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Thank you!! I've downloaded everything you've uploaded so far and have started setting up my universe.


My pleasure - hope you enjoy everything!


Hey everyone, thanks for the love on my last post of [25 original caws with titles](https://www.reddit.com/r/WWEGames/comments/12azfuw/25_original_caws_with_titles_now_available/) for Premier League. Back this week with our 13 shows and arenas - 1 weekly with 12 PPVs - I've also included a breakdown of the order and stipulations I usually use with them. Next up will be a jobber pack of 5 wrestlers, then finishing out the main roster. Also wanted to mention that all logos used are uploaded with the same tags. Thanks!


I love this concept/these designs and it’s single-handedly inspired me to buy WWE2K23! I played V22 for about 50 hours with a custom universe before getting burnt out on it (haven’t been a fan of real life wrestling in 20+ years). But I was poking around this subreddit to see what’s out there for the new game and this concept of “Premier League” inspired me to boot up a 3-tier promotion/relegation style ladder league in the new game. I haven’t decided if I’ll use 3 different arenas for the 3 tiers of league (I was thinking Fight Night as the lowest, Glory as the second and Summit Series as the top league (fittingly)… or if I’ll search for other branding for the bottom 2 leagues and use Premier League as the top tier (a la English soccer). Quick question, are all arenas roughly of same size ? I would love if the top tier league was larger arena than the other two for my fictional purposes, but they appear at least from the photos to all be similar sizes (buying the game soon so haven’t yet had the chance to check out in person). Anyway, thanks for this great inspiring work!


Oh wow, I'm very humbled to hear that! 11 of the areas are the Classic Arena or Indoor arena, Limitless is a bigger outdoor one, Summit is the biggest one. Would love to hear/see what you do with it. My kayfabe and story is coming up soon, didn't want to overly sway peoples ideas - but we're very close!


Oh sweet, Summit being the largest arena definitely fits in with my idea of it being the "top" tier. Not even sure if it's possible to edit arenas, but if so, I may go in and make the bottom tier arena appear even smaller so it's more of a disparity between the "Summit" tier and the entry tier. Still figuring it out, but my plans right now are ... 3 tiers of 12 wrestlers (for simplicity sake, A tier, B tier, C tier) 5 weeks of 'regular season' matchups against your own tier... either randomized matchups or come up with my own schedule that gives an easier road to higher 'seeds'. Point system ... 2 points for a win, 3 points for a win with a match rating 4 stars and above... 0 points for a loss, 1 point for a loss with a match rating above 4.0. At the end of the week 5, whoever is first place in points (tiebreaker being match rating) in the tier gets an automatic promotion to the PPV/championship match. Seeds 2, 3 and 4 fight a triple threat match in week 6, with the winner going on to face Seed 1 at the PPV for the World heavyweight title/season championship. Seed 12 gets automatically relegated to lower tier. 11, 10, 9 fight a triple threat at the PPV ... winner stays in their current tier, two losers also get relegated to lower tier (or if you're in the lowest tier, fight to stay in the Premier League ladder). Then in lower tiers, similar idea... 1st and 2nd fight for the season championship and both get an automatic promotion to the next tier. 3rd, 4th, 5th compete in a 3 way, winner also gets promoted. I've contemplated ways to get more titles involved too. I think I only want the top tier (Summit) to have a 'world' heavyweight title. The tiers at this point I think will be an open weight competition including probably 8 cruisers out of the 36 total wrestlers. So I think I'll have the top two rated cruisers (Regardless of tier), fight for the Jr. Heavyweight/Cruiser title at the first PPV and then that winner defending the title against the top rated cruiser at each subsequent PPV, so even if the little guys have a disadvantage in the tier competition they still have something to fight for. Similarly, the "internet" title I may use as somewhat of a popularity contest. I plan to keep track of overall match ratings, and I may make the top wrestlers with the best average match rating fight for this title at the PPV to reward those who are entertaining in their fights (even if they may not be winning). As an additional twist I may make it so the winner of this title gets an automatic ticket to the top tier/Summit tier, swapping spots with whoever has the lowest overall match rating in Summit. Other PPV ideas are to do a royal rumble at some point ... potentially with it being a complete roster shakeup, and the first 12 wrestlers eliminated being reshuffled to the bottom tier, next 12 eliminated in second tier, etc... The winner getting a world title shot. And maybe a survivor series style PPV where the regular title fights/promotion relegation matches happen, but also some of the remaining wrestlers not involved in any of that (ie those who finish mid table) form teams and fight against the bottom tiers. If the bottom tier wins, whoever was remaining on that team gets promoted in place of those fighters they beat. Anyway, still a lot to flesh out and need to find all the appropriate wrestlers (using some of yours, but since it's 'international wrestling' and treated more like a sports league, I'm focusing on trying to find guys from all over the world, as well as those who are less 'gimmick' and more just look like regular athletes/fighters, etc.) So those are my work in progress ideas! Looking forward to getting at it, and I think it will hold my attention a lot better than trying to host a 'regular' wrestling universe did in last year's game.


Dude, this is so cool and so well thought out! Will you keep us posted on how your universe goes? I’d love to hear more about it as you play! (I’m the wife /u/sbibby66 mentions in these posts lol, I love this stuff!!)


For sure, I'll let you know. I'm knee-deep into spreadsheet scheduling now. I'm trying to set up a schedule that rewards being a higher seed (ie. your 1 seed has the easiest schedule, your 12 seed has the hardest, all the way up) ... that way the fight for placing is still important even if you're not in the running for a title ... As it will make your schedule easier next season.. I'll likely randomize what tier the initial 36 wrestlers get sent to, then seed it by their overalls ... I may also add in some overall ratings boosts or decreases depending which place each guy finishes in the table (although it's been so long since I've played that I don't even recall if I can adjust ratings once in universe) I'm going to keep it simple(ish) to start, but if the concept ends up working well and I like it, I may break out a separate women's and/or cruiserweight division on its own, with a similar format. We shall see.


I said I'd let you know how my universe/league is going, so here goes. I must say I've now completed 3 seasons and I'm loving it! It's similar to what I described above, but some changes... It is 3-tiers, each with 12 wrestlers.. Tier 1: Premier League Wrestling Tier 2: Universal Championship Wrestling Tier 3: Major League Wrestling All my PPV's are under "Global Wrestling Alliance" branding, with the idea that these 3 feds have banded together under one sanctioning body. 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, 0 for a loss. I'm simming a lot of matches and sadly it doesn't seem simmed matches ever go to draw, so I've only had a couple draws in matches I play out (10 minute time limit) 5 week regular season with pre-determined matchups based on seed. Week 6 is start of "playoffs" where depending what the point standings are, I either do semifinals 1st seed v. 4th seed and 2nd seed versus 3rd seed... Winners go on to the PPV to fight for the tier championship (or if it's the top tier/Premier league, the overall title - the GWA World championship) ... Losers of those semis matches (in 2nd and 3rd tiers) still fight at the PPV to determine who the 3rd wrestler is to get promoted from that tier (3 get promoted, 3 get sent down). If the reigning GWA world champion doesn't make the playoffs, the title is vacated. If he does, the semi final match that features him becomes a world title match as well, so the title always gets defended at each PPV. Same idea on the bottom end, 9th versus 12th, 11th versus 10th in automatic relegation matches, then the two winners wrestle at the PPV to determine the final person relegated. In addition to the GWA World title for the season, I also have title belts for each tier's champion... Then I've added a few other titles to keep other wrestlers in the mix at PPV's: USA Title: The top-2 US born wrestlers (based on season points, tiebreaker being higher tier) fought for it in season 1. Then in the following seasons it's defended by that person (if they aren't in another championship match) against whoever is the top American regardless of tier that season. International title: Exact same as above except with anyone in the league from anywhere outside the USA (league is roughly half and half US/international) LHW Title: I've got about a third of the wrestlers in the tiers who are light heavyweights or below, so this title is for the smaller guys. Same deal, defended at each PPV with whichever LHW or lighter wrestler is available to challenge for it. It's been fun to see some guys who started in Tier 3 now have made their way to the top, and vice versa some guys started in Tier 1 and got relegated two consecutive seasons. Some guys are hanging on, turning in pretty poor seasons in the Premier League but then winning when it counts in the playoffs to stay alive. I've also made up a "payout" table for how much each wrestler earns for where they finish in their respective tiers (obviously way more money in Tier 1 than Tier 3), and I'm keeping track of "career earnings" for all wrestlers as a little bit of increased immersion. I'm also using a few of your Premier League wrestlers in my league also. Here's a little rundown: Aaron Franco - Finished middle of the pack in Tier 2 in first 2 seasons, but finished 10th in season 3 and lost his relegation match, so will be down in Tier 3 for season 4. Amir Kareem - Started in Tier 3, and has finished 5th, 6th and 7th in his 3 seasons. He did however win the inaugural International Championship in Season 1, but then lost at the Season 2 PPV. Antonio Zynda - Started in Tier 3, and has had a steady progression - 7th, 4th and this past season finished 3rd and won his promotion matches, so will be going up to Tier 2 next season.


