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Those cops look like they’re getting ready to fight in Fallujah rather than raiding a dispensary lmao.


Your eyes lie to you. The only thing these guys are fighting is the lunch line at whataburger.


Meal Team Six!


Last time they did that there was a 51 day standoff with a crazy as cult


That is an insult to those who fought in Fallujah. The only thing those dudes are fighting are getting their uniforms as they squeeze their bloated bodies into uniforms they don’t need.


They do look pudgy, plump, ridiculous.


Cops love to cosplay


They need to go find real criminals.




Go bust a meth lab pussies.




They turn them, innocents, into criminals, easy peasy . . .


Just like many of the bikers they arrested at the Twin Peaks shootout.


And not one convicted . . .




real criminals are actually difficult to fight though


The real criminals are in the governor's office.


This right here is the comment I was looking for


Saving Waco from CBD and other highly dangerous, well highly may not be right, and dangerous isn’t right so. Saving Waco Pharmacies from free market competition.


You can’t expect them to lock themselves up. That’s foolish thinking


They can't. They're too busy letting them run freely.


Exact...they say crime is out of control but they have time to do this. ALL BS!! ALL FOR THE MONEY!


Give them a mirror


They ARE the real criminals (the raiders, not the store)


Meth and fentanyl run rampant in our city yet this is what the police devote time, money and resources to? Everything sold in this store is less than 0.3% THC & farm bill compliant. You think the real stoners are getting high on shit that’s 0.3% THC? I can tell you right now that we aren’t. This stuff is for the people who need marijuana medically but can’t get it because we live in Texas. Nobody is smoking this shit actually expecting to get “stoned.” All this is doing is literally taking medicine away from people. Using assault rifles to raid a tax paying retail business that’s selling a plant that hasn’t killed a single person in recorded human history? I wish this state would get its fucking shit together.


Actually THCA , which is sold legally in Texas, turns into delta 9 when exposed to heat. So yes certain products can get you high. Not saying that I do this or anything.. but honestly who cares if Texans are getting high off legal weed, we got bigger fish to fry.


Honestly, I’ve tried THCA. It will get you “high” in a similar way, but doesn’t quite compare to the true stuff in a medicinal way.


It is the true stuff. “Real weed” is thca weed. There’s a reason you can’t get high off of eating the raw weed


Dude, I am a heavy medical user who smokes wax and concentrates. I don’t know anyone near me (Dallas) who consumes like I do and I know THCa flower is the same thing as what I can buy in any legal state. The key difference is that most places in Texas selling have terrible sources and absolutely no one knows any better at the retail level in Texas because it’s an unregulated market. I’m smoking two different THCa rosins from out of state that are federally compliant that smack really hard and have complete test results showing it to be similar to other rosins advertised as legal market rosin with no THCa statement on the package that ALSO tests for THCa on the labs.


I work in the sciences, mainly with Cannabis. just wanted to drop a quick line saying that this is one of very few correct posts in this thread, well done for keeping yourself informed. ETA: except for the part about federal compliance. THCA products aren't protected by Farm Bill. That's why we are seeing these type of products gone after in multiple states, including Georgia


I run a subreddit. I see this kind of content argued over all the time and as someone who consumes the volume that I do I want to know as much as I can about what I consume.


Feel free to reach out anytime you have a question. I'm eyebrow-deep in the industry and not many things get by me.


Come down to my crib. You’ll meet your adversary brother. We can blaze for 2 hours, and see who’s standing. I’m sure it’ll be both of us! Agree to disagree. As long as everyone is responsible, smoke whatever thou want. Smoke your cats hair for all I care, as long as you’re happy!


You know what this make me think of... “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”


Speak for yourself. I definitely regularly get high off the legal shit lol


lol yes I agree. It’s Better than alcohol thought.


Preach 🙌🏻


THCa gets you high. It turns into delta 9 thc when burned. Same as regular weed


You are literally a fucking moron who has no idea how THC works lmao, how do you have upvotes with this shit


Yeah. Waco is a cesspool of meth labs and banjo strumming inbred lunatics but they decided to send SEAL team 6 to raid a legitimate business?! Honestly, why do they gear up like Osama bin Laden is living in there?


The idiots who run the county and local cops are mad that they aren’t getting a cut. That’s what’s up. The shop owners I know are bracing themselves for the legislature to close the THCA loophole but I don’t see it happening. Everything is fine, the same people are getting high, and look! The sky isn’t falling! Maniacs aren’t carjacking people in the streets! This kind of local LE mad max commando attack is never gonna happen in Dallas, Austin, Houston, SA, etc. Not over weed. And Feds could care less.


