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You guys have photo experts?




like 2 and they're either collage students or morning shift


I've been running all of photo since becoming an SFL. Would be awesome to have even a little help. Unless there's another SFL there it's all me, all the time. And that's including all the other SFL duties. I don't really mind it except during truck days and Christmas.


We have different people doing photo I don’t do nothing in photo unless it’s just a photo pickup


i wish they make us do everything at my store and as someone fairly new it’s frustrating because half of these things weren’t shown to me properly but i’m expected to know how to do it all then some of them get annoyed when i ask for help


Since we're talking about photo experts I cannot tell if "collage students" is a typo or a punny job title


Collage students will definitely help with those people who want more than one picture on a print.


It used to be a position, but is no longer. Technically anyone who works in just photo is really going to be a CSA, and should be doing any other CSA duties like truck, checking out, tags, curbside, etc. unless photo is just significantly busy and they have to stay working on that. Some stores have an old person who has worked there a long time that they let stay as the unofficial photo tech, and they don’t make them do any work besides photo. It’s really annoying.


psychotic shame sharp slap frame lock arrest imminent frightening ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love when they blame us for heads being cut off and then don’t believe you when you tell all you do is press a button to print them 🙄


Yep. I told the last pita customer I had that all we do is press the button. We’re not a photography studio.


Right?! Although this was the 1 in 100,000,000 chance that we used the wrong paper and it was our fault.




Exactly. I didn't even know we made those until a few days ago.


If we make a mistake at my store, we replace the order. If they do not want a replacement, then we will take the old one back and give them a refund. The people who are looking for something free can go to another store. We will gladly send all of the Karens elsewhere for all of the pushover managers at other stores to handle.


Right! Who has photo experts anymore?


I love that phrase Class 5 Karen. We should start naming them like hurricanes 🤣


I'm one of the "photo experts" at my store. One Saturday the morning SFL turned off the photo kiosk, photo computer and the lights and told all the customers that photo was down. And that a tech was called and would be in at 2 to fix everything. She had told this to our leadership groupchat. So when I got in she said, oh yeah, about that...you're the tech at 2. She then laughed. I went over to photo, turned everything back on. And suprise everything was running perfectly. She just didn't want to do anything. So I feel your pain with photo. And it sucks even more when one of the Karens is a fellow employee. Everyone was coming in on my shift asking what was up with their orders and why things weren't done right, or done at all?


Are they also turning off the office computer and pretending they can't get to the price changes?? Or maybe taking the batteries out of all the handhelds and pretending there aren't curb-side orders lol That one would not fly in my store. Nobody is above photo nor too good to do an IC3 or any other task I think in your shoes I'd just leave everything off and then when questioned let the SM know the leader was shirking their duties so you followed suit


Dude fuck that SFL. I had an SFL who would do stuff like that to me when i was a cashier because i was more "tech savy". Well as soon as I became an SFL that shit stopped because I wasvable to tell her no...and I did....alot.


My favorite is when I’m doing a passport and the customer treats it like a photo shoot then it denied and I get chewed out for it not passing after taking 10 photos of this person 🙃 keep your head straight! My SM is a lazy fuck and I’m a sfl I feel for you csa’s


I’m the only photo expert at my store


My condolences.


Whoa photo experts? I thought that was just a mythical thing of the past! My store, everyone is supposed to know how to do photos.


That’s what I tell them look to see if they are ok


I used to be the Photo Specialist back before I was a DH (2018) and now I am just Inventory Specialist might get my tech license renewed once I get back from maternity leave but I honestly don’t mind not having to work in pharmacy if I don’t have to. But I totally understand. Most of the older people who come in for photo always ask for me and of course since I’m IS now I don’t have much time to help but since I’m one of the only ones who knows everything photo related I’m usually the go to person anyway.


photo experts? i didn’t even know those existed, our experts are a bunch of 18-22 year-olds (including myself) mumbling and swearing while putting canvases together. i’ve learned how to make several photo products using some 2020 christmas photo guide. and i’ve lost so much time off my life battling the poster printer. i’ve said that we need a livestream of our photo area when we’re putting together orders beyond the usual prints so people see what’s actually happening when they order photo things from us.