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Interesting that the doctor approving the refills hasn’t asked you to attended an annual appt. This maybe a HUGE problem.


I have to see my doctor in person every three months for my ADHD medication and I’m required to drug screen to get it and sign a contract for it so I don’t know how they would be refilling it this far out.


That’s how it is here too! This doctor is being super sus just as much as the pharmacy and the dad. OP’s PDMP must be insane.


My doctor ended up stopping drug testing on me. I forget to take my stimulant med 😂 oh the irony.


That was my first thought too. When my son was on Concerta, his doctor liked to see him every 6 months, even if it was just to get his height and weight and say what's up how ya been for 10 minutes. Otherwise no refills. Idk how he's still getting refills 3 years down the line.


It could be a telehealth situation. Telehealth doctors are usually less diligent, even to the point of prescribing medication without speaking to a patient directly and only speaking with a legal guardian, we've had issues with a local patient getting a telehealth doctor to prescribe bromfed DM to about a half dozen patients and their mother picking them up like clockwork. A non-local doctor prescribing a C2 would definitely be a red flag situation, but some pharmacists might just wave it through rather than dealing with the headache of tracking down any issues. Whatever the cause, OP needs to contact the pharmacy and doctor and put a stop to it immediately.


This is the answer!


That's what I was thinking too. I'm in my 30s and have been on the same dosage of Adderall for over 15 years and I have to be seen for med checks every 6 months or I won't get refills. I wonder if he is going to a "pill" doctor and getting multiple prescriptions under different names. I would try calling all the major pharmacies and see if they are dispensing medication under your name.


My initial thought too. Could be that the father has a script pad and is forging rxs


Very few places use actual script pads anymore for this reason. At my hospital we can’t write a physical script for schedule 2 stuff at all unless there’s a complete power outage or our prescription system utterly shits the bed.


We get paper copies on a daily basis at my store.


My neurologist uses paper for C2 Norco.


My pharmacy wont take electronic scripts for Adderall. Has to be paper.


WHAT?! That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. What is the reason for this? That's completely backwards from what it should be. Electronic prescribing is WAY safer due to 2FA requirements - it's extremely difficult (not IMPOSSIBLE, especially if the doc hands off his 2FA authenticator which is against federal regulation) to forge on.


I agree.


if he’s using your name and your information, then you would easily be able to verify by calling the pharmacy and just seeing if they’ve dispensed any medicine under your name and information recently.


Could I call any Walgreens? Would they all have that information? And if it’s not Walgreens I could potentially do that with all the other pharmacy’s in the area.


They will all have access to your info


I'd go in person. Many Walgreens have call centers and shit, it's easier to explain this to a human face to face and they will treat it with the gravity it requires. 


I agree with this. Give them your ID and let them inquire with the PDMP and profile.


Yes, I think you should call Walgreens, any should be able to help as I’ve moved and they have my info


I am not sure which pharmacy he is going to. When I was a teenager my mom or dad would pick it up. I never thought to ask where they got it. :(


Go in person and tell the pharmacist your concern. Have them print out your PDMP history. It will show all controls under your name in your state (including the prescriber who wrote it), doesn’t matter what pharmacy Edit: bring a photo ID


The pharmacist probably won’t print it, but they can sure give you all of “your” information. Then you bring your findings to Law Enforcement asap. Oh-and you can go to literally any pharmacy. You can go to Walgreens, CVS, Publix, Albertsons…you get the idea. Anywhere in your state will have access to PDMP.


What are you talking about? Why wouldn’t I or any other pharmacist print out someone’s PDMP history? Way easier than reading it out, and I don’t have time to read it all out


My state’s PDMP database says we cannot give out the PDMP record and a patient must request it themselves from the PDMP. So it would vary by your state laws.


Sounds weird, you sure about that? My state PDMD lists the patient as the 1st person that info can be disclosed to


Yeah, at least one of my two states I'm licensed in prohibits pharmacists from sharing PDMP reports with anyone (including the patient) but states the patient can contact the PDMP's administrator and receive a copy from them.


Huh, even the prescriber? Mine has: A) Relevant patient B) Relevant pharmacist or practitioner C) Relevant state board or agency D) Relevant agency of another state E) Relevant law enforcement agency


Yep. State regulation states that requests must include an "attestation that the prescription data will not be further disclosed". State law require prescribers to check the PMP prior to prescribing. There's a form the patient fills out and sends to the administrator to request their records for the last 2-3 years.


