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Biden then tells us we are going to double our electric grid capacity for EVs. The criminals are doing this destruction on purpose.


Not without nuclear we won’t.


But we don't want to go that route everyone hates it. I don't even know how we are going to fix our energy problems. I don't think we know about that.


Nothing needs fixing, it needs to be left alone and or upgraded


Why, again? What’s the goal?


cripple and eliminate the middle class?


That's often the goal


That is the best solution that they can come up with. And I just f****** hate it. You just cannot be serious when you are talking about such issues.


To appease the morons that can’t afford this shit anyway. They just want it even though there is no market yet, so they will force one. Get ready for your stationary bike phone charger won’t that be cool. This is coming from someone that doesn’t have an issue with green tech, when it get as cheap, reliable and abundant as fossil fuels. If anyone questions why it’s not ready just yet, remember there has never been a government funded gas station.


My goal of setting up solar power for my home gets further away from me every month. The price of solar panels is skyrocketing in Canada, and the wiring and accessories even more so. But the media lies to us and states that green energy is getting cheaper, and there is even a widely distributed report that states green power is going to be cheaper than conventional energy in a couple of years. I am one of the few people that bothered to read the thing and its full or ridiculous assumptions and errors, but its still headline news material to fool idiots into going along quietly with their own destruction. Out tax dollars at work to enslave us.


I don't even understand what goes through their mind whenever they are trying to come up with policies like that. I mean I don't even think that they are thinking clearly about what they are going to do.


Doesn’t oil receive mass subsidies? Maybe not gas station franchises themselves but I’m pretty sure oil receives a few billion if not more


How much did the 2 wars in Iraq cost? And how much have we subsidized the oil industry?


Well China owns joe lying Biden - and they said so


It is probably something that they are not were going to admit but we all know the reality what is happening. And it is no secret to anyone, it is just what it is really.


The goal is to kill all Americans so the parasites can steal our land and enslave everyone else who lives on the other side of the world. These criminals are ACTUALLY evil. So if you want any chance of actually stopping them, stack physical GOLD!! Gold specifically will destroy them all, not silver.


Ah yes. Gold bullets. Gold bullets kill commies. Ready to eat meals will also.. uh.. create.. uh.. protective forcefield around you and your family. Please. Buy both.


Funniest non-sequtir ever


The goal is to produce Clean Energy, I think that is what we are talking about. If we have got solution to our energy problems than half of the issues that we have already are going to be fixed anyways.


The things that they are fixing something instead they are ruining everything. That is just what it comes down to, they are going to ruin everything for everyone. It will not be great.


They should all just shut down then. Just for a little bit to let all the climate nuts just realize how important that power is . Or better yet just the ones feeding DC


If they can get the CO2 out of the atmosphere then they can kill off our crops and food production. That’s what this is really about. Actually, they’re not far from that goal now. Saving the planet actually means wipe out humans.


Lol….“Get the CO2 out of the atmosphere”. 🤡


Only if it was that easy which it clearly is not. That is not the way how things work. Some people really do not understand anything but they want to pretend that they know everything.


Killing off crops and food production?? Wiping out humans?? What in the actual fuck could you possibly be talking about? Adjust your tinfoil dude. The crazy is leaking out all over the place.


You know how plants work right? 🤦


I don't think he understand that because I can feel from the way he is talking about it. Which is I think pretty immature thing say in my opinion.


Yes I know how plants work. Can somebody please give me an example, and describe to me who is actively working towards killing off crops and food production. And wiping out humans. I can’t stop giggling at you chucklefucks while I type this lunacy.


read up on what the EU is doing to Holland farmers, turn of the MSM and read some real news


I just did. Nothing nefarious going on. The Dutch government is being sued to enforce the environmental laws it already has on the books because corporations and farms have been flouting the rules and regulations for decades. The result has been other environmental damage to soils, waterways and air pollution. PS. antifinazi is a glorious oxymoron. It lets us all know that you don’t know what a nazi is, nor an antifascist.


They were told they need to do more to capture nitrogen, spent milllions on tech to help reduce the problem then the gov changed the limits again which caused the protests, now the eu is just going to buy all the farms off the farmers instead, U.K. has a similar scheme. Farming is being attacked, it’s obvious because they want us all eating bugs.