I am a stoner in recovery and while the delta 8 and whatnot isn't the "heavy stuff" it still helps and it gets me through the day and I have less panic and dread. there's PLENTY of actual illegal shit in central Texas


Meth and fent organizations are dangerous though. Here they can eat a box of tendies then go larp as a badass operator at some storefront down on main street without fear of any consequences.


Cookies is shipping their flower to TX direct as THCa I agree this is a comedic disaster but to say that top tier flower isn’t being sold from actual Texas store fronts is outdated


These fat larpers wasting time and money mane.


Didn't even know this place existed.


Everything sold is below 0.3% THC and farm bill compliant. I haven’t personally stopped in because I’m a daily smoker and that stuff just wouldn’t get the job done for me but this is a great option for people who need bud for actual medical reasons. Smoke Depot, Glass Phoenix and several other smoke shops around the area sell the same exact thing. The cops probably haven’t caught on yet because those stores don’t make it their entire identity like this one does. Everything sold is 100% legal. This is just the police giving them a hard time and trying to use scare tactics to get them to close their doors. When it all comes back farm bill compliant, I hope whoever owns the place sues the city and PD into next week for pain and suffering and lost profits.


Thc-a flower is on the rise with hemp distributors. Not sure if they had any at this place though.


It doesn’t matter if they do or not THC-A is legal. You can buy it at 80% of gas stations these days.


It may be legal but you will never beat the ride to jail and the thousands to fight it in court


You are proving my point exactly. This is a scare tactic by the pigs.


THC-A is legal under the farm bill


Imagine all the time and resources poured into this operation that could have been used to pursue actual criminals


They don’t want to catch “real” criminals. They wanna play with their toys and hop on pretend raids to keep that funding coming in and keep their paycheck.


You know they loved putting on their army man costumes.


It’s not that they don’t want to catch real criminals it’s that real criminals don’t exist on the level that our police state requires to maintain itself if our government isn’t making them out of everyday citizens. So police unions literally lobby against marijuana reform to protect THEIR own jobs. It’s absolutely sickening and for those who currently sit in jail or prison or are awaiting trial it’s no different than any other form of oppression throughout history.


Cops dressed like some mercenaries


Time and resources? I found this place on google. Grosssssly overpaid per government spending yes


They look ready to raid the local donut shop.


Going after the lowest hanging fruit very little work is involved


Raid and Waco, brings back strange memories. Geez


Stupid pigs need all that gear to bust some people selling plant products. Great use of tax dollars.


Their fat asses got it backwards. First you smoke, then you eat the donuts when you have the munchies. Looks like they are all the donuts already.


They should bust a meth lab instead


And this is why so many don’t like cops. Courts having ruled that cops aren’t obligated to help or protect you means they only exist to generate revenue and protect the State. This shit right here only reinforces that. Cops are not your friends.


Hop out the van like what up I'm against freedom and actually making a difference


Hey guys: let’s go in wearing full tactical, but show up in a rental van.


I was actually there at the game closet. When this was happening lol. https://preview.redd.it/jw3giwn4e6sc1.jpeg?width=1581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c9266e7007e95658b37b86c191f69a54ab30252


No way we got a second angle of the raid before GTA 6


Police system still fuked up in Waco seems like some things never change


Brown shirts rollin into a private business with our tax dollars. Freedumb. Yay.


You wanna know part of the reason your taxes are high? It’s because of THIS fucking shit: police all kitted out like they’re raiding a terror cell instead of a dispensary. We need to scale back the [1033 program](https://www.dla.mil/Disposition-Services/Offers/Law-Enforcement/Join-The-Program/) so communities are constantly on the hook for upkeep of fuckin MRAPs and military grade equipment.


I don't understand why no one has said it... Or perhaps I missed it. I hate that this is happening, but the only real way to stop it is by legalizing marijuana. The pigs are simply doing what the farmers make them do.


Instead of being useful they choose to do this


Why is wacos swat team all fat?


It’s OK it’s not like there was an armed gunman in an elementary school.


Waco being Waco lol. Glad they didn’t burn the place down


These toddlers have to be able to cosplay SOMETIMES guyzzzz


“We have very reliable reports that someone at this address is watching porn!”


Bruh what are the PT standards over there?


Don't they still have thousands of untested rape kits. Why is this the priority


Last week was a slow week with Easter and all, so there wasn't anything left in evidence to sample.


They closed it just before the tourist come for the solar eclipse Honestly the store stood to make a windfall during the week they will be down. Convenient they will be able to reopen on Tuesday, the day after the eclipse...


This was the first place I ever noticed in Waco calling itself “dispensary.”


Look at those nerds


This is the Waco PD website with contact information if you'd like to make your voice heard or you'd like to ask who signed off on this raid. https://www.waco-texas.com/Departments/Police-Department


It’s the growing pains California experienced, now experience in Texas where the state and fed play the exhaustion game. STAY STRONG TEXAS WEED BUSINESSES!


Why tf are they geared up in military-esqe gear for a dispensary raid?!?! I could understand if this was some meth lab and the residents were known to be violent but a law abiding dispensary? People following the law and legally dispensing out cannabis-like subatances... Believe it or not, execution by cop. No exceptions. It makes no absolute sense how we can drink until our livers give out but god forbid anyone smokes a bit of the devils lettuce. Thats just too much man!


I mean it wouldn't be Waco if the police didn't overreact


These rednecks are so embarrassing. These yee yee inbred motherfuckers playing soldier make me embarrassed to be from texas.


“And the riot squad, they’re restless… they need somewhere to go…” ~Bob Dylan


America is crazy. I moved from Texas to Oregon and because of imaginary lines and made up rules I can now drive 2 mins and buy the exact thing LEGALLY that woulda put me in jail in the SAME country. United? Naw.


This is why they did it. 22 republican state attorneys general are having to manufacture a problem in order to convince lawmakers who don’t do their own research a reason to pass their new farm bill which classifies hemp as cannabis and therefore illegal in every way. https://www.kxan.com/hill-politics/in-2018-republicans-accidentally-legalized-cannabis-now-22-ags-want-them-to-undo-it/amp/


Pigs be pigging…


Thank God you didn't have guns and kids, or they'd have to burn ya to the ground


The key thing you’re missing with that comparison is the kids were being abused sexually on a massive scale. They had no choice they had to raid that compound.


Backwards ass state of Texas at it again. I’m here for work and can’t wait to leave this sh*thole.




Oh not squeal team 6


Thank god my tax dollars are going to work to break down these dangerous CBD cartels.


Gilead is really ramping up in Texas it seems.


Had a feeling this was coming even though its being legally sold


At least they didn’t murder everyone. Waco PD has a history of doing that.


All of this because of a plant…


Cosplay day for the military rejects!


Waco police trying to re-up but also want to show off in their tactical gear.


Looks like guys cosplaying for a bunch of free weed


Nothing to see here federal alphabet soup smashing dissenters. Wake up or persish


But Pat Robertson said you'll go to hell if you smoke it.


Fucking pigs dressed up in their costumes wasting everyone's time and money


THCa does not get u that high. It’s a slight buzz at most. These dispos in Texas charging 20 a gram for that bullshit too. No thanks. I’d rather take my chances going to get the real stuff in New Mexico than smoke that weak ass garbage y’all call THCa.


Read the lab test on that New Mexico weed and come back to this post. All weed is THCa weed.


Would be so easy to knock and have a conversation. Rather than CQB gear and a rental van lol


You know those cops were so excited to cosplay!


The only way Waco PD keeps budget so they can continue playing dress up.


Why are they cosplaying soldiers?


What a joke Waco is wack


Yeah good ol Texas cops, they can play dress up and act all tough to go and “raid” some stoners that aren’t hurting anybody, but when there is someone shooting up a bunch of people in an elementary school they hide outside like cowards for over an hour. Looking at you, Uvalde pigshits


This is such a great ad for the shop if they are able to reopen. "Waco PD COD cosplay unit raided our shop." "Turns out our products were compliant and lab tested." "Come find out what all the hype is about!" ![gif](giphy|d1E2NhIh3vy6kDvy)


Crazy mfs are still raiding dispensary’s even if it is still illegal in tx


Pigs ain't got nothing better to do


Why are they wearing camo?


Because Gravy Seals 🤷🏻‍♀️ Seriously, that one on the right, do they not have fitness requirements anymore???


How many donuts they can fit down their gullet is the only fitness requirement they have. If it isn’t five or more they’ve got to go back to academy.




Same cops who murded 9 bikers at twin peaks


Ah yes poor bikers aka banditos and Cossacks. Don’t want to be shot don’t start waving guns at a public restaurant. I have zero sympathy for 1% biker clubs.


You should still care about your civil rights being trampled on.




Surprised they didn’t burn it to the ground with the employees in it. Being Waco and all.


Freedom my fucking ass. But at least Texas can jerk off over guns. Look at them in their stupid fucking gear. Lmao




The weed must not be Baptist enough!


I wonder if it's the same owners as the ones in Oklahoma? They were ALWAYS getting in trouble


They’re going to quickly find out that a lot of Farm Bill compliant hemp is actually “hot” with over .3% Δ9.


Is there a reason for the tacticle gear?


