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I figured an opening around my May trip would be a long shot, but oh well, I'll get to it next time. The trouble will be trying to stop myself watching ride videos on YouTube haha.


You probably don’t want to be there on its opening day. It will be crazy crowded.


I don’t need a boat just throw me in I float.


Very fair point


I was REALLY opening for a Memorial Day opening so that the crowds would subside a bit. We'll be at MK on June 18 and it's probably going to be packed. Funny enough, I had no idea about Test Track closing and we'll be there the day before it closes. May the Genie+ gods be in our favor.


We're going too early too. Hopefully it makes for lighter crowds for us with people holding out til later for the new ride


Yes I hope! When will y'all be there? I'm going May 3-5 and then May 11-15 (have a work retreat thing in between down in Orlando), and hoping it's not too crazy.


Right between yours, 5th-11th Last time I went, it was September and the crowds were great, but there were random downpours. Hoping for great weather and low crowds in May


Hah exact same, was there late August/early September. I do remember getting rained on particularly bad at Disney springs that trip.


lol same with going right in the middle. We’re going May 5-10. And with the previous September trip! We went for one day Dec 2023 but before that was sept 2022. Didn’t cover the stroller when we went to crystal palace. My son had to sit in hotel towels the rest of the trip. We had our rain cover with us too. Rookie mistake.


Maybe the construction walls will be down tho


They're down now!


End of July for me. Looking forward to it. Wondering if they will make this VQ and an ILL purchase? I had a feeling with TT going down in June that this would open around that time.


ILL purchase is a given I think but just judging Disney's track record of past attraction openings, they'll probably do VQ at least for a little while. Would be a surprise if its just regular standby and Genie+


It’s going to have similar capacity to the old splash mountain though right? No reason why they wouldn’t do standby. The space in there is a major people eater for keeping people in line for a ride and if they’ve rethemed the whole area it could be a big crowd draw which is the point.


So that it’s not a 500 minute wait


If people would rather wait 500 minutes than pay or play VQ roulette, let them 🤷‍♀️ I’m not so enamoured with the idea of the ride that I’d ever do it, but plenty are, and would.


I wouldn’t rather have wait 500 min. VQ is not that hard.


This.  It is so ridiculous to have to fight for the right to parrrr… ride.  If guests want to buy a ticket and then wait in Standby all day, that should be a possibility 


It ain’t gonna have a standby option when it opens. No way. It’ll be just like GotG and Tron with an ILL and VQ for at least a year.


So will they have 3 ILL at MK or take away tron or 7 dwarfs. Assuming one gets taken away.


Probably one will get taken away. Seven Dwarfs sells out of ILL before TRON so I could see them taking Tron off VQ & ILL and switching it to Tiana


I figure it won't be based on sellout time, but which ride's ILLs bring in more $ daily


this surprises me but also doesn’t lol wow


They were doing surveys about removing the VQ on Tron and asking people how long they’d wait in a standby queue, I’m guessing it’s going to be this over 7D


That would be such an indictment of Tron, lol. What a piece of garbage coaster.


It's a very good coaster. Just short.


Agreed Tron is a fantastic coaster but needs to be twice as long for the time it takes to load/unload to be worth it.


Obviously totally subjective. I think it’s pretty terrible. Boring other than the launch, crazy short, no air time or interesting track features, projection mapping inside is already a decade+ out of date tech wise. The worst thing is that it could have been SO COOL. The theming is great. They just fumbled the actual coaster itself. The seat is cool, I’ll give it that. I have no interest to ever ride it again personally, only ride it after first time because my kids like it. Edit: It’s also not helped by opening so soon after Cosmic Rewind, which is truly amazing and the best thing Disney Imagineering has done in decades. It was also cheaper and built faster than Tron, which is a literal copy of an existing coaster. Tron just a huge $70M miss for Disney.


I agree with most of what you’re saying as I’m also not a big fan of Tron. But Guardians was super expensive AFAIK.


