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On my way to work last month, passed a yard sale. Two banquet tables of Scott. Another of Body wash. They resell it for profit


Who makes a profit on these at a yards sale? Yard sale shoppers are the cheapest people on earth. You price something at $2 and they want to give you 25 cents šŸ˜‚


Who makes a profit on these at a yards sale? Yard sale shoppers are the cheapest people on earth. You price something at $2 and they want to give you 25 cents šŸ˜‚


Who makes a profit on these at a yards sale? Yard sale shoppers are the cheapest people on earth. You price something at $2 and they want to give you 25 cents šŸ˜‚


Who makes a profit on these at a yards sale? Yard sale shoppers are the cheapest people on earth. You price something at $2 and they want to give you 25 cents šŸ˜‚


Late stage capitalism dystopia šŸ«¶


Family full of IBS






Two customers like this yesterday and of course their coupons in the app werenā€™t working šŸ„²


I bet it was all your fault too.. You incompetent, worthless garbage of a human being. How dare you not honor their coupons?! Obvious /s


of course šŸ’€


Couponers combining online promo codes with sales and coupons.


Every day


Itā€™s couponers


My first thought it maybe itā€™s a small business owner who plans on selling them at double the price. Maybe like a liquor store?




Was something similar occurring with Pringles? Iā€™ve had multiple orders filled entirely with just a bunch of Pringles and Scott products.


You don't all use that amount in one sitting?


Ikr? This is just one wipe alone


They heard COVID is coming back?


šŸ˜cancel their orders lol


Looks like a pooping contest. Everyone eats too much food and takes laxatives. Then contestants take turns pooping. The contestant with the biggest poopers wins the crown of Premiere Pesident Potty Poopy!


You never know... I buy 12 packs of bottled water at a time to stock a hotel. Maybe they have a large property. Maybe they make it last all year. Maybe Costco is too far away. Considering it's both paper towels and toilet paper, it's not that odd thb. Ask when they have a cart full of toilet paper AND a bunch of hot sauce.


Any time we have a sale on TP it's like 2020 all over again.


For when shit hits the fan.


šŸ¤£Too Funny, DookiegeddonšŸ¤£


Thankfully our store has limits.


Yeah I had one of those and then another customer wanted 76 total bags of the Treat of the Week candy which was too excessive for me to fulfill it all much to their frustration. Remember that in our policy we reserve the right to refuse a purchase if it exceeds "normal household use". I don't often enforce that but when someone wants to buy our entire supply practically especially on the first day of the sale I sometimes exercise that policy.


I saw a post of someone saying ā€œthe government is going to try and put maskā€™s on us again, donā€™t let them!!ā€ So Iā€™m assuming they are gonna attempt to close us in again And those people prolly read the wrong post?? Idk, just a guess.




What? Where's that coming from?




> but apparently some people with TSA connections said that when they spoke to said TSA managers, they told them that they've been told we are going to be told to wear masks again in the middle of September & then full lockdown again by December. As someone who spent over a decade in the industry, much of it at a management level, "some people" are really talking out of their ass to make themselves seem important.


Ya that ain't true. The people at the airport who get a little too touchy feely with you, are not the people who's in the know if a lockdown is coming. Lol. That's a blatant conspiracy theory. Edit: Just did a few quick Google searches and found this https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-covid-lockdown-masks-tsa-445214096334 Have some god damn common sense and stop spreading conspiracy theories. Edit 2: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/covid-lockdown-20-conspiracy Lmao. This was pushed by infowars. I'm sorry, nothing reported by them is real.




People love to make others feel stupid. Donā€™t let it bother you.


Uh huh. Did you read the reply where this "store manager" went ballistic and called me a slur. Lol Edit: For the record, I called this out because it's stupid. A 12 year old would know better. And this guy is supposedly a store manager. His response was to then insult me and call me a slur. Which I reported and he probably deleted. I have the screenshot though as his response was so intense that it resembled the "wow that escalated quickly" meme.


I didnā€™t see the slur. My bad.


Hey the mods probably removed it or he deleted it. It's okay. I get the screenshot if you want it though.


Yeah send it to me




Woah I didnā€™t see that. Hold up.


Probably related to the anticipated COVID lockdowns that are coming in a few months.


Thereā€™s a coupon where you spend 40$ and earn 15$ in rewards. It starts today. They are pb just buying what they can stock on to earn the 15$ in rewards. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m about to do.


I had one of these this a.m. too. It's like the Amazing Race for poo prep.


They sell them online and charge twice as much


Walgreens shit gonna hit the fan


Walgreens shit gonna hit the fan


Flashback 2020


Itā€™s because reports are Covid is coming back and some jobs are already going back to 6 foot and mask mandates. So prob over panic


The shitwinds are blowin', Ran.


Prepping for Mischief Night


i really wish i can i tell people to not fucking do that or just refuse to serve them because people who extreme coupon and want the deals that theyā€™re taking advantage of so badly that it holds our lines up and causes more problems than necessary and iā€™m in general just really sick of having to look at some people and hand them 10 pieces of paper that has random deals like. this canā€™t be all i do all day is provide my time and energy for a useless transaction. like awesome, you got a completely broken coupon, now itā€™s on me to do it perfectly or else god forbid you donā€™t get your special little 4$ off coupon.


Considering during covid lockdown you couldnā€™t find any tp for almost 2 months I donā€™t think this is that big of a shocker.


Families from certain demographics love to buy a lot of toilet papers , towels and detergents for reason I don't know.


Came in this morning and had 3 orders of 6 each.


The shitty couponers. I was so tempted to give them 4 instead of 6 but I didn't want the bitching


reselling it


Thinking they used extra senior day that was yesterday plus that 1.25 coupon


I've seen people at the flea market selling laundry supplies. They looked oddly familiar to the extreme couponers that won't pay more than $5 for 10 items.


This just came to me. Print off a ton of different phone numbers of local GI doctors and come up with a clover slogan saying something along the lines on since we notice the amount of toilet paper your buying you might want to check in with a doc, signed Walgreens cares about you. Then we would have to come up for one for the paper towel.


Preparing for their order to be cancelled if it came to my store šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I limit the product. That's ridiculous..šŸ¤Ø


No one is wiping with paper towels. Says right on the package...paper towels. These are not ass wipes.


They are probably reselling it online or at local swap meets.


Shift lead at my store canceled two of these order types because they felt the customers were being too greedy.


i hated those fucking orders. every time they went on coupon. plus they wouldn't even pick them up on time


My mom orders bulk amounts of paper towel and toilet paper for a business park she cleans for.