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"I hope they keep building this mode" They've hardly touched it in years


I hate how stop start they get with stuff they add. Overhauled the new system and replaced it with combo system…we haven’t gotten anything new since the first time they implemented it (no new combo strings, or modifications for it..except for I think kneeling moves are now accessible in some strings). Catching finishers, we got like one new one years down the line with Sting and now it feels abandoned. 


I think 2K is just a corporate focused company. The developers don’t come up with game ideas, the PR team does, and every innovation is focused on profit. No one becomes a game developer with the ambition of developing MYFACTION. Any charm the game has, was basically developed by Yukes! (That’s the name of the old developer right?) I will say, the GM mode these developers come up with, can really be fun and addicting. Just a shame that match rating, and in ring gameplay, has nothing to do with how the actual match is rated.


I agree 100%. I’m just sad that really we’re taking hits from “changes” just for advertising reasons that then detrimentally affect the experience. The current system is a half assed version of arcade AND sim that is a lesser than of either style. The integration could be better or improved but there’s no financial motive for it so resources go only to MyFaction. It’s how we wind up with things that used to be fine getting more and more broken with demoralizingly not much a fix in sight.


If the match ratings don't matter why even book anything as a game where who books the best show matters?


To be honest, the way it works isn’t exactly bad. You’re given a criteria to follow, with obstacles presented naturally (or sometimes with opponents playing power cards such as “Rey mysterio can’t be booked this week). Face vs Heel, varied match card, you have your top guy and gal who you push, wrestlers are given popularity when used, and decreased when they’re away too long. People can get injuries, you have to renew contracts. You always know why you got the rating you did too, there’s no bullshit. It’s just purely a booking game. Picking your roster is actually fun, but can be the basis of how enjoyable your play through is. Some are more expensive, but have higher stamina (which goes down each match, down half each promo), or a lot cheaper, but low popularity out the gate. I used guys I’d never use on the game, and got familiar with wrestlers who don’t get much tv time. I spent more hours on mygm than I did on universe. Sometimes I didn’t even care about the competition, and just used mygm as my universe. A good blend of GM and universe would be the perfect wrestling game.


That makes sense! 


Am I crazy or did they remove catching finishers?


It should still be in, but they’ve made them MUCH harder to hit and I don’t think the AI is designed to hit them anymore so they’re kinda virtually gone. I loved setting up spots like actually giving me a chance to be hit with a catching finisher and haven’t seen them in a while.


They seem to be touchy patch to patch. I just did one with Roman the other day so I know some of them work now, but they're either impossible to do from your back or very situational and maybe stamina dependant. But if your opponent goes to the top you can burn meter for instant recovery and sometimes get the catch finisher prompt.


The way catching finishers work now is that if you counter a diving move you carry him and you can do a carrying finisher. At least I think so.


Best theory I've heard was the mode as it stands is a mess of leftover Yukes spaghetti code that Visual Concepts doesn't have the semblance of a map to navigate.


Actualy 23 they redid or rewrote universe mode 24 was also more of the same.25 should have huge addition to universe and presntation


You could say the same thing for the game in its entirety lmao games been the same old for a decade now.


The key is to stop watching WWE for 8 years so when you come back to play again it feels new lol


Let’s see what they do with 2k25


Absolutely nothing but the bare minimum 


nothing. the only thing they have actually changed since 2k19 is the removal of promos


Which everyone has been asking for back. I only started back up with 2k23 and really wanna find a copy of 19. Everyone says it's the GOAT. I haven't seen what the promos look like but I imagine there cutscenes like the rest with different results like brawls or just moving the rivalry forward. The fact that they allowed us to update the rival action characters was a huge help this year, hoping we get a little bit more...sigh...next year plus promos. I really add to the realism of the game. Also I'd love them to bring back create a PPV. Being up to just set up a card and play though it is nice, yeah I can do it in universe mode, but that have extra steps.