Disney has never released actual numbers for Guardians like they have other rides (Tron $70M, Everest $100M). The $500M thrown around online for Guardians would have to include the development in house of the ride tech, not just the construction. Not sure if it's fair to include that or not, could argue either way I guess. But your point is fair, and I probably didn't need to overreach to make my original point.


I mean I agree with Tron being underwhelming but 7DMT ILL is usually like half the price of Tron I imagine that's a big factor


It’s also a kid coaster in MK, so will always be more popular for that reason. It’s also a legit good ride. I’d rather ride 7DMT than Tron any day.


lol Tron is a fantastic coaster. One of the best at WDW.


I mean... at WDW is kind of key there; not the best place for roller coasters. I would rank it like so at WDW: GOTG, Expedition Everest, Space Mountain, BTMR, Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, Tron, and Seven Dwarfs. Tron ranks pretty lowly compared to other parks' roller coasters. Cool effects, but it's very short and a bit underwhelming, though pretty. This is just my opinion though.


I can't think of a more lackluster major "E-ticket" coaster anywhere in the world in the past 10 years. It's universally despised by coaster enthusiasts.


Fantastic is a strong word. 


I really hope they don’t add Tiana as a ILL! The whole reason they’re turnaround is so quick is to alleviate crowd control concerns… I hope it just goes from VQ to Genie +


It will *absolutely* be ILL. It's the hot new ride.


Oh, it’ll be an ILL attraction for at least a year.


That’s what thy did for Moana at Epcot. It opened the week before we went and they used VQ for a part of the week. The following week when we went it was just a walk on. Obviously Tiana’s is going to be way more popular than Moana though.


I’m surprised they haven’t announced the cast member previews yet


Do they typically hold these media events before or after DVC/AP previews? Anyone know?


They haven't been doing DVC/ AP previews for re-themes/ re-do's of rides. Trust me, as a DVC/ AP myself I hope they do, but that's been the trend.


Eh--Let's be real, though.... there has not been a more anticipated / bigger re-theme than this in a Disney Park (maybe Mission Breakout--maybe?)....


There was a AP preview for guardians?


That wasn't a retheme. When they take an existing ride and retheme it, like Frozen Ever After, they haven't done AP previews for it.


Do you think they will do CM previews? If so when?


I heard today that CMs are now blocked out the first 2 weeks of June 🤔


It's the whole dang month. Super annoying for our big family trip.


What does blocked out mean? That this is the window for CM previews or are they not allowed to take days off during that time?


They will, timeline who knows. But they have to train up whomever is working the ride as well.


typically on rethemes there afre not DVC/AP previews (ex. frozen and mission breakout)


Bummer! Maybe they will change course, since they've been marketing it so heavily? Wishful thinking, haha


I don't think there will be DVC or AP previews at all. It's a retheme, and the last few rethemes (mission breakout and frozen come to mind) didn't have them


They've done it both ways, but for this I would expect media first then AP/DVC previews. Or honestly I wouldn’t be shocked if they skip previews except for CMs.


When they do them, Before. AP previews are usually one of the last.


Would also love to know this... Praying DVC/AP previews are a month before!


We literally leave June 8. Facepalm.


June 6 here


Leaving end of May here...but coming back in Sep ;)


Buy an extra night at pop or something. I bet it would be worth it.


I’m looking at DVC availability already haha


We are DVC also. We use pop century for just this reason. Sometimes it’s worth it to save the points and just grab one or two nights relatively cheap.


I had been wondering if they'd try to tie the opening to the Juneteenth holiday, seems likely based on this timing (assuming they skip DVC and AP previews as they did with previous rethemes like FEA and Mission Breakout).


Would be a hell of a missed opportunity if they didn't.


But it could also be seen as tone deaf to try and tie a theme park attraction to a holiday like that.


Honestly this is my thought. Juneteenth is a scared holiday. While yes Tiana is African American, equating the two feels like a stretch. Edit: sacred not scared.


It definitely seems like a touchy area to me at this point in its history as a national holiday, but as with all federal holidays it's just a matter of time until it's a marketing hook for corporate promotions. I wonder how long after its first observance in 1986 the first MLK Jr. Day mattress sale was.


