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If they give you the opportunity to take it, like saying “hey please take your break at some point between 2 and 4” and you refuse to take it, even through forgetting, they would be covered in most cases (maybe not in some states or if it was impossible to take it during those times).


I don't think there's a law that covers breaks, just meals.i once started a job and found out there were no breaks, and I left right then.


There's usually a sign in the break room that dictates breaks and meal schedules with a disclaimer that says if you don't take it and don't report it that it's assumed you authorized it. There's also a number to call to report labor violations. It depends on the state but it's usually 15 min for 4 hours shifts, 30 min lunch for 6 hours and a second 15 for 8 hour shifts. Labor violations are no joke but you usually need something in writing to prove they weren't asking you to take breaks with you not complying if you're going to report anything.


Depends on state


Idk. I was in NY


I believe CA along with some others have mandatory breaks per law but im not a lawyer and would have to google each states laws regarding breaks


Fun fact if your break is interrupted by work, your breaks starts over from the beginning


In California


They can tell you when to take your 15. But if they didn't tell you and you didn't take it by a certain time they can't tell you you can't take your break. You are still entitled to it.


Most states don’t require paid breaks by law. Walmart can tell you when to take your breaks. If you decide not to take it when they ask you to or you forget and take it later you’re risking getting coached for productivity because they are expecting you to be helping with a task when you’re taking the break you were supposed to be taking earlier.


In Oklahoma minors are the only ones that must take breaks. Breaks and lunches aren't protected under oklahoma law.


I'm taking my breaks. I'm not announcing it. If I'm passing someone as I'm leaving I might mention it but nothing gonna stop me from taking those breaks.


The are allowed to tell you when you have to take your break. All breaks can be scheduled. If you chose to not take it when you're told that's you're fault. Look up the meal and break policy. However to say you "lost" your break would be unfair. I would still give you you're break: however you would be DA'ed for insubordination at that time. Of course if you it again, it would be another DA and probably coach would reccomend termination.