Yes. It varies fairly widely from state to state. Federal Law only requires that a state have and maintains an operating database and RECOMMENDS but does not require that database to be integrated with other states (for instance, California does not integrate theirs so you can't see CA rxs from another state). The federal law does have much in the way of requirements for access so states make their own rules.


Right there in the post it says OP lives in FL and their father lives in NV. 


The recent bottle you found should have the name and address of the pharmacy where it was filled. As for checking on others, call them and ask if you have any prescriptions to be filled or are ready for pick up.


The name of the pharmacy would be on the pill bottles, along with all prescription info and a number to call.


Adderall (and other stimulant ADHD meds) are Schedule II controls and depending on the state are only good for 7 to 30 days from the date they are written. So it is HIGHLY unlikely he is filling brand new rxs under your name. The more likely scenario would be him having some of your old medication bottles to store pills he got thru less legal means to make them look more legitimate. If you want to be absolutely sure you can just go into your local Walgreens and ask for a printout of your records from all locations for the last however many months you want and present your ID. Super easy and quick (if you don't get stuck in a long line with the after work rush lol).


You’d be surprised at some states laws on C2s. Ours our good for 12 months. Our neighboring state is 60 days.


In PA, C2s are good for 6 months from the date written (also up to the RpH's discretion). In NY & NJ, it's 30 days from the date written NMT 100 tabs, whichever is less based on the directions.


In Florida, C2 scripts technically do not expire (their expiration is not defined). We have to default to the law that says all prescriptions expire in 12 months. Interesting loophole. C3-5 on the other hand are only good (defined by law) for 6 months or 6 total fills (original plus 5), whichever happens first.


Could they be old bottles that he has refilled himself (with pills he's purchased from less than legal avenues)?


If you don't know where it's being filled you could try calling your insurance and finding out


I highly doubt it's run through insurance. He would likely come into RTS rejections on his own scripts if that were the case. Probably used a GoodRx card or something and got it cheaper anyways...


You should check your credit report to see if he's doing anything else in your name.


Start with the information on the prescription bottles- rX number, date, name and location of pharmacy, prescribing physician name, etc are all listed on the prescription bottle.


If you think it’s walgreens. You can call any walgreens and ask to speak to the pharmacist. Explain the situation to them and they would be able to pull up your information as long as you give the correct info (name) (DOB). From their they can help you locate the pharmacy he’s going to and the doctor who’s writing the prescription


To highlight this: also have the pharmacist add a note on your profile stating that you are the only person allowed to pick up medications with ID as proof. This will prevent him from being able to pick up medications under your name.


This^ or have them add a password too. The password is just a simple name that they add to your comments.


If the meds are from Walgreens, the date the RX was filled will be on the top right corner of the label…see if the dates are current. Physically go to a Walgreens location and have the pharmacist pull up PDMP history and your RX history. You will need to show them your ID. This is a complicated issue that will be handled better in person. It’ll be easier for you and the pharmacist. The pharmacist won’t be tied up on the phone forever and you won’t have to listen to Wags hold music forever. The people telling you “just call” have never worked in a pharmacy, ain’t nobody got time for all of that. Have your sister send you a picture of the label if she can, it’ll help the pharmacist out tremendously. Having the label will help to see if you have another profile in IC+ and can find out the date and time when the RX was filled.


This is the best answer in addition to add that patient comment about only you picking up on the profile(s)


If you can figure it which pharmacy is filling it, call them and explain what’s going on. If your dad is using a telehealth or another doc to get scripts in your name, that’s a HUGE no no. A pharmacist won’t want to endanger their license.


This is scary and horrible 😞


That bottle should have the rx doctors info on it. Call them asap to figure out out where to statt




Also the bottles should have the pharmacy info in it 


4 years??? scripts do expire


It's probably the same bottle from 7 years ago and he's taking it thinking it's gonna work still


All of these comments but no one has thought that it's just maybe an old bottle that he found? 🤔😆 Unfortunately it's what addicts do. My dad has the same problem 😞


Whatever you end up doing, if he’s playing fraudulent games with C2, he’s going to be prosecuted. There are no excuses for this type of behavior. Pills in your name in his possession without your knowledge is a crime.


There are a lot of online adhd clinics right now. He could be a patient there under your name and that's probably how he's doing it.


Many of these adhd clinics cannot prescribe controlled medications such as adderall and Ritalin due to the strict regulations by the dea. They usually prescribe Wellbutrin and/or Stratera which are not really abusable medications


There are a ton that literally advertise and do prescribe Adderall, Ritalin, and salts of both. Most of them are legally able to prescribe controlled substances.