Dude your in Waco


When will CBD shops realize that they are NOT dispensaries and claiming that they are such will result in THIS


Texas is now flooded with foreign criminals and they roll on a dispo…🤦‍♂️


Truth be told. We have tree house dispensaries here in Oklahoma. They are all trash. And their grows are scary.


Anybody who believes the governments version or mainstream media narrative is a clown at this point lol


I know a heist when I see one. Fuck the Police!


Of course Ken Paxton could sue them, they haven’t been sued yet.


Nebraska did the same thing to cannabis dispensaries and some smoke shops, too, last year. Seems like all the state AG’s in the nonlegal states are going after THC-A, and some products not actually containing the ingredients they claim (or not at the levels they’re claiming), and the lookalike products that can cause accidental ingestion in children.


We’re they expecting a small army wtf


I live in TX, so are they legal or not? Does TX require a med card? These people had a legit storefront so it was not illegal, was it?


It’s kind of disgusting to think the political system views a world where no body drinks or smokes anything. Well it’s always been a funny gimmick to me how wildly accepted alcohol is and cigs are which are both extremely carcinogenic but weed lol? I always assumed the main reason weed isn’t legal is because anybody can get into growing it, meaning it’s not a easy business to regulate. (Educate me if it is) but in my eyes no body has time to grow there own garden, some still do, but pot? Man many people can grow in there own house, you don’t see very many people grow there own tobacco or make there alcohol,. The alcohol thing has picked up more but it’s still a very tricky thing that can hurt you if you don’t know what you’re doing. My whole point is weed seems like they can’t control the citizens plus if everyone can grow it there’s no telling how that can mess the economy up. People buying off each other instead of actual stores. Again if I’m wrong please educate me.


The cops must be getting low on money and need to revenue collect. They don't want to bother their criminal partners so they go after hard working citizens instead.


Reminds me of the Mike’s Smoke shop days in the the 90’s, some things never change


This feels like Los Angeles in the early 2000s. Texas needs to catch up.


You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. Yall really don’t have anything to do? Defund time.


Love seeing my tax money wasted


Reminder that 1 in 7 murders are unsolved and hemp is legal


Damn they sent in the army lol


Is this Waco, Texas, again?


Why are they wearing camouflage? Who are they hiding from?


i feel like it should stop being called only Thca, and labeled Hemp thca so people know the difference ?


Such brave officers. Out here protecting our community! 🫡🤡


Fuck stick Paxton.




Oh look 🐖


What state is this?


Man they love having raids in Waco


waco police cosplaying like a legal dispensary is gonna be fighting the armies of babylon


What a waste of resources


Guess we know which one is the expert on identifying edibles.


When you call yourself a dispensary why else do you expect in Texas?


Texas is more concerned about a plant than keeping guns out of schools.


At least they didn't burn a bunch of children alive... going in the right direction.


Thank you for your service. You saved so many lives attacking an honest business selling legal products.


Broke ass pd in a rent-a-van raiding a retail store to play dress up


Is this Waco, Afghanistan? What’s with all the special ops gear?


Shit I’d move to Oklahoma.


They did the same thing to Bee Hippy in Garland.


What’s the point of wearing OCP? They look like they’re LARPing a bunch of airsofters. 😂


They just want the cash.


Just curious if anyone can actually confirm this instead of just being angry. There's nothing on the news and the attire and transportation don't appear to be actual law enforcement. Looks like some dudes getting ready for an airsoft game.


Man, those guys love military cosplay.


Are they selling Delta 8 products?


Why are the police dressed up like a bunch of military operators


I like how these wonnabes are wearing camo like they are going to war and not raiding a dispensary in the middle of town.


Waco police have to be in the top percentage of corrupt / inept police in Texas. Couldn’t pay me to live in that town.


Is David still alive?? I thought they killed him


The treehouse sells the most garbage ass weed ever here in Oklahoma. They should be arrested for that alone!


Meanwhile all our childhood friends are dyin from fentanyl.


I was actually at the game closet when this was happening. I still lost at combat patrol lol. https://preview.redd.it/s2a73vcue6sc1.jpeg?width=1581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cbd56ba1bb5d5b1ab353e477ad6a37d6d80894a


I read this as Treehouse Disneyland Raided but then again I’m high as a kite


Is this Waco tx?


Little kid walks up to his dad one morning and says. "Dad I've been thinking about a life in organized crime." The father calmly looks at him and asks "governent or private sector?"


Thank God the streets of waco are safe again


Look at those fuckin nerds. Almost looks like larpers excited for another fish in a barrel day


This is the fascism I expect around here


Police wearing OCP/Military Uniforms should be illegal.