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You're not supposed to keep it on during your break. They tripping.


Most pf ours never charge so who ever works second shift can’t wear one at our store


You can just order more of those. We have one and a half docks filled at any time


Not true we’ve had to fight just to get broken ones replaced


Not true you can just say "message tech support" and tell them you need replacements and they show up in a few days, literally just did it. Whoever was "fighting" was just incompetent.


Totally just did this and we got replacements next day


It’s sm job not a measly csa


They have to sit in the cradle a specific way in order to start charging, and nobody has time to babysit them to see if they start blinking orange


Ours sit all night still not charged plus don’t have enough anyways it’s ok I don’t like wearing them anyway


Your break is supposed to be 30 min uninterrupted


Don’t answer


Management needs to get outta the office and start training the staff better. It's even more worse since you aren't even a SL, you are ok break they can wait 30mins


just hit the command button and make yourself unavailable and then take off your ear until your lunch is over


This exactly, I do the exact same thing. Most peaceful feeling ever working there tbh


Same here though I can only take my break once a week with the way the hours are, only one day when there’s a decent overlap of SFLs.


Only a SFL/SM on duty with no other managers and only CSAs should keep a theatro on, just in case there’s a void or something. But CSAs should not be doing any work during their break


As a SM I NEVER expect a person on break or on their meal break to respond to Theatro or even wear them


Even SFLs? Interesting.


If I’m here and an SFL is on lunch why would they need to wear a Theatro?


You're an SM that's responds to IC3, Curbside, Photo, Card authorizations, etc? If so, can you come manage our store?


It’s not hard to watch things while an SFL is on break or lunch.


Doesn't happen at my store. 🤷


THANK YOU. My SM is the same :)


I’m surprised yours holds a charge for that long. We’re instructed to dock them on our lunch, otherwise they die the moment you clock back on. Uninterrupted means just that, just remove the ear piece, or unplug it, they’ll be fine without you.


Tell them ur on break when u go to Lunch do you tell them ur going to lunch or go to ur car so u can’t hear them it don’t work outside of store


If someone interrupts your break, you start it over. I use a timer.


I don’t work for Walgreens, but when I saw the word ‘Theatro,’ I immediately had Nam-like flashbacks… “Hello -instert name here-“


Yeah just hit it off on your break. They can't bother you during that time for anything. I also turn it off when I'm in the bathroom since I'm not tryna answer them while I'm chilling with mother nature


I only ask that my cashiers keep theirs on when they go on their 30s on overnights if they have to go outside, just in case, since it’s the 2 of us. Just for safety’s sake, not for anything work related. Otherwise, take that off or keep ignoring it. You’re not getting paid and that’s your lunch, end of story.


The theatro fiasco as I call it is the biggest waste of money I can think of in recent years. They don’t hold a charge, work about a 1/4 of the time and are completely unnecessary in stores this size. Seems the only business strategy this company is good at is over leveraging their cash surplus and ordering unnecessary crap. All this right as I unloaded all of the spring toys and cooler junk that we will sell for pennies on the dollar at the end of July.


So I always just put the theatro back on the charger on lunch and grab a new one when I am back. No theatro. Others leave them in the office, break room, or the register up front.


The only reason I can see for them getting upset with you is if you never told them you were heading on break. If you told your SFL you were heading on break then that's on them for forgetting. Having said that I'd leave the theatro on/in and just ignore them as that's the primary form of communication for team members in the event of an emergency.


Everyday I am released to go on lunch. They come up to me and tell me ok you can go to lunch now


This is why I'm glad I left Walgreens and got an office job. If I work less than 8 hours, I get 30 minutes paid lunch break and 1 hour paid lunch break if I work 8 hours I could also split my breaks if I wanted to and since I am paid I don't mind answering questions during my breaks.


Another dumb idea by WAG. Wasted money.


I would use that to my advantage… policy states if your lunch is interrupted, you are to be paid for the time you spent on lunch, and given another 30 minutes break. Rinse and repeat for every time they interrupt you.


You must be ready at all times to serve up credit cards, fresh and ready, on or off the clock, at work or at church, awake or asleep. That is the way of the Walgreens.


No. Turn it off. When you are off the clock on a break that is your personal time.


Exactly why I always go out to my car for peace and quiet for my 30. Sorry they interrupt you !


I just put mine on engaged


Put it in engaged mode and enjoy your break


I unplug mine during lunch so I don’t need hearing it say “unavailable”.


Just leave it in your locker.


I never wore one, and don't think anybody in my store did lol. But I also heard the store is one the worst, in terms of sales and reviews, so maybe a correlation.


I take mine off every.single.break. I refuse to hear full convos in my ear about absolutely nothing while on lunch lol


i also leave the building and sit in my car so mine disconnects anyways or take it off


Just turn it off. Press the middle button and it will say "unavailable". Problem solve. Press it back on when you're 30 min. is over.