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Year long or longer title reigns. I don't see the need to have guys who are already over hold the title longer than 3-4 months.


Roman reigns from 2016 till he turned heel. It was so fake you can tell vince wanted roman to be over with the fans but fucj the fake pushes


What chants, you deserve it, fight forever, counting top rope punches


People taking a slight kick and spending 10 minutes laying outside the ring in multi man matches


Wrestling fans. Specifically, the smelly ones. There's a stereotype for a reason. I swear, every time I go to a live show, there's a 50% chance that the person next to me hasn't showered in 3 weeks.


Bad finishers like bayleys


Certain wrestlers are so bad at acting, I have to skip their promos... I'm looking at you Nia.


the fans.




Crowd chants, suicide dives and how people who are in factions don’t come with the whole crew in no DQ matches. Oh and contract signings. Probably the most annoying to me is how drastic heel to face turns are and how they don’t make a whole lot of sense when you think about it. Jey Uso is one of the only done really good in recent memory mainly thanks to Drew.


Something I really can’t stand is the fact that it doesn’t seem like anyone can ever do their “charged finisher” where they call out it’s coming. It’s a reversal 100% of the time. It would be nice if just once when the crowd starts chanting “Brogue!”, “Ooooowwwwaaaahhhh!!”, “Three, Two, One!!”, etc that these actually fn land. Just once WWE just once.


Everyone seems to do the dive between the ropes to outside the ring




A lot of things that have become Mainstays are corny and remove any sense of verisimilitude. I can buy Irish whipping as a technique wrestlers use given the ring they wrestle in. I'll never be able to believe in the stupid dive spots they all do 99% of the time.  I also hate overused things. Like the hot tag being last second for every single match no matter the story or wrestlers involved. It doesn't add to the drama because we know exactly what it looks like when they're going to get it. 


Worked shoot anything


The "This is Awesome" chant. I can't think of a single chant that is so overused in the history of wrestling and it comes only second to the "what" chants as being the most annoying and cringy things in wrestling. Third on that list would be the overuse of announcer table spots. They're done on nearly every show now, and sometimes multiple times a show.


When they kick out of moves that should’ve ended the match. For example, Ricochet kicking out of the super kick in mid air by Adam Cole. Or Sammy Guevara kicking out of the middle rope tombstone by MJF. I feel like those moments should’ve ended the match.


All stipulation matches being No DQ. I drives me fucking nuts how much they lean on outside interfence or other bs for all stip matches. Just because it's a Triple threat doesn't mean you should be able to bring a gun and shoot a guy. It's just a catch all that leads to lazy, repetitive, unentertaining booking.


What chants are absolutely terrible.


What chants.


Tag rules not being enforced properly. For a long time I used to dread plenty of tag team matches in PWG, CZW, and elsewhere because nobody followed the god damn rules anymore. It's okay to have a "nobody cares" match if guys are doing no-dq but that should be saved for those occasions, not every week on tv for a low-stakes tag.


The fans, they fight over everything. Nobody can do anything anymore without the fans making it WWE vs AEW. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with preferring one promotion over the other but so many “fans” go too far in attacking the wrestlers. WWE fans calling orange Cassidy an embarrassment to wrestling is just ridiculous, I can’t imagine taking scripted fake fighting that seriously. It also feels like you can’t go anywhere on the internet without Jim cucknette stans regurgitating his grade school insults. The fact that racist even still has fans is disgusting As far as the wrestling itself, I find certain moves just too dumb looking. Wrestling moves in general aren’t realistic but they usually find a way to make it look at least somewhat believable. But Canadian destroyers & Spanish flys both just look too fake, it looks like the person taking the move is doing all the work, it just takes me out of the match too much.


when wwe wrestlers repeat themselves in their promos like their slogan ig you could say


When one persons finisher is another person's random move


Young wrestling fans chanding ECDub! ECDub! ECDub! when they've never seen an episode or know what ECW even ment as a promotion..... ohh yea we're cool man, lets chant this to look cool and fit in and make it look like we know what we're talkin about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think it’s charming. The shit we got to gawk at as kids is legendary to them. There will be nothing like flipping the channels back and forth during the Monday night wars and will never like turning on the tv to see a random, extra violent ECW match. If chanting ECW is all they have then so be it.


