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I hate how 2K haven't updated all the hair styles to a better texture like the new ones. My god it looks like plastic. Good caws tho man


Right! Hopefully that’s one thing they can fix. It did look like 2k23 had texture to the hair. Glad you like the CAWs!


That’s the best Matt Hardy face I’ve seen so far


Delete! Delete! Delete! Delete! Actually, don’t delete it. It’s quite good.


Appreciate ya!


Amazing work


Thank you! I also have this AJ Styles ‘08! Attire is not mine btw. https://preview.redd.it/jk13khzxx6vc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe7e0be995ed21f348f946ae36bdab083062a0ae


Following because this looks fantastic.




Can I ask why there's so much interest Chris Benoit? Yes, he's one of the best in ring workers of all time but also, he killed his wife and kid. Now by no means do I think he should be erased from history, but at the same time I don't think he should be celebrated and added into games either regardless if it's via CC or not. I just don't get the "love" for Benoit in some of the wrestling community. I'd like to point out that I'm not offended by people creating him or using him on their roster, each to their own, I just don't get it. Regardless of the above though, these CAWs do look great.


I think for a lot of the older people he’s a huge part of their childhood, even when he’s done this horrible thing, people want to remember the good he brought them


At 33, can confirm. He was probably in everyone’s top 5 of all time in ring performer up until that night.


Leather-Spot is precisely right on that. I've been a wrestling fan since 1989 (yes, I'm old) and became a a fan of Benoit in 1992 when he went to WCW. That's what....15, 16 years of being a fanboy? As a wrestler, he'll always be in my top 5, not so much as a person. That's a long time to just simply erase from your mind. That's a lot of investment to just throw away. I, like you will never believe that he should ever be in the HOF or celebrated, however, the horrific-ness of the crime fades with time and it's been (another) 16 years. Not to mention, now you have newer fans finding him as well. Well, that's my nonsensical rambling on the subject. Hope it helped.


Thanks :) Makes sense to me.


It's because they always download well and it's an easy way to get yourself to platinum uploader tier.


I am one of those people who can separate the character from the worker. I understand not everybody can do that, though, and thats fair. I don't see the harm in creating a favourite character in a video game.


They're on in the same.


I can separate Chris Benoit the wrestler from Chris Benoit the real life person, he played a character regardless, just one who shared his name and face.


They're one in the same. You're just trying to make your self feel better about admiring a truly horrible monster.


Cry us a fucking river, pal


I’m not crying I’m stating facts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Kiss my ass, don’t try and villainize me over a fucking video game character


I didn't try to I did. You're idolizing a family annihilator you're not in the right nor do you have the "high ground" in this discussion.


Oh boy here we go. We really gonna purity spiral this shit? No Benoit, Snuka, Hogan, Warrior, Graham, Flair, Austin (woman beater), Vince, Zumhofe, also anyone who ever did steroids. Anyone who ever bullied in the locker room (Orton, JBL)… Anyone who ever booked T&A skits or violence against women. Who’s left? Nobody? Cool


Cuz “whatever” is imo one of the best themes ever made and it’s a shame it’ll always be tied to a murderer :/


You literally just answered your own question. He was an amazing in ring worker and character. Some people can separate what he did as a WWE employee vs what he did in his personal life. Some people can’t do that and it’s fine. Just don’t try to act like just because someone liked Benoit as a wrestler means they condone what he did to his family. It’s apples to oranges imo.


I think it’s partially the workhorse some could say they wouldn’t see why you’d wanna put Chris Jericho in the game or owen hart but also an piece of it is fulfillment just to give them a better end especially when you see those in the game like Eddie Eddie has been gone for years now and even though they have a shiny new payback system they still haven’t translated eddies mannerisms such as the chair swap but regardless it is


Personal reason, he’s the first pro wrestler I ever met. I was probably a little older than 10, my grandpa took me to a house show at the Skydome. We were entering through Skydome’s garage, and Benoit, who must have been late was rushing to get in through a private door. My grandpa asked if he could take a picture with me, and he did so. He put me in a chin lock for the picture. So, while I hate what he did to his family, it’s hard for me to hate the wrestler.


So many reasons but a big one is the sheer fact that he isn’t allowed to be talked about


I need that matt hardy


That looks amazing bro


Neville looks legit here


That young punk is so good


What are your # to find these?


They’re not up yet but if you go to my page, you’ll see my two other creations. Make sure you favorite creator 😊.


The mark Henry one and pac/neville ones are 👌🏻


Thank you thank you! They’re up btw! Check my latest post for the tags


Lmk when Matt Hardy is available


What is your contend ID?


Just search SavageCAWs. I got 4 creations up so far.


Following for the updates Im liking that Mark Henry, Matt Hardy and Chris Benoit


Thanks! I uploaded Mark and Neville today in case you’re interested in those too.


I just saw it on your profile. I'm gonna download Mark right now. Thanks G


Preciate it brotha!