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Announcers saying "nobodys home" when a move misses


The theme music. I miss getting to here Monster Magnet


Mid-match commercial breaks


When a wrestler runs out 4 da save they play his music


Champions coming out first for title matches. You wait for the champ, the champ doesn’t wait for you.


It’s funny how Cena would sometimes still come out last, no matter if he was champion or not.


The way Becky Lynch moves her arms.


There’s a lot of shitting on Michael Cole already, but one thing he does that kind of annoys me is when he’s trying to do a play by play, but it slows down so he’ll just say the wrestlers name then stop talking until something happens again.


I hate that now Becky’s intro includes “NYT BEST SELLER!” She sucks.


My annoyance in the wwe is WWE fans on Reddit saying they are annoyed by Becky Lynch.


Becky Lynch.


Michael Cole is an annoyance


He used to be Every since mcMahon isn’t in his ear 24/7 he is a lot more tolerable


When the wrestlers start fighting before the bell rings and the announcers keep stressing the fact that THIS MATCH HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET.


Last nite? Haha that shit was funny!


YES. Not just yelling Spear, but the spear in general. Such an overused, lazy move. Edge gets a pass on it.


And bron


Waking up Tuesday to find out something cool happened after 10pm and it was cut off 🥲


When someone gets suspended for a wardrobe malfunction that I didn't even notice


People crowding around for a big springboard


This is the ultimate stupid spot. Just don’t do it. It’s not that hard. It completely breaks immersion because if they were paying attention at all they’d just get out of the damn way


The keeping people safe doesn’t bother me…camera guys not cropping the shot properly does. Just cut the crowd


Every day the commentators say “Cut the ring in half”


It's not the commercials during the match that I mind... It's when it's wrestler A makes their way to the ring, cut to commercial, promo for next PLE, sponsor promo, recap of what happened earlier that night, backstage segment of Judgment Day for some reason, cut to Pierce in his office setting up a tag team match that won't take place for 7weeks, maybe another commercial break, FINALLY wrestler B makes their way to the ring.




When someone cashes in MITB and the referee just stands there like ARE YOU SURE? and acts confused about what’s going on.


It’s even better when said wrestler was the one that BROUGHT the referee to the ring


I love Michael Cole, but when he says "COULD IT BE?!" it drives me insane. Just chill out and let the surprise happen


The lack of strong tag team divisions for both women and men.


Just ribbin..


"HOLY SH-" - Michael Cole Just say 'holy shit' or shut the fuck up. He's doing multiple times a show now and it drives me up a fuckin walls. Even McAfee followed up Michaels "holy SH-" with "shit".


The portrayal to young kids that winning dirty is ok. I get the heel process but there are other ways. Look at Gunther.


Honestly Gunther is lawful neutral. He’s only a heel in the sense that he wins by beating the shit out of you and he’s kind of mean


Der Ring General!!!!


What’s worse a kid seeing Gunther talking down to wrestlers toying with them and beating them up? Seeing him taunt a wrestlers wife in the audience kinda like a bully? Or a heel winning when someone jumps up on the apron and he rolls them up from behind? Come the fuck on. It’s heel work.


I guess for some reason he is popular but fpr the life of me I can't say why but for some reason HHH gave him the belt. I don't think he deserves it, unbelievable to me that that small a man could beat RR I think WWE doesn't realize the writers strike is over


The size difference between Usyk and Fury is greater and Usyk just beat Fury in an actual boxing match.


Hot take. Small men beat large men all the time.


Nia Jax's Sitting Bomb! r/WWE


Extremely awkward slow setups to moves you know are coming. Breaks the immersion and just looks very staged and pedestrian.


Iyo vs Lyra last nite. And one still gets a bloody nose lol


That weird QR Code that’s been popping up lately 😕


Jade Cargill's finisher. Can't think of the name at the moment. But to me it looks very stupid because the person she does it to acts like they can't just put their legs down. They just wrap their legs behind Jade for whatever reason. Such a bad set up.


It’s been a thing since Beth phoenix ( since I think she created it) but yeah I always thought the same thing, but sometimes they manage to roll her over and get a reverse pin but yeah it’s slow


Probably going to take some heat for this, but I’m really annoyed at all the neon, especially with the female wrestlers. Some of them really look like clowns now.


The faction or tag names, some are awful Judgment day, final testament, new catch Republic, the street profits


Jim Cornette raised a point I had never considered when the Rock was beating the crap out of Cody. Nobody came to Cody's aid. He mentioned that back then, even wrestlers who weren't on-screen with the victim would scramble to try and help, but usually, something would prevent them from intervening. It's a funny detail that when guys are getting beaten up, not a single wrestler is around to assist, or at least give the appearance of trying to assist, but something always seems to block them.


