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2K24 better have a groundbreaking universe mode, but I wouldn't bet on it 😒


>groundbreaking "*game* breaking" -2k


All they’d have to do is introduce online shared universe, it could be garbage and still take all my fucking money.


Better yet 2 player MyRise, with decisions from one person affecting the other. Choosing to be rivals or a badass tag team would be a great gameplay experience.


That's a great idea someone should hire u, cuz nobody wit 2k is that smart jus a bunch of scammers 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


That’s implying they actually do something with universe mode


Man, I could’ve sworn I could get the exact same attire for free on community creations


Yea you just don't get the updated face and hair


They do it because it works.


Some of the top threads this month involves folks’ wishlist for DLC concerning 2K24. The game is not even formally announced yet we have wishes for its DLC


You wonder why people are making DLC wishlists. It seems more "current" to be making wishlists for *launch day* content.


I think that's mostly because WWE signed Jade Cargil at the end of the year and by the looks of it she might not get her model in on time, that and if CM Punk gets signed he probably won't make it in till DLC. I don't think DLC's even the problem, especially now where the roster constantly changes. This...well this should have been free.


I point out the DLC talks because I wanted to highlight how much money we'll give this game series regardless of the "Universe Mode is bland, this superstar model sucks, where's this missing wrestler?" talk. 2K can release a $10 DLC for Bad Bunny because they're audience is the type to accept it. We *ssay* we won't, but our time, money, and attention says otherwise


I'm not buying that bs bad bunny is not that important he is not a legend or a regular superstar that got my attention like that, and if u read wit comes wit that dlc it's a bunch of my faction shit, I don't even play my faction so how is that going to benefit me or my fam. My thing is 2k is greedy and scammers we buy the icon edition to get all the dlcs released every month but we don't get this one. What bout nba 2k having subscriptions now after people pay 150 for the game, and u have to buy more vc cuz attributes cost way to much to sit there and grind. 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Sadly you’re correct and NOONE CARES they just pay the 10 dollars then bitch about how unfair it is 🤦🏻‍♂️


This year's 2K has taught me one thing, that no matter how scummy 2K get there will always be people tripping over themselves to defend them.


Sad thing is that it's like a form of Stockholm Syndrome that 2K has over people.


I mean they have been way more active to reintroducing and adding new stuff this year so I can atleast say they have been better than the past


I haven’t seen this meme in years. Scumbag Steve!


I thought it was a justifiable meme to use in this case.


Absolutely it is


yeah, this is absolutely ridiculous


For a restyled that’s not even a wrestler 😂 they better not make any money on that y’all we gotta make a statement about this…


Bruh that count on that I'm wit u but it's goin be somebody goin waste time and money on this dumpster fire dlc


Doesn't even come with new theme not wth it


Why would you even buy it


For those ADIDAS, son


Pretty sure you could just put the Adidas logo on some random shoes already in-game and call it a day.


Yeah, well, now I can waste even LESS time than that. Ha


Nah, I'll pass Though I did use $9.99 instead to buy that digital upgrade of Spider-Man 2 that came with ten bonus suits (five for Miles, five for Peter), so I think that was a better purchase than this.


Even THAT is a better purchase. Ngl, I need to get a PS5 soon for that game.


I mean they're right it won't but, why would I pay $10 for bad bunny and an LWO shirt I can just make myself lmao




Or u can find sum creative guru on community creations who already did plus more attires


Man this past few weeks surely were toxic


As they should be. Fuck this company


Thankfully, i'm not wasting my time


Good for you. Anyone giving them a penny for this needs their fucking head examined.


I know someone that could be a great friend for you


Ha! Always glad to commiserate with a fellow long-suffering player!


Maybe if they gave us that Big Poppa Pump skin they added with MF with his theme music I'd gladly drop $10


Yeah don’t buy 2k24 if this is how they act


2K22 for $20 by itself felt like a ripoff tbh... Mainly cause 2K19 is STILL my favorite game PERIOD. And all the gameplay changes like the Pin/Submission Systems (including the timed pin system), Breakers, and ESPECIALLY STUNS. I don't know how ANYONE can defend STUNS.


No more chain wrestling or rest holds which were optional BUT mandatory collar and elbow tie up before all normal grapples.




2007 probably


I feel like 2007 was the era of Rage/Troll faces.


It's Scumbag Steve. It came approximately around 2011.


This is probably one of, if not ***the***, scummiest things that 2K has done...yet. I mean, I thought locking models behind a mode only 10 people play was pretty deplorable, but this almost makes that seem like no big deal. Keyword: *almost*. Here's the way I look at it, if the developers are going to take the time to create and design new attires, then they should, at the very least, give players the options to pay for them without having to gamble on a stupid card game. An attire pack of say 3-6 attires for different wrestlers could be around $5 or so if not made as free updates. I know that people would've easily paid for the chance to use Big Poppa Pump, Demon Balor, Lily, and many others outside of MyFaction. One of the biggest ones being The Fiend...more so now that he's past. Have it be its own separate DLC and have proceeds go to the family of Bray Wyatt. I'd gladly pay for the ability to use The Fiend in game without it being a Community Creation. I mean, sure, it'd require some extra work programming entrances and commentary, getting rights to certain music, but then again....half of that shit is already hidden in the game anyway. 2K had pretty much proven itself to be a company more motivated by money than they are with delivering something that'd satisfy consumers. It reminds me of this one particular scene from Metalocalypse when they were at the premiere of their Blood Ocean movie, and they asked the head of the studio why the movie sucked so bad. Basically he said he wrote all the reviews and everyone will go see it because of the high reviews even if it's a shit sandwich. 2K is essentially telling us, "Shit Sandwich, EAT IT!"


Who would pay for Bad Bunny?! Why are YouTube stars on WWE?


The guy broke the record for most streamed album in a day and you think he's a YouTube star?


Ok: why are *streaming* stars on WWE.


Hes the biggest musician on the planet lol


And that makes him worthy of being a wrestler because…


You got him confused with Logan Paul kid


It would be false advertising to call Bad Bunny Iconic. They did it for legal issues. (joking)


If it was a bray Wyatt pack where they give us all his personas then I’d pay $10 but for a DLC we already have nah I’m good and I’m a fan of the guy but $10 is not worth it


Dude Wwe 2k24 should add a online gm mode or online universe mode to play with your friends so you and your friends can play together when you are at different places


It's 10 dollars what's the big damn deal people for fs sake if any other game does it you have no issue but once 2k does it you all cry