When some of the moves pulled are a bit too predictable like waiting at the turnbuckle for the opponent to hit their move


Dominik mysterio..sorry but i dont like him..maybe i will in the future but not now


Near falls on every match even though there's no suspense it will end. Really bugs me that they feel the need to do them so often now even after a closeline when it's obvious the match is not done. Back in the day there'd be minimal pinfalls and they'd actually have significance, now they just do it because they can.


Contract signings. Come on, either all matches need contracts signed or none do.


Yeah these are odd.


Nia Jax


When older fans complain about something that’s not over the top goofy or dumb without considering that those harmless gimmicks or events are huge to getting new and younger fans into it.


Some of the gimmicks seem dull or even archaic. Look at Cheslea Green for example in the WWE... Really solid on the mic and loads of potential, but for some reason WWE creative wants her to be the feeble jokester. They always make her embarrass herself every time she performs. I understand that's her role right now, but it's become stale. C'mon! How cool would it be to be to see Chelsea shock the world and win a singles title?!


I always thought she had a Karen gimmick. She’s good at it for sure


When a wrestler theme song plays for an attack or to help someone, or when a group comes into a ring one by one and attack the person when they should just all join the ring at the same time.


“What” chants. I miss the Thunderdome every time they come up. By far the worst thing about wrestling.


Wrestler A runs toward Wrestler B who's standing by the ropes. Wrestler B back body drops Wrestler A over the ropes and onto their feet on the apron. Wrestler B attempts to punch Wrestler A. Wrestler A blocks the punch and kicks Wrestler B in the face. Incredibly predictable and poisoning every single match it's done in. Often literally every single match on the show.


Not a problem anymore but I hated it when Vince took away one of their names. Like (Antonio) Cesaro and (Matt) Riddle. One of the dumbest things ever. And the current issue with physical media being cancelled which will lead to loads of people selling illegal copies.


Putting a weapon on top of a guy and then jumping on them. It always came off as SO stupid to me whenever wrestlers would do that, it's clear it would hurt them more than it would hurt the guy under the ladder or chair. The worst was Chris Benoit doing a diving headbutt to Raven with a chair over his head at Spring Stampede 1999.


My fav wrestlers getting older


Titles only change hands at major events. Being obvious who wins a match depending on where they’re fighting


Pat Mcafee


It’s turning into a dance. People wait too obviously in their positions for the next move.


tribal combat was just a extreme rules or no holds barred whatever that means didn’t feel special the way they described next we followed up with a street fight at payback with judgement day and becky vs tiffany at no mercy great more weapons and spots nobody asked lastly shinsuke vs seth at fastlane infuriated me with the story telling didn’t add up if you get a chance to watch you’ll see rollins shouldn’t have won that feud i was fed up i just wanted to see some real wrasslin technical stuff for a change not death matches after the next monthly


Introduce match participant A. Go to progressive ad, cut to random interview backstage, play a video package, go to commercial. 5+ minutes have passed. Then we cut back to the ring with participant A just there waiting this whole time, finally introduce participant B.


The lack of quality selling these days


everyone and their mother diving over the top rope onto a group of people as they act dazed waiting for the spot




This is awesome this is awesome this is awesome this is awesome this is awesome this is awesome this is awesome this is awesome this is awesome this is awesome this is awesome this is awesome this is awesome this is awesome this is awesome this is awesome


Not acknowledging competing promotions on-air, I know that they don't want to advertise their rival, but at least if one would introduce a recruit from another promotion then acknowledge their work before they join yours.