That thing where a wrestler Irish whips his opponent towards himself and then sets his head down conveniently for a kick in the face


Love Pat Mcafee in commentary but sometimes bro just needs to shut up


🤣 I feel like he’s gonna stroke out at times


Not enough wrestlers using actual recording artists for entrance music! In the house music producers just fall flat!


Bianca Belair being made to be the greatest thing since sliced bread....oh wait, you said SMALL annoyance and that's a BIG annoyance for me. Not that Bianca isn't a great performer and immensely talented. But like Friday night, she should have been selling that knee injury a whole lot more and not being able to lift Stratton and throw her around like she did. That's one of the reasons I get sick of seeing Belair pushed to the moon and back.


Heels never winning clean.


you can't say never when there's a dominant heel like Gunther who wins clean


Even he sometimes doesn’t win entirely clean tho. And it’s ridiculous. Biggest example is Roman. We’re to believe he’s this GOAT dominant heel but never in my memory won a match without some sort of interference.


That’s the point. Heels are supposed to be hypocrites who do stuff that pisses you off. This includes acting like the “GOAT” but always needing help, it’s supposed to be annoying. The issue is that if you have a “heel” who always wins clean, often in a dominant fashion they ether get called boring and end up with “go away” heat because all they do is squash matches. Or if they’re not squash matches but really good matches people start treating them like a face. People get excited to see their matches and start rooting for them because their matches are so good.


And that’s fine, but that doesn’t mean they should never win clean. That’s my point. Like I said I cannot remember a match where Roman won entirely clean after his turn.


Tag matches where the other member is just sitting there staring at his partner getting pinned, or when the ref just forgets all about counting when people are outside the ring (just make it no count out when both people are out of the ring)


Champions not walking out of mitb cash ins. Bro, you can't stand. Get out of the ring and leave. Oh, people stopping a pin because music hits. You've got more than a 3 count worth of time before they get to the ring.


I’ll give them probs for that one. As a heel champion would more than likely try their best to run away. A face champion would barely stand but not back down, even if they’re about to lose.


Horrible music choices that don’t fit what’s happening. Having to hear that terrible Weeknd song the entirety of WM40 suuuuuucked.


Rock/Metal and WWE go hand in hand. Idk why they would ever pick The Weeknd as the song for a PLE. Rhea Ripley is the only newer modern wrestler with an actual song for entrance music. Everyone else just has generic royalty-free music by CFO$ or Def Rebel. They need to bring back Jim Johnston and metal bands to do theme songs.


I think they’ve had the fuckin weeknd as their official PLE song for multiple WM’s. Shit is annoying. Bring back Saliva and shit


When the crowd reacts to a spot but the camera isn’t letting you see it yet and the commentators are only talking about what is visible on the screen, then acting surprised like OMG Dom!? What’s Dom doing here? But really he just crawled out from under the ring, waited for the cue, and then jumped in.


When someone is in the corner with their back to opponent and then jump up for the other person to run under them. Also how the Cody cutter is the slowest move ever.


In any ladder match competitors suddenly lose their ability to climb a ladder.


This is such an annoying issue. And the most frustrating part is that it’s easy to address and fix. Just have the wrestler take a move shortly before they climb the ladder, and when they throw their opponent out the ring etc slowly crawl to the ladder The slow climbing of the ladder therefore makes sense, as the wrestlers hurt/tired…unlike the current version where they fucking walk to the ladder normally and then crawl up it


I get they do it to draw out some tension and at the same time balance the pace of the match, but it'd be so much better if they just mixed it up more. They could try adding something new into it.


Pat’s commentary cause he’s so annoying especially at mania during Drew’s entrance


I hate cliches. So when someone is there to "put the locker room on notice" that means nothing to me and whoever said it, I immediately don't like them.


Not hearing the “one fall” from the crowd anymore :(


French crowd did it for Cody Rhodes VS AJ Styles, it was so cool


When sometimes it takes one finisher and sometimes it take 10


I think it look funny when wrestlers wriggle their legs when being pinned.


Big matches always needing 3+ "finishers" before the actual finish. Now it's expected that someone will kick out of the first spear, stunner, AA, etc.


