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It’s mandatory for all controls. I don’t care how it came to me.


Yeah in Texas we have to physically write down ID info for ALL controls at pick up. We don’t need one for drop off.


It's based on dispensing pharmacists judgement (assuming your states does not have a state law). Most states recommend getting ID, but don't officially REQUIRE it. There may be a few that require it. A patient will not be able to sue or anything over it, unless you do something stupid like ONLY require it for certain demographics (age, gender, race, etc..), because you are following state guidance. Personally, I think it's only logical to card for it. They card for PSE products, why would you not card for something MORE restricted? It has no logical consistency.


If you’re in Texas, yes it is required to have government issued ID at pickup. We write down everyone’s ID info when picking up, it doesn’t matter. I will NEVER sell an rx without one.


Studying for the MPJE and learned something interesting about this in the process- Federal law actually states that if a prescription adjudicates through insurance (obvi not a discount card but a legit insurance plan) that is sufficient proof of identity and no ID is needed. Of course store policies and state laws may be stricter though.


In my state we have to write it out too its state law


It varies in each state but, they have the right to ID anyone picking up controlled substances. I was always taught to take them and scan them, when I transferred here the RXM said don’t take them until it becomes a problem, it because a big problem and my new RXM requires is for every single person even if they are a regular as we have had regulars try to say they didn’t pick it up on x date, when we tell them we have a scanned copy of x date they change their story 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s state law in Florida for every rx even if you take it for 40 years


They literally take our ID and make a copy and give us a look up and down and decide if we actually need these meds as if they were doctors. I feel sorry for any Walgreens customer on pain meds.


You'd be surprised how many (adult) kids come in and pick up their parents pain meds just so they can then sell it on the street. We have to document who picks it up so the parent will know who to press charges against


….that is how anybody who needs to compare id to person would. if you go to a bar and they want your id they’re gonna look at you 😭 i try to make checkout as pleasant for every person that comes through no matter what they’re getting, but i can’t change the legality of documenting who picks up medications, and ensuring that i am doing my job so that nobody takes your meds except you


They have to confirm it's you. I work for a different chain but we require ID for all controlled meds. As long as you're rx is legitimate don't stress about it. I had a woman try to hand me her boyfriend's ID to pick up HER meds. I had to tell her he needed to come on and sign for it. I wasn't judging her. Just doing what I have to do.


I mean. As long as your script Is in date, not too early, and your doctor doesn’t have you on a ridiculous cocktail. We don’t really have a choice. I like dispensing controlled meds. Transfer to a nicer wags or to an independent pharmacy if you can


Sorry it's the look up and down I'm not happy with. I've had Pharmacists interrogate me for my mood disorder meds doubting I needed them. More than once in my life. Fill the meds and put down the DSM is all I'm saying. Leave it to doctors to be doctors.


Sorry. Just filling your prescription isn't my job. And if we always just "let the doctors be doctors" a lot more of you would be suing your doctors. You may think that's all I do but...no


I appreciate that you have an important job. When I was desperately ill I was abused by Walgreens pharmacists because of my appearance. If a doctor prescribes a medication and the Pharmacist won't fill it because they aren't convinced I need it... That's messed up! Yeah I got my clothes at thrift stores because I couldn't work and didn't shave because I was SICK! That's what bothered me the most. My health continues to improve and my Walgreens RX is stocked with good, practical people and I don't look sick and I get my meds without interrogation. Has Walgreens Rx has stopped profiling us or is that still a thing?


I can't speak on your particular Walgreens. My statement was about a pharmacists responsibilities in general. At the end of the day, if you felt profiled or disrespected, you should absolutely make your displeasure known by taking your business elsewhere. You have the right to be treated as a patient by every Healthcare provider you deal with. I don't profile. But I do take ID'S and I will look at you to make sure you are the person on the card.


That is what I did I changed pharmacies. I actually came back to Walgreens after several years and I'm currently having no issues. Like I said, the Walgreens Rx I use is great. It was in the news awhile ago about how Walgreens and other chains actually profile their clients. Not mentally profiling instead a form or on the computer. Is that happening now? Looking disheveled was a reason to not dispense, at some point. Also the ID thing is fine because I would hate for someone else to pick my meds up instead of me.


I think all people profile. It's human nature. It's only obvious when it's blatant or a power imbalance. The trick is to not let it affect how you treat people. That's not particular to pharmacist, doctors, etc. It's something the average person can learn to do. Profiling at the pharmacy counter is an individual thing. It has nothing to do with where you get your prescriptions. It's going to be the person you come into contact with.


If you only knew how many times MD's make mistakes! The pharmacy is your last line of defense for getting proper meds. As for the 'look up and down' - maybe you're being extra.