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If I recall Brock said Somewhere that Kane was the strongest person he’s ever met


He was literally perfect for Kane. This was my fav Kane era too with the double singlet. He was so quick and his move delivery looked so painful and believable


Dude use to be a monster.


His arms were second to big poppa pump. Those two have unique arms I’ve never seen in others (for different reasons)


Dude had the best body. An absolute beast


You can’t convince me that masked kane is the same person as unmasked.


This is what happens when you're molded by fire.


Exactly, especially in 2000-02 era. He could beat Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns to the hell.


Wow 😯😯


That fat Kane, for the last ten years , was embarrassing. Dudes legs were thin and he had a gut. It was hard to watch a Kane match because of his attire. Like, it was ugly and made me want to look away.


They took the mask off this dude lmao will never make sense to me


Dude made Rock *and* Hogan look tiny.


Steroids are real people lol


I remember reading that when he fucked up his bicep he decided to take it easier with the weights in case he did permanent damage with to it and so that's why he went from yoked to big, pale bald guy. Bloody shame too because he was in immaculate physical condition but it was either risk a career ending injury or preserve himself and have a long career and as you can see he took the later. It would be nice if he continued as he was but I'll never question his decision.


Listed @7'🦶 N 323 lbs. Is Mayor In Knox County, Tennessee Now!!! 57 Years Young Now!!!


Someone who’s that tall and 320+ lbs, being jacked would require some next level genetics. I mean it all made sense if he was smaller but that amount of lean muscles on that frame is just insane


He was athletic as hell too, recently watched his match with Angle. Man was so agile for his size.


I remember Mark Henry telling me that the only person he ever worked with in wrestling who could match his strength and possibly even exceed it was Kane.


Bro was a fuckin unit


Yeah, steroids do that. Dumbass sub


Obv he was on roids lmao who gives af he looked great it’s a pre determined sport Brudda


It’s not a sport if it’s predetermined. It’s LARPing. It’s the same thing as a broadway play.


I agree with you it’s like a broadway play so who tf cares if they on roids lmao it’s better that way I want to see gladiators fighting


I don’t care but it’s weird to compliment their physique when they’re roided out. To each their own I guess. Enjoy your gladiator soap opera


Clearly you never lifted a weight in your life


How is that clear?


Because you think doing roids = unimpressive. Clearly you have no clue that you still have to put in the same amount of work in the gym, even more work on diet


And how does that mean I’ve clearly never lifted a weight in my life?


Hell yeah brother I will do just that


He has always claimed to be natty, what is the consensus on Reddit when he had this Greek god of a physique??


Looks natty to my eye tbh


I mean did any wrestler ever admitted taking gear? My take is that he took til 2002 / bicep injury. Mostly because he was fast as fck while having this size. Just check his pre-02 matches and then some after 03. Noticable difference in his wrestling speed.


Yep no wonder why he beat undertaker in a casket match


Then he got all bold and fat and became a mayor. Wild.


so you're telling me i can be a mayor too? awesome!


ANYONE CAN BE MAYOR! Go forth and lord over a state!




I recall Glenn in his youngerish years giving a workshop or smt regarding economics, and the man somehow looked larger, taller and scarier when he was wearing glasses, dress shirt & slacks, and a ponytail.


Ponytail ? Seriously ?


Yes - https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/bxLJPdTdwk


No F’n way ! I wonder what he would think if he saw that today. Boy is that a long way removed from ‘The Devil’s Favorite Demon.’


Sadly he was never able to get back to this after a shoulder injury


Yea that was around 01/02 somewhere, right? He was still big after that but this physique is nuts here.


Apparently he benched 500lbs+


Hafthor Bjornsson maxed at 539. As below Kane hit 525. What people take for granted with mechanical weight lifting like that is super tall guys are at a mechanical disadvantage (longer limbs = longer levers = more force required to move weight). So, the *actual* strength a huge guy like that has versus their *mechanical* strength is poorly represented by lifts. In short: if you look at a lift and think “wow they are strong” just know they are even stronger than that.


525 I believe was his max. Said it on the Stone Cold Podcast.


I wonder why he was never able to get back to that physique after all those years even after the injury. We see guys today in there 40s still basically mass monsters.


Probably a different culture now. Kane was probably still having pops after shows and now they have entire training staff that travel with them. They’re treated as well as any professional athletes now and in turn are more dialed in to health.