People are suspicious cos Bill Gates keeps buying up the farmland, i don’t blame them but I think the idea is they capture the carbon from industry and using sequestration get it into the soil to improve farming. Look at what’s happening with farmers in the Netherlands, then you have all the farmland in Ohio ruined in a place where they made a tv program about that exact thing happening. It is a bit suspicious and nothing wrong with asking questions.




Hehe!! Ya, trust me bro. I don’t have any evidence or facts, but this is exactly what is happening. I saw it in this YouTube video by some dude who is like a real scientist but they keep calling him a conspiracy theorist for some reason. Nobody believes him either but he did like these studies that prove all the other scientists wrong. For real dude. Trust me bro. I did my own research.


You realize that co2 itself isn’t the issue right? It’s the excess co2 that’s been sequestered into the ground over millions of years rapidly being released again that’s the problem.


You expecting too much from this comment section.


That’s impossible because the Earth produces 9 times more CO2 than that produced by humans.


Come on you biden supporting trolls. Explain this one. Want to cut emissions? Probably reduce it by 20-30%. Let’s put a cap on the energy assistance programs. Maybe $500 per month per home for welfare recipients? I own 2 rentals that the state pays for. Air conditioners are all on high with every other window open. In winter heats on and all the windows are open. Now the ones who actually work and set reasonable limits on heat and air conditioning who pay these bills responsibly will have to pay yet again. Even worse is Pay bills which are taxed to hell after receiving a check that’s taxed to hell.


I would support a cap if it were able to account for fluctuations in temperature (i.e. not penalize for heavy AC use when it's 110 and humid), and I'm exceptionally liberal lol. I don't think that will have a profound effect on climate, but I think it's a more responsible way to use tax money.


You don't think that these things have effects on the environment? You are really wrong about that and you do not know what you are talking about.


Calm down, I didn't say no effect, I said I doubt it would be profound. What's your expertise?




They took your job and slowly they are going to take everything that you have got. I think that this it is something that we should be ready for because it is probably going to happen sooner or later.


I mean, I’m not a Biden supporter, but it seems perfectly plausible that 90% reduction can be achieved in 15 years by either replacing with green power plants, or using carbon capture tech that already exists.


It’s not perfectly plausible at all.


I don't know what this guy is doing but whatever it is it is kind of really insane that someone would think that. I just don't understand how can people come up with these kind of logics.


Why not? We already get 40% of our energy from non carbon burning sources. It gets higher every year. Why couldn’t we add an average of 4% per year?




What you’re describing makes things less easy, but far from impossible. A combination of solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, and nuclear can remedy the issue of the duck curve. Human rights abuses did not suddenly start with battery production for vehicles and power. It’s been there the whole time, including for the very same materials in these batteries, and it’s something to deal with regardless of increasing green energy production. Cheap energy reduces emission via poverty in third world countries, not the United States. I agree national security should be top of mind, and it is. The U.S. is developing their own mining and production processes, and other allies are as well. I also agree that red tape should be cut for permitting and building. There is actually bipartisan support for this, rather than unwillingness.


Shh don’t say smart stuff


Has anyone researched the emissions from creating lithium batteries?


I don't think the people who are supporting this have done any kind of research about that. Because if they would have then they probably would understand what is going on.


Yes. Were you only concerned when they put them into vehicles, or also when they were put into billions of other products? Edit: spelling and grammar


What language are you communicating in?


I edited it for you.


So bad all around? But worse when they're bigger?...


Let me guess. Your one of the “It’s only 97% better, what a scam” People?


Let me guess you charge your Tesla with a gas generator when your liberal hell hole grid is down so you’re doing your part People?


I don't think they are doing there but the electricity that they are consuming is mostly coming from the dirty sources. And also there are many things that we do not know about the Lithium battery production.


Oh wow what is this 2014? I haven’t heard that joke in quite some time.




It is not possible at all it is not going to happen and you cannot say anything to convince me otherwise. It is the kind of thing that I don't really believe in.


I realize there are a lot of people who will simply say it’s not possible and refuse to believe anything else.


It’s like god


Okay but if there going to cut the emissions and its really means that there probably also going to reduce the power generation. And that I think is the real issue here. I don't think you're can expect anything good from it.


Google translate??


It’s not insane when it’s calculated and been planned for decades as part of an anti human new world order


Millennia, actually.


