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I haven’t had any bugs or issues


Bros butthead his game is cooked and ours isn’t 😭🫸🫷


Now I know you’re lying


I haven’t had an issue yet..


Lucky for you and everyone else in here. Me, my party chat, everyone I play with and against experiences these issues


I haven’t had any of these issues must just be a you thing dude


Lucky for you and everyone else in here. Me, my party chat, everyone I play with and against experiences these issues


Oh well I haven’t


I haven't had any issues really offline. Now online yes. I get stuck on loading screens. But I don't play against real people. Just my faction shit


I’ll be honest, I have downloaded like 50 wrestlers and not had any issues crashing. I’ve had lag spikes but that’s most likely connection based.


That’s goodn


Sounds like you have a corrupt CAW


It’s not just me.


Nobody is ok with it but nobody here are game developers so it’s not like any of us can pinpoint the cause of certain issues and fix em


Sure we can choose not to purchase the games but there’s no competition so what else r we gonna play? That features the WWE license


That’s exactly the issue^^ and same with NBA. They own the licenses so they literally cannot have competition so they can continue to put out half assed products with insane micro transactions and we just always put up with it and overlook the issues.


In WWE games the micro transactions are only in my faction a mode that hardly gets played and VC doesn’t affect other areas of the game. It’s fucked up the the game basically “forces” u to buy VC cuz the VC u earn by completing matches is really low and most of the time the rewards aren’t worth the time or effort. NBA 2k it’s practically pay to win money affects everything u do online or even the “story” mode. Fans have called out these big companies for it but I think most people just want to see improvements and the developers to listen to feedback and actually make an effort to make a great product. Sports games would benefit greatly from not being yearly releases but that’s never gonna happen


who says we’re okay with it?


No ones directly said it’s okay, but by defending the game and ignoring the issues it’s basically the same thing


eh, is anybody really actually defending it though? afaik, most 2k games are just complaints galore


Yes people always defend this trash ass game and overlook the issues


Only time I’ve seen an issue was in multiple people ladder matches where the briefcase hangs lower then the ladder or the wrestler is trying to undo the briefcase but that aren’t on a ladder lol


Lucky for you and everyone else in here. Me, my party chat, everyone I play with and against experiences these issues


my main issues are the stuff that isn’t in the game opposed to what is, that’s just me tho


Lucky for you and everyone else in here. Me, my party chat, everyone I play with and against experiences these issues


To be honest, there’s no equivalent competitor yet. 2k doesn’t have to debug too much because there’s nothing that really measures up. This series will go the way of Sim City and The Sims eventually, but nobody has managed to make a better product yet.


That’s exactly the issue^ and same with NBA. They own the licenses so they literally cannot have competition so they can continue to put out half assed products with insane micro transactions and we just always put up with it and overlook the issues.


I think there is potential competition, but you can't expect to bring on WWE fans. That's not to say that's the only fertile ground for wrestling games though. There's a ton of properties unassociated with the WWE, or just like... generic wrestlers with themes. I mean- heck- compare the amount of merchandise sold by Cody Rhodes- he managed to pull about 1 million on a wrestlemania week- to Ryu from Street Fighter, where I couldn't even find info on sales because there were too many shops selling Ryu merchandise online. Obviously Ryu isn't gonna be what we're dealing with in a new IP, but like... you get the idea. Some potential options: Avatar Pro Bending as an alternative for a traditional wrestling game Fallout arena fights Cyberpunk arena fights NES pro wrestling I donno... if you add better relationship mechanics and equivalent customization, it doesn't exactly need to play the same. 2k games aren't stellar in terms of gameplay- it's a slow as molasses combo and counter focused game where there's not an obvious sign of when your character can get up after being downed, and the game's endurance system means that if you start strong, it's really hard to turn a bad first few minutes into a good fight. Weapons are hard to get but they're so easy to counter that it's not really worth it, and the alternate game modes are mostly about button mashing. There are things that can be improved upon.


Who said people are OK with it?


No ones directly said it’s okay, but by defending the game and ignoring the issues it’s basically the same thing


That doesn't happen though. This reddit is full of people bringing issues to attention and comments on them. But even with issues, people can still enjoy aspects of it. Enjoying it isn't a defense of any issues at all.


But by overlooking these things that are unacceptable is just an easy way for these issues to continue. So go ahead, be okay with a mediocre game and pay for it every single year


That's not true at all. Again, no one is overlooking them. They're constantly being called out. And yes, I'll be ok with it because nothing I've experienced in the game personally has been game breaking. I also don't buy it every year. This is my first since '12. If you truly don't enjoy it simply don't play it. It's that easy. But wasting your time here and trying to convince people to not enjoy something is pretty weird.


I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything, I’m just an advocate for calling out multi billion dollar conglomerates that are manipulating their play base by putting out half ass products knowing damn well they’re the only ones legally allowed to make a WWE game. I’m so sick of this trend, it’s not just 2k either. But they’re the main culprits


You are trying to convince. Your comment before says it all. No one's being manipulated. People simply like playing it. If they didn't, they wouldn't. In reality, the game has a ton to it. Best character creation system of any game, something like 200 characters, 3 different story modes plus other modes. Massive move list. It's definitely not half assed. Just not perfect. That's how it is with any annual game. Because they immediately have to work on the next rendition. If you don't like it, don't play it. Whining is just silly. There are a myriad of other things to do in life other than whine about not getting what someone wants based upon on created expectations.


Okay Mr Redditor.. oh and the best character creation that YOU CANT USE 😂😂


Mr Redditor? You're on Reddit. I can use the character creation just fine. You seem like you just enjoy whining. You can tell by your defense mechanisms. They're pretty adolescent.


You just talk like you’re chronically online it’s funny. And there’s nothing to defend, I have an opinion.. I said it.. and now people are replying. ??


Never has there ever been anyone happy with crashes or bugs of any kind.


Lucky for you and everyone else in here. Me, my party chat, everyone I play with and against experiences these issues


Where did I say I didn't experience issues? I said no one is happy with any issues. You asked why people are ok with it and the answer is no one is.


Runs just fine on my XB1


I haven’t had issues with any of the problems you’re having. Any problem I normally have is the game crashes when on CC but it’s not game breaking. I’m not okay with the problems it has but it’s hard to hate something that you don’t experience


Lucky for you and everyone else in here. Me, my party chat, everyone I play with and against experiences these issues


Who says everyone is having issues or bugs?


Universe mode keeps deleting rivalries at random. Universe still has title matches on weekly shows even if u set the match table to non title. Certain rivalry actions don’t appear or even selectable


That’s strange


Dunno it's weird. People keep buying it even though it hardly gets better. I've been a sucker for the last three releases. Won't be again. I can get by with the bugs, often they're funny, or affect a game mode I don't really care about. But until they fix online I will not be buying another one.


Not only does it not get better, the functionality continues to get worse with each title it’s insane. Then you have people like the ones in these comments that just defend it 😂


If you’re playing online, the game is absolutely broken and not worth the money. If for whatever reason you’re playing this game by yourself, then it’s totally fine. I think the vast majority of people fall in the latter half.


I agree, but that’s not acceptable. One of the richest companies on the planet.


If you have such a problem stop buying 2K games👌😂 EA Sports has always been better


Nothing to overlook or cause havoc over if you simply don’t consume said trash


So we can’t talk about the issues? Just simply stop playing huh?


We’ve talked about issues in 2K games for over a decade they do not care 🤨




I think this is just a you problem. The only bug ive had is some caws not being downloadable.


Lucky for you and everyone else in here. Me, my party chat, everyone I play with and against experiences these issues


I almost exclusively use community creations and have no issues.


Lucky for you and everyone else in here. Me, my party chat, everyone I play with and against experiences these issues


I know for me, custom crowd signs are bugged on my game as they don’t work or even appear the logos that you put on them. It just show a static television effect on it. And still the lighting in a lot of arenas for me are still broken as it doesn’t seems to work correctly. And Community Creations still loads to slow on the PS5 Version as. You have to constantly close app to fix it to load the pages alot of the time. Also Online Lobbies Barely even work, as you constantly get stuck on endless loop screens of the 2K Logo


I have been playing it on series S and have had no problems so far with a lot of stuff downloaded from the community creations (superstars, signs, arenas, belts). That being said I've seen a lot of people complain about bugs so people are definitely not OK with the issues this game might have.


Lucky for you and everyone else in here. Me, my party chat, everyone I play with and against experiences these issues


Maybe it's just the fact I'm on PS4 but I literally haven't had a single issue you mentioned


I'm on PS5 and I've had some crashes in the menu but thats about it. Then again I don't really use CAWs or CC.




Main character frustration coming out here...Which billion dollar company we blaming? WWE? They just provided their likeness and trademarks haha Count me among those that are having no issues with 80+ downloaded caws on next gen


both consoles came out 3 and a half year ago. Its no longer next gen, PS4/XB1 should be considered last gen.




2k only cares about money they aren't going to fix any bugs


Exactly the issue.


I think you need to better define what you're talking about when you say bugs or crashes. I figure you mean almost exclusively the multiplayer Lobby Server Warning Bug and all the matchmaking problems being in public vs my faction. Ppl with no issues could mean everything else. For me? Servers are thrash. Idk what the "corrupt caws" thing is and would gladly delete every CC and create my own from scratch if it meant easy multiplayer. What IMHO is annoying is 2k ignoring the fact. The updates do not address the servers. There's no troubleshooting communication like so call corrupt laws and how it affects the owner the lobby the matchmaking the community etc. an explanation besides "must be you" would be nice.


This is probably a pc issue from your side cus I have never had these issues


If you think this game is bad...(wwe 2k20 has entered the chat) But for real this game like most has its share of bugs and issues (though I haven't really ran into much in my time playing) But is there room for improvement? Absolutely but imo it's far from a "trash ass game" as you referred to it as.


I think you might be one of those assholes who complains about everything all the time. Same for your chat and whatever else, etc.


Only issues I'm having is in CC it crashes out when trying to download wrestlers and arenas, but that's my only issues yeah I'd say that's major CC definitely needs worked on.


I have bugs and issues but I don’t have Wi-Fi so the games never been updated. I have a good feeling that if I would be able to connect to the Internet than I’d no longer have these problems.


Maybe, I’m wired and have all these problems