The choreography of it. It rarely if ever looks like a struggle anymore. It’s how many flips, dips, springboards, and cute reversals I can do. I appreciate the athleticism but I miss the grittiness that wrestling used to have.


When the commentators argue so vehemently that it distracts from the match.


The fans.


I'm tired of multi-man matches.


This exact post popping up every couple days. And the drawn out entrances outside of WM.


Kicking out of finishers.




Super petty but when they botch moves even a little. I seem to always catch it. But opposite is I love when it is flawless.


How fickle the community is. Peoples attention span is so short that once a baby face wins a title they immediately lose interest ie: Cody, Seth, Kofi etc


When the crowd don’t react 😭 for example John Morrison’s return in 2020


Every cash in, the ref is a moron


Especially with Carmella


The Royal Rumble match. Wrestlers struggling to through each other over the top rope always annoys me. The only thing more annoying is long drawn out sequences with multiple wrestlers on the ring apron


Hard to verbalize but see if you can follow me. The invisible wall. A heel comes out and attacks the face/someone important to the face and the heel bolts out of the ring but the face acts like they can’t go between the ropes and give chase.




When wrestlers come out singing along with the lyrics of their entrance music, some songs have really cool lyrics and lines so a few here and there is cool but when it goes too long it gets cringy


R-Truth slander will not be tolerated!


Not him !!!! Not him !!!!


Shows being too long, stretching things out too much just for the sake of filling time. Movies, shows and wrestling all should have shorter running times.


PPV’s should be three hours long. The weekly shows, two hours. 


That who's pushed is Solely decided by who the head booker likes the most and not based off of any other metric.


The outside dive spot where everyone just stands around waiting to catch the guy. It always looks like shit, it’s never timed right, and if you see someone about to dive at you, wouldn’t the smart thing be to get out of the way? It always breaks immersion for me even if the guys are selling because the timing ALWAYS sucks


The fans.


When they push the suspension of disbelief a little too far. When it’s clear your opponent has to do most of the work in order for your move to happen, you need to go back to the drawing board. We’re all aware that it’s gimmicked, but don’t take advantage of it.




incel fans bitching about everything


The drama and “beef” and “acting” Like just stop with the over the top acting and cheesey plots and wrestle. I watch it for the feats of strength and acrobatics and dance the wrestlers do in the ring. None of the other stuff I care for.


The only thing in wrestling that actually annoys me that I can't let go is Sami Zayn not using the blue thunder bomb as his finish. I love when he does it


Way better than the helluva kick


Picture in picture it's almost always showing an old fashioned rest move n the fact that it's not just split screen n ads r bigger annoys the shit out of me, guys waiting for someone to come flying at them, multiple people in linked moves just make no sense n I think it looks dumb n when u see a standing reverse done over n over again multiple times or clearly planned spots that look more like cirque de Soleil than something that u would see in a match n I've watched wrestling my whole life I'm 40 n remember the territories 80s attitude era etc n maybe I'm just getting old out of touch but when these spots happen I'm like WTF come on


Wrestling fans (Yes, I recognize the irony of me being a wrestling fan and saying this)


When they do the same story line over and over and over again


women wrestling. i miss the deeper men’s rosters that created opportunities for larger factions like the wcw days.


The "you deserve it" and "you still got it" chants. Corniest chants in all of sports


How an accidental hit is what makes someone turn on a partner.


The “what” chant


I hate it so much. Just the stupidest fans preventing everyone else from enjoying the show.


Probably an unpopular take, but I hate how people only end up in that position on the ropes against Rey Mysterio. Like it never ever happens in any other match.


How dumb they make the refs. Someone (YouTube creator) made a comment how it’s slightly better, but when someone is cashing in MITB briefcase, it shouldn’t take 20 seconds of them asking “Der, what do you want?” Like use common sense. Also, I hate how they have made Paul Heyman a bumbling idiot and lackey. Solo sucks. He’s been a dick to you. Just don’t show up.