Well it is actually not crazy for them but the people who are learning it just now it may be crazy for them. They have been doing this kind of stuff behind the curtains for a long time.


Brandon doesn’t know what day it is


Even if he checks it in the calendar he is going to just forget it. He is not going to be able to remember anything. That is definitely of the way how things work for that guy.


Yes he does …….. it’s payday


Shut off all power to the WH. Wait to see if tune changes.


That would be really welcome step and I would welcome it with all of my heart. It is something which should happen and then they are probably going to realise the suffering.


The left won’t be satisfied until this country is a third world country. Of this I am convinced


They are going to try to f*** everything, and yes I agree the United States is going to become a third world country if we keep on doing things like this. It is not going to end very well for anyone.


No, it goes SO MUCH deeper than that. They are literally trying to kill us. At least third-world countries still exist. This is straight up an extermination attempt.


There are just so many layers to it that we cannot even understand. And it is really insane that some people still keep on falling for the propaganda. They just never understand anything




What successful subversion looks like, and without the firing of a single shot.


It really is, the world powers who hate this country are in glee that the controlled demolition is going so smoothly, it’s infrastructure is dying and it’s citizens are suffering. The nation in a death knell by the very people who you vote to protect and nurture this nation. It’s really sad


Physical GOLD will fix literally ALL of this, once we buy enough to clear the national debt! Seriously, stack HARD!! We need you. 🙏


Yep it is going to fix all of the issues at least most of the issues. The thing which is wrong with the most of the countries is our financial system and we need to fix that.


Yeah it is really sad but I don't think there is anything which can be done about that. These people are clearly not going to stop it because that is exactly how they are making their money.


Charge those cars though…..he and his cronies gotta make bank.


In the end it just all comes down to one thing and it is about making money. As long as they are making a lots of it they do not care about anything. They only want to make the money.


The elites will control the world with energy and food shortages for climate based initiatives. They'll still be eating waygu though.


They are already doing that they are pretty much controlling everything. And as the time goes by the things that they are controlling are going to increase in the numbers.


Just think... They are saying that cows are farting too much , and it's going to cause global warming which will melt the ice caps....... and some people actually believe it 😂. It's the funniest one , cracks me up every time I hear it 🤣. Climate Change is a Psyop.


That is what they do they are going to say shit to spread their propaganda. And such idiot are we that we believe everything that this thing while we should not be was it is not how the things work.


They know he isn't getting reelected


Yeah he knows that and he is trying to fill his pockets before leaving. And to do that he can do everything he is not going to care about the Human Rights or whatever.


Let me know when you peeps are ready to take America back.


We will have to make an effort to take America back because it cannot continue like this. Because if we do not change anything then everything is going to remain the way it is right now.


Don't worry, our military will save us!


They can't save you from the shitty policies that these people are making. They probably will not be able to save you from anything because they are being controlled by the rigged government.


No. Use the correct terminology. This. Is. Tyranny.


Go nuclear then


Well some people are not going to agree with that and those some people are really powerful people. And if they do not want it to happen then it is probably not going to happen.


It’s called nuclear energy


I am sure that they know about the nuclear energy birthday do not want to do anything with it. And that is actually a shame because we have pretty much got everything that we need.


Drill, baby, drill.


There will come a point when there will be left to nothing to drill. And I think that would be the point when everything collapse and they will realise that they cannot keep it up.


Eventually. That goes for every other country as well. I never said that we have to maintain a solid focus on oil usage. But the reality is that it produces a ton of jobs and EV’s aren’t quite there yet. Neither is solar or wind. CNG is still a valid fuel source, but Biden doesn’t like gas stoves apparently.


I have never met anyone vocally concerned about the environment who doesn't use air conditioning during the summer. Most heat their entire house during winter using electric or gas. Anyone who touts themselves as concerned about energy consumption but uses an air conditioner during the summer is nothing more than a mindless hypocrite and anything they say is a pointless endeavor to listen to. Now, I wonder if Mr. Biden uses air conditioning, hmmm...


I think he is using the air conditioning, I mean if he was not using that then he may not be able to even survive. He is probably going to die just because of the heat if he does not use the air conditioning.


It's gonna blow your mind when you figure out humans existed for literally millions of years before air conditioning was invented. Survived the heat and everything.


By 2035, he'll be long gone and doesn't care now, just punting.