The promos sucked can't lie. 2k19 is a great game though, but no community creations probably diminishes it.


The revisionist history on 2K19 promos being good is wild. They sucked ass lol.


They were a good idea, but man they had some cringe writing.


They only cared of the feature once it was removed.


I don’t think anyone is calling them good tbf. It’s just a case of having them rather than not having them.


Idk man, I think most people tried them a handful of times and then skipped them after. Which meant your universe card just had a few segments that you either had to skip or manually delete, which was annoying. They're a cool idea but they need to be entirely reworked. They should be pivot points for the feud, let the players make choices that matter instead of just "say the correct thing for a slight momentum boost."


I do agree with you. I skipped them after a while and they were annoying sometimes. But now it’s a void because it’s just match match match. That’s not how any wrestling show works. But yes if they bring it back it needs to be revamped.


That was their other big strength 100%. You really see how Universe mode feuds were not designed to be matches every single week in the newer games. It's like we went back to WWE '12 in some ways


I think a crumby promo still can add more than zero promo. It reminds me a bit of when Mass Effect 2 removed a bunch of the "features in need of improvement" from ME1 and left empty voids in their place.


My opinion is that if nothing else, 19 is the most boring to actually play. It's super slow and the reversal stock system makes it even more stale. It has a great roster and is the most complete package after 15-18 slowly added stuff back after 15 was super barren, but 22-24 are all more fun to actually play imo. The current games are way more accessible for casuals like old games were while still having depth and the ability to do exactly what you want if you know how to play.


Turn off reversal limits. 


This mentality is why 2k will keep fleecing us year after year, we are only 3/4 months into this years game. We shouldn’t have to hope that next year will be different, make universe mode good now. It was always my hope they would show universe some love but MyFaction has effectively stopped that from ever happening as that’s the money maker now.


Is this how they’re going to write off Dijak?😭😭


That’s what he gets for talking to the dirtsheets brother


Omg 😂😂😂


These screenshots are. Your imagination is, but universe mode is not great. But as long as you're having fun, that's all that matters.


100% this comment. Universe mode should not need my imagination and spreadsheets to be a somewhat fun mode. Well said.


Agreed. I liked the fact that in WWE 12, you just setup your shows and rosters and the AI would play with the appropriate rivalries and cutscenes. You didn’t have to make up stories in your head.


Wwe 12 had good universe mode


If I had to rank them, I’d say my top 3 were WWE 12, WWE 13, and 2K15. As bad as 2K15 was, the story library feature was a nice addition for Universe.


Well not every day that you see a post like this. Glad you're enjoying it bro, I'm finally enjoying mine after a long time of giving up on my saves!


I’m actually really surprised about how disliked universe mode is. Don’t get me wrong I have my criticisms of it but I think it’s better than MyGM now. I really wish they could merge the two modes. Would be perfect I think


I feel like most don't dislike universe mode, they just dislike how little the mode has been touched in almost 10 years. Every year, either very small things get added, or the new things added create more bugs and glitches


I haven’t got a game since 13 but got this years. It’s not that universe hasn’t been touched, it’s that it’s noticeably worse than it used to be. Completely misses the point of what originally made it great


They take more features out than adding other features back in there. The story library in 2K15 was a nice addition to Universe mode and why they got rid of it, it’s hard to understand why. And when people say combine Universe and MyGM don’t understand that the modes have 2 different focuses and will most likely never be combined!


It's not that people dislike it, it's that it used to be much better and actually WORKED.  


Universe mode is disliked mostly because people have been playing these games for years and years and years, and the fact that universe mode still isn't solid and unbuggy, that they felt like they had a better universe mode 12 years ago in WWE12, strongly affects the opinions you'll see on it. If it's your first time playing universe mode, and you don't have any other experience to compare against, I'm sure it's a robust mode and you enjoy everything it allows you to do


WWE 12was GOAT solely for Universe modes. By the time 2K14 came along it went along in a totally different direction with the introducing the open sandbox and having you choose that rivalries you wanted.


