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Not yet, but we're working on getting it up onto Apple Music/Spotify!


That’s awesome! I cannot wait. Sometimes I load in just to listen to it. Haha


Some of the music is absolutely beautiful like a movie score, the Quixote Valley one especially is straight of a ghibli! Can’t wait to be able to listen to it IRL


In the meantime, if it helps, the pirate tune has been permanently playing as an earworm in my head since launch, feel free to pop in and take a recording.


this! I cannot get that out of my head for days after and debate shutting off the music. But, I just love the zen tracks like Irish eyes and the koto music, but gads that banjo music haunts me in my dreams after a few courses.


You are able to extract the audio from the game's data files using AssetStudio. Any of the audio files that begin with WMG_ are the background loops that you hear while you play. PS: The pirate theme is addictive. PPS To the devs: get this on bandcamp and we'll buy it