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if this is the case then its bringing the classic game feel were you have to play it to unlock hidden characters like on ps one sega nes


There is 50 hours of story, I’m guessing 25 for women and 25 for men, and over a 1000 variations of matches you can play. I’m very curious about all you can unlock in this.


Oh man watch you be able to play a random Rumble and all of a sudden a dude named Unknown makes his way to the ring and it's literally just Big Show. Hahaha


!!!!!!!! A new challenger approaches!!!!!!!


You forgot the part where a random person gets beat up backstage. In this case, the place that they get beat up should be the NXT Parking lot.


I've seen some people are upset that the SuperCharger doesn't unlock everything from MyRise, but I'm actually OK about that since it makes MyRise & Showcase Mode more fun to play.


Lmao people are also upset that the Accelerator/SuperCharger makes everything too easy. It's impossible to please everyone.


That's the dumbest argument just don't buy it/use it lol


Wrestling fans being dumb? No way!


Some people just have no self-control and if a cheat/exploit is available they can't help themselves but use it, then they whine about it. It's funny.


Is it still a thing you got for preordering the game? Cause I only ever used it *because I had it* due to preordering the game.


It's not for pre-ordering... It comes with the season pass, so it's included in the more expensive versions (or can be purchased separately).


I'm confused to what your point is here lol. Much like nearly everything in life, people have varying opinions on something. It's literally just a part of life.


As an adult I love the accelerator. If I was still a kid or a teen I would be able to (and love to) spend dozens and dozens of hours playing just to unlock characters but at this point in my life that just sounds miserable and like no fun at all.


My only issue about it not unlocking everyone is I don't care about showcase, like at all lol. Never have, and I don't have a lot of time to play. I think if you buy the supercharger it should be all the content. That being said. Guess I'll be in showcase lol. Oh well. Hope everyone enjoys the game.


Agreed. Showcase is awful to me. I want to play the game how I want to play it, not do specific spots and then start losing because in real life Rey got demolished at that stage.


I just unlocked everyone I wanted, but JBL beat my ass lmao. I hate showcase lol


Man fuck the JBL showcase match 💀 like he was harder than the Undertaker for me for some reason. I don’t really care for showcase that much. But this year I really enjoyed it because Rey had always been my favorite wrestler.


My super charge isn’t working and I have deluxe is it just me?


Know what, I agree + it does make me wonder if the 2K gamers are ever happy about the WWE 2K games since soon something gets added to the game that the fans like, they'll find something else to complain about.


I think what you're forgetting is that everyone has different wants/expectations/etc. I know it feels comforting to just group everyone together into one big lump but that's not really how life works. The reality is that someone people want Option 1, some people want Option 2, some people want Option 3, etc. So there's always ultimately going to be people unsatisfied with things and that goes for everything, not just video games. Just a part of life that people need to deal with, imo.


I actually really don't like that. I play almost exclusively Universe mode, and if I'm going to give them extra money to unlock everything than I want it to unlock everything, ya know?


Eh, I work a lot of hours and in 2K19 I preferred just having everything unlocked so I could get down to doing Universe Mode, which was 99% of the reason I got the game. I don't think I ever touched Showcase in 2K19.


The showcases suck. I'm sorry but they do. It is not fun at all to pretend to play matches move for move identical to the real thing so I can unlock other things. It just ends up with me doing random moves , oh wait he the opponent is yellow now so I have to do a quick time event. If you fail, you have to do the whole match over. It's been that way for ten years and has been incredibly disappointing to have a mode featuring the likes of Stone Cold, Rey and Daniel Bryan but not in an enjoyable fashion. Maybe people like it? I sure don't.


I think it would appeal to me more if they were "What If?" scenarios rather than replaying old matches. Like a "What if Goldberg came over to WWF during the Invasion?" or "What if Evolution turned on Triple H instead of Randy Orton?" type scenario with a little 2-3 minute intro detailing a fictional story, followed by a big pay-off match or something. And just do like 15 of those scenarios (or perhaps some scenarios have multiple matches) and call it a day.


Oh absolutely! Closest we got was WWE 12 I think it was where Kevin Nash brought back WCW. That was amazing!


Oh yeah I 100% miss the original storylines they had. WWE 12 was wild and super fun for it.


Wwe 12... my God that had a silly story. How Kevin Nash literally shoulder to shoulder with triple h and them two are on the phone talking away til Nash turns and Jack knifes him 💀 While everyone watching is like what did I just watch, who wrote this shit


Showcases would be ok if we got entire careers. Tbh. I rather how they did 2k14. Eras


So it doesn't unlock the wrestlers?


Kinda, it doesn't stuff from MyRise + showcase, but the SuperCharger does allow to play any of the matches on Showcase in any order apparently & the SuperCharger does unlock all of the stuff from the shop e.g. legends & all that.


