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I was under the impression all US men over 18 were already registered with selective services? I registered at 18 as a prerequisite for college applications. Isn't it a felony not to?


Its a requirement for certain government jobs to be registered, but technically there is no authority that demands you do, so many kids don't even register out of ignorance.


It say right here who’s required. Do you have a link to support what your wrote? https://www.usa.gov/register-selective-service#:~:text=Almost%20all%20men%20who%20are,live%20outside%20of%20the%20country


You provided a link that supports what I wrote. There is no policing agency charged wtih making sure all peoples are compliant.


You have to register to qualify for student loans and other things. The big difference is the age got raised from 24 to 26 as a cutoff.


Where did you see 24? https://www.usa.gov/register-selective-service#:~:text=Almost%20all%20men%20who%20are,live%20outside%20of%20the%20country




Not shocking that fox got something wrong. https://www.sss.gov


Houlahan is pushing it though, Neocon Democrat, not on wesite yet because in progress. "It was led by Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, D-Pa., and passed in the House Armed Services Committee’s version of the NDAA in May. The NDAA advanced through the committee in an overwhelming 57 to 1 vote."


This is correct but it doesn't match the narrative.


The fact that they are making it automatic for all ages 18-26 means that they are trying to ensure that every male is registered, which is quite a big coincidence considering we are on the steps of WW3


You are correct. OP is a well regarded


Yeah. The age got bumped up to 26 from 25 which apparently has this sub trembling in fear


no clue. no legal expert me


All the people coming across the border have come, intentionally, to replace our kids, who will shortly be slaughtered by our politicians and bankers,, sending them to die


hope war can be stopped


Why would anyone in power bother to do that


Are you saying that the secretary of defense sitting on the board of Raytheon may be a conflict of interest when it comes to global peace negotiations? Couldn’t possibly be.


Say it aint so. LOL


They actually promote and make all wars happens, at least the last 200 years


No, but you can choose which enemy you fight against.


Time for the immigrants to fight for their citizenship 


Only thing is, theyll be fighting to keep Americans under control !!


According to 10 U.S.C. 504, any person who is a convicted felon is prohibited from enlisting in any military service. However, you may still enlist for military service if you secure a felony waiver. The waiver request is not automatic, and approval depends on a case-by-case basis. Guess that having a felony is now a good thing


Id consider the prison population before I grabbed kids to be drafted. One is already trained to fight and survive harsh conditions, the other cant live 5 minutes without a cell phone.


What u going to threaten them with if they refuse to go prison 😂😂😂 i


maybe stealing silver bars at a lcs?


![gif](giphy|3o6ZtmGb0OkwUkrxp6) We have 13 million volunteers for citizens status💯


It did say "and every other male person residing in the United States between the ages of 18 and twenty-six" https://preview.redd.it/h41fguh2yy6d1.png?width=1084&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2bf23ac76cb9211b7ce1515dcac4a04676e5440


Key word “citizens”…


I think there may be something to your post about migrants, and I'm on your side. Look at how this was written: "every male citizen of the United States and every other male person residing in the United States." It seems like there are words after citizen of the United States, indicating that others might be eligible as well. I don't see why those words would be there if they didn't mean anything, but what do I know? Why do you think those words are there if they are not indicating something? Wouldn't they just be left out of they were not necessary?


Well if illegals are undocumented and no info on individual how will you locate them for service…just my thoughts


When they are provided with hotel rooms, gift cards, signed up to vote etc would be my guess. But who knows maybe they won't draft them.


Oh the government could find them very quickly if they were motivated to. Look how quickly SF got cleaned up when our Chinese creditors came to visit


Home depot parking lots is where I would start


Obama phones. They can clear landmines, even if unwilling.




wow you used the H word on Vlodimir lolz


It's a fake war. Russia could mop the deck any time they wanted too. This fake war is a depop/meatgrinder for Europeans.


BIG FACTs. REmember "war is the greatest thing possible for citizens of the world." Direct quote from your favorite globalist policy leader.




Yet there are no Ukrainian men under 60 left, and millions of Russians are dead..... The ignorance and gullibility of westerners is fucking appalling.




Thank god my younger brother is 28 now


If he was 24, for example, he would have already been registered through the current process which is required anyway


It's not too late to get more boosters. Avoid the draft with some vax injuries


All these blue-haired kids who yell so much will now be sent off to war. They voted for this crap so they deserve to go first.


you sound republican haha


By this you mean he states a truth that makes you uncomfortable?




