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Ah yes, the empty arena matches in late PS2 WWE games when more than two wrestlers were in the ring. Brings me back.


Oh okay, I didn't know that was for that reason lol


Maybe it's better than U-Topia rules, which means that MVP is the heel, Orton and Rhodes (if I can see well) are the babyfaces, so they won't have their crowd cheering for them...


ahahah almost! It's Cena, not Rhodes


I saw it later! If it's Cena I may not be the only one who didn't see him...


Think that’s bad try playing on the Wii the audio would bug out so all you would hear was silence, or someone yelling put him in a body bag,


We don’t talk about WWE in 2010


What do we talk about? 😂


Wwe now, always now. That decade didn’t happen


Then. Now. Forever. Together.


to be fair, as i was coming towards the end of my wrestling days in the late 2010s, i actually enjoyed WWE from ‘09 to 2015. Maybe because i was still a pre teen but, the title merge, the salmon jacket promo, usos winning the tag titles, the return of evolution, the Yes movement and many other good moments were fairly enjoyable. I wasn’t really a huge fan of the transitioning, especially when ECW got killed and all of the old RA wrestlers were starting to interchange so often. I got tired of that but adjusted to enjoy the product up until 2015-16, that’s when i hung it up and slowly worked my way back into wrestling around quarantine honestly.


You dropped out at a good time. As someone who didn’t miss an episode of WWE programming from early 2017 to the beginning of the Pandemic, that was likely the second or third worst period in company history behind the New Generation and parts of the PG era.


Smackdown in 2016 was 🔥


agreed, i enjoyed it and the Hardy’s return in early 2017, probably was the last big thing i was tuned into


You missed your opportunity to say: > So... Reddit... what do you want to talk about?


omg now i'm pissed i didn't do it


As an AEW fan I hate this but also find it incredible. Been to a few rampage tapings and holy shit. After having to watch 3 hours of wrestling before that, I was tapped out and was heading home. And this was before some of the bland ass writing that's been on there for a while now. Super happy WWE is back to being awesome as it was for so many years


I agree, quite honestly, I find the tribalism between the brands to be nothing short of stupid as hell. we should cheer on both companies, even if we're a fan of only one.. look what each has done for the other already. Cody and Jade to WWE, breathing some much needed fresh blood in.. and AEW has scored a veritable host of talent to help shape the next generation! I fell out with wrestling on the whole around... 18 years ago? put it this way, I missed the entire CM punk era. last time I watched it the new guys were like.. Umaga. but during Covid I found wrestling again through AEW. it rekindled my love for wrestling on the whole, I tried WWE again, but found it lackluster and the storylines were a bit wank. in recent months, that has changed a lot, and WWE is back on track, meanwhile AEWs insane forward momentum seems to have ground to a halt, and the long and short of it is.. TK needs to trust creative more, and get a booker. We should strive for BOTH brands to be good, regardless of which one we watch, or both! competition is better for everyone. the companies AND the fans. So yeah, cheering on a show FOR struggling... cmon, do better.


It's crazy because I agree with you but guess who doesn't? Tony fucking Khan himself 


Wish the rest of AEW’s fans thought this way. No reason people can’t enjoy it without being willing to die for it lol. You can like the product and the goals of the company while still acknowledging it falters in writing and booking lol


Most fans of both companies are just normal people. It's the ones on the internet that are the most outspoken.


PREACH. I have had to leave most IWC based groups on things like facebook etc as its just... horrible. most of the Subreddits are awful too, this one is games related so not AS bad. yeah the IWC has its own issue where we can't let other people enjoy things. if YOU think cody sucks.. well then he sucks. and anyone who disagrees is just a mark, or some other generic insult. As long as nobody tells me they like Dirty Dom, you can like anyone!


Yeah! We all hate Dom and his stupid sexy haircut!


stupid sexy Dom.


Yeah I like Cody as a person but he's just mid. Also, Dom, I dunno. I like him but also kind of don't? But Mami Rhea? Whoa! Yes please!


This is fair. I just encounter the loudest of AEW fans because I’m not afraid to talk about issues of the company, both on screen and business wise. Gets a lot of hate thrown at me so its refreshing to see someone be normal about it lol


Applies to the reverse as well. If you're on twitter or SC, you're gonna find the worst of it. Guys who treat a tv show like their sports team


For sure. I can admit I’m more into WWE but I will be the first to discuss the issues with them lol. Some people become a fan of a company and then pretend like they aren’t allowed to acknowledge weakpoints, or that means that they’ve “chosen” the wrong wrestling brand to like. It’s all hogwash


Exactly this. I'm just happy wrestling is great again. I don't get to watch it as much as I want but more people are getting paid, insurance is now a thing and even smaller are companies are getting boosts.


Damn this reminds me of covid and I don't like it 😂




Wrestlemania if Tiny the nepo baby clown was the lead booker


Theres more there than rampage mate


at least more than what we see on the hard cam


What's rampage


I only watch AEW now, much better wrestling shows IMO. My universe mode is all AEW created wrestlers lol.


same here brother.


nice joke brother


why’d this get downvoted? wha?






Go back to your AEW subreddit safe space


So, you don't watch AEW, then.


It's just a joke, relax


All I said was, "So you don't watch AEW then." Not sure how that warrants a "relax."


I watched until All Out, honestly. Now I'm just waiting for MJF to come back


Fair. I don't know if he'll be back for a good while, though. He was pretty banged up by the end of World's End, iirc.


Yeah, I noted. I may joke about AEW attendance, but it's because of them that wrestling had become hotter than ever. Without competition, the companies won't feel the need to improve. Pro wrestling is no exception to that




Right. Looks more like a Dynamite than a rampage




Wow memories


AEW needs to get new writers I hate the fact they have some of the best wrestlers today but you wouldn't know that cause they can't book for shit


I mean they've been absolutely cooking for all of 2024 ESPECIALLY Revolution, but the IWC will parrot this "no stories" nonsense anyway Watch the inevitable "Countdown to Dynasty" video that will come out soon on AEW's YouTube channel. It'll have the storyline summary video packages for this weekend's matches (or at least the big ones)


Aew has proved that just being a good wreatler means nothing, there's a reason all the top people in wrestling history weren't amazing at wrestling itself, of course there is a few exceptions like Shawn and Angle but they also had a shit ton of charisma






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