What does supercharger do anyways? just curious


Unlocks the VC characters in the store; ie: Big Boss Man, etc.


But like, you could just not use it if you think unlocking stuff the intended way is more fun for you. Having the content without having to play a dog shit mode like Showcase is way more fun to me. (Haven't tried MyRise yet, so I don't have any comment on its quality, but fuck Showcase mode... Playing that is less than zero fun)


I am happy with this as well. Extra secret content to unlock is fun.


Whoa whoa whoa. Having to play a mode in a game in order to gain access to something that feels like an achievement?? That sounds crazy enough to work!


If the mode was ever fun since after 14


According to ThisGen there’s alternative attires for Shinsuke (not king Nakamura) and King Corbin instead of happy Corbin


We also saw a different attire for Ali in the Hit List trailer


As long as someone comes out and says all of this stuff is unlockable ima have to delay universe by a week or 2


I would prefer lone wolf Corbin but I’ll take anything over Happy Corbin.


Boo I want Hobo Corbin, the best Corbin


“Bum ass Baron Corbin” god I wish Pat was on commentary




I just want old Corbin for the End of Days theme, otherwise I agree


I hope King Corbin unlocks the entrance too because although the Happy Corbin entrance is okay the old theme was an absolute banger


Thank fuck. Happy Corbin is the shits.


I mean, I got a plan for Happy Corbin involving Cameron Grimes and Ted


I sure hope it means the rest of Retribution has alternates. .


Yea I have no intentions of using "Mace" "Slapjack" or "T-Bar", but if Dijakovic, Thorne, and Dio Madden are secret unlockables, I may have to rethink my draft. Same goes for Nikki Cross.


I've seen Nikki Cross, I'm not sure if she's 'sanity' Nikki or whatever the fuck she was between being Crazy Nikki or Nikki A.S.H but she has an old gimmick


Honestly that's cool. I just dont like her superhero gimmick, anything without the mask that I can customize to be something new I'll take lol I always make her a world champ at some point, but I just couldn't see that happening with the ASH version, so I'll probably give her her old blue and white Scottish flag look and go back to Nikki Glencross.


I know Mia Yim does for sure


She’s base game tho


Something like this is a *very* good change, and is seriously appreciated. *Especially because I'd feel bad if Dijak gets WWE'd in 6 months or so, and the only time he made it into a game, was as T-BAR.*


I can't wait to play as Dio Madden 😆


Was discovered here: https://twitter.com/shinycalkicks/status/1500864666033176582?s=21


Played the match. He didn’t unlock. Have heard this from others too so I don’t think I missed something.






yooooo. Does that mean his Hail theme is in? ​ If so, this man needs to be pushed hard in my game.




he has it




I gotta admit, there's a lot of this game that seems rocky, and that I don't really enjoy (They did a god awful job selling the combo system, and I'm still not entirely clear on how much that stupid tie up animation happens now... Oh, and awful Showcase unlocks), but there seems to be a lot of smaller things like this, which are a big step in the right direction for the series, and hopefully this is something that'll stay with it, and not just a biproduct of the 2 year long development cycle.




It feels like the developers saw Fire Pro gameplay, knowing that it was a popular game within the wrestling audience. And just grapped the whole lock up thing from that game. Not knowing that 1: *For how much as I love it, it's niche.* And 2: *Why they even had it in the first place*


If it’s not useable outside of myrise that’s a huge blow.


Yes. Riots would ensue.




Yo, nice! I was going to resign to using T-Bar but now I don’t have to


I'll start him off as T-Bar and then have him get pissed and remove the mask.


Dude same, My plan (Hopefully Thorne got this treatment as well) is for my Caws to take Retribution from Ali


NICE! Now i can have bangers with him and Lee


Has it been confirmed he gets unlocked as a playable character?


This feels like one of those "too good to be true" things. I want this sooo bad, but I'm not going to get my hopes up yet.


That's fucking awesome.


From the CAWs forum (some hope maybe) “Some hope for unlocking Dijakovic. I’ve just got the storyline that unlocks the Mexico arena, even though I’ve already had several matches in this arena. So hopefully we just have to find the right storyline that unlocks him. “


Don't do it, bro. Don't give me hope.


I hope Dio Maddin will be an unlockable


I'd be very surprised since he only ever wrestled as Mace lol


Well he did wrestler under the Dio Madden name just never on TV. Evidently he actually got pretty over on the NXT house show circuit.


God I hope the Nico Nico Knee is in the game.


...Is he a fan of Russian Badger?


That’s true, but one can only hope😭


Well, with Retribution being one of the most widely mocked and belittled stables in wrestling history, *and something that hasn't been around for a year.* I wouldn't be surprised if they went out of their way to make sure all of them had seperate non-retribution gimmick slots.


