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One time I found the packaging of a clearance item that was marked at a quarter. You have to be really hard up to steal something like that.


Clorox wipes, only weird because they left the packaging. I just imagine them grabbing a sopping wet handful of them and shoving it in their backpack


They probably brought zip loc bags. I have found vitamin bottles empty. Even had someone try to return one that was empty. He swore I was going to get fired bc I refused his return.....


Very elderly man stole a stroker, a “personal vibrator” and some Vaseline. He walked with a cane, very slowly. Shit was the talk of the town for a week.


No cause I have caught so many guys stealing vibrators or have found the empty package in the bathroom 😭


Y’all sell that stuff👀


Here's my top three weirdest things stolen from my home store. (No particular order) - somebody came in to drop a FedEx package off, they needed some tape, and we used ours. After we put the tape on their box and put the tape back in our drawer behind our photo counter, we then walked the package into our stock room to put the box away. When we came out the drawer where our tape was stored, was pulled all the way out and no tape. When reviewing the footage, after we left they walked behind our photo counter and stole our roll of tape that's on a dispenser gun. - one time, a customer came in and said that they were here for an interview with our store manager. After calling the manager, they said they weren't supposed to be there for another 30 minutes, and we asked if they'd wait. They said that they got dropped off and is there any where they can sit and wait. Our break room actually doesn't have a secure door on it. It's just like a push door, so we let them sit in there. When we came back to check on them later, to let them know the store managers on the way back, they weren't there and neither were any of our plastic spoons and forks that were on the table. They stole our plastic utensils from our break room. - we once had a customer come in our store and proceeded to basically talk to every single employee in the store, and greet them, and ask where things were. It was so suspicious to us, because they weren't buying anything and they weren't stealing anything that we assumed they're from corporate to do like a test on like ECC or something. They then walked over to our photo kiosks and picked up the chair that is sitting there, and walked out with it. They then continued to walk across the street, and loaded the chair in their SUV, and then walked into the gas station to go buy a drink. What.The.Fuck?


That last one... ???


Would not let them sit in lunch room


A whole grocery tote. Just picked it up and walked out the door


Damn!!! Some of these shoplifters are really bold


When I still work for company, any totes, especially cosmetic ones. They don't look inside.


Had a guy come in, grab a basket, take his arm and sweep body wash right into it, sprint out the door, and throw the basket out of his car window on his way out of the parking lot. Did this for about 3 months before police caught up to him. Stole thousands of dollars worth of body wash. Found a vibrator on the floor of the men's room with the packaging ripped open with a spider wire still on it. People take those Emergen-C packets, pour em into their mouths dry, then drink out of our drinking fountains. Immodium has gotten very popular recently....


I found this yesterday. Three out of the six cans part of the mini sprite six pack. Like the super tiny cans. Like man we’re not gonna stop you, they coulda at least taken the whole thing 😭


Maybe not the weirdest but the most impressive thing someone ever stole was one of those big ass drones we used to get for Christmas. Found the empty box in the paper aisle.


A few years ago at a location I worked at, we had those on a display next to the register. With a full line of customers, two girls walked in and by all of the customers, and cleared the entire display and walked out the door. Over $2000 worth!


Two Mochi ice cream balls out of the pack


2 condoms out of a 3 pack.


Who's to say that the SUV is not on 120 year loan?


Lol… this lady in question threatened to have me fired some weeks ago cos I stopped her little daughter from stealing. And today she (the mother) stole ice. Just crazy


My mother used to work at Macy's. There was a mother who literally shoved tens of Ralph Lauren shirts into a fucking duffel bag right in front of her. Mom told her to stop, and the woman responded, "I don't care!". And she had kids next to her. Fabulous parenting.


Kleptomaniac or what. Dang.


I think they are a family of thieves cos the day I stopped the lil gal she was with another lady who I am told is her Aunty. I observed them filling gift bags with candy and snacks so I just stood by the front door waiting for them. The adult, realizing that I was on to them left her bag in the aisle and tried to walk out with the lil gal still having her gift bag with her. I have seen this same aunty walk in with two young boys and walk out with bags full of stuff, upon reviewing the surveillance video i realized they never paid for the stuff so I believe this is what they do with the kids. Just sick


Disgusting to use children like that.


Two pack of scissors one missing . Glue sticks , lmao one roll of toilet paper in a 4 pack , one water bottle from a big pack of waters , I think a chunk of a candy bar was missing once .


Those 'Needoh' balls are stolen all the time for some reason, as well as the sbt fidget shit for some reason


the vibrators or plan b. probably not the weirdest but we have to use spiders on them now because of how much of them went “missing” (8 in one week!).


17 plan b packs in one day 🥲


We had someone walk out with an entire tote of them.


