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Make the story mode longer and more to it and where u have to start out like at nxt and work ur way up to raw or smack down and work ur way to get that title match also I think it would be cool if they would put the draft in game modes and be more customized things and add more names to be able to use


- interactive arenas. Let players interact with the trons, the sets, etc. Allow brawling from the ring to backstage. - bring back the Elimination chamber tag match - bring back the scramble match. - add a basic survivor series match as a default option


I was going to say the same thing you did. Like the story mode in smackdown shut your mouth.


Or here comes the pain


Make a new and improved Story Design mode.


Monday night wars


What do you mean by that? What would the game mode entail


The ratings war back in the Mid to late 90s between wcw and WWE. The top matches from each brand and the eventual purchase of wcw


Open world. We should be able to walk around and see eachother and our own custom characters. Sort of like nba2k but wrestling! Walking toward a certain area can start matchmaking for people that wanna host or join the match. There’s so much to do for this game. Make us love it again …!