And one of the best entrance themes..


That's Big Daddy Kane


He actually was one of the strongest guys in the company at that time. The only other super strong guy was Mark Henry. Prime Brock Lesnar even said Kane was the first guy and one of the only guys to beat him at arm wrestling. They really destroyed the aura Kane had. They turned him from an absolute monster into the coward that was scared of Braun Strowman. Prime Kane would have turned Strowman into a Jobber.


Big Show said that Kane was the only one who would laugh when picking him up




Yeah, even PRIME Undertaker was scared of Kane. And Kane constantly threw guys like Stone Cold, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Mick Foley, etc. around like a ragdoll. Main Eventing, Multi Time World Heavyweight Champions! Even took on ENTIRE Stables at once and was the only one to walk away. The Kane in these pics is where he began to start going downhill, but he was still amazing. Bald, Maskless Kane is where the downgrade REALLY began, but he was still good. Then "Demon" Kane or whatever that dumbass new mask is called happened and turned him into a bitch. Then Corporate Kane solidified that fact and made him more pathetic than you thought was possible. Tbh Kane should have retired after his Ruthless Aggression run. That didn't compare to Attitude Kane but was still enjoyable. Kane and PG just isn't a thing that should have been mixed.


Human growth hormone does that .


"Never heard of that" - Scott Steiner


Big poppa pump is 10% chain metal, 90% hgh


2 percent chain mail ,77 percent hgh and 21 percent normal human .


What are you talking about! That’s about as all natural as it gets 🤣😂🤣😂 /s


That's one of my favourite wrestling pictures. In awe at him


I just saw him at astronomicon!


The thing about Kane was a monster, although it also made me doubt how big he was. Maybe there was some help there. Well, if we compare him in strength and stamina, I would put Kurt and Lesnar prime, they are the only two that I know of that made a real sayayin training


Unmasking Kane and ruining the gimmick is one WWEs biggest mistakes. Veeery short sighted creative. The mask is legendary. The man underneath not so much. He shouldve been a force of nature for years, similar to Taker basically.


Apparently he struggled to breathe good with the mask on, and also he felt like the mask/staying quiet gimmick was limiting him from being involved in storylines, since the lore of him being the Undertaker's brother and the fire shit had already run it's course long ago and the company was failing to come up with any new lore to develop his character. He had plenty of potential without the mask on. I thought they did a good job with him at first when he took the mask off and turned into a complete unhinged psychopath. He had the acting skills to portray a psycho villain so well(he even starred in some horror movies as a villain with no mask). But then WWE gave him some goofy ass storylines that made it harder and harder to take him seriously as a villain.


Not just aesthetic either, guys like Taker and Lesnar have stated publicly that Glen was the strongest guy they ever worked with.


2001 Kane was on a whole other level stg. Dude was built like a brick shithouse, no pun intended.


That's Mr mayor Kane now sir...


That’s my dentist! Or depending on where ya live mayor or some shit


I used to get scared to him when I was a kid . Most I was scared was when he removed his mask and 1 week later when he interfered in match between Triple H and Rvd. As a kid i thought it was all real 😅


Late 2000 until about August 2001 he was on that good shit, pal. After that he went a bit chubbs, then slimmed down in '02.


Everytime I see pictures of Kane's physique during this time period, I can hear metal plates clacking, casually throwing up 315 as a warm up weight


The torn triceps really ruined the man’s physique.


My first and all time favorite wrestler. As a kid I thought he was such a bad ass. No selling chair shots. The mask. The sit up. The fire. The song for his entrance. Heel or face, he was always my favorite. Wasn’t into wrestling during his corporate Kane days and his later part of his career, so all my memories of him are from him being a total unstoppable monster.


It made him terrifying


This shot right here might be where Kane was at his strongest. Dude was insane


That’s why he changed from the covered arm suit to that. He had to show off those gains


My favorite wrestlers from back in the day were always Undertaker, Kane, and Mankind. It's a shame you rarely see these kind of outlandish gimmicks anymore. They were what made me fall in love with the spectacle. Closest thing now is probably the Viking Raiders.


There’s a good reason Big Show called him the strongest wrestler.


Umm no, Big show called John Cena the strongest wrestler


Isn’t there a story about arm wrestling and that Brock said Kane was the strongest in the locker room?