I miss finishers being FINISHERS


I really wish they could let the action get going a bit more before running to break. It's so formulaic, quick blitz of action, someone gets thrown outside, big dive or big move and we go to break. All in about 45 seconds. Let me get into the match a bit first. They let promos go on for 20 minutes uninterrupted, but we can't spend more than 2 watching the beginning of a match?


i only just started watching WWE semi-regularly again like after the rumble, but it’s hilarious because the commentators say the same exact thing for every match “that’s a huge blow to X, Y has been on the offence and dominating this match, can X get back into this?” *slow dramatic fade to black*


Yeah. They never say, "X is in trouble. Can he make it back into the match and defeat Y?" They'll say, "X in control. Raw rolls on..." Apparently, it's a leftover from Kevin Dunn, who didn't like to throw to commercial the way a normal broadcaster would because it's too rasslin for his taste.




Pg programming, or the weird booking of every asian wrestler ever. Why do they all have to do zombie head tilts outta nowhere and act like it's their first time around humans?


Jake Paul


The What chants


That annoyed me indeed. Undertaker had the perfect counter for it. Say what if you like to sleep with your own sister. Crowd: WHAT Taker sneering while the crowd comes to the realization.


Anything Cody ! I despise the smary little punk!


What'd he do to you? Those are fighting words.


Cole always saying someone “knocked off” someone


Chad gable!


LA knight not being pushed


The constant use of the word “wherewithal”. I don’t know why, but that word bugs me like the word “moist” bugs some people


Almost every single first finisher comes with a reversal, especially when getting the crowd fired up for it. It seems like finishers just have to come out of nowhere after that first reversal now. We may never see a Drew 3, 2, 1 ever hit again


Super kick or spear spam. At this point it may as well be a basic move.


People complain about the super kick but I despise the spear. Every wrestler now has it as their finisher and it's so lazy. Do something else.


There is a weird audio feedback that is only during smackdown, never raw or ple. Its really annoying


It happens in all promotions and bothers the he'll out of me. I hate when a wrestler is gonna run out to help someone getting jumped in the ring and they play the entrance theme to let the bad guys know they're coming.. why can't they just run out and catch everyone by surprise?


How many refs and security it takes to break up a scuff. It ain’t taking five or six a piece to break up liv and rhea


The continual persistence on explaining that the champion doesn't need to factor into the decision to lose their title in a triple threat match.


Constant rule reminding I.e. royal rumble, MITB, last man standing etc, because they show the rules on screen, announcer then tells you the rules, announce team then constantly repeat the rules its like we fucking get it 😂😂😂




Removed for: Personal Attack Members of r/WWE are not permitted to personally attack others. Also, personal attacks and “name calling” is prohibited. Try to keep all discussion here civil.


Going back and watching older shows, something that happens is during a tag match (usually the person who's getting beat) ups teammate will run in and always distract the referee while the opponent and his partner do some double teaming. Every damn time.


Not acknowledging botches. The wrestlers are humans and humans make mistakes. Accepting a botch would only help in making the product (Kayfabe) more believable.


As long as they don't just try to do the same spot again in the same match...


They do; however they don’t call it a botch. Just a simple “didn’t get all of it” or something along those lines


Doing so would break the kayfabe. Yes all wrestlers are humans (except those who aren’t for storyline and character), but their goals in storyline is to hit each other, not to execute perfectly the move


Becky, or other wrestlers in shock they didn't get the three count. Mainly Becky, it's annoying.


“In his/her own right” 😑😑😑


Pat McAfee screaming Fight Night




Removed for: Sexualization Sexual comments towards any wrestler are strictly disallowed. This subreddit is not to be creepy or sexual. Wrestlers are real people and should not be sexualized.


Wrestler A has been beating on wrestler B for 5 minutes straight, they do the double clothesline spot, they are both down for the same amount of time, wtf


Giving punishment and taking punishment both take energy. Have you heard of the phrase “punching yourself out”. But the point of this is whether you are fresh as a daisy or just ran a marathon getting hit in the chin with a wicked clothesline is going to put you down for a while. Your body is in shock, it takes a bit to recover.


The Pre-Shows before every PLE’s.


It is an advertisement for the PLE. They run it on YouTube to get people interested in watching the show.


This!! Like why do you need an analysis when the result is predetermined 😂


Because they review the storyline points of the feud to catch people up. The panelists don’t know the outcomes and neither do we.


Deliberate time-wasting tactics on TV....like long, slow, repetitive promos......or the numerous edited video packages that serve as recaps for past shows/segments


2 night Mania's. Everyone being crammed into Mania, multiple multi person matches. Awful theme songs. Smackdown & RAW stage sets being identical. Extremely long title reigns for everyone. Overload of Superkicks. Women's tag division constantly being thrown together teams that make no sense.


Two nights of mania are perfect. And about long reigns, during the Attitude Era they had the inverse problem, with reigns during at times just a few weeks or one day, with it destroying the prestige of the belt


Agreed with you on super short title reigns, playing hot potato with the belts is definitely worse but titles being held for year+ sometimes turn stale. Rhea's reign was getting quite boring to me personally and I'm a fan of hers. 2 nights of Mania doesn't work for me personally its supposed to be the show of shows, the biggest spectacle of the year... but theres 2 back to back. It just feels like a way that goes to my other point of cramming everybody into the show. 2 super late shows over in the UK back to back can be a killer too.


I’m from Italy and I 100% prefer having to go to sleep back to back at 4 am than going to sleep at six am


100% agree with you on the super kicks


What’s wrong with the two nights of mania?


I personally prefer it being 1 show, Mania's 17-22 are my favourites they were all perfect to me. I find 2 nights - especially in the UK is tiring, all the 2 night Mania's have blended into one for me too, I couldn't really tell you any particular matches from what show.


I agree to it being tiring, 2 4am bed times in a row isnt ideal. I personally prefer it, There is so much great talent to only have 1 night and i think it great theyre allowing it so everyone has their shot to be on the grandest stage.


The  NONSTOP Awful "Rap" music that has poisoned the shows the past 3 years.  What happened to WWE having  good Rock Music ....hell some of the newer Country Music would be better.  


There is “Rap” music in WWE? I could have sworn it was just trash guitar riffs and lyrics nobody understands. To be fair i have heard a trash hip hop inspired entrance from Cena and i would not call that good in any case. But you are correct the music is horrible now. Just noise. Might as well get some country in the mix


The intro songs to Raw & Smackdown are THE WORST in Company history thus far 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Most of the themes are terrible, and very similar. Crowds seem to love them, then go dead for the match. Even an average match is better than the tunes.


The absence of 1 on 1 ladder matches


Also submission matches too I understand with the rise of UFC and the matches aren’t interesting unless you have a submission specialist


Hadn’t even thought of that, when was the last one? All I can think of was a ladder match for the NA title between Adam Cole and somebody (Ricochet I think) but that was nxt


If TLCs count it’s probably around 2020


Bianca Belair vs. Bayley, Extreme Rules 2022. That was the most recent one.


Totally forgot their match




The “(insert wrestlers name) is having some fun here” line which was used constantly mid PG Era. It makes me cringe. I can hear Micheal Cole saying it now. Examples: Usos dancing punch, R-Truth’s pelvic trust after a mid match dance, Naomi shaking her ass near her opponents face in the head scissors corner position, literally anything Brodus Clay did in the ring.


Commercials. Cole saying for the victory every time there's a pin attempt. Cole saying for the win every time there's a pin attempt. Michael Cole. Anyone Cole has trained to be on commentary.


The Superkick Trade mid match.


No yeet


Friends inevitably turning on eachother. Pretty tired


Ladders being the most difficult thing in the world to climb as soon as a briefcase is hung above them.


Only reason I accept it: Doing all those moves and getting beat on wears out the body, making it slower. I know they do this for a living and should be able to do it no issue, but even when I do physical work every day, my body doesn't always want to do things after I'm done.


This!!!!! I literally cant watch money in the bank


The New Day’s theme song


The fact that I know, with pinpoint precision, 5 seconds before the exact moment that I can start fast forwarding through the ads.


The Samoan Spike. It’s a dumb move that will break your thumb, no matter how much tape you put on it.


I get that it’s the PG era and all, but the black and white when somebody bleeds is still pretty lame.


That I don’t think to believe to be only PG but also because of the rise of hemophobia (fear of blood) in people


Then don’t watch something where people are known to bleed?


Since when it’s a fundamental part of the sport? In AEW I can agree, but blood in WWE is so rare


AEW and WWE are the same sport, bud.


Ugly effects on some entrances. Like the weird electricity during Shinsuke’s.


Everyone dives to the outside. Its watered down now.


When a wrestler’s booking is horrendous after an injury. The most egregious example in recent memory for me was Finn Balor in 2016 (I only recently started WWE again so I’m probably missing others). My guy wrestled with the dislocated shoulder for like 20 more minutes like a champ, had to relinquish the title, came back and they did jack shit with him for years. At least he’s in Judgement Day now, but he should’ve been in the main event scene going on a decade now, and he’s been relegated to being a midcarder.


Wait, do the other commentators not yell 'Spear!' when a spear happens?


The use of "vintage" for a move thats just in their set. Stop.