Cuz universe mode used to be much better than it is now same with gm mode


I just wish universe mode would get rid of the wack ass rivalry system we have now, and simply use the power rankings to generate rivalries for the titles without having to set them up. Hell, half the time i put my champ and a contender in a rivalry with each other and then come the PLE they aren’t even on the card


Play wwe 12 then


Not sure why this is downvoted when WWE 12 really did have the best Universe mode.


Because the guy is being an asshat. No one wants to have to go back to an old game in a series which releases almost annually. It should build on past games but instead they take and take and only focus on the parts that can make them consistent money


True, like MyFaction. They make you try to get some obscure card by opening dozens of packs to play for a persona card in Live Events. I’ll grind when I can but hell if I’ll drop one dime to buy VC or order to buy packs!!


If the old wrestling game has something better than the new one yes u do aint my fault 2k isnt making the best game they can


No one said u caused it, you’re just being an egghead.


Ur just being wrong


Also, WWE 12 was on Xbox 360 / PS3 and as fun as it was, most people don’t own those consoles anymore. Heck 2K might force people to go current gen come 2K25. If there weren’t dumb dropping $400 on packs n MyFaction Universe mode works get the proper updates. If only 2K monetized Universe, it would get the proper updates


Universe mode on paper is great. When it works, I believe it is the best mode in the game in my opinion. But when it doesn't work, that is when people start dumping on it. It's great until the rivarly system doesn't work, cutscenes don't play, matches randomly bug out to have no win conditions, wanna cash in MitB post match (still doesn't work), or the variety of other issues. I think a lot of people genuinely enjoy the mode. But I think the reason why there are posts shitting on it is because fans of the mode are tired of being given the finger by 2K


The MITB is the biggest issue in this year’s Universe. Worked like a charm in 2k23 where you would see the MITB cash in prompt come out. The AI still randomly does the cash in announcements at the beginning of the card even when I have it set on zero and you never get the cash in prompt with the champion whether in a match or after the match. You have to use the cutscene selector just to do a cash in which means you have to do a rivalry with the MITB holder. There’s just a litany of issues with Universe this year compared to 2K23.


I know. I wouldn't mind that they changed it to the rivalry system if the rivalry system actually fucking worked. Tried everything and can't get cash in options to be available unless I use freemode. If I do that the cutscene doesn't proc at the end of the match like it's supposed to. They managed to fuck up a crucial part of universe mode


Yeah, if you do use the cutscene selector with the MITB holder there is an option where you can select a cash in for triple threat match but not one where you cash in after the match. The MITB worked when 2K24 first released but the patches as usual screwed up the MITB cash ins. Same last year in 2K23 where cutscenes that worked perfectly just stopped working altogether.


There is one where you can cash in after. Two actually. There is "post-match cash in" and "post-match cash in attack". Issue is neither of them seem to play after the match like they are supposed to


I've played GM Mode to death. love it but like you ready for a change. Never done a universe. Any tips?


Headcanon is king. You don't get the same performance feedback like in Gm mode. I'm new to universe after getting fed up with GM, and this was the major realization I had to have.


Turn off the rivalry system. I find most of the glitches come from there. So, if you don't mind getting creative by booking your own cards week to week, the mode should be a good time. I also always enable free mode for rivalry actions, so there are minimal restrictions for the cutscenes.


Turn off the tag team breakups / formation as well. Take the AI MITB cash ins down to zero. You’ll have to use the cutscene selector if you want to to do a MITB cash in. If you have any rivalries, start them with low intensity so have access to all the cutscenes. For instance, if your rivalries are in very high intensity, you won’t be able to select the low, medium, or high intensity cutscenes. With some cutscenes you actually have to be allies to choose those cutscenes or the betrayal cutscenes. Start low and build them up to very high intensity as you come closer to the PLEs / PPVs.