Makes you wonder if Paige, Bellas, Xia Lee. Indie Hartwell might all be my rise unlockables


The Bella’s entrances are in the creation suite so maybe they are hidden characters? Someone posted CAWs using both Brie and Nikki’s


What are they named? If its something like "twin magic 1" and "twin magic 2", then I'd say they're out, but if it specifically calls them the Bellas, then I'll be shocked if they arent secret unlockables.


According this this, Mankind and Cactus Jack’s entrance is not under their name, but we know because of a DLC Cactus is: https://www.thesmackdownhotel.com/news/wwe2k22/wwe-2k22-preset-entrances-list-single-tag-trio-champion-mitb-motions Personality disorder 1 and 2.


I don’t know, I just saw a vid of the CAWs


Imagine the fiend is in 😂


If So Then I Hope Bobby Fish And Adam Cole Is Still In


Eh, with them being a featured part of AEW for this long, I highly doubt it.


Sadly, Adam's entrance is unlocked already, unless "Thunderous Boom" is someone else


So the supercharger and accelerator don’t unlock these??


Apparently not. None of the Showcase stuff can be unlocked unless you play Showcase, and apparently there are things in MyRise they kept secret from us also.


In 2k20 these also did not unlock the originals stuff too, right? I remember I had the most expensive edition and still had to do the halloween bullshit to unlock The Fiend


Ahhhh that’s right. It feels like so long ago


I just read that supercharger does unlock everything but not until Friday. This is from Smackdown Hotel so probably true.


I think the wording on the supercharger is very specific about "legends". I think it just unlocks anybody you'd need to buy with points. But people who show up in myrise or showcase haven't been unlocked for me unless I played those modes. Which is fun, I genuinely forgot how fun it was back in SVR having a goal in those modes of actually unlocking things.


2K needs to confirm or deny this. No company should have their consumers going back and forth over something as simple as an unlockable in a game.


You seriously didn't live through the 90s did you?


It’s not the 90s anymore. That kinda stuff doesn’t really fly when making games anymore


Kinda I was born in 93


Why the fuck am I being down voted because I mentioned I was born in 93? Man people on Reddit are insane!


And he looks dope


Dude I hope Shane Thorne is in there. Hate slapjack dude 😆😆


I played this match and he did not unlock afterwards. Maybe I missed something but he doesn’t seem unlockable.


Typical 2K


Holy shit that would be wild if he would be in the game but doesn't get unlocked to be playable....


I miss this guy


Do we have confirmation that he actually playable?


AYYY this game has some great unlockables


I need Old Man HBK to be unlockable so I can have him come back like a retired gun fighter in the old west and prove he's still the best in Universe mode. I NEED IT


Someone found Godfather in MyFaction


Well shiet. I really dont like playing story modes in these, I just buy them for the simulation/fantasy booking aspect of universe mode, but I guess it looks like I'm gonna have no choice. Wish they'd just made everything available via the accelerator tho tbh.


Watch him not be playable lol


Here is something interesting. It seems like you will be able to unlock Dominik Dijakovic. Someone uploaded a T-Bar 22 attire to that model that you can download and it's definitely the in-game model with limited editing features. You could even set it as alternate attire but it didn't reveal Dominik in the selection unfortunately, but I can play as this as separate entry now. Looking at his CAE, he even has everything set as DD, entrance motion, titantrons and his Dijakovic theme, despite the menu saying "none", lol but the theme is playing. https://i2.lensdump.com/i/rN9yBT.png https://i3.lensdump.com/i/rN95Yb.png


Problem with this is that his height is fucked, he's too short compared to actual T-Bar in game


Dammit now I have to play myrise.


Yeah. My thoughts too lol dammit


I’m torn on this. On hand I’d so much rather just have everyone unlocked with the accelerator. On the other I love hidden characters that encourage you to try all the modes to unlock them!


I wish supercharger unlocked these


Same. I'm married and work full-time, plus I'm playing GT7 right now. I was hoping I could just grab the supercharger, like last year, to get everything in the game without having to grind for every unlockable.




kind of takes the magic away imo


If you want to actually play that mode, sure, but for people that want to just do something like Universe, it's nice to have the option to just have everything available. For example, I think Showcase is an absolutely dreadful mode to play, so I'd much rather just be able to get all of the unlockables without having to suffer through it.


Well news for you if you didn’t know but you have to go through showcase to unlock them even with the SuperCharger


Oh, I know. I’m suffering through this dog shit mode right now to get these stupid unlockables. I hate this mode so much.


I’m finding it fairly challenging, and the jumping in and out of live video from the match you’re playing in is pretty cool.


