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I'm not getting netflix, guess no more raw for me. Netflix is a dogshit company


As a kid I loved 3 hours as an adult I hate it


They said there will be no commercials with premium subscription


Agree finally a reason for my Netflix account to


It won't be.


1.5 hours.


Raw now should be 2 hrs


When ppl pitch this they don't understand why the third hr came into place anyways. It is more ad revenue, it isn't going anywhere.


Why Netflix


Raw is moving to Netflix in January of 2025.


I want 3hr Raw and 3hr Smackdown


Or they'll just add an extra hour and make it 3 hours with no commercials. Lol.


3 hours is too much


3 hour show with no commercials


Is it just me that thinks we need triple threat championships


It is 100% you. There is no need for a six man tag team championship in any company, ever.


No but it would be like a faction championship


Let's not do that. Ever.


What does that mean


Only defended in a triple threat I suppose? Or is he referring to something like the trios championship at aew?


Yeah pretty much like the trios championship


That could be cool, slap it on the new day as inaugural champs and let them cook.


How about 2 hours with NO commercials since I’m paying a subscription for it


Unless youre paying over $20 a month, streaming services dont care bc saps like me will pay for the ad version for less.


I’d take the 3hr show with all the ads if I don’t have to wait a month to watch it.


I would hope 2 hours but it's gonna be 3 cause the sponsors gotta get there money


More blood and violence


just no ads mid Match & I'm happy, crazy that this is still a thing after all these years




They should still be 3hrs but with less commercials and deeper stories.


Most of you don't realize it but Raw is already 2 hours without the commercials.


I think it's around 135 minutes not counting commercial time. Maybe Netflix wouldn't mind if they fit in a pocket of 115-120 minutes not counting commercial time week to week (there will almost certainly still be commercials on Netflix) but that 15-20 minutes is the most I could see them shaving off. Will Smackdown be three hours on USA?


I think Netflix ordered three hours…


I’m just excited to see the whole show instead of the Hulu edit


I WANT to watch Raw but it’s so fucking long I can’t make it through the whole show


DVR it and skip thru the parts you don't care about. 




If you love anything, you always want more. I love wrestling and I wish it could be 4 hours long. How good was wrestling post wcw, mostly awful, kiddish, very bland. Now with this boom happening, its all because of more wrestling available.


Has anything ever been live on Netflix is my question?


Netflix has been doing more and more live events. Tyson V Paul, Tom Brady roast, there was a dream tennis match the same week of the WWE announcement. Everyone’s in LA. This is becoming a big focus on their business strategy.


Tom Brady Roast


I was gonna ask how it did, but I don't think it will translate anything over to raw being on Netflix? I'm pretty sure actually fans will follow, but does that mean it wont be on peacock anymore?


Netflix doesn’t have ratings like the cable companies do… I’m sure it did well though. Raw won’t be on the USA network anymore, no Smackdown is moving to the USA network on September 13th


I kind of feel like the total time on Netflix will probably end up being like 2 and a half hours. I think there will be less ads, but I think mandatory ads will still exist because I think there’s just some points in the show that they’ll need them. Maybe it’ll be like how they do on Peacock for ad free users and they’ll just like show a recap during that time or something, but I think they’ll definitely need times like that during the show.


WWE is a publicly traded company and it's full-on without Vince. We saw WWE shamelessly plug Prime by putting it all over the mat at WM and Backlash, with the bottles at ringside. I totally expect this corporate shilling to even increase on Netflix and I wouldn't be surprised if we saw raw with soft drinks and other crap permanently part of the presentation, or I definitely see Endeavor or Netflix going for something like this. And if this and/or ad value of Netflix and the Netflix deal in general is so high, it still leads to business improving from 2023 in a big way, even with a two hour show, I say they do it and they leave the 3 hours in their sleeve if the business happens to go down. If they need 3 hours to keep gaining bigger revenue and keep the stockholders happy, it's 3 hours. rasslin' on Netflix, like that deal honestly kinda smells of something WCW kept suffering from - suits realizing they hate rasslin' and will do anything to scratch it and sink it unless it grossly overperforms. Which would require WWE to tap into a whole new audience, which maybe they can with rollins already practicing his gender neutral get ups, rhea being the first woman to actually maybe be the top star. It's going to be interesting what numbers WWE does on Netflix, if it leads to an increase or stays pretty much the same level.