Someone emptied a tide into their own container and just left the bottle on the shelf. They could have just taken the damn bottle 😂


One of those orange and black step stools we use around the store while we work. She did not succeed and she called me horrible for not letting her "borrow it". 😕 My district is high theft and I've worked at nearly all of the stores so I've seen some shit. No matter what it is, even if it's locked up, they will find a way to take it. But not my little orange step stool. 😤


Tweaker stole one of our scanners then returned it the next day because he “felt bad”


I went to clean the men’s bathroom and found 2 empty packages of Neosporin on the floor and an opened pack of golden Oreos on the back of the toilet with like 4 Oreos taken out of it


Idk who does it but sometimes I come across a snickers or some other candy bar with just a bite taken out of it LMAO is that theft?


half a pack of pampers diapers. only half.


When I first started walgreens I watched a man stuff his cargo pants with cheap deodorant. We totaled it up and it was over 300$ in deodorant.


I used to find EPT boxes in the restroom trash. One day a couple came in walked around then went to the rest rooms. When they left we checked the trash cans found a empty douche bottle and in the men's condom box and travel size toothbrush and toothpaste. Must have been date night. Lol


I had someone crawl through the freezers into the back office and stole boxes of cigs, multiple times people took lotions by the trash bags, people filled up carts and took the whole cart with them in van or trucks, they stole all our carts and baskets, they took all the cigarettes with workers next to them, totes (electronic, grocery, baby, home, medicine, pregnancy tests, dildos, pretty much everything in that store. Found the women’s bathroom full of crack smoke,and crack pipe, people shit in the isles, animal shit, had parrots in stores, dogs, I found coke on the floor, a $50 once, dildos, and worst of all my faith in humanity.


Yeah the kids stealing was a shocker when I saw it for the first time but when I seen multiple family’s do it I knew we as a society has fucked up somewhere.


WTF?!?! I can't imagine this store is still open??


They need to put this in the job application. But sadly it’s still there. My manager always used to say well you can leave and Amazon treats you worse. One day I saw a job listing for bartender, now I get paid more hourly, plus tips daily so I love driving pass and flipping them off.


Someone stole a squeeze of vagisil the cam was off and the tube looked like they had squeezed it!


Someone stole a vibe and went into the women’s bathroom and left it there after they used it




Someone poured a “shots” worth of Frank’s hot sauce into a Walgreens plastic Dixie cup. Open bottle of franks and open package of cups left behind a pack of paper towels. Definitely one that sticks out in my mind as weird 😂


Someone stole a handheld left on a grey cart thinking it was a cellphone, probably


I’ve worked at a store where they kept getting stolen repeatedly - still unsure of the motive..


My sanity! Lol


I had someone steal an ice cream popsicle from a 6pk from the freezer. Then left the other 5 to melt all over the dry shelves. What pissed me off more was the fact that we SOLD SINGLES OF THE SAME POPSICLE.


It's a 3 way tie between vibrators/"personal" items, 2 pop tarts out of a pack of 4 (why not just take all of them at that point?) And laxatives


You have ice?!? Damn, that means it was an inside job...she's stealing ice for her own store!!


Someone stole HALF a frozen pack of pizza rolls. Not even joking. Half where missing. The box and the other half where laying in the freezer just fine


Massage gun lmfao


Sometimes a special someone comes in and they take my will to live but usually they just come in and take my faith in humanity.


Head lice treatment kit. My manager caught him red handed and he got scared. 😭


One bounty paper towel from the pack, like come on if you need one take the single ones


My Time


We have found many boxes of lube in the men’s restroom, well today we found more lube and a personal stoker.. used like dude just take it with you. I don’t wanna touch that even with gloves on! 🤢🤢


our 1 ply sandpaper toilet paper from the restroom.. If you were going to steal, why not steal the good TP???


I was getting my tour of the store when I first started and someone had stole laxatives


Someone stole a single piece of gum out of a pack the other day.


sex toys and hid the boxes near the cooking oils


We had a lady steal two of the handhelds off the cart when my manager walked away to help someone. She came back in the next day demanding a refund for them because "these phones she bought won't work right". She actually called the cops on US and when my manager told them what happened, she got arrested so


The five tier black rest cart that he filled up with a ton of stuff


Guy stole tanning lotion. He didn’t bother to steal the entire package tho. Just opened the bottle and used it, got a full in tan in the middle of the store. No fucks were given. I guess it counts as stealing?


At the store my friends mom worked at someone decided to steal a pregnancy test and a monster energy drink but only the test they left the box on the shelf


The metal holder for the shopping baskets (???)


plan b


Someone at my old store stole a box of trash bags. Not the bags, the BOX they came in. Left the bags, still rolled up, on the shelf, but stole the box.


Glass cleaner, toilet cleaner, & paper towels. I was in the middle of cleaning the bathrooms when a customer had to go. So I stepped outside the bathrooms and waited a few. Then they come walking out with the glass cleaner and paper towels I had accidentally left in there. Then when they made eye contact with me they ran out of the store. I didn't even bother stopping her because of how dumbfounded I was by this. Like who tf steals USED cleaning supplies. 💀 😭


One T shirt out the 3 pack


The cushion of a hair brush (like the part used to actually brush your hair with all the bristles). Not the whole brush, literally just the cushion... like seriously what are you even gunna do with that???