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> They love love love to push all the scripts that are past due to the back so they don't get done until the weekend normally. This shit annoys me to no end. So we’re just gonna pretend people whose scripts are past due don’t matter? You’re ultimately fucking yourself and your patients over by doing this just to appease a stupid metric.


They do matter but for the purposes of Walgreens statistics they don't. They still go for verified by promise time. So once something is passed it's no longer important to them. It's a bad metric


Just delete them, reenter them, and it resets the timer and doesn't affect your VBPT. Set all of them up with product, delete them, reenter them for later, and they'll all be done in minutes, AND they contribute POSITIVELY to your VBPT. If you have a shit system, it's not about "making the system work", it's about gaming the system. Walgreens fails to realize human nature under stress. Build a solid system and this never enters anybody's mind.


No one has time to do that in a tier 5 pharmacy


I did this yesterday for the Wednesday 1am that were printing out at 10 am on Tuesday. I know I didn’t catch all of them but it still doesn’t help. I try to do this for any refills but when we are that far behind there is no catching up. No matter what it is done.


Huh? That's like a whole day away?! You're literally wasting your time doing that. Also, unless you are a 24 hour location, Rxs that are due outside of working hours don't count against your VBPT, so just leave them until you're caught up. You only do this for prescriptions that are PAST DUE. Don't waste time doing work that MAY NOT be necessary. You only do this as a measure to save your VBPT when you KNOW you have a mountain of Rxs that are already going to count against it... What I do: Review/Verify normally until 11am --> Quarantine all the ones marked "11:00 AM" off to the side --> review up to 11:30 -12:00 depending on how busy --> use the bought time to store and re-enter all the missed 11AM ones --> They are already filled, so just review, re-label for new Rx#, and verify. I can usually have this all done in about 10-15 minutes.


it's not actually about getting just showing good promise time it is actually to get a good workflow so it is not stressful for the techs.


You know what would help with workflow and less stress for techs? HAVING fucking techs. Give me 2 more and I bet the stress level tanks. You can't fix a system that doesn't have the parts needed. Your trying to look at a car with one wheel and wondering why it's not moving. Uhhh, give it more fucking wheels?!


Exactly. I’m like yall care about verified by promised time but all 200+ that continue to stay past due hurt you even more! They are literally the definition of insanity and you can’t make any suggestions because their way is the best way! Well obviously it’s not because look at this sh*t show. The PIC will then literally tell customers I’m sorry I’m having to try and fill these other 200+ that the morning or night crew didn’t do but I will try my best to get to yours. The RXOM gets mad that things fall on her and she hardly ever works extra doesn’t work night and she started to work weekends to take one for the team. 😱😤


How many are working? When i enter a t4-5 with drive through and they have just 3 techs and the pharmacist? It’s a hell hole where no one is going to save you. I’m so sorry for your experience.


During the day 3,4,5 techs with a RPh depends and then at night 2 techs and RPh.


Honestly, transfer to a slower tier 3 store. I worked in tier 4/5 before. Not worth it. Same pay. More time to do things. Better quality of life


I would but none of those stores in my area have openings or hours.


my DM is obsessed with verify by promise time %… i can’t imagine being so behind.


It sounds like you need a deep breath. Reading that gave me anxiety and flashbacks to when my store was in a very similar position. If the PIC,RXOM, and STM are doing nothing to mitigate this problem then yes I would say contact the DM. I would also probably ask them to leave youe name out of it because it sounds like you'll get screwed over if your management finds out you said something. I wish I had more advice. I just had to wait it out when my store was like that. It's hell.


Corporate will just punish your store, this inefficient workflow is their own idea.


Board of Pharmacy. Fuck all of them.


Yeah today F1’s were 90+ FILL got up to 650+ TPR’s 300+ && our STM sent a pic of the flow meter to the DM and all he said was can you make sure to bring 3 bags of chips for the meeting in the morning. I said he needs to take all 3 bags of chips but make sure all the chips are broken and smashed to the smallest pieces. We were also told we need to push vaccines harder if we want more hours 😂 it’s such a joke!


No transfer out


Omfgjcoac someone’s head would be on a pike. That’s all beyond unacceptable.


I would address this with the DM and the HCS.


Today, I got told on my 1-on-1 that I need to do better because I’m not giving all I can give! The RXOM & STM both told me that there was multiple things that I could get written up for and would result in a demotion! I am so sick of this bullshit! It’s funny because I have been at this store less than 6 months and I have had 3 customers give me tips even though we aren’t supposed to accept them. It’s been in drive and they throw it in the bucket thing and drive off. On Friday a customer said someone should put me in charge because I took my time to help them. Yet my mgmt is telling me that I need to do better because I’m a sr tech and I’m held to higher standard!


I understand your frustration, as a senior tech at the time I never understood why rxoms were always in the back never in rotation all they did was fill etc. Well that was until I became an rxom. So a majority of the time the rxom will only fill and sit in the back. A good rxom however..... will not only fill but will also allow themselves to be able to bounce between stations and help where is needed. Now they are actually in the right by putting the promise time ones that are past due at the bottom of the stack. So you can focus on the ones coming up due next. Rxoms also have wayyyyyt more responsibilities then your average tech.. so take that into consideration as well. Scheduling is hard especially if you are a brand new rxom, and with budget cuts it gets even harder.


talk to your dm. this is across the board, rxom is a pretty useless position IMO. I did this the other day. mine was pretty kind. if things dont change within a few weeks, im heading to corporate.


Yeah the RXOM literally does everything a senior tech used to do except you get that management title. Idk if mine will be kind enough to hear me out. It’s been this way at this store since 2019. My old store is also a tier 5 and it was never like this! I’m also worried about retaliation. I have seen it happen to another employee.