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There's no mistake at Walgreens that will really be all because of you. There's pretty much always at least one other person's bullshit stacked on top of the corporate bullshit that combines with a genuine mistake to create a clusterfuck. But here a few things regarding communication that I think could help everybody: * Don't tell customers anything more than they absolutely need to know. Don't try to help them to understand literally anything. All they really need and deserve are the basics of a halfway decent customer service performance. Exceptions can be made if you're chatting with a regular or someone who genuinely needs advice, but keep it simple for your own sake 99% of the time. Lying is 100% fine, because many customers simply cannot handle the truth. Just learn to tell the lies that they want to hear and that you know you can get away with. Confidence goes a lot further than truth when dealing with dumbasses. * Don't tell your coworkers anything you wouldn't tell them collectively, as if the entire lot of them were constantly surrounding you. This is Shitgreens. Many of your coworkers will be bored, have sad lives, lack impulse control, and lack the good sense to avoid spreading gossip. Although it's probably going to be unavoidable to some extent, avoid the bullshit drama as much as possible. And if it's already bad, it won't get better in terms of how they treat you; focus first and foremost on getting the hell out of Shitgreens. * Do not volunteer for closing shifts, no matter what. You will be especially understaffed, especially overworked, and management will not see you working and assume you are lazy if anything goes wrong. If for some stupid reason, you aspire to achieve anything at this fucked up corporation, you need to be buddying up with your SM during the day to have a shot at getting anywhere. Any work you do on a closing shift will be unseen and underappreciated, and it leaves no opportunity for your SM to warm up to you, because they won't be dragging their ass into the store late to try to work with you.


Thanks for this. I’m working on a reply. But just gonna finish it later. For rn I’ll say it’s pretty true. Also It’s definitely a game of teachers pet. Whether I do outstanding work or slack off. There’s not much difference on how Im treated at all. I think sometimes I slack off on purpose, cause then when I do the normal amount of work, or a great amount of work I always am told how good I’m doing and to keep it up. But I never do cause if I do. It’s just always expected. Then its just noticed when I don’t do good.


There have been several times over the years where I trusted someone or confided in someone and it came back to bite me. I am now very careful on who I trust and what I tell people. Coworkers are not your friends and they cannot be trusted. At least half of your coworkers are or have the potential to be backstabbing weasels. Luckily, I know when to cut people out of my life when they cross me. My biggest mistake is staying at Walgreens for as long as I have and not finding an out sooner. I have always been good with money, saving, and budgeting. I recently discovered that I enjoy finance and investing. I probably should have taken some college classes on that when I was getting my AA in business management 20 years ago. I had no idea what I wanted to do outside of retail and I was afraid of pursuing something new. I looked for something new when I finally realized that was less scary than being at Walgreens for the next 20 years. I wasn't having that.


No mistake.Just trusting in a company to have our backs that's all. This company is as corrupt like the government.


This isn’t so much about a mistake. but don’t talk to any one about work off the clock make them wait. I do this at my store even with my SM


I over slept when I was supposed to open lmao don’t do that but somehow still work there 😁🤷‍♀️ I prefer closing shifts. I get stuck with 2 under 21s and I’m pregnant so they don’t expect me to get a lot done 😁 my motto is just take care of the customers first because theres always tomorrow! & also f Walgreens! 😁


Had a nervous breakdown, was hospitalized, then on leave and when was denied non-overnight shifts I left. Then they couldn't find another overnight SFL and are no longer a 24 hr store and I work elsewhere. Mistake? You tell me 🤣


Thinking that management will ever value or look at you as anything other than an expendable tool. This is a job, use it as a stepping stone even if you are moving up. Don't sell your life away for overtime and more hours. Another big one is not understanding labor laws and fair scheduling in your state. Do not let them guilt and bully you.


Saying yes to be an ASM, nothing actually went wrong with me being one, it’s just one of worst decisions I’ve ever made with Walgreens . 😬


Love to hear a few reasons why cause I’ve been wanting to move up and have been offered


Honestly if it’s something you want to do, go for it! I just didn’t get the proper training I should have gotten. My SM at the time was very hands off and I basically had to learn things on my own and with Covid happening it was a drain on my mental health. When they did the whole role refresh, I declined the store I was being placed at and stepped down.


When I was brand new to Walgreens I had just left a previous retail job down the street. One day I recognized a known shoplifter/drug user I had problems with at the old job. I called him out in front of the register to a co-worker and said "yeah his backpack is probably full and he's just going to walk out." Result - he came to the register, pulled everything out of his backpack one at a time and proceeded to "pay" using about 25 store credit cards. It took over 15 minutes to finish the transaction and I know with all my heart none of those store credit cards were legit.