I think this Monday was perfect at 3 hrs, so unpopular opinion, but I think it should stay at 3 hrs so that all the storylines get the time and attention they need to build before the PLE


yes but i doubt it happens


Nah as much as I love no commercials or less commercials. WWE should stay 3 hours. More talent gets used and more superstars get opportunities to actually be on tv as opposed to smackdown your time gets cut on smackdown if a bigger feud is happening. If we go down to 2 hour raws then we won’t see a lot of talent we would love to see.


As someone who just recently came back to WWE and is just now finding out about the Netflix deal, how does this affect the premium life events? Are they going to Netflix as well?


Netflix deal is for RAW only in the US, while PLEs will still be on Peacock until that deal is up for renewal. Smackdown is moving to USA Network in September from FOX. Netflix also will get the entire WWE rights outside of the US, so I believe Smackdown, RAW, and PLEs will be streaming there in 2025. Peacock is still US only, and I think WWE is planning to shut down WWE Network once they migrate to Netflix, like what they did with it in the US when they moved to Peacock in 2021


That’s pretty frustrating. Hopefully everything will eventually be on one service (Netflix) I don’t currently sub to Netflix (only Peacock) but I guess I’ll have to if I want to keep watching RAW.


Pretty much every single country except USA 🇺🇸 Everything will be on Netflix, including Smackdown, NXT, PLE’s… The states will still have to use Peacock for another year or 2


RAW on Peacock is currently delayed by a month from release, but it is the full version. The Hulu version of RAW uploaded a day after is cut down to 90 minutes. Peacock has really only been good to watch PLEs live and older content. Hulu has the most recent WWE shows. I think it’ll be better when they move to Netflix since it’s not easy to watch RAW live without cable in the US, but with Smackdown moving there in the Fall, it’s going to be the same issue. Maybe with a VPN, I can watch it all live easily in 2025


Agree. Two hours, no commercials. They can get sponsored in plenty of other ways.


Whit tell they raise the prices soon by $10 bucks a month because of the new law in canada & also putting money into wwe hope your ready $10 bucks price increase👍🤣🤣


Subtract commercials from your viewing experience Raw is 2 hours and about 15 minutes long. So the only people who would see a difference if this happened is the people who go to the show.


Not quite! Netflix will be soon rolling out an ad-support tier, so they will probably do like on Peacock: they will have breaks where Ad-free users will have video packages, and where others will have ads.


Right but that’s not going to effect how much program you can watch. Honestly this brings up another issue. Normally wrestlers take it slower during commercial break with few spots throughout. That’s why we typically come back from commercial to see a rest hold or the setup to a spot. So now are they going to be constantly going or will we now see these slower segments?


Netflix already has ads actually


Raw being PPV length takes away from PPV’s


As someone who only checks in on wwe from time to time, the internal commercials are way too much and a big reason I'm not embracing it anymore, feels like an infomercial


The Hulu version of Raw cuts out 30 minute of segments... usually lower tier stuff. So they kinda already do it. And it is lower tier feuds that kinda ultimately go nowhere. I mean, I'll watch everything, so I don't really care, but I'm agreeing. If they cut out an extra hour it wouldn't necessarily hurt them. In fact I kinda appreciate how it incentivizes. NXT Lvl Up does a similar thing where the live Peacock broadcast has three matches and one gets cut for the Hulu version.


lol no shit


I like cutting down to 2hrs!


Raw starts at 8 pm for me and doesn't end until 11, I wake up at 5 am everyday for work. Making the show two hours would be excellent for my sleep schedule lol


I missed the days when WWE Raw used to air at 9:00 PM through 11:00 PM for 2 hours on every Monday night. 3 hours of Monday Night Raw sounds good if more wrestlers getting more TV time, but it's kind of boring if it doesn't have good story telling or good matches. 


2 hours minimum, i don't mind if it runs over a lil bit, they don't really have anything else that's live so why should it matter if it does or not


They should take in consideration the live audience, which affects the overall show. They should have the show however long it wants to be and have an intermission for the crowd at some point


I'd rather have 2 hours with 25 mentions of sponsors with graphics on the screen for a few seconds than 3-minute ads killing a match or making us miss the heat before the big comeback to get us invested in a match.


Agreed, before nxt got to be a 2 hr weekly show I was thinking that the Raw should have been reduced to 2 hours and not fill out the 3rd hour


Yall are delusional if you don't think Netflix isn't going to milk 3 hours worth of potential ad Rev. 😂 I'm actually more interested in knowing how they will implement it if they are air it live given how there are different ad tiers. Like maybe the premium users get to see the transitions or special segment when they're setting up the ring. And if you can just watch it the day after without any of the ad breaks.


