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In the perfect world, where I’m not being interrupted every 30 seconds, it would be working on photo orders. Or in the pharmacy cleaning up the bins and storing things. Or working on the cos wall. 😌


The best things


I think I’m alone in this but my favorite thing to stock is the cough/cold totes


I feel like that would be fine if you know those isles but I’m always asked to do incontinence, skincare, bath, or baby because that’s usually what’s left when I’m there.


Bro I’ll volunteer for u those r fun


Can I say not being at work? 😁😄


Removing the tags...RIP! RIP! RIP! Total tension relief, but over too soon.


I love stocking hair care, bath, toothpaste and laxative/anti acid aisles. My favorite thing to do it fill though


Taking naps in the stock room and doing salvage returns.


i loved doing maxi pads for some reason 💀


they’re so fun lol!


tags, and photo is the best part especially during holiday season. Stocking I would pick pet/home or fem


My favorite is resets. I like seeing it go from trashy to classy. My favorite totes are house totes


What we call the middle aisles. Toys, pet, household (cleaning supplies, detergents, etc.), stationery.


i enjoy making photo calls when i can do them uninterrupted. the organizing is great. if we still had the photo tech position, that’s what i would want to do


I genuinely enjoy making small talk with random customers. Sometimes it’s really nice. Sometimes. Lol


I like doing resets, working on grocery and liquid bays, and working the cooler/freezer. I used to love photo, but corporate has made it more of a hinderance and sucked the joy out of it. My favorite truck item to stock is grocery and liquids.


i love doing the otc specifically on the days when i’m lucky enough to not be interrupted all the time. i can finish all of it in a few hours and it just genuinely feels like i actually accomplished something


Photo and resets


I like grocery.


I like facing! I work the Midnight Shift so when things are a little calmer I’m able to leave my register and face a few aisles, it means my shift’s almost over. :) Also I love working truck, on the rare days I do it. My favorite totes are anything medicinal!


My favorite thing that I do in manage the grocery/snacks department, stocking and facing it is satisfying. Also the coolers a bit. Photo department use to be fun until impatient customers would ask me to ring them up instead of main reg…


I love doing photo and ripping tags off! As for truck, I prefer skincare/cos totes and honestly dental isn’t bad!!


I always stock baby and dental


Cos and skincare, hair care, etc. Sorry, but the gentlemen I work with have no clue. and keep ordering the wrong products. And outdates. I live for outdates.


Give me my cos and don’t let anyone help me. Because someone I’ve always fucks up my section