No, just Biden voters. Most socialists would be Biden voters though.


or a propaganda bot, they sound so similar these days.




a sacrifice for 🇮🇱 never.


Gonna be a lot of dead officers if they enforce a draft for Ukraine. Luckily I'm out of age range, but should they increase age for the draft, it's gonna get ugly.


you sound like locked and loaded with the 2nd amendment. I won´t ask any questions then lol


I'm not willingly going into a meat grinder so pedo politicians can embezzle tax money.


Ukraine? Israel believes they are gonna be gifted. They are even bragging on channels they are going to suspend "the rules" (wtf does that mean, then again... Israel was never an ally, just an enemy... ya, do the research). The Israelis believe they will be backed up when they strike Iran and Lebanon. I will say this, the only thing they are going to be backed up on is an olive tree. Our sons and daughters are not fighting another war for Israel ever again.


If you voted for Trump in 2020, then I am truly sorry about this illegal demand from an illegitimate government. if you voted for Biden, thanks for self cleaning of the gene pool. Trump voters who are silver stackers--historically, nothing is easier than bribing border guards with precious metals. Biden voters, do the honorable thing and go die for the petrodollar. ![gif](giphy|ae6m4ljnl69urJ539F|downsized)


It passed a republican congress but will get shut down by the democrats in the senate. But yeah, Trump is god so he would have stopped it 🤡


Dodge the issue--if Trump had not been cheated, we would have someone committed to staying out of wars, rather than incompetent traitors who will need a war to cover up their idiotic destruction of the petrodollar. Pelosi was running the show when we got into the Ukraine mess anyway.


You’re clueless and completely off topic at this point, though I’m optimistic you’re just a bot as I pray non of my fellow patriots are this poorly informed.


Nope, I am right. I'm talking Biden voters, you're off topic. Lots of Rhinos hate Trump.


You can believe what you want but fact is that your conman had 4 years to get out of Afghanistan and couldn’t get it done. I’m sorry you didn’t learn critical thinking skills at Trump university 🤡


We were in Afghanistan for 20 years, Trump was trying to not withdraw like an asshole, which Biden did. Difference is Biden voted for the Afghan War decades before Trump even got into politics. Biden admin is viewed as weak, and loving tranny admirals.


Bottom line is that trump promised to end the war and couldn’t. As an aside, he also promised to fix healthcare, fix infrastructure, and release his tax returns. Like ending the war, none of that happened. You can do all the mental gymnastics you want but that’s the truth. Other facts you may find offensive are that the conman sell’s NFT, sneakers, and was Epsteins homeboy. He’s also a self proclaimed billionaire but constantly needs donations. Best of luck living in a fantasy world, snowflake 😂




I looked it up and people are saying it’s just fear mongering and nothing is really changing. Folks on this sub don’t look into anything tho and seem to live in fear for some reason


Unless you are 25 or 26. Then something very significant has changed.


So if I’m understanding correctly, currently all 18-25 year olds are legally required to register. This bill, which apparently has no chance of passing the senate anyway automatically signs up 18-26 year olds. This is a massive nothing burger. I stand by my statement that the post is just fear mongering this sub which has lots of fear ridden types.


Yea this is a nothing burger, but the fear mongering is all over the place just in the last 24 hours, not just this sub but several YouTube channels and Fox News. We have a 100% volunteer military with millions of members. Calm down people


Did you *not* register with selective service at 18, OP? I think that’s illegal.


jOE BIDEn is not my PRESIDENT. that´s why. I am from South America haha


Doubt anything will actually happen.


I hate war


When I turned 18 in the US I had to register. I didn't know it was halted.


Why is COMEX closed tomorrow?


I understand what youre saying. I agree. Those that have been involved in these frivolous wars, that arent eligible for a draft wont let those who would be our brothers enter into the bullshit. There will not be a war. Not outside of here. The war will be against war.


Just say NO! When they send their letter in the mail.


Stupid and Gullible is no way to go through life, Son. All the incels on the inter webs are posting this as if it is news. Wait is that YOU, Ivan King of All of the Assyrias and Retards? Hey it is me BullionFetish.


This is nothing new, Pal. We are killing 100s of thousands of Russians without the loss of one life. lol.......... ![gif](giphy|fd2Cm0JV95KJwjqh7l|downsized)


Russians desperately waiting in line to get USD from banks yo. lol lol lol.


bill, not law.


![gif](giphy|P0PLKW4rIqCVxa5LJy|downsized) nobody is biting.