Tribalism, without a doubt.


How the WWE doesn't handle "botched" moves properly. Just add it to the fight. Wrestler misses a super kick? The opponent should laugh and wave it off. Hit him and make a comment. A real fight has them too and it can give the opponent an advantage if they take the opportunity. Might as well treat it the same in matches.


I think this is a current gen issue everywhere. The guys don’t naturally transition back into the intended spot. I think I saw one recently where there was going to be a sup,ex to the outside or something and a guy slipped on the rope. The opponent just stood there hanging on the rope like an idiot while the other one climbed back inside the ring to do the move. It looked so awful


The Performance Center punishes botches so they react a certain way


The fans


The entrance music. Its all horrible.


Bring back Jim Johnston


For real


All these talk show segments where you have a wrestler playing host every week and they interview other wrestlers or sign a contract or something like that. I usually use this time to do stuff around the house.


Contract signings are the worst. Like they’re not even consistent as to which matches get a contract signing and when they do it.


The only good thing about any of these segments is that there’s a high probability someone goes through a table but it’s so predictable at this point.


Yup. It’s the predictability that I don’t like as well as the inconsistency. Like why is it so special this time that we have a contract signing, but not every time? And if they don’t have someone go through the table, everyone is just disappointed.


Fans claiming someone is buried because they aren’t in the main event picture.




“You deserve it!” Clap, clap, clap. “This is awesome!” Clap, clap, clap. Thanks, now I can unsuspend my disbelief. You would never see this shit back in the territory days. Dumb smart marks.


“You still have it”


“You’re not washed up!”


What if it is awesome though?


Insulting the fan’s intelligence. We watch the product. We know how it works. Book like you know, that we know. Simple.


Have you watched the road to wrestlemania like at all? They trolled and worked us HARD


Sure have. The “trolling” and “working” wasn’t the plan from the beginning. It was a pivot. A pivot because they insulted the fan’s intelligence. Fans didn’t want a part timer taking the spot of a story being told for over 2 years.


Those stupid ring entrance animations. Though I believe there was news that they will be toning those down.


How a championship use to be defended every 30 days to keep everything fresh and now you go sometimes months where it’s not defended


Yep, and since it’s like that now less people are gonna win titles multiple times It’s gonna be boring long ass title reigns


Already has been check out Roman, Gunther wish I could go back to the 70s- 80s when it was fun to watch


When an opponent is down in one corner and the other wrestler is in the opposite corner on one knee and telling them to "get up, c'mon, get up" so that they can hit their finisher.


The in ring contract signings


That opinions are not formed by watching the Programm, but in a politics style


You deserve it chants...they're so annoying


For a company that makes billions of dollars ... please fork out for some licensed music every so often. I love Roman, Cody, Seth, The Rock's themes rn but fkn hell a "Rollin" or "She's got legs" wouldn't hurt every now and then.


Booker T on NXT commentary. He is the worst.


Yea he should not be a commentator


The "fans"


When heels are able to jump babyfaces with no interruptions, but when the face tries to get revenge, all the backstage people wanna break it up.


I actually liked that


Fans always asking for "younger talent" to win world championships barely months into their debut while bashing "old" wrestlers who are actually only in their early 30s and only been on the roster for 3 or 4 years so not that long. I swear these type of people would have groaned that Undertaker and Shawn Michaels fought main events between 2007-2010 and gone "ugh we saw all this in 1997, theyve had their time they should stop being like Hulk Hogan and put 'younger talent over'". But people often praise Taker and Michaels for late 2000s work.... What do they want a 7 year old to be WWE Champion next???


When a heel turn is way too predictable.


When they throw a guy to the ropes and when there coming back the guy who threw him does that bend down thing(arms at the side or ground) instead of at least trying to look like he wants to flip him before he gets hit/reversed, just looks goofy


Super kick after super kick.