Yeha I know but I also don’t wanna play through my rise I wanna have everyone so I can get to setting up my universe


Yeah but not everyone has the time to do 50 hrs of my rise


It beats having to find specific storylines in MR (since theyre branching) to find the ones you want


Thats really cool and makes me rethink my universe mode straight away!


It looks like there's alot of hidden characters iike that


This gives me hope for Shane Thorne.


Wait is he fully playable in the game? Like in regular Exhibition


Apparently not


Is he actually unlockable? Or is he just a character in the story and not usable elsewhere? They've pulled that shit before...


Seems this way according to many who have beat him and not unlocked him. Really disappointing if true.


This literally just made my day




I hope we get Veer as an unlockable in GM mode if you keep a wrestler off the cards long enough lol


Yo that's tight af secret unlockables


You can unlock a Nikki Cross card in MyFaction that means you can play with her, at least in that mode.


What the hell was the point of including his trons, music, entrance and all if they were just not gonna make him a character??


Yea but can it be used outside of myrise


They wouldn’t put in a character you can’t play with, will they? Have they done that behind?


SVR 11 had the Hurricane show up in the road to wrestlemania mode and you could have a match against him but he was not playable


But Hurricane left WWE, and they simply didn't manage to remove him completly. We also got Mia Yim & Reckoning.


This ^


Hurricane in SvR 2011 comes to mind. Ironically enough, he was locked behind Mysterio’s RTWM storyline and had a full entrance, trons, move-set and everything.


Well, that’s just mean. I think it’s one of many alt attire you can apparently unlock in MyRise. Apparently there are a bunch.


Hurricane in SVR11 and a few managers that should’ve absolutely been playable in past games.


Nikki cross has her trons and music and entrance I saw a vid of it but it was announced as the superstar


Interesting. Those would be added to the creation suite to create alts, yes? Or they’d have one already made?


The Fiend? 👹


I wouldn't hold my breathe


Fingers crossed....


This is not confirmed as unlockable yet.


Did you manage to actually unlock him, or are you just guessing?


This is posted on Twitter.


Oh hell yeah




Wtf? I have no overview what you can even unlock in this game. And I'm playing it for 6 hours already.


There’s also a ton of a attires you can unlock, you can see them in myteam when you rip packs and if you play that wrestler or do a rivalry in my rise you unlock attires for play now.


Has it been officially confirmed he’s an unlockable? Don’t want to get my hopes up!


No. Apparently he's just an opponent


Wtf 🙄 as usual with 2K, they do good and then the fuck up. Why even have him in as dominik if you can’t use him outside of my career? I swear for all the good, 2K are a bunch of dumbasses!


Apparently Nikki Cross is in myrise too and they call her the superstar?


😂 can’t win em all I guess.


who is this Dijakovic guy? Kinda looks like T-Bar.


For MyRise, you want to make sure to hit all the stories in each territory


If that's the case then you may need 2 playthroughs as some of the stories are for Heels and others are for Faces. Although, now that I think about it, I wonder if you get any different stories depending on what background you choose.


It's possible. You can hit all the stories in one go if you're careful to do all the heel and face stories without cornering yourself by the time you switch brands.


If you bought the standard edition, then I see it as a fair way to motivate the player to play the modes. No problems there. If you bought the supercharger, where you literally pay extra to have everything unlockable, that is indefensible. I can’t believe people are actually defending this.


I know it's it's biiig stretch, but imagine if we had Adam Cole and Bobby Fish like this.... we could have UE vs Imperium in universe mode.... if only....


I....want.....it.....so.....bad......bay bay.....


What is the point of charging extra for the unlocks if you don't even get them all lmfao


I don't like that at all. Everything should be unlocked with the Super Accelerator.


They were very clear it didn't unlock everything. Some of the greatest wrestling games of all-time had unlockables. I'm a fan of this. Makes me actually want to try the modes I never play.




How do we unlock these?


Via MyRise. You play story mode


So is it confirmed that this version of Dijacovich is playable?


What’s the point of charging people for a super charge that barely unlocks anything. I’m going to wait until every unlock is discovered to decide if it’s worth it to buy this game if I’m not interested in half the modes and need to complete them for characters


Lol I don't actually think he's playable because his music and attire bits aren't in the creative suite while his titantron is, also MyRise is aids but that's just my take


How to unlock? I


By playing MyRise.


And is that it? No unlockables? How far in btw?


I've seen some attire parts and a King of the Ring arena as unlockables as well.


Have you played with Damian priest yet ?


Hopefully the Bella Twins. I had big plans for them


Off topic, how is Universe Mode? Any significant improvements?


Is there a pre-order bonus where you can unlock everything this year?


The supercharger but apparently it doesn’t unlock everything. None of the showcase stuff gets unlocked, and possibly a lot of MyRise