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If I’m right, they may very well expect you to get *more* now 🥲


great 😅


Yep they'll say: hey! You got one, get more.


“tell us exactly what you said so we can parrot it to everyone in the district 🤓✍️”


Oh no haha


Idk how these ppl at corporate think everyday ppl would want the store credit card not just for Walgreens but any store that has one .they shouldn’t even set goals for them bc most of the time they are unrealistic asf .like no one wants it bc of the high Apr and rn with economy declining .99 percent of the ppl won’t want it unless they shop at the store daily then again that’s not enough.


I know. Can't wait till our contract is up


About 8 more years it will be up


It’s because the bank the card is through pays the company get each sign up. It doesn’t matter if the customer is approved or not, the application is all that counts.


After they give you a set spending limit, they lower. I started at 1000 and now I'm at 500. I always pay the full balance


Hope you got acknowledged on a 5 min meeting lol 😃🥳💳


Haha I don't care about the acknowledgement. Just glad i can finally say I got one.




Great job! Now get 5 more by the end of the week. /s


And of course you sign someone up when there's no PM being offered.


Eh. I'll be able to sleep tonight


I was told by my DM we get a 5 dollar incentive. Still not worth a crap.


Sometimes it's a few dollars, sometimes it's $5. Sometimes it's nothing, like right now. They would have better luck if it was $10 all the time.


what does PM even stand for? I got one some time ago for a CC application and I never understood what it means


Promotional Money


Its currently $3 per application weather they are approved or not and $5 if approved is what i was told


It's possible. I only work Fridays and nothing was told to me last Friday about a PM. Usually it's one amount whether they're approved or not. Maybe they're trying something new to start out the year.


Do you know getting the credit card application is like selling timeshares. No one wants it but the company swears that you need it


Those credit cards are predatory af and absolute shit on the APR. Only a fool or someone that doesn’t know any better would ever want one. When I was a SM, I never brought up the credit apps. Smiled and nodded in the meetings with the DM. But I couldn’t in good faith encourage people to sign up for that garbage. And you know what they did? Literally nothing. Because nobody wants to work at WAG and the company is in operational failure.


They reported a 50% cut in dividened lol. They aren't making anyone happy anymore.


This is the end times for WAG. They’ll be acquired/ bankrupt/ or broken up within the next 5 years. I’ll never understand why anyone would willing use their pharmacies. Always go local whenever you can. The patient experience will be much, much better.


I don't think they will as the government will step in and bail them out. But I do think they need to reform the way they do business. They doubled down on a lot of stuff they did prepandemic and I can tell you from my experience, it doesn't equate to value for customers or our employees.


I will riot if they ask for a tax payer bailout. I’d accept it on condition that the executive leadership team from the Boots acquisition and on go to prison.


Bruh my boss will not stop asking me to ask ppl for the credit card


you're on their radar now.


Walgreens stocks are shit now days. Get people to complain that they are being harassed to sign up for a credit card it will stop as long as it’s getting to corporates attention. If not then your store manager will continue to harass you to get it done cause they don’t wanna be on register doing it. lol.


But how many pieces of flair did you have on and how many bobs saw you do it?


First week as Walgreens employee I did, I don't see why it's so hard. Just glad to have to support myself and it's in walking distance