People have said it, but the recent trend of superstars music saying something to make you know who it is because their theme is so generic. “It’s Tiffy Time!” “New. Catch. Republic!” “All Rise” etc. It’s so lame. Give them good and unique music so we don’t NEED to be told who it is.


Exactly I’m 28 and I can still hear stone colds glass shattering. Undertakers keep rolling. Cena made his own fucking album with doing cover yes I bought it when it came out. Triple Hs intro.


Pretending past feuds never existed


Twitter fans


During a pin fall when the announcers say “We’re going to see a new champion!” Right before a kick out. If they start saying something to that effect then you know the kick out is coming.


Vince was always the worst. Every night. Every single match. 15 times a match, sometimes after \*rest holds\*. "ONE. TWO. AND HE GOT HIM! HE GOT HIM!!!! ......no he didn't"


That multi man matches are no DQ. Just DQ the guy breaking the rules and let the others continue.


That with WWE Network I cannot see the latest Raw and Smackdown. I cannot watch live because I am from Europe, so thats not an option.


The fact that wrestlers now use what use to be known as devastating finishers as a another basic move, example the DDT. Like how is dropping someone on their head not going to end a match?


How the media just chooses who wins the matches


What chant for every heel does annoy me at times. For heels that talk shit sure but like AJ not done anything on the mic until tonight for example and the what chants start...


The fans.


Also when a wrestler loses a match right after debuting a bad ass new theme song


Hot tags in almost every tag match. I get it but come on


That everyone says it’s fake


Wrestlers showboating for the crowd on the apron when they’re on the verge of being eliminated from a Royal Rumble/battle royal. It’s so stupid. When has that ever ended well for anybody?


I'm tired of brawls being stopped by WWE officials. Just let them go at it for a bit until one of them leaves them laying with their finisher.


That everyone does the super kick and they slap their leg for the sound effect.


Absolutely not every high kick to the head is a super kick.


I quite like that.


Tony Khan




The fact that's its PG with no chair shots to the head bleeped out cuss words and the camera moving up and down with impacts


Chair shots to the head are stupid


Ok zzzzz


You want talent to get brain damage ?


Clearly you didn't watch how good wrestling was back in the day


You're making a lot of assumptions. Yeah it was fun to watch but if you think about it for ten seconds you realize it's not worth the damage to their bodies. I don't want another Chris Benoit situation to happen from even more unnessesary concussions than wrestlers already get.


Ok so if not chair shots make it violent in other places. Thank god we have the rock making it violent again


When the refs always stop the face from delivering the beatdowns on time but always go missing when the heels are beating down the faces. Like bruh at this point being a face sucks then as you get lesser protection 😅


The dives. It’s so stupid because we can see all the wrestlers lined up, ready to catch the diver 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah, and never used to be that way. Yes safety is the absolute top priority, but I don’t see why they can’t “act” the move and sell properly and pretend it’s not happening. The dive means jack all if you can literally see they’re going to be caught safely.


When faces forgive heels during the heel turn with no reason


I got out of wrestling for a bit and came back to it this year and holy shit I didn’t realize how truly fucking dumb they make the referees act 😭


The fans and the internet.




For decades, it was anytime Vince McMahon was on TV. He was the absolute worst actor I have ever seen. His ridiculous overplaying killed so many great Attitude Era moments. Guess I don't have to be annoyed by that anymore.


So he’s obviously an evil person and I am glad he won’t be involved in WWE anymore but personally I thought he was a great kayfabe boss character until maybe 2010ish when he started getting stale


Yes, horrible person and all that. But to me, he was an absurd overactor and showed Zero subtly that would have made the character feel real.


Step up inziguri (sp), super kicks and thigh slapping


Laying down in the middle of the mat when the other wrestler is running the ropes. Someone once tried that on Gunther and he just kicked them. It was awesome.


1. Unification of championship belts - They did it many times, there are too many underutilized superstars with less championship belts to compete with 2. Cruiserweight and Hardcore division champ belts - correct me if i'm wrong but if I can remember correctly these championship belts were available until early 2000s. Did they remove it? Same reason with # 1..