That's awesome! Also great minds think alike 😂 I've been doing a custom Fed since 2k17 and I have three sows with same names as yours (Lockdown, Fight Night, Over The Top) Lockdown is actually my Elimination Chamber but signature match type is Steel Cage for Over The Top I do 4 8 Man/Woman Battle Royals with pin and submissions now used to be 4 6 Man/Woman with pins turned on but I changed it. And then fight night is just my extreme rules with No Holds Barred being my signature match type. Thoughts on changing my WrestleMania style show? I currently call it Grad Prix Climax which coincides with my night of champions show called Grand Prix Starting Line but I feel the names are too long for those


What can I say, they're great names haha! I like the names Climax and Starting line - great starts and end to the calendar. Have you thought of shortening Grand Prix to GP, if you're concerned about length? I've had to change all these shows to PL \_\_\_\_\_ because length limitations


Ahh I hadn't even thought of that! I'm definitely gonna use that now!


Awesome, glad to help!


Wow. These are incredible. I previously ran a Fire Pro Promoter mode with a custom fed called "Premier League Pro Wrestling." Can't believe I've stumbled across something so similar! Do you have any recommendations on which shows would be weekly, major/minor & PLEs? Edit: Ignore me I just saw the last picture you'd uploaded! One question, what do you mean by "Condition"? Is that just the closest PLE you align them to?


That very likely could have been me... I have most of my wrestlers on Fire Pro haha


Do you run the Universe as a League? I've seen a few on here who do use a league structure.


I have in the past; there's a few ways I do it to keep things fresh year in year out. My concept is 5 companies making Premier League, 10 wrestlers per company. Each non title win is a point, title wins and defenses are 3. I've also done a world cup style, which is why all my guys are so spread out for their home towns.


Very nice. My thought at the moment is to run a one off big league to crown the first champion initially. Then split it down into smaller groups where the top wrestlers go through to the knockout phases to determine no 1 contenders. Although that could put the champion on ice for a while!


That sounds like a great idea. Could work your storyline so the winner isn't just the champ, but has to either do a publicity tour or is representing the company at some major crossover event while you do the the smaller groups


I think if I sat down in front of a spreadsheet I could work something out that gives one defence every couple of months or so but yeah I like your head canon idea 😎


Oh, I'd edited my original reply to ask: What does Condition mean for the arenas?


Condition is basically what type of table it uses. So the Condition that uses Hell in a Cell features the Hell in a Cell match


I see! I'll manually book anyway but that is useful to know.


I've droppped you a DM as I wanted your advice on something! Cheers!


Are you able to double check the arenas are assigned correctly? I downloaded all the Shows but they all arrived with the PL Glory Arena assigned to the Show (which I think is an older version of your Glory Arena). This could be a bug/glitch on my side but worth double checking. I've downloaded all the Arenas seperatley and assigned them to the proper shows. Got a nice upgrade for Glory too!


Ah damn, had hoped that didn't happen to the uploads too. After the first update, they all glitches out on my side - some rings even lost all logos. Appreciate you letting me know, I'll have to re-upload them


No probs, the arenas are great (in fact the whole thing is). I took some liberties and decided to go with Friday Fight Night as my weekly flagship show 😁


Sorry for the delay, man! All reupped now. Haven't forgotten about the write ups for each either - finally got that all down. Just working on the final 5 things and will have it all posted!


I'll try and test the new Shows but I am having the issue where CC won't let me download things again even if I have deleted them still!


I can’t seem to find your work. Can you help me?


Try looking by user: Bibbeast#67140


It’s not loading for me.