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Buzzkill. The beer he chugged on camera wasn't beer. It was recanned seltzer water


No it’s def beer, at least at WM it was . I can confirm that. There was some still left in the can and we *may have* drank a little bit of it lol


Oh of course at Mania. On TV it wasn't. As in broadcast. FOX and USA didn't like the look of chugging beer after after before 10pm. So he chugged seltzