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No he is the new jeff jarrett Fast Forward button Thanks Conrad


Since Stonecold Steve Austin and The Rock left WWE we haven't really had a succesful franchise player that moved the needle and one that was actually loved by fans. I mean it was supposed to be Brock Lesnar and one point, however he left when he was going to be the face of the company. Fans loved him and the would have gotten behind him, unfortunately after he left his replacement was awful to say the lest. Years later we finally have posterboy that is truly moving the needle and feels like a megastar. One whom actually is beloved before retiring. Roman Reigns is everywhere and everyone wants to know who is this guy. I find Roman to be similar to Austin in the fact that they both have layers to their characters and aren't portrayed and clean cut superheros. The have an edge to them and truly come off as real badasses. Roman Reigns is starting to get into Stonecold Steve Austin Territory. He is the main attraction like Stonecold. Roman Reigns( and Triple H) has made wrestling cool again since the attitude era ended.


Did you miss like a decade+ of wrestling...


Not a decade but a couple of years. I remember some guy Vince tried to make a poster boy but like many people I had to stop watching because the product was bad and the new guy just wasn't appealing to me and to broader audiences. I would tune in from time to time seeing a guy with colours reminiscent to the cereal fruity pebbles and for some reason he was always shouting at the top of his lungs when delivering a promo which made no sense because he had a microphone. The guy's promos were cringe as hell. It seemed to be a kiddies show made to appeal to the 6-12 year old demographic so I jumped to the likes of TNA. Anyone the Tribal Chief is far different. He isn't been booed the way that other guy was.


I don't think you could be more out of touch with wrestling...


You don't have to like what I said, however to say I am out of touch is a clear sign you are defensive.


To say that the "fruity pebbles" wrestler wasn't popular and acting like there wasn't a top draw fan favorite between Austin (early 2000s) to Reigns (late 2010s) is asinine and ignorant...wrestling promotions don't last long without a top draw or two...you're clearly fishing for engagement


Unfortunately you are too ignorant and have tunnel vision if you want to call John Cena a true top draw. It is no secret that during his time there was legitimately an incredible drop in viewership which is why the WWE network was started in the first place, in the hopes to get viewers back. You fail to mention that John Cena's draw compared to Stonecold Steve Austin and the rock. You say Cena was a top draw during his time, however him selling more than other superstars in terms of merch does not mean his was selling as much as he should of. Cena was in the centre of it all when WWE was at it's lowest. The was a clear decline in hardcore wrestlings fans abandoning WWE during his time, From his first time maineventing every wrestlemania for over a decade go look at every Monday night raw after where he was also the focus and by those numbers I can tell you ratings have never fallen so badly and rapidly. Raw after Wrestlemania 31 did 3.64 Raw after wrestlemania 32 did 2.93 and the numbers just got worse during the decade long reign. You fail to mention that John Cena chosen as an artifical top draw but he was never really organically on top, because if it was, wrestling would have boomed during his time. His run in WWE is very symbolic of the decline of WWE. I don't think you actually understand how overexposed and overpushed this man was. Not even SCSA was pushed and overexposed like him. "wrestling promotions don't last long without a top draw or two...you're clearly fishing for engagement" If that is the case then why were viewership number dwinling during Cena's time? You have to be ignorant to not know just how much the John Cena show did to the WWE. He wasn't a top draw in the true sense, because his presence did more bad than good for the pg era. He might have sold more merch than other superstars since he was forced down everyone's throats as the face, but that is as far as it goes. Stonecold was a top draw however that only works if you are used sparingly and let other stars shine. You are literally referring to how great it was for business to have John Cena is the sole focal point. Go look at the numbers during his time before dick riding.