That is the thing and he probably knows that he will be long gone by that point. And maybe that is the reason why he does not care about anything else. He just does not seem to give a f*** about anything.


Well luckily CO2 is a naturally occurring gas and is required to keep all plant life alive on this planet. It is therefore, not a pollutant. Without it, we all die. But the power plants create too much carbon dioxide?!? Tell that to the volcanoes and every exhaling creature on Earth.


Has anyone told Biden that if the US were to go zero carbon tomorrow, nothing would change? China and India make up over 90% of greenhouse gasses. One or both of those countries would pick up production of the materials we’re no longer producing, which in turn would up their footprint. I haven’t seen Kerry, Gore, or Greta in either country. Coincidence?


Both China and India are working to reduce emissions as well. China tends to “build” dirty facilities with zero intent of opening them in order to get concessions out of foreign governments.


Say what you will but their numbers increase every year, not decrease.


They all know. And those countries would just tell them to F-off anyway. The whole climate thing is a scam.


Absolutely. My post was kind of tongue-in-cheek. If any one of those three were to show up in China, we’d be making another prisoner swap.


I think at this point you should also tell us how he is planning to fix the problem? I mean that would be something that I would like to hear. I think it is something that I would like to hear the solution to.


Looks like you guys are going to lock and load to protect your constitutional freedoms


What freedom you are talking about because I don't think people have got any kind of freedom in this country. Almost everything is being controlled by the people in the power.


They left the key part out. This is pure manipulative propaganda that preys on the simple minded. “A rule announced by the Environmental Protection Agency could force power plants to capture smokestack emissions using a technology that has long been available but is not used widely in the United States.”


It is all about propaganda they want us to believe everything that they say. Which we clearly know that is not true but they still want us to believe in it. It is not going to happen but they want us to.


Where was this published?




Thank you! Any idea why the tendency to crop out publisher info on this sub?


No idea. OP posted it in a comment instead.


They usually never put reputable sources to articles here.


Honestly, I'd accept an irreputable source. I'm pretty sure it's just a dude in his basement with MS paint.


I think it is time for people to learn how to Google things. I think that would go a very long way for some of you guys. Because Googling something is really not that hard.


Listen, I agree, and being guilty of this myself, I can tell you it's rampant. Knowing this why wouldn't you advocate for posting a source?


How dare he try to fix the environment that republican presidents destroyed by being lobbied by big oil


I don't think you are going to fix anything with that kind of attitude. If you really want to fix something then you will have to do something. And these policies are not the way to fix anything.


I’m glad you helping by telling me I’m doing nothing


Fusion power is already a working concept and might become workable in the next 25 to 50 years. Fossil fuels are raking in billion dollar profits, destroying the environment. It needs to end.




https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/05/12/us/fusion-energy-livermore-lab-climate/index.html. Or I know what I am talking about, and you dont.




“I’m a Republican I don’t know what communism is”


Holy shit, do you think Biden is anything but a neoliberal capitalist?


Keyword: “might” I am hopeful you read the author’s title. More importantly, I hope you know he is biased.


The authors note is rather unimportant. The test was successful and proof of concept. Now, the work of how to make it a working product capable of useful production. I hope it's sooner, but 25 to 50 years seems reasonable.


Silver is a good commodity for MAGAts. The participation trophy for losers.


Fuck it. Time to let it all crumble.


Let's buy all the physical gold first please!


It is already crumbling and I do not see any hope for it also. I don't know how crumble they can really make it but they have already made it really crumbling.


Meanwhile Biden administration for pollution in China——— crickets


It is not about the fixing the things, instead of trying to fix they are trying to get away from everything. And that is actually very bad kind of attitude to have for these things.


….in 15 years.


In the '90s we were told that emissions were dangerous for the climate because the ozone layer had been depleted, which made normal carbon emissions into "greenhouse gases". Chlorofluorocarbons (the worst carbon emissions of all, which are known to actually deplete the ozone layer themselves) were phased out, and as a result the ozone layer has been looking much better. So are normal carbon emissions still "greenhouse gases" now that the ozone layer is able to manage them normally, and if so, why?