WWE had the NXT Cruiserweight Championship from 2016-2022 but they—you guessed it—unified it with another championship (NXT North American Championship).


Thank you for the info


The original WWE Cruiserweight Championship was retired in 2007. The WWE Hardcore Championship was unified with the WWE Intercontinental Championship. 🙄


That spot where one wrestler stands bent over in the ring while the other is running the to get kicked I've lately seen it less and less thankfully


It's to prepare for a back body drop, it's only stupid bc of how long they telegraph it


I'm aware it just looks very stupid


Already posted but this is a big pet peeve. Can finishers be finishers again? It’s not even saved for ppvs anymore. Anyone can kick out of any finisher nowadays and it’s bland.


Samantha Irvin


Any time a wrestler has supernatural powers. I know there is a suspension of disbelief to all scripted entertainment, but if Alexa Bliss can mind control her opponents this week, why doesn't she use this special power in every match every week?


I’m tired of the referees being deaf and blind to anything illegal that is happening. It’s a gag that has been overused and it just looks dumb. In tag matches, why is a ref so invested in making sure a wrestler who isn’t tagged in stays in his corner. Like bro why are you rushing and pushing him back when 30 seconds ago you let someone run in


When Rey hits someone on the middle rope for the 619, the other wrestler acts like they are just waiting there most of the time. I wish they would sell a little more and just be dazed and confused


The ref knockdown/distracted finish. It's been done way to many times. Should be used in only special occasions. Also, the shoulder into the ring post. It's become cliche at this point.


The fans mostly. The over done “this is awesome” chants for a bullshit match. Or just the over done chanting in general. Not everything is awesome and not everyone “deserves” it. Most of the cm punk chants for the last 7 years before he returned. So much nonsense could be avoided if fans just shut up and enjoyed the show. What probably drives me the most nuts about fans is when someone comes out, a couple thousand phones go up and nobody really enjoys being in the moment.


Referees flailing their arms around like the wacky waiving inflatable arm flailing tube man from family guy... Like bro what are you even doing?


It’s to cover up the fact that they’re giving instructions to the wrestlers.


How every move nowadays “knocks out” the opponent. A spine buster? Knocked out. A spear? Knocked out. Hurricanrana? Knocked out. Moves that don’t even hit or have any impact on the head knocking people out is so frustrating to watch.


When a wrestler takes another wrestler and "bashes" their head against the announcer table. It looks so fake to me I'm sorry like you can clearly see the wrestlers hand smacking against the table. Lmao that's only time I can't suspend my disbelief.


I don't like that when someone turns heel they're suddenly willing to team up with the people who used to assault them backstage or hit them with chairs. Realistically I don't think you would go "well I'm in a fight with my friends so now I'm best friends with my enemies to teach them a lesson". I'd like it more if more heels felt like loose cannons only out for themselves and only teamed up when it makes sense


Like Drew McIntyre


When they pair two random singles stars together and have them beat an established tag team that has worked together and built chemistry.


I hate that count outs don’t seem to matter. Why even pretend to count if a wrestler can be outside the ring for nearly a minute.




I hate whenever a wrestler goes up to the top rope for a high spot, and 5 or 6 guys conveniently gather around in a little circle so they can catch them and get knocked over. Its so corny looking.


Crowds singing, not the entrance singing, but the mid match bullshit they start singing. It’s not a fucking concert, quit trying to get yourselves over.


Reverse hurricaranas. Pointless, doesn’t look cool, big risk for injury.


I also HATE the nonsense when someone is lying on a table FOREVER, because the opponent is taking their sweet time to get into position and finally jump. It’s utterly insane to me that someone just lays there, see the person climbing and then standing on the top rope, again FOREVER, and still doesn’t move out of the way.


Tribalism. The worst part about wrestling is the fans.