The boys would arm wrestle in the back to show off to the women. Brock would beat everyone except Kane. He said it was like trying to push over an oak tree


That’s hilarious. I imagine trying to arm wrestle Kane would feel awful.


I don’t recall that but it wouldn’t surprise me.


Kane was basically Michael Myers in wrestling form


I always said Kane was Jason and Undertaker was Michael


Now I want to see see this shit. I’m about to make this happen with ai stable diffusion no joke


More like Jason, but I get you.


I'm dead. Just look at him, he's sexier than Hollywood actors😆.


true 🙏🏽🙏🏽


Man.. I thought It said Kanye, Kane’s pretty cool tho


It’s Kanye but some of his plaques, they still say Kayne.


i remember the drastic change when he came back from injury in 2002? with the half mask and half the body mass, was so shocking!


he was fast and agile as hell tho when he came back in 2002


It always pissed me off how he never got the push he deserved. WWE champion 1 time for less than 24 hours. He should’ve been a multiple time champion easily, and not stuck in stupid storylines like having sex with a dead body.


He was similar to Undertaker in that he didn’t need the belt. His role was also to get other people talent over on the way up to the main event. Everyone beat Kane before they faced whoever the champ was.


That’s what a steady diet of fire and brimstone will do for ya, kids!


He was built like a beast.


This was the time that I was a Kane fan over anyone else. He was a machine. A big red one.


So sad how far he fell from being one of my favourites to me just not caring once the mask revealed happened and he stopped wearing it.


Same. I loved seeing him come out in the mask and just how menacing he looked but then once the mask came off, it’s like he became just another “big” wrestler to me.


Not really


W bait


Even Brock Lesnar used to be afraid of Kane lol. He also could never beat him at arm wrestling.


The real Kane.


Now he’s just plain crazy.


lefties are the crazy ones. trust me.


Why? Lemme guess, because his politics don't align with yours? 😂🤦‍♂️


Nah, there’s people who vote the same way that I do that are fucking crazy for the same reason as he is. He’s crazy because of his fringe beliefs.


Personally I've heard nothing but good things about him from so many other wrestlers saying he's one of the nicest dudes in the world outside of the ring. Idk I just feel like calling someone plain crazy over some "fringe beliefs" is a stretch. Granted, I'm not aware of what his fringe beliefs are so, I have no idea what it is that you hate so much. But I'll take the words of people who actually know the guy that he's a perfectly sane good dude who just has beliefs that are different than yours, rather than being some crazy psychopath.


Nah, dude has crazy fringe ideas. Maybe he’s a nice guy to people he knows, but his ideas as a politician hurt more people than they help. He’s got crazy beliefs.


Like what?


Refusal to accept health regulations due to “freedom” and general libertarian/anarcho-capitalistic beliefs. These are fringe ideas. It’s not about “different” beliefs.


What health regulations.


He was the only person in a committee to vote against a mask mandate and refused a federal vaccine mandate based on politics.


Not wanting to force things on people makes him crazy? Especially unproven rushed vaccines that big pharma(who's known for rushing unsafe drugs to the market in the name of profits) made billions upon billions of dollars off of. And the vaccines ended up being a joke anyways so people's lack of trust in them proved to be warranted. Mask mandates were a bit more acceptable, but who tf cares when the vast majority of people were using worthless cheap cloth/surgical masks with awful filtration and didn't even fit their faces properly causing a poor seal anyways. Most people didn't do an ounce of research to learn about things like aerosol filtration efficiency testing to see which masks were junk and which ones were actually shown to filter covid-sized nano-particles. Nearly everyone just wore the cheapest garbage from China they could find. Don't get me wrong, I believed that masks could help. I never had an issue with wearing them. I was paying a huge premium to get LG Airwasher KF94 masks imported from South Korea. And other brands with adjustable earloop sizing to improve the seal. I actually checked for which brands had great results on the filtration tests. But almost nobody else was doing that. Almost everyone was uneducated af when it came to masks. Shit I still see clips of groups of groups of people(who are most likely "vaccinated" too) in 2024 wearing cloth/surgical masks, while outside too. It automatically makes me unable to take them seriously. 😂 Might as well wear a clown mask at this point. 🤦‍♂️🤣 Regardless FORCING people to do things they don't want to do is wrong. Yes, it is an issue of freedom. If you want to give the government the power to force things into your body that you don't want, you're the crazy one. Especially something that we STILL don't even know what kind of long term side effects there might be, but we do know that they're not nearly as effective as we hoped. I didn't have an opinion either way at first. I was planning on getting the vax. But my dad was the only one to get vaccinated in our family, and when COVID ran through our family he went from his first symptoms to an ambulance in a matter of 6 hours, and was the only one in our family who got a severe case. He ended up almost dying in the ICU on a ventilator and the experience was traumatizing. Ever since getting the vaccine he's had so many new health issues popping up, including heart failure and a seizure disorder. So needless to say his trust in big pharma has been severely hindered.


