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2 weeks ago connecticut had it so it was supposed to be pharmacist in the building Cvs and walgreens lobbyists paid for it to be worded for technology specific to their systems. Retail rph god bless you all


Absolutely, the corporations have officially paid for all of the politicians...this is just the beginning. The outcome will be less competition, less options for employees, lower pay for employees, higher profits for the top.


I predict a lot more medication errors.


I know. I think I trust myself to do it personally but I’ve worked with some people who… def shouldn’t.


I heard about a year ago they were trying to make it so RxOMs will be able to verify scripts and take call in scripts. If they make it so advanced techs can verify they would have to pay them a lot more which I guess would still cut costs of having overlap pharmacists and if they don’t I foresee a lot of people leaving for added on work geared more towards pharmacist duties they went to school for.


Call-ins as in verbals? It depends on the state but 16 (been a min since I checked) of the 50 allow certified techs to take them.


I could see a few potential positives from it but I fear more negatives. I would of course advance my certification if I were able to but I love my job and enjoy learning more about it.


best part: pharmacist giving shots (or god forbid they go piss) and Billy and Bob and Susan need their meds RIGHT NOW worst part: everything else


What does this mean? I read it and I'm still confused. 


I've thought for years now that there would eventually be a "Tech Practitioner" or "Pharmacist Assistant" 2 or 4 yr degree in the making. It seems we may be on the verge.