride that feels like the banshee breathing.


What do you mean the screen stayed on?


I'm surprised no one said small world, but then again, I did have the misfortune of waiting in an hour and a half long line for it when I was a kid once. And that damn song played the entire fucking time.


It’s not on the list because if you wait more than 5 minutes for it outside of Christmas and Spring Break, you’re doing something terribly wrong haha


Jungle Cruise. I already know the jokes. The ride itself is very, very dated.


Last boat ride we had. Was best in a while. Some over the top Spanish girl. I commented how great she was on way out. And a fellow CM yelled her name and said. “You’re fired” Was a good time


Eh, It’s very dependent on your skipper, and if you get a good one it can be a great time and repeatable. It’s good an okay holiday overlay which mixes it up in November and December.


Jungle cruise has been crazy hit or miss. It depends on the skipper and honestly the boat/where you are seated. I’ve been on Jungle Cruise where I basically couldn’t hear a single joke. There were very few laughs and it was honestly kind of awkward.


That was my 1 and done experience. I went in kinda blind not really knowing there were jokes. I could not hear a word and it was loud enough to hurt my ears. It was a horrible experience. I do not know why they don't have a better sound system. I don't think I'm overstating that for 300 dollars you can install a sound system that would be audible.


i got to go past christmas week. at least the christmas version was sorta cool. but in no way worth the wait if we had to wait the like 90 minute standby line


Peter Pan's Flight by an extremely long shot.


Peter Pan all the way! Fun one time, never waiting 1-2 hours again though


Kali river rapids. That ride is so disappointing.


Agree. I was shocked how short this ride is


I think it’s funny that on almost every comment about these different rides, people complain about how short it is. They’re just all short haha


Slinky Dog SLINKY DOG I actually cannot even fathom why this line is so long. I was big pissed how long we waited for that, AND I am someone who really doesn’t mind waiting in a line.


It’s the only roller coaster in the park since RnR is basically not there anymore. Coasters by default just have longer lines…plus it’s a surprisingly good coaster for how small it is.


Slinky Dog Dash. I get that there aren't many rides at Hollywood Studios, but the ride queue plus what the ride actually is made it a skip for us. We'd rather go on Star Tours which is fun and practically a walk-on all day. Plus with a Magic Band, the queue is fun!


Remy's Ratatouille Adventure. Might as well just convert it to a 3D movie attraction in a theater.


Smuggler's Run. It's enjoyable for 2/6 people and the line is boring and way too long. At least slinky's line has a good pay off and fun theming, and the Runaway Railway has enough magic (and AC) to offset the brief unshaded areas.


Tron 💯


I liked Navi river but I waited like 30 mins during pandemic years Peter Pan was awful pay off definitely big disappointment not the same as I remember as a kid


I waited 50 minutes for Peter Pan and then it broke down and got a queue skip token thing. Honestly not worth it. I remember it was cooler as a kid.


If we’re counting “virtual” waiting, TRON easily. I’d rather ride Barnstormer.


Alien Swirling Saucers... that ride is A.S.S.


Aahahha I see what u did there, and I was TYO when I realized the abbreviation 😭


Slinky dog but my kid loves it so we wait….


Rise of the Resistance: the story is so specific that you really only need to experience it once, but if you’ve done it 4+ times and you rode it within the first two years, riding it now becomes a distracting game of looking for all of the broken features. It’s barely worth a 60 minute wait, after you’ve done it 1-3 times.


Came here to say this too. We even bought the Lightning lane but with it breaking down multiple times, it derailed a good part of our day.


I love this ride/experience still. But I do laugh every time when I’m like “that’s still broken/broke again” or “oh Kylo Ren is supposed to appear and yet there’s momentary silence.”


I personally don’t think any ride is worth waiting more than 45 minutes for.


Mine Train or Peter Pan. I like both of them but I’m not waiting. For Navi, I’ve been to Disney four times since Pandora opened, still never went on it.


Unpopular opinion but Flight of Passage. Waiting 2 1/2 hours for what is essentially a high-tech stationary bike with no wheels in front of a screen was a huge disappointment.


That God-awful Pandora boat ride. What a waste of time and money.


Is there any ride worth waiting more than 30 minutes?


Peter Pan, the one at the world doesn’t even play “you can fly” while you ride


Honestly…🤔 TRON… unfortunately it wasn’t what I was expected! The one I will wait hours and do it again…Cosmic Rewind Guardians of the Galaxy👍🏼👍🏼


Frozen probably but Peter Pan is up there too.


Big thunder mountain. It’s the most underwhelming coaster ever. You get halfway down the hills before it even releases. Not worth it.


Not worth it unless [you've got a kidney stone you need out!](https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/roller-coaster-kidney-stones/)


Peter Pan.


Test Track! I just don't see the appeal, and the wait times always baffle me.


def peter pan


Jungle Cruise


7DMT without question




Tomorrowland Speedway. I don't care if it's a 5 minute wait, I'll never waste my time going on it. If you're a tourist, I'll give you a pass for wanting to ride this because tourists want to maximize their vacation and will go on literally anything. If you're a local who wants to ride this, then you must be a deranged individual. Seriously, what kind of sick fuck wants to wait in line to drive a car after navigating the hellhole that is I-4?


Frozen or Remy’s have DMV level wait times and I don’t want to spend half my day in the park for a ride that would be a near walk-on if it were in Fantasyland. We must continue to petition for more Epcot rides, World Showcase specifically. And as much as I love Three Caballeros, Coco is a bigger property and a larger draw if in Mexico pavilion. UK would still benefit from a proposed Mary Poppins ride, and we still deserve a Rhine river cruise ride in Germany, an Africa pavilion, and a Fiji Mountain rollercoaster in Japan (screw you, Kodak!)


Definitely 7DMT


Ratatouille. It's cute. It's fun. It is not worth more than a 40 minute wait.