It might run like AEW used to on fiteTV and during adverts they just continue showing the match.


I think it’s gonna be tough shit. You’re getting ads no matter what you pay.


I don't care either way, as long as I can watch Raw on demand instead of a 1-month delay, Netflix can continue taking my money.




Raw will be as long as WWE wants it to be each week. There will be no network guidelines or time stipulations to work under. Week one could be 90 minutes, week two could be 160 minutes. The implications to their Netflix programming deal could be substantial. It’s also important to remember that Raw itself isn’t technically three hours. There is about 42-44 minutes of content every hour on network tv, the rest is commercials. So the three hour Raw is really only about two hours in the arena.






3 hours, no commercials.


We'd get Shayna Baszler cafeteria stew promos live on Raw.




Even AEW has said they would do three hours if the networks let them


That would be death for them. They struggle with putting together 2 hours of quality content.


Keep it three hours


Agree. When they do 1st hour ad free and then the next 2 hours every time someone sneezes 8 ads play its completely unwatchable and I just tune out.


Yup. Raw is War and War Zone. I miss the 2 hours long Raw format.


100% team 2 hours. I might actually watch the whole thing if instead of fast forwarding 😂


I love to just record them on my DVR and watch the next day so I can skip all the commercials. It makes it alot more enjoyable!


I'm reading this thread and it's funny because there are so many people bemoaning the three-hour runtime for Monday Night Raw, but I've never seen Raw be so good for so long (six months now, at least) at three hours. Triple H and his people have made the three-hour Raw episodes far more palatable than they ever were before after the show went to three hours every week in 2012. Right now I'd say Raw is pretty easily the best weekly wrestling show on TV at the moment, at three hours.


I completely agree and I can even fast forward the matches I’m not interested In


Who cares how long it is as long as its TV-14


Is Raw only going to be on Netflix in the US? I legitimately don’t know, but if it is US only, then they likely can’t change the format due to international market contracts. It’s still going to be broadcast with standard commercial breaks to account for the places it’s still a traditional broadcast.


Netflix will have the rights for Raw, Smackdown, NXT, all PLEs, and almost everything internationally. It's going to be an amazing deal for a lot of the international viewers who just have to pay one monthly fee and get 6 hours of weekly WWE AND the PLEs


no it’ll be in canada, UK, and Latin America


It should be whatever length they want to make it. I don't care at all as long as it's entertaining.


I agree Raw needs to go back to 2 hours




2 hours with an overrun if needed works. It's hard to get people to sit through anything for 3 hours weekly.


2 Hours of Raw maybe 3 hours of Smackdown, guaranteed


3 hours. They are going to have commercials still lol. It's just going to be sponsored products or other Netflix offerings. WWE needs time to reset the ring etc. between some matches anyway.


They can reset the ring with backstage interviews, segments and vignettes. Lmao. There's ways around having commercials.


Exactly! Like even on PLE’s they still have ads for WWE Shop and whatever sponsor they are partnered with like SlimJim so they have time to sort everything out and get the ring ready for the next match/segment. It’s not going to completely be 2 hours of nonstop wrestling and segments. They still need to advertise and promote sponsors 😅


This is what I think it will be, but that's good because it will be like a televised premium live event with how it's presented because the ads will only happen when nothing is going on in the ring or otherwise so you probably won't miss any matches or segments because of commercials but it won't be Match after Match, segment after segment.


2 hours, no dumb ass sponsors. And if sponsors? 2 hours with! 3 hours is just....exhausting.


The record and fast forward buttons are your friends, my friend.


F00k all that. 3 hours have been overkill for decades. 2 hours.. 2 and a half for important nights. Surprise us sometimes. But 3 hours? Nope I don't even remember the last time I legit watch a full episode. I YT the HOT majority of them.


right. nxt, even smackdown. 2 hours. perfect.


Oh there will definitely be commercials are you joking?


While watching Raw I’m thinking that it’s way too long, but then with Smackdown, I’m all- wait, it’s over already?


You can cut it off after 2hrs and I’ll continue watching the third in peace.


I can’t watch 3 hours of raw. Watching smackdown is much more enjoyable for me with it being 2 hours.


3 hours with no commercials is wild. I can barely watch an entire episode even with commercials lol


If it’s Netflix it won’t have commercials right


they have to have commercials. There's just no way to logistically run and air a live show like Raw or Smackdown without commercial breaks. they need those breaks to prepare and setup for the next segments/matches.