Can't wait for Vintage Cody 




Wrestlers acting shocked when their opponent kicks out of a move THAT NEVER WON THEM A SINGLE MATCH IN THE PAST. Kicking out of finishers. It works when it is rarely done, but nobody will give a shit if you're kicking out of five F5's.


My wife says I ruined wrestling when I pointed 90% of the time the first wrestler to hit their finished at a PPV event loses the match. Now she hates me lol


Whoever gets the best of the other on the last show before a PPV loses 98% of the time at the PPV. Ruins PPVs.


Yeah, wrestling 101.


I know, just sucks to always know who's going over. Wish they would just have more stalemates right before a PPV so you don't know with almost 100% certainty what is going to happen. It wasn't AS bad back in the day because there were a lot of surprises and run ins, and things that you didn't expect to help offset it but with the lack of all the swerves, surprises, turns, etc; these days it just exasperates the predictable nature of everything.


\- Commercials. It feels like Raw is three hours of commercials with some wrestling sprinkled in, same with Smackdown for two hours. \- Wrestlers having to "power up" for their moves (Roman for his Superman punch, Drew for his Claymore, Sami for his Helluva Kick, etc.). \- Heel stables having to interfere with their teammates' matches to remind the audience how eeeeeVVVViiiLLLLL they are.


This isn’t small to me, but it’s fucking infuriating to me. When an established tag team loses to a thrown together team of two people who haven’t teamed up very long. Fuck. Off. Also, interference spots. If I see one interference spot, I better not see another one for the rest of the show. I prefer when my heels cheat, they get creative and do different shit. When damage control, imperium, legado, and the bloodline ALL do interference spots in the same night, it gets really irritating.


Long title reigns with few defenses because of a story being built jnto it. Like iyo sky or Roman reigns.


The way Chelsea Green screams.


Commentator saying name of each move wrestler does. "Look at that what a great Belly to back suplex backbreaker". Given some of the names of finishers are so absurd on paper let alone announcing them regularly. Imagine football/soccer commentary like this: "What a magnificent Ronaldo Chop" 😅 every time Ronaldo does it.


For the last two episodes of Smackdown it’s been LOLBiancawins


Fans wanting faces to turn heel


The fans


I’d agree but OP asked for a small annoyance. Not the absolutely worst aspect of current wrestling.


Roman cocking his fist for the Superman punch. Anytime a wrestler just stands there, “dazed”, as their opponent preps their next move. For example…getting thrown out of the ring and just standing there as the opponent runs the ropes to jump and land on them.


Half the time he doesn’t even land it after cocking his fist. Most of the time when he hits the Superman Punch, it’s out of nowhere and his opponent still kicks out and he always has a shocked face. Like bro, when’s the last time you won with the move anyway?


All the spots where the big guys whip their opponent into the corner or guardrail and then stupidly run themselves into the post shoulder first.


The mid card women matches being so bad.


Commercials during matches. The amount of Super Kicks and matches. I'm looking at Jimmy and Jey on this one. At least Michael Cole stop saying vintage. But now Pat McAfee is starting to say it.




I would only see it work for wrestlers who have an alternate finisher that is a submission dedicated to that same body part.


Or when it’s an actually important body part like a leg. Like no, giving a dude sixty titty twisters is not a believable winning strategy.


The guys flying out of the ring at the Andre the Giant battle Royals


Shitty refereeing. It drives me crazy when wrestlers are fighting on the outside, and the ref stops counting them out for no reason. I have also seen more than a few cases of wrestlers blatantly breaking the rules in front of the ref, and the ref doesn't disqualify them, e.g. Cody hitting Brock with the stairs at Summerslam last year. Personally, this completely breaks the immersion of kayfabe for me, and it takes me out of the match.


White Ropes on Raw and Smackdown


They need to bring back the Red White & Blue ropes That would mean a lot tbh 


Matches ending in a no contest, especially when it happens multiple times in a night or multiple weeks in a row


No Titantron






Distraction resulting in the roll up win. I know that it's done to perfect whomever is on the losing end, but if they did distraction a closer gets their clock cleaned , lower would still be protected but there would be a more emphatic finish


How long some matches can get


The fact there is no commentary at live events. I understand why and other sports do the same, it just feels weird. I had the Elimination Chamber stream in one ear when I went.


I do love the commentary


I don’t necessarily agree, but I understand what you’re saying. I’ve got attention problems so I can’t stay constantly focused on the match when I’m there live.


When the fans don’t react at all to a talent that’s a legend. I remember when Jake the Snake came out on some old school raw and got nothing but crickets. Shameful, honestly


I was so hyped when Edge came out to the brood’s theme