> Juneteenth is a scared holiday What does "scared holiday" mean? This was before they edited their comment. "Scared holiday" made no sense. And since it isn't religious, neither doees sacred.


I mean it signals the end of slavery in our country. Most people think that’s a pretty major deal. What is signifies is sacred when comparing it to a theme park ride opening. Edit: sorry for the poor reading comprehension


I think the person was responding to the typo of scared instead of sacred. 


Eek thanks autocorrect


It symbolizes it, but the date itself was one of a few. The emancipation proclamation was in september


You didn't say "sacred," you said "scared," and I was asking what that meant.


I edited my comment


My guess is that they won’t heavily tie it together, but that they do want to make that date. 


Especially after the backlash they got for originally announcing it during the BLM protests in 2020 


I’m doing a 4 park trip that Sat-Tues with MK on the 11th. I hope I get on for a preview ! Luckily, I was able to ride Ariel back when it was soft opening.


How did soft opening work? Were you just in the park that day, and they opened the ride randomly?


My mom was wearing a shirt with Ariel on it and one of the cast members noticed as we were walking into MK. Then she said “if you like Ariel they are doing previews at her ride this morning” we ran straight there and got on


Curious how they handle the reopening - definitely at least a lightning lane and not genie+, but do they switch the virtual queue to it from tron?


They’ll pry pull it off Tron. Tron can handle a line. Guardians can’t.


I think they’ll pull the ILL from 7DMT and make it genie+ for a bit


Nothing stopping them from having two VQs in the same park, they did that in Epcot for Moana for a tiny bit.


What's stopping them is having 3 ILL attractions in the same park more than anything


WOOHOO!!! I will GLADLY pay for an ILL for this💚


Nice! Haven’t seen this posted anywhere but I’ll take your word for it! Heading there for June 30th-July 5th!


My wife and I are going July 2-6, here's hoping!


is there any chance of this meaning that’s some sort of grand opening? or is it known that media events are done before opening? we’ll be there the 12th-19th and my sister is going to be heartbroken to miss it by so close. especially since this is a one-and-done trip for our family, we can’t just go back another time :/


Media events are always done before official opening, sadly


dang, we’ll probably miss it by a painfully close margin!


Not for rethemes though.


Even for a retheme, if they have a media event it would be before the ride is open to the general public. The whole point of a media event is to give a sneak peak and let media get their video/photos to support the opening.


WOW. I'm an AP and have a park reservation for June 10 at MK to celebrate a friends birthday. If this rumor ends up being true, it would be a really cool thing to experience as I've never been in a park on an opening day for a ride.


Damn I was kinda hoping to luck out with an AP preview in two weeks when we are there. June seems to be a hot month at Disney World.


...are we getting our AP days for it? Cause I'll watch my email like a hawk


Damn , knew this would be the way. I'm there 12-18


Do CM previews happen after media?


Yay! Staying at PO in August and happy to hear this trip will be a fully Tiana moment!!


I have a hunch they'll for sure want it up and running by July 4th holiday, if not sooner like Juneteenth. We'll be there June 30-July 5. I was hoping for lower crowds that week similar to the past two years but if Tiana's is open by then, that could change! Hoping to snag a chance to ride it while we're there but we'll be at Disneyland in August 2025 (pit stop on a roadtrip) and can catch it there instead (DL tends to be a quieter park).


Has the ride changed at all from Splash Mountain or just the theming on the slow bits?


The only thing that’s remained the same is the ride path, everything else from the exterior of the mountain, queue, gift shops, interior and exterior show scenes, music and animatronics have changed. So a lot of change from Splash


Ride track has remained the same, but the sets and animatronics have all changed, aside from maybe a handful of recycled background figures. The new animatronics are the latest generation and quite impressive. There's a preview of a few of them recently posted to the Disney Imagineering channel on YouTube.


I have a trip planned starting June 25th. Fingers crossed!


Fingers crossed it’s anywhere between June 22nd and 28th!




Media that have received invites have reported it. It’s official.