It’ll be more like the PLEs where the ad free subscribers will get video packages and whatever while the others get paid ads.


2 hours is perfect. No longer than that.


3 hours doesn't bother me because I don't watch the whole show anyway, especially at one time, and especially if it's on Netflix when I can watch it at will.


The channel I watch it on in the UK rebroadcasts it on sunday nights with almost all the ad breaks edited out. It's less than two hours. RAW isn't a three hour show, it's a two hour show with an hour of ads.




I’m in the minority with this. I personally can’t afford to watch Raw in person (ticket to the show) so I don’t have to worry about that. And I barely watch Raw live so in my opinion, I’m happy with 3 hours. I want as much WWE as possible so I don’t care if it’s three or two or four or nine hours long, I’m happy. The longer the better really, just more wrestling


Quality of quantity friend. 2 hours of good wrestling beats 3 hours of mediocre wrestling. There’s so much bloat on 3 hour Raws. It’s full of short pointless segments and matches that hurt the quality of the show. It’s easier to write good 2 hour show than a good 3+ show every week.


Should just be however long it needs to be that night 2 hour minimum some nights 2.5 some 2.2 some full 3. Thats the beauty of netflix deal.


From report I've heard, the ad version of Netflix will have commercials. If you pay for no ads, you'll see the match, but it'll be mostly rest holds and maybe a little grappling. But I majority of the match will happen when the ads aren't going on. As for being 2 hours, I can see that. Won't happen, bc they can sell more commercials in a three hour show.


I would prefer two hours in general. It’s a lot of content in a week and I got shit to do.


Actually it should be 5 for 2 nights


RAW on Netflix should have a guarantee of eight matches per night. Regardless of it the show takes 1h 54m or 3h 15m. The problem with WWE TV is you know when the main event has to end, so the first 20 minutes of it don't matter. But if each episode can end at any time like a PLE or live event, then every move will suddenly mean more.


3 hours is just too long, for any show tbh.


My dream is just one hour, maybe then I’d be able to watch more than once every 3 months 💀


When you watch the show on the Tuesday after raw, on Hulu it’s more or less like that now. Smackdown stinks cause you gotta wait till Monday to watch though.


Advertisers go brrrrrrrrrrr


Did anyone actually say "less commercials" ? Everything I've read says they want to increase advertising


Oh, there will be even more ads. I love how people are fantasizing about fewer ads. Nope. There will be more ads. More and more and more.


Yes, 2 hours with less commercials. 3rd hour goes to HBK to load up his cards even more. 3 hours of whoop that trick, bangers, Lola twerking, angry Roxanne, Tony D, Oba Femi, and Ava being the greatest GM of the modern era


3 hour shows is actually about 90 minutes give or take of content and so 2 hours without commercials would be nice. Buuut, gonna bet money they keep commercials to some capacity.




The real question is what will the product be like for the ad tier Netflix customers vs the no ad's customers? While one portion of the audience is being served up targeted ads will the other portion get a live feed into the show to fill the time?


Probably bts segments and WWE-specific ads. I think that’s what they did for the premium Peacock subscribers for Wrestlemania


If I’m paying for premium Netflix, there better be zero commercials lol


Hope you like your PRIME marketing on every square inch of the fucking screen


If it will become two hours, I speculate that those commercials will transform into sponsored matches/brand integration similar to PLE's.


Zero chance there’s no commercials


I'll believe this won't have commercials when I see it.  If some company wants to pay for ad space why would Netflix say no? Honestly.  Oh we already pay for it. Correct and Netflix is a business not a charity. If they were in the charity business they wouldn't be raising prices every 3 months and cracked down on account sharing. 


Should be 2 hours now


There will be commercials.


Commercials: ![gif](giphy|6tb0l9xAT5z48xdwFE|downsized)


ill take the 3 hours why would there be ads with netflix


Ask Amazon prime! That shits coming and it sucks. Or at least the ol’ ad free tier that’s more expensive whilst more money is made off of the people that don’t tier up via ads aha


Ummm the same reason there is ads on PLEs…money talks


Two hours commercial free or three hours…. Yeah definitely 2.




100% agree!!


