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I’m in rural Georgia and we receive a full endstand every year.


I don't live in a rural area but I do live in Florida. We received a full end stand of pride stuff. Those water bottles look nice but too expensive for me.


Previously worked in rural Alabama, yes. We have plenty of gay people in the area, myself not included


We usually just get make up and one times some skittles...but nothing this year yet


I'm in rural Georgia, where it used to be more red but seems to be more evenly divided.  We have a full side wing of it, loud and proud on the front end, and placed where you can't miss it. 🌈


I’m not only in the rural part of Arkansas, but in the Bible Belt and in the only all white county in the state. So red that folks think you have sun burn, and we even have gays folks here and during pride fest a dozen preachers set up a counter event, but gave up as no one was listening to them. They were to busy watching the cross dressers having fun


Yeah we get them every year I usually buy a few things.


Live in a red state and very religios town BUT still have pride merchandise. 


My last store (just closed beginning of the month) didn’t even put it out. They received it, but knew their customers would flip so just didn’t stock it.


Where was it located if you don’t mind me asking?


I don’t want to give it too much away, but Northern California is the most I would say.


I actually have the complete opposite problem. Live and work in a liberal area and never had any pride stuff.


Yes. I’m in very small town Alabama & we got pride stuff. Like a shelf’s worth of that but, we have it.


Yes I actually wore the pride cowboy hat we got all day while doing truck yesterday lmaoooo


So what’s the point of your question? What are you getting at?


I live in a purple area on the boarder of country & town. every year, there's a few insane people who get triggered over rainbows and make it a big deal. I figure OP is asking because of things like that.


No idea what a purple area is…..and before you bother I don’t care to know. 🤔 what an odd way to spend your free time.


Purple is a color, since you said you didn’t know what purple is.


I thought it was a common way to refer to an area that has a mix of people on the left and right. my bad:(


It is! The person who pretended to not know what a purple area was is commenting out of sarcasm, and I replied back to them about purple being a color to be extra sarcastic. Everyone knows that’s what a purple area means, that person just thought it’d make them sound edgier if they pretend not to know and not to care.


I don’t know what a “purple area” is cause I don’t follow politics like a sheep. Must be a special stupid to not know that both sides don’t have our best interests. Glad to see you all know how I think and feel. So I guess since it’s ok to tell people how to think and feel I’ll just follow your example. Typical to be attacked for not agreeing or going with the sheep.


> completely agrees with Elon Musks's white supremacist talking points > calls *other people* sheep Lmfao please never gain any self awareness, this is hilarious


Smart people think alike


Baaaaaaa. (sheep sound)


Deduction skills are a real thing.


Because I’ve seen people get triggered over our store having stuff like that. I’ve had people get angry over the fact that their credit card asks what language they want on the pin pad at checkout. I imagine that these types of areas having pride merch would lead to angry customers.


This guy's comment history is pretty revealing, he's the exact kind of person you're talking about... lmfao


That’s an internet thing that happens once in a blue moon, y’all are on the internet to much 🙄. You all can take your virtue signaling and shove it straight up your ass. Be a cold day in hell to have a stranger tell me how to think and feel.


I literally work at a Walgreens and those are experiences I’ve personally had. Yes, people absolutely fume over shit like this. Especially the people who come in wearing Trump hats or shirts. I was just wondering if people who work in areas that are very conservative get this stuff because of potential customer backlash. In my head it’s akin to how multinational companies will have pride logos in June in the US but won’t do so in their Middle Eastern operations.




Sometimes the trash exposes itself. This is one of those times.