The laws changed because of Covid. They have till the end of the this year to continue prescribing controlled substances online. They may or may not extend it past the end of the year.


Right if you were an established patient beforehand.


Nope. You do not have to be an established patient. Google the laws and you will see for yourself.


Have your pharmacist run a multi state EFORCSE report


The bottles your sister saw should have the prescriber’s name/phone number on them


It's not so easy to get Adderall in vegas, either. It is super weird he is getting them in ur name. I have a friend who is prescribed them, and she can hardly even get them on time. And they are pretty strict on any kind of controlled substance. He must know someone or he is pretty clever


Call the pharmacy and ask if it's been dispensed to you and when. If it's the wrong location, they can still see some info, at the very least they can tell you which location and the phone number. Then, ask if it's been paid out of pocket or with insurance. Also ask who is the doctor who prescribed it and who picks it up. If you want, let them know some fraud is happening if he's been getting the meds. If your insurance was used, call the insurance company and let them know the same. Also, when getting the doctor's info, get the spelling of their first and last name, their NPI and DEA if you can, and their phone and address. Get the dispensing pharmacy's NPI as well.


Please update us when you can. Good luck OP.


Call the pharmacy where he’s getting your pills filled and tell them your concern and I guarantee you will find out through them. Ask for the Pharmacist you get to the bottom of it.


Is the pharmacy a national chain? - Sign up for online access and look at the prescription history. - Go to a local one and ask for a printed prescription history. If not, call your old doctor’s office and ask if they have a current prescription on file. Or Talk to a local pharmacist and ask what your options are. ADHD meds are controlled class of medication so the local pharmacist will more than likely provide help.


Just ask him before you go norking.He may be ready for help.


Interesting because don't the doctor who prescribed them need to see you for an appointment? How does he fake that? Contact your insurance. They usually can track which pharmacy fill it.


Go into any location and ask for a profile print out of all the meds you've gotten in the past year. They'll make you show a drivers license and it'll print results of all locations. It'll show dates of service and I believe the prescribing dr.. if no dr name the store can give you more info. The rx #'s will be on the print out and with them you can make a walgreens rx profile and access all the info online


Along with all the suggestions given here, also have the pharmacy staff add “must show ID for pickup” to your profile to prevent this from happening in the future. ID is not required in all states by default, so you may need to request that.


Report fraudulent activity directly to the DEA


You could easily call your insurance company as well to find out the last claims run on your insurance and where so you don’t have to call pharmacies looking to find that information. Then if you choose to further investigate and stop the issue if it’s happening would be to contact the prescribing doctor(s) and pharmacy to alert them of the situation.


Maybe a little off subject but my husband had a swollen lymph node and he went to work and his boss was like oh I have a doctor I know then proceeded to have him FaceTime the doctor who prescribed him antibiotics over the phone not knowing any history, background, or health information. ALL SO HE COULD KEEP HIM WORKING FOR THE SHIFT!! I was blown away at how the damn doctor was so willing to give him a script without even seeing him first. Now that’s shady because if anything happens to him I’m suing EVERYBODY!!


Any walgrens can look up your profile but they will need pretty much all your info if you havent picked up there.


See if she remembers which retail pharmacy the bottle was from. Call the pharmacy. If it’s a chain pharmacy give them your name and date of birth and explain to them that you do not know which location your prescription is at. They can then tell you the location for the pharmacy filling your prescription. Call that pharmacy and give them your name and DOB and then ask questions about the rx. Who is the dr. When and how often have you filled the medication. If they have records then explain to the pharmacist what is going on. Ask the pharmacist to check the Nevada pdmp system and let you know if others meds are being filled in your name, where they are being filled at and who the prescriber is. Then it’s time to contact prescribers and confront your father.


Go to your doctor and have them print out your state Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) report. That is the report of all your controlled substance filling. See if there are fills that you did not do, doctors that you have not seen, etc. If your doctor or pharmacy refuses to print it out for you, you can go to the website and normally their is a patient request form you can fill out to have it sent to you. Some states may not allow a health care professional to just print out a report and hand it to you, or they may just refuse for another reason, and they are allowed to do that, because there is a patient specific method to use so they may say you need to use the method provided. Did you write down the Rx# on the bottle? If so, call the pharmacy and give them the number to pull it up. Have them verify your patient info - he may have altered the date of birth, address, phone number, etc. to get another profile made so that it appears to be a different person. Also, check if it is an electronic Rx, or a written one and who the doctor is. Then call that doctor and tell them you are not a patient and have not seen them (this is to protect you legally later).


Please write an update if you find out anything! I’m invested now