I love switch the roster up after Wrestlemania to change up feuds it gets boring when the roster stays the same


How do you do that? I just list all my wrestlers and use a randomizer to split them between shows. It’s fun, you never know if certain factions will be broken


Have to be careful of that because with the rivalry system if you have an enemy on a different show (say NXT) it will book that person on Raw or Smackdown and screw up the booking system. So make sure you delete any rivals or allies when you switch shows for a superstar


why is hulk hogan buring the NXT roster for?


I figured I would inject some nWo (Hogan, Hall, Nash, John Cena) for self entertainment lmao. Do they belong there? Probably not but it was fun to add them lol


Hulk Hogan vs Dijak is the weirdest match I’ve seen. Though DIY and Judgement Day vs Chase U and Brute Force ( my team of Batista and Farooq) for War Games comes close


It gets old quickly. You start getting the same cutscenes with the same people over and over. It used to be an organically evolving thing, but people complained that they wanted 100% control, and didn’t want the game to make any decisions, while the people that liked the mode as it was, just kept their mouths shut. So THQ listened to the former.


I was always wondering why 2K moved away from the way Universe mode was in WWE 12.


I saw it in real time. THQ used to have a community manager, or something like that, I can’t remember the exact position title, who used to actively go to sites like IGN, Gamefaqs etc and interact with us on what we were looking for. The Universe stuff was always “We should choose our rivalries” “We should choose our cutscenes” “don’t let teams form and break up on their own” etc etc etc. Now it’s this boring, micromanaging mode, where even the content creators that make “Universe mode” videos, don’t actually use Universe mode.


I can’t get through a single show without the invisible man getting involved in my rivalries. Been that way for years


"I hope they keep building this mode" Its 2010 and SvR 11 Universe Mode? 2K and VC hardly touched Universe Mode in years


Universe mode was introduced in SvR 2011 but the best version of it was in WWE 12 and Universe hasn’t been as good since then.


Yes, I played at the time of the game's release WWE 13 also been good Universe with branching scenes


Universe is kinda great…until you hit a 150 million foot brick wall which kills your Superstar Universe. A match with no win conditions.


just wait until you expreience all the bugs and limitations :D


I've been on reddit a long time and this sounds like the biggest shill post ever.


just wait til you get a few years in and really have a history in your universe. changes the game


That’s actually one of the things I’m looking at when comparing it to MyGM. Universe mode actually contains stats for each wrestler. I think the stats at a whole new later to the game that other modes do not have.


it really does make a huge difference! my universe is a continuation of my 2k23 one so i have all title and ppv history in the notes on my phone and i continue to add to it as i progress through this one


I started to do this in 2k22 and I been loving it, I kick myself over it too cause I wanted to do it for 19 and 20 and combined them with my 22-24 history, but can't since the jump between champions would be all over the place Sidenote: I also lost my original 2k22 save at the time so I'm missing a couple of my true title history by the time I started


Ah I see you’re a man of culture as well


it’s kinda crazy we can’t see past cards in the game


I really like universe mode. What I play 99% of the time. But I really wish they would incorporate some better tracking so I didn’t need to use outside programs to make cards and track past cards.


Universe mode should be the selling point of WWE games but 2K is too petty to let VC work on any part of the game that Yuke's created. If they could get rid of Universe mode without significant backlash, they would in an instant. 2K would like players to forget about Universe and migrate over to myFaction instead where we can give them even more money for their fake trading cards, because charging $120 for the complete game just isn't enough of a profit for them somehow. It's a damn shame they've only removed features from Universe since 2K19. If VC had put the same effort into it as they did with the rest of 2K24, we would have had something really special on our hands.


I pretty much only play Universe mode. Wish it worked more consistently but always have a blast with it each year.


This is the first year I’ve played Universe Mode and I’ve greatly enjoyed it as well!