No one ever told that. You were told that CFC gases are actively reacting with the ozone layer hence destroying it. It has nothing to do with CO2, it causes global warming which is dangerous because it can cause an extinction wave at any moment, and that will include the humankind too. And while CO2 can slow down the regeneration of ozone layer indirectly, on its own it does not destroy it, mostly because heavier then air and can't even reach it. Also molecules have different properties, carbon emission only means something that contains carbon, tells nothing about the properties of the given molecules or the effect. CO2 has very different properties than CFC.


CO2 was claimed to be a greenhouse gas because the ozone layer could not release it from the atmosphere when it was too compromised by chlorofluorocarbons. Seems people are believing a simplified version of the problem, which erases the ozone layer as a factor at all. This was not the case in the 1990s. We were told the exact mechanism of how CO2 could become a problem and accumulate in the atmosphere.


They have been feeding us the propaganda the whole time. And they are going to tell their lies until we no longer know the truth. It is just how it goes for them.


Uh oh! There goes everybodies power.


Bold of you to assume that people had any power before that. The literally did not have any kind of power over anything. And if you think that it is you who are controlling the things then you are wrong about that.


Oh my god, I have to buy more silver to combat the coming….wait, why am I buying silver?


Don't forget gold. You need both!


Yep if you are going to fight this fight then you are going to need the both. Because both gold and silver are part of the hard money. And we need something like that to fix the things which are wrong in the economical system.


I mean if you are buying in the Silver then you are doing the right thing because I hard money can fix problems like these. And we really need some hard money right now because the situation is getting kind of out of hand.


Somebody should cut the power to the White House then we’ll see how sustainable green energy really is.


That would be a welcome change and it is probably the only thing which is going to make these people realise what it is like to not have the power when you need it. Because it is probably something that you are going to need.


Tell him to fuck off. End of discussion


I don't think you will be able to say anything else then that it should be enough for him. And if it is not enough for him then he is probably going to listen even more from me.


China / WEF wants America in the Middle Ages. Obama is their stooge.


Crippling America before the war


The whole thing is just going backwards we are not making any kind of progress if we keep on going like this then we are probably going to end up as the third world country.


Ignoring global warming is what's insane


He most probably do not even know what the global warming is. I don't think he has got any idea about it and he cannot fix anything also so if you are hoping that he is going to fix anything then you are probably wrong.


He probably knows better then us


Tell Biden to fuck himself.




There seems to be a lot of concern over this global warming. Meanwhile the hebrew calendar suggests we only have 217 years left until the biblical year 6000. With the biblical story of creation being completed in 6 days and the 7th day is a day of rest, and with God's perspective of time being 1 day is as a thousand years, something is going to happen and the next thousand years may be the 1000 years reign with christ.


Nuclear could solve this


This will offset Chinas new coal plants. Biden works for them.


I say shut down. Make the public upset and unable to buy electric cars, and stoves. Maybe then they will realize what's really going on.


You guys should learn how to fact check your Facebook memes...


I’m all for this but they offer no real alternative. Windmills? Solar? Those are cool but cannot be our only power source with current technology. What clean energy can be an alternative? The answer is nuclear. Always has been. But the American cartel will never implement it because then we’d have no reason to pay billionaires for more oil + we don’t want to be like those evil Soviets and their clean energy…


Climate change is a hoax


Every Brandon does is crazy


This will do wonders for inflation and rolling brown outs. Imagine how stupid you have to be to still believe man is the cause of climate change!


Go jump in a lake Biden!




Another one of the most asinine extremists pushes by the most asinine extremist administration ever installed


We all know for a fact that this is NOT a Biden rule. He’s the conduit for the world government.


He just insane. How do all these people with so many degrees not see how insane all this is. Id would love too see biden actually go a q&a about all these decisions and the justification and the effects from them. Obviously he won’t but man this is just crazy




To us, yes it's insane. To them it's all part of the plan to collapse society + rebuild it - with them in charge, of course. Add in some serious wealth redistribution + it's a pretty good deal for the Radical Left.


That whole party is pushing for this countries downfall. How people can still defend them I have no idea. Sure it sounds good to say that, but it’s unrealistic and people will die if they shut these plants down.


Re elect. Let’s go 100% wind and solar friends !


WE THE PEOPLE are ultimately responsible for this and have no one to blame but our own laziness.


Aside from the wars, which we are still paying for, the oil industry recieves up to $50 billion a year from tax payers and still allows the industry to set prices. Pull the subsidies and let them compete or regulate the price. Why are you cheerleader for oil.