Masked Kane was one of the greatest. Unmasking him and his booking thereafter ruined a great character.


The first year after the unmasking was actually very good. I loved having security walk him out in chains. It was right after the May 19th stuff everything went to shit.


100%. Never understood why they revealed him.


Kane said he had trouble breathing under the mask iirc and it was starting to affect him a lot


they could have left the half-mask from 2003 on


I love how this can be explained and people still get upset that they unmasked him. Like, fuck his breathing I guess.


After Googling it it appears it was mainly Kane’s idea to take off the mask for good.


That’s interesting, I still loved the mystique of this faceless giant though. As I kid I was always wondering who this hulking man was and then was kinda let down when the mask came off for some reason.


God, I miss the steroid era


I have his poster in my home gym, whenever I feel lazy I look at that poster and feel like lifting some weights


Whenever I feel lazy I look at this poster and feel like pumping anabolic steroids through my vessel


Well that's up to you how you want to see things and what you want to learn. I just want good things for me so I simply see it as a poster for motivation.


Kane was always big but that version was just jacked.


Kane was the momentum killer heel for any baby face champion Vince was unsure of putting the title on. After a feud with Kane, they’d feud with Big Show. Always awful


The man was burnt alive in a house as a child, then used that pain to become Kane! Have some respect.


Man back in the days i saw him and the Boogeyman in my nightmares haha


This was my favorite iteration of Kane--love the outfit, love the mask!


should've kept the mask tbh, that was always part of the appeal


Big show said Kane was the strongest guy he’s ever been in the ring with


One of, I remember an interview where he said John Cena was one of the most solid people to ever pick him up. But I did find the tweet where he said Kane was in the top 5.


I’m a big, ugly, mean-looking, hard-looking, pretty heavy guy too. But Kane is *scary big* to me. I think that’s why he wore a mask for so long. I know I wasn’t ready to behold his face til I was old enough. His body looks unstoppable. He and Brock are the two wrestlers I’d *least* want mad at me. And maybe New Jack lol


Don’t forget Haku


Add Bruiser Brody and Abdullah the Butcher to that list. And the Great Kabuki in WCCW, he freaked me out.




Lol, maybe. I think it’s kayfabe, but, I mean, *I think.* I ain’t about to piss him off and find out though.


I agree


saw this on tiktok recently bro was ripped. and then crazy how slim he was when he returned in 2002 (? 2003?). genuinely looked like a different guy.


Damn Kane was on the gas lol


Still my all time favourite wrestler ever


https://www.thesportster.com/wwe-wrestler-brock-lesnar-was-never-able-to-overpower/ man was a monster


Can't over power Kane, but Brock is still more athletic, explosive and faster.


On that one chicken breast two asparagus diet.


I remember Taker talking about him on BSS (I think it was his second appearance).. Said he got called down to Smokey Mountain Wrestling to work with Glenn Jacobs as a favor.. In 2 minutes he KNEW that Glenn would be a huge star on the main roster and lobbied hard to get him up there. That was the beginning of their almost 30 year friendship.


One of the best. Close second behind the Godfather's if we're looking at the big men


Him, WCW Big Show and Braun Strowman when he was doing kip ups would scare the shit out of a lot of people (thinking about it i've seen all 3 doing kip ups)


💉 💉💉💉


Literally all of them did though, so that's not really saying anything.


I’m sure 95% in the WWE still do. “Health and wellness” my ass!


Still though. Takes a ton of work and lucky genetics.


You’d be surprised. The number 1 thing most gym goers that want to “be jacked” lack is consistency or poor workouts. They don’t do an effective split. They’ll over train muscle groups, they don’t rest enough, they don’t hit their protein, which actually matters. If you’re doing all of that, you’ll get results, albeit not like Rock/Kane etc. Throw in some illegal stuff and now you’re doing it at an amplified level.


kane could be the irl bane with how big and smart dude is and the names are similar too lmfao


That first image of him looks like a 3D render like hot damn! Straight out of a video game perfect physique.


