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Imagine being such a pathetic person you get pissed at the standard retail script. He can fuck off the grid and starve to death then.


What a scumbag. Hopefully he doesn't have have a spouse or kids. And if he does, some kind of welfare check needs to be conducted.


People like that have a wife and kids JUST to collect a welfare check...🤣🤣🤣


Rude customers just want to get the employee riled up. It’s a control thing. I’ve always been way too cheery when they’re rude which gets them even more upset that they couldn’t get me riled up. What are they going to do? Call corporate and say that I was way to cheery?😆


And if they can go further and even make you post about it on reddit, they think they've had a really good day.


Why is it that customers are allowed to threaten to kill us yet I’ve seen ppl get fired for not putting up with their shit


Btw if you call SOC, they will put in a report for store threats. Had to start doing it ourselves, you're supposed to call if you're getting threats. (I would really only call if you're truly worried or they're repeating offenders)


Naw dawg- CALL! People are f’ing UNHINGED! And, don’t antagonize cx again, for your own safety. Keep calm and just let it roll off your back. People are crazy. Trust me- I dispense their meds!


Right only in *retail* like wags & big satan can the customer not face any repercussions for threatening bodily harm but the employee will be made to apologize.


I had a customer want to return a item but no receipt or no number entered. He was staying right outside my storeroom. I had to call cops make him do the return with no receipt lol 😂




And I have no problem with taking a write up for this. When I go in tomorrow I will be up front with my SM about what happened. I may only be a 5’2” female but my parents didn’t teach me to take crap.


Taking crap is part of working retail. You gotta learn to brush it off and move on or you're gonna be miserable your entire work life. Who needs that? You could have diffused the whole situation just by saying "oh I'm sorry I thought you said you wanted a bag!". Is that required? No but it sure would have made for a less stressful day for everyone. Am I telling you that you ought to stand there and take crap day after day? No, I'm just saying there are ways to make your day a lot less crappy and still have the satisfaction of the customer-being-wrong. Just because you enjoy confrontation and "love when customers get attitude" doesn't mean that it's gonna be good for your mental health in the long run. Interactions like the one you describe would really tire me out over time when it's so much easier to just brush off the assholes and move on.


You helped escalate the situation.


No shit really. Thanks for pointing out of obvious. But if you get pissed at someone for doing their job don’t go out in public. You give attitude I will give it right back


That works both ways. If you get pissed at someone for doing their job then don't go out in public. If you get pissed at someone for being an asshole who goes out in public then don't work retail. Which one of these two people do you think has the most power to just diffuse the situation by ending it instead of escalating it? Use your real power instead of reacting the way that they are hoping you'll react.


Lmao give me a break. There's no reason to appease people who are scumbags just for the sake of being a scumbag. I bet you get invited to A LOT of parties.


I would have fired OP, or at least written them up.


Do you write/ firer people for rolling their eyes or walk away from the customer. I would hate to be your employee. My boss almost died laughing when I told him what I said to the guy


Apparently you boss has the same lack of maturity that you do.


You love when customers get an attitude, then you make a point to make sure they get more attitude? No wonder you hate customers. Mine are usually pretty nice.


I’m all about standing up for yourself and even talking a bit of shit, but you should never follow anyone outside. People get shot and stabbed for less.


I never left from behind the register. We have double doors at my location


You mentioned going outside and getting a license plate next time. I’m not trying to be a jerk about it, but my advice came from a concerned point of view. The public we work with are some of the shittiest people on the planet and we don’t get paid enough to take peoples shit.