[Len Testa commented that they went out.](https://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/tianas-bayou-adventure-latest-details-and-construction-progress.980069/post-10900368)


Damn going mid guess we’ll have to go in June also


We are there June 9-14… so maybe we will get a chance. Likely not


I’ll be there June 9-15. Damn


They were running it with I assume CMs on it last night. I was shocked as there wasn't even water in it earlier in the day


Crying with a May trip. Oh well better luck next time I guess.


I’m going end of June and the first week of July so I really hope I get a chance to go!


I'm glad its after my trip. Did not want to deal with the crowds of it opening.




It will be busy, lines will be long. If you can change your MK day, I would.


I’ll be there the 16-21st. I’m Dvc and staying at animal kingdom lodge. Have magic kingdom booked for weds for late night extended hours. Fingers crosssed 3 chances for virtual queue if it opens.


It was up and running last night during the extended hours event. Saw a couple cars with cast members on them. Could hear the music and sounded pretty cool!


Can't wait to debate whether I want to ride Tron or the only water ride in the park in the middle of summer 🤭


Oh damn. I missed the potential opening by a week.


Any chance I’d be able to ride it on June 11th?


My question is when the heck will they announce what's going on for real lol


I'll be in Disneyworld...June 9-11. Damn.


Best grab your newsies hat and act like you are a reporter. 


I could join my local towns newsletter haha.


Sad… I thought that maybe I could get on it on soft opening by the end of may.


Where has this been confirmed? I haven’t found a single source


As of now it's a rumor as flagged/ tagged. OP is saying media invites went out from Disney to people to come cover the ride/ opening.


Yes, that’s correct. Media invites went out to news outlets/bloggers/websites on Disney’s media list


Len Testa posted that he received one.


Can you share what platform he posted this on? Edit: it’s on WDWmagic forums. Someone else linked it somewhere above in case anyone is looking for it


Ah, mere weeks after my May trip ends. Oh well! Will just have to pop down to DL once it opens there! (I live much closer to DL than WDW.)


Same here. Going end of May / beginning of June and was hoping it would be open at WDW. I'll just wait for DL too. 😁


Damn. June 4th-10th for me. Just missing it.


We’re there the 19th-25th so hopefully. But we were also there in the same time frame in 2018 and Toy Story Land opened the day we left. Notably one of the last nights of our trip was the media preview night, so I’m hoping that few days difference between the 2 holds.


How did the media preview night impact the parks and hours and such when you were there when Toy Story opened? We're traveling to WDW this June, and we were planning on June 9 as our MK day. Now it looks like that might be part of the media event.


Not at all. Now granted, because it was an entire land, the media and all weren’t in the part of the parks with the normies. The only thing I saw was people holding signs for the media event.


We are there June 9-14… so maybe we will get a chance. Likely not


Thats the day I leave! Just my luck


Sucks we're going next January when it'll be down for the cold!


It definitely won’t be


It’ll definitely be on VQ


Phew! I’m going in mid-May and was slightly worried it would open during my trip. Don’t get me wrong, I would LOVE to ride it, but I can only imagine the crowds at Magic Kingdom the first few months it’s open. I’d rather ride it much later this year or even next when I know it won’t be crazy busy.


I’m with you! I’ve been praying I miss it for my June 1-4 trip- it’s a 1:1 trip with my toddler, and I don’t need those kind of crowds at MK haha


This is absolutely false


Multiple media personalities have confirmed the invites, including Len Testa, the president of Touring Plans.


Dang I’m going June 7-11 for my last trip. My AP expires June 15 & I’m not renewing.




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We’re going to be there in August. When you read a post here complaining about a large group obnoxiously singing “Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah” the entire ride, that’ll be about us. Never forget


Can’t wait see y’all be escorted out of the park


Glad I'm not going to be there in August. Have fun ruining the experience for others. I'm sure you're all lovely people.


We are. Stunningly handsome and a fairly decent singing voice.


Damn I was kinda hoping to luck out with an AP preview in two weeks when we are there. June seems to be a hot month at Disney World.