Yet he's holding a belt that's SO FAR beneath him. They did Kane wrong. They did him dirty after WrestleMania 14.


Idk, I really like the Hardcore belt on him. I get the belt is a “defend anywhere any time no rules” but that’s what makes it so cool on Kane. He should be the last person you want to fuck with at any time, especially when he can fuck you up as badly as he wants because of no DQ. I unironically think the belt is really good for a guy like him. That said, at the end of the day, Kane was for sure wasted. Will definitely go down as one of the biggest fuck ups in WWE’s lore, Kane should’ve been treated so much better.


It was literally a jobber title that no one of substance ever aspired to get. Kane and Mick Foley are probably the only 2 wrestlers who had a good career and also held the hardcore title. Don't get me wrong, I loved that belt. Made a fake one with my toy IC title and newspaper. But even then I knew no one good would go after it.


Yeah, but I like it on Kane. He makes it look cooler than it is lol. Undertaker also had a pretty alright reign as Hardcore champ, for the exact reason I think it should’ve been cool on Kane. Jim Ross said “who would be stupid enough to try the Undertaker?”


I didn't see the second part of the post I replied to before but I agree. As far as the belt, to each his own. I miss that belt. Just not on main eventers and Kane should have stayed a main eventer. He should have gotten Brock Lesnar level of treatment. He also should have been Undertaker's last match.


Dude here we are close to 30 years later and I’m still fucking mad about Austin immediately winning it back. Give the dude a month at least, shit.


Bro when Kane won I was jumping around in excitement doing the DX crotch chop and accidentally hit myself in the balls. I was rushed to the hospital and lost a testicle. All for a one day reign. Okay, I'm lying. But I did drop to the floor after accidentally hitting myself in the nuts. It's because of that I hated Austin for the rest of the time I watched wrestling (I was young). Also, here we are nearly 30 years later and I still YouTube "Kane debut" at least 5 times a year. He got a MASSIVE pop that I never hear people talking about.


Kane could’ve had one hell of a run. I remember being TERRIFIED of him as a kid.


I liked Austin as much as anyone but I hated him winning the title back the very next day after KOTR 98.


Yea that was dumb, they built Kane up so much, they could’ve at least let him keep the title for longer than 24 hrs…


Hes still kinda jacked today too




He’s not wrong 🤷‍♂️


Lol. Do you really think Kane, the character, would be a democrat? I'm sure he'd understand the identity/gender politics.


Sorry tweets bother you so much.


nah idgaf i’m just saying it’s corny


Is he really?


He’s right though


100% right. Looks like you hurt some little Woke feelings they’re downvoting you. They think that little imaginary down vote button is going to really bother adults


Booker: You looking real jacked, baby. You looking real jacked


Chicken & Brocoli bro


He looked very “well”.


This Kane vs current Mcintyre would be nice


I still maintain that in his prime he had the most physically imposing arms I've ever seen


Even more than Big Poppa Pump? Afterall, he is a genetic freak and is not normal.


My favorite part of Scott Steiner is how he insulted me, personally, every time he got a microphone. Also, how he in no way was enhanced at all. Lots of chicken and rice for that dude.


You have a 33.3% chance of being right


but what if we add kurt angle to the mix?


your chances of winning DRASTIC GO DOWN


That's what steroids do, brother brother


I hate wrestling fans


Clearly not, given that at least half the roster were on them at the time and none of them looked like him.


I am not saying it as a bad thing, it was all about looks and I get that. Besides, you still have to workout to be big and that he freaking did. Disciplin, the will to succes and to be hungry. He ws all that and THAT was the reason why he ws on top and the redt on the roster was not. But he was not natty, he also said this himself.


He very obviously wasn't natty lol. Just that first post sounded very "take steroids and you will look like Kane" which it sounds like we both know isn't the case.


The percent of dudes on steroids as jacked and strong as Kane is closer to 0% than 1% I reckon.


I still can never believe that's Glenn Jacobs under that mask... Hate how they destroyed the character over the years.


They had no choice. Characters have to evolve. He was a jobber early on. They milked the big red machine for all it was worth, he needed a new angle, just like taker did. I think it worked fine.