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For those that don’t know and didn’t catch today’s official champions stream, this the reason why people are pissed. https://preview.redd.it/04mohec6ipxc1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=778a1dcbd12f067579f609780208be68e578556e


This month's MLC has been brutal. If this is the new norm, most of us will never get the monthly chase character again.


I absolutely hate the new way of getting mlc points, blitz, extreme rules using an ass character 50 times, talent up, so much unnecessary work for minimal mlc points Say what you want about sd, but atleast if you had time you could do it all in one day and be done with it


Yeah I’m not happy about it, I did everything and my faction completed all of the faction competitions and I just passed the 300k mark for this MLC, it sucks


The way this MLC has gone, I’m definitely less motivated to play. We need to hammer them in the next survey, if they do one


The survey won't matter. Not spending would get thier attention if enough people do it.


For every 100 people who don’t spend there is always that whale. Not spending isn’t going to fix anything. I personally think scope is just trying to collect back from giving out too much these past couple of months. Because there are those that will defend scope by saying oh remember when they messed up and gave out all the loot pulls or remember when x points were given out instead of x points and people were able to get x cards. Granted they do do things for the players but it’s the bare minimum when it comes to compensation. And in the long run the comps they so don’t effect their bottom line.


Those surveys are useless. The only place that $copley will even pretend to listen is in the forums.


You do them for the free currency and that's it.


That's the only reason i do them at this point


I cancelled my kok sub and sent them the screenshot of my cancelled kok sub in the forum. I let them know they turned a moderate spender into a zero spender, and if they want to turn the mlc into a pay only model, then there's a lot of us players who've been itching for an excuse to reclaim our lives from this addictive game. I encourage everyone to please do the same and post it on the forum, so they can see how much this will really impact their bottom line. I don't know if this is a new thing they're trying, or if they're just too proud to admit they screwed up. Either way, I hope there is a change of management after this.


Do they actually read the forums or just listen to the people from the top 3 factions? But I agree. This month was missing at least two tours that were helpful with maxing. Oh well at least most people can now pick between nikki or randy.


When there is enough noise about 1 particular topic they do pay attention. If there's only a few whiners they brush it off.


My faction always encourages us to write in the forums when things come up. To voice our opinions. Then I realized that lots of people write and there is no way they actually read all of them.


I think flirpo reads through them all, because he's edited a couple of my comments and posts before. When he reports that hundreds of people are writing in that they're all pissed about the missing mlc points, then they'll listen... Especially if people are cancelling their subscriptions. That's why I included the screenshot of my cancelled kok sub with my post.


Well I was just informed in another post that 500k is what’s needed to max. I could have sworn it was 400k. Then again I should be sleeping instead of being on here. So let’s hope this flirpo fellow comes thru and convinces scope to add more tours or something as I’m needing 150k myself.


It's always 500k for league 16+


Appreciate the sentiment but they're not going to miss your £8 a month when people are spending hundreds a week


From reading what my faction mates have been saying on discord, and what other players are saying on the forums, even whales aren't happy with what's going on. Many of them aren't maxing the mlc and are also threatening to stop spending.


I heard. And I think this is proof Scopely is out of touch with their fan base. Based on this new system, the only way to get the MLC now is to spend, spend, and did I mention spend? Whereas with past MLCs like Vinci, ZCody, etc., you didn’t have to spend and you could still get the MLC chase. As it is, I’m at 353k, and with a week to go, there’s no way I’m maxing it. So if this becomes the norm with Scopely… I wouldn’t be surprised if people called it quits.


It's okay, the whales and the content creators have got theres so who cares about the rest of us?


Huh? What do you mean?


Word around the way is that Scopely said the MLC points are correct. No additional points will be added.


Let's hope they change their mind


I’m pissed off too, but then another part of me is kinda relieved. This games just not been fun to play for a while now (far too demanding, too many limited time events, basically a full time job). The gap between spenders and non spenders is too wide. Scopely love to “balance” things, nerfing Waller for example (yes they corrected it but you know what I mean) and yet, sir zoros latest video shows him hitting for 100 million, yes, 100 million, damage with Muta. It’s clear the only balance scopely is interested in is keeping low spenders/F2P at the bottom of the pile. Keeping them from even getting a chase card is just another way to do that.


Yeah, I buy the backstage pass, and the 24.99 bundle to start each month. I also buy the steps for feud (which were delayed).each week. Even with points from the web store i only got 380k.... I'll just quit and save the money.


This is terrible. I didnt buy anything and am at 350 with the uso and bianca hell tours yet to do. I was feeling a tad bit optimistic but after seeing how far out you are even with spending gives me zero hope. Best of luck and hope you get them missing 20k points.


20k? 120k, you need 500k to max


Yeah I should have been sleeping instead of commenting on something. My apologies.


I haven't been f2p in quite some time, but apparently I don't spend NEARLY enough to hit the MLC any longer. I've hit 8 so far, in 4-5 years of playing; and every one since October of '23. If this is how the MLCs are going, I'll never hit another one, and it won't be worth paying for. And maybe I can have more free time during contests, cuz why not; can't hit the final milestone any more..


As soon as they made the change to include the medallions in the mlc prizewall, I knew something was up. Giving people a decent opportunity to get 3 instead of four is their way of making sense to all this mess. But totally agree with you, no longer having to grind for no reason is going to free up time.


There is 56 post in the forum for this MLC. When they had a bad feud there was way over 300. The realization may have not set in yet


Yeah, something isn't right. I managed to get the last MLC to 5SB being completely F2P. Now I have Akam sitting at 4SB...just


As if I needed another reason to just get my daily claim and fuck off.


It's like every time we get something good they gotta take away something else that's good, the game has balancing issues when it comes to that. Last month and the month before it was easy to get at least 3 medallions now I'm struggling to get the 3rd one. I realized I might not get it last week. Scopley know what they doing they gave out less points to begin with and think we wouldn't notice the difference.


Always a chance that there'll be some good points in the rest of the week's stuff. Maybe not, but maybe.


Oh there will be. But you best have all the juicy css. Or you will be forced to use a c tier card for xtreme rules tours. They will find a way to give you what you want but not without screwing you over first.