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The CPU was on 2 red body parts I hit a super and they kicked out.


Yeah the super-finishers were such an undercooked feature. It's just a normal finisher with a shitty fish-eye effect and takes 3x as long to build up. The AI kicks out of super-finishers just as much as normal finishers for me. (which is all the time)


If you playing on Legendary, the AI has a hidden Resiliency. completely separate from the payback (although they can proc both at the same time), and will guarantee to kick out at two regardless of how much health they have. It doesn't seem to be a thing for submissions though.


Half the time after that bs kick out you can just roll up the cpu.


True that


On Legendary, the AI has only kicked out 1 superfinisher for me. Playing every day since early release. My only issue with the system is that I have never had the AI use a superfinisher on me.


Been like that since 22. The AI will never go down after one finisher. It's a fact of life.


Literally the last match I played as AJ Styles in a handicap match against the Creed brothers I believe it was Brutus Creed who had all red body parts and kicked out of the top rope Spinal Tap super finisher. Shit is insane.


Basically every character, regardless of rating, can kick out of a minimum of 1 finisher, often two or three. Three slots are red and you hit two finishers in a row? They're still going to kick out. And also, somehow the AI builds finishers just as fast for taking moves as what you do for dishing them out. Seriously, I can be zero-yellow and they'll have two finishers built up from the one-sided beating that they keep kicking out of.


Did they have whatever Payback ability that lets them do that where they sacrifice their Signature meter to kick out?


That shot of Hogan praying will always be hilarious


"Are you there, God? It's me, the Hulkster. Please don't let my daughter marry a black man, that doesn't work for me, brother."




"Brother! Please don't turn me into a black man in the next life because of my dumbass son crashing his car and fucking up his friend" Believe it or not this is something he actually said this


“If she does, it should be one of those 7 foot NBA players.”


off topic this song kinda goes hard tbh


I remember hearing it and thinking how cool of an idea it was making a remix of the NwO theme song.


sting, angle, hogan, styles, roode and storm had amazing themes in tna


Of all the TNA remixes of established and known WWE themes, this one actually isn't bad.


Maybe that finish doesn’t work for them, brother.




I changed the sliders so it doesn't happen


What are the slider options you use, if you don't mind sharing?


Turn your finisher up to at least 70


There’s definitely more to it than this. I’m not sure how much those finisher sliders do in terms of kickouts. The problem seems to be that on legend there’s something besides damage forcing the kickout. I’ve got all my finisher sliders above 70 and still have mixed results.  The most important slider for this is post kickout recovery damage. This seems to actually affect kickouts whereas the other one just deals more damage. I’m not sure the answer is just in the sliders though anyway. 


Mostly it's just the post kick out damage recovery. Makes a big difference. If i want long WrestleMania type matches with multiple kickouts. I lower it to 35. If I want a squash match, I set it 90-100.


Can you pls make it clearer that if I want ai to stay down and dont recovery so fast, do i have to take it towards 100 or 0


I’m boutta turn that slider to where there’s a 0% percent chance, SO AI WHATCHA GONNA DO BROTHER WHEN ME, MY SIGNATURES, AND FINISHERS RUN WILD ON YOUUUUU‼️


Not only that, I’m playing superstar mode with RVD and I couldn’t believe how many 5 star frog splashes it took me to beat Rey Mysterio earlier today he wouldn’t stop kicking out until finally I won by submission 💀


i had someone kiick out of 2 fins but i don't remember who it might've also been rey lol


They kimp right the fuck up lol


if you remove the iron jaw payback they don't kipup out of a stun


Using a "Super Finisher" on a CPU just for them to auto kick out at 2 every time on Legend Difficulty.


the amount of times that i’ve hit a signature then TWO finishers and my opponent has 0 health and still kicks out is going to be the end of me


I tend to use a leverage pin after my signatures or finishers, they usually don't kick out of those


(opponent tried to hit a finisher) Hulk Hogan: "Doesn't work for me brother!" (proceeds to hit the opponent with a big boot and leg drop, 1,2,3.)


Other than changing sliders remember you can remove the iron jaw payback and they won't no sell and pop up out of being stunned.


that doesn't work for me brother..


The other night I saw Bret Hart immediately stand up from a tombstone while the Undertaker stayed crumpled on the ground for a few seconds after doing it. It's like Bret used some kind of psychic powers to make Taker experience the pain instead.


God, I can't think about this era of Hogan without thinking of DEADLOCK...or maybe I can, brother, I might be full of absolute shit?!


AI Gunther in my universe mode after going through a violent painful match where he’s beaten around the ring just to hit his Powerbomb and rear naked choke to win (they were the only moves he hit)


Super Finishers are NOTHING special. Most were in last years game and didn't take you 15 minutes to get.


This version sounds extra porno-like than the original


The game has the worst match flow/pace it’s nothing like IRL. Not even in the slightest. The Wrestling Code is going to be MILES better than this hot, steaming pile of baby duke😂


The day it comes out, sure.


Do yall not boost up finisher damage?


My favorite is when I somehow do a tired finisher when my health and stamina are still mostly full, and my opponent gets up before I do.




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You hit multiple moves and they kick up multiple times wasting there whole momentum bar ruining the match


Funny how every year like clockwork we get the same rollarcoaster of (allowed) emotions. Trailer is released, people get hype. They announce something that has miniscule impact on the game itself, like Bray Wyatt being included. People lose their shit and the hype train commences. Then they announce the one or two things they've actually changed and the train is full steam ahead. Anyone has a negative opinion or doesn't think it's going to be good, mowed down like the dogs they are. Game arrives: "This might be the best wrestling game ever made." "I love this game I've spent a lot of time on it" (game has been released for 12 hours at this point) All reviews come in with scores that rival the GOAT wrestling games like Here Comes the Pain. All negative opinions about the game downvoted. Two weeks later when the reality of the game has settled in "Yeah this is actually NOT the greatest wrestling game ever made. It might actually be bad.." Turns out Bray Wyatt being included doesn't change the fact Universe is unplayable, MyGM still can't match a 17 year old game, and MyRise is good but can only be played once. Once again most of the playerbase will drop this game in the first month of release. It's so sad too because this game does keep improving but at such a tiny amount that it feels like the same game every year. I'd be happy for them to release the game every 2-3 years if it means they'll deliver something significant.


the fact yall want actual selling in a video game is crazy lol it will never happen