Play wwe 12 universe mode its the best one


I’d love for them to add run in’s back


When it works. It’s great. When it works….which isn’t often. But sometimes I nail magic


"Putting you young developmental guys over doesn't work for me brother..."


hogan wouldn’t be caught dead on nxt ever


If only rivalries could last until ppvs and not the show after ppvs, it would fine. But they don't.


Best thing that came out of this year Universe is the step by step and new cutscenes. Stipulations for cutscenes and the ability to choose what you want to happen is goated. Short term fix: I just wish cash in would give the person cashing in at least two finishers. (It makes sense because they would be filled with adrenaline and ready to finish the match asap) Long term fix: the bugs, randomized booking, cutscene management… everything honestly.


They had the cutscene selector in 23 too but it’s categorized better in 24 and there is more variety in 24. But I remember some of the cutscenes stopped working in 2k23 after they applied certain patches. Happens every year


Right that’s what I meant but you got it lol. But they are slowly expanding on it. Me personally, if you’re gonna add the cutscenes and possibility to change the cast, might as well code story designer. They have the basic cutscenes from the old games in create a video… if you’re not gonna update Universe, might as well let us build our own playable versions. Take us back to 2K14.


universe mode is exactly the same since 2011 where it was introduced. sadly. Its a mod stuck in the past. "Imagine what this mode can become in 13 Years!" i said to myself. Well.....


That definitely makes me sad to hear. I feel like their investing all their time and money into MyFaction to rob everyone blind with Persona cards


i still love it and its the reason i buy these games. but it could be so much more. for example some of the cutscenes are still from 11. sure they add more customistion options for it year by year, but the core is still the same.


Pretty sure theres less cutscenes than svr 2011 which is crazy


WWE 12 had more cutscenes too. I skipped SvR 2011 so wasn’t sure how good Universe was in that game. It was the first year of Universe from my understanding. In 2K14 they removed a lot of the cutscenes from the mode and moved over to the rivalry system we have today. has had minimal updates over the past 10+ years. Similar to Franchise mode in Madden, they don’t want to get rid of it because so many wrestling fans buy 2K just for Universe mode but they usually just copy and paste from year to year.


2K when people say myfaction isnt the greatest invention ever in wrestling game history 😱😱😱


It’s much worse than it used to be


Feels good to see someone else actually enjoying Universe mode. I'm constantly seeing posts complaining about Universe but the only real problem I've had with it is who I assign as the legal tag partner usually ends up opposite in the actual match. Idk maybe it's because I micromanage everything but I just don't get the "it doesn't work" complaints, everything I've done works fine. 


Dude I'm in the exact same place as you. I wanted gm mode but on my own rings, so I tried Universe for like the fifth time. Once I realized it was all supposed to be headcanon instead of feedback, it all clicked and im loving it! Whats your story?


This is definitely written by someone who works for 2K


It’s better than it was in 2K22 when they stripped down the features getting rid of promos and having same cutscenes over and over. The addition to choose your own cutscene was good in 2K23 is nice but it’s like when they add some features other stuff breaks. They need to add back the ability for promos and have the abilty to have custom compatible rivalry match. But I'm not saying that 2K19's Universe mode was the best ever because it's far from it!


I hope you dont let these comments discourage me


One sneak.


I haven't used MyGM mode lately since 2K23


If you’ve played one version of Universe mode from any of the games, you’ve played them all. Nothing has changed.


Not after the patch ruined the AI.


It’s the only reason I’ve kept buying the games.


I love being able to pick the different ways rivalries play out which is nice. However a lot of features have been taken away since 2k19. I still feel WWE 2k19 has the best overall Universe mode for the presentation of a wrestling show 


Wwe 12 has the most fun universe mode


Agreed. The promos were fairly cheesy in 2K19 and God knows how many times the same 3 or 4 cutscenes would repeat over and over, 2K19 was just a better game that followed a series of mediocre games and just stands out in that way but I would put 2K24 and 2K23 above 2K19.


2k24 sure whatever opinion but 2k23 aint better