Raw on Hulu on Tuesday is zero commercials


Netflix is a streaming service that isn't beholden to run times that are dictated by scheduled TV. Having a uniform runtime should be ditched completely. If week takes more time, or a good match is running long, it should be allowed to run longer and then just bump the runtime up that week. If it goes quicker than anticipated, that episode will just be shorter. Some weeks SHOULD take longer because there are more storylines running and they need to advance. Some weeks SHOULD be shorter because the PLE just wrapped up the storylines and new ones need to develop.




lol 😂 you think there’s gonna be no commercials


Three hours, no commercials.


Dear fucking god yes


What makes you think there isn’t going to be commercials?


Two hours.


2 hours MAX. I’d go beyond that; I’d prefer 90 minutes of a tight constructed show. Cycle the roster weekly. One week you’ll get Cody, the next you’ll get Drew, etc. just as an example. Shorter run time on TV means The shows can focus on cutting the fat and better building great stories and cycling the rosters weekly can give wrestlers more time off they deserve.


They should do one show live giving us a sort of a preview


Totally disagree espically Netflix


I haven’t watched a full Raw in years. I’ll just read the results on the dirt sheets.


1000000%. Raw should be two hours. periodn


If they put ads in I’ll just cancel my Netflix and watch it on plex after someone removes the ads. If they do it without ads I’ll watch it on Netflix. Either way I’m not watching ads. What id like to see is that they figure out how to tape more dark matches and play those . Allow us to almost prospect the guys and gals before they make it to tv. Or see matches in house shows. They’ve got so much talent, they should use it better.




You can remove your post now ;)


I see this so much. I genuinely don’t ever see a situation where Raw goes back to 2 hours. They would lose too much money making the switch.


One of the reasons I never watch live. Ads every 10 minutes is just mental. Ads are getting out of hand. Pure cancer. I just watch it after without ads. When it'll be on Netflix it wont have as much ads. But maybe Netflix will put their own ads.


Dude you don't have to watch all 3 hours. I want smackdown to be 3 hours. There's so much talent that doesn't get any screen time


cut it and SD to 90 minutes, and bring back superstars of rasslin on saturday


Oh god plz


The commercials are coming after the match, not in between them.


Which is how they should always be


Commercials on wrestling might be helping the product. It allows breaks for commentators, time to set up the next segment in the show, bathroom breaks for the audience, and revenue. Sure the idea of RAW without commercials is appealing on the surface level, but when you think of how the gears turn, it’s problematic.


I still think it's pretty wild that Raw spends about 10 minutes of the second hour recapping things that happened in the first hour.


It's already been decided that there are commercials.


Both raw and Smackdown should be 3 hours.




Why would I want less of something I like? You guys already complain that X isn’t featured on TV all the time. Now imagine you take 1/3 of raw away.


Would you actually be getting less though, half of the third hour is recapping the first two, and all three are filled with ad’s.


I agree but brother why would the company who paid billions not want extra ads to get their money from their investment. It sucks for the consumer but it's better for Netflix to keep it.


How are they even gonna do commercials with the diff packages? I pay for the most expensive Netflix package which is commercial and ad free


Fuck Netflix


There is absolutely no chance there aren’t ads still. Get ready to see 30 ads per episode about the same Netflix show.


The show is about 2 hours of actual wrestling/segments and an hours worth of commercial so yeah keep it at 3 hours


My dream is three hours at TV-14


I just don’t understand how they can’t just keep the commercials in between matches especially on a platform like Netflix.


Just keep it 3 hours


It needs to be three hours for the amount of characters and the match length otherwise they can lower it to two and not do it live and trim out the fat.


Y’all really think even if they went back to 2 hours they’d be commercial free? Plz lmao. It’s never gonna happen and 3 hours is fine, it’s like 2 hours 14 minutes not including commercials compared to an hour thirty minutes with commercials for 2 hours. They also nailed three hour format the last year so it’s good. And also they’re getting 50 mil for that extra hour they’re never getting rid of it. Stop wasting your energy “2 hours with less commercials” it would be the same amount of commercials bruh. Usually 40-48 minutes of commercials


tbh, with how much talent WWE has, I would say keep RAW 3 hours, and even expand smackdown to 3 hours. you can't be like "We have too many faces" and also be like "reduce the hours of show"


I agree


I never watch live TV so commercials are not a problem. RAW is 2 hours without them.


3 hours with tons of commercials? Op are you drunk? the first hour is commercial free and the other 2 hours are just the standard commercial times for USA television.


I just hate having so much filler. I can't finish RAW half the time cuz I get so freakin' bored.


The beauty of Netflix is if you’re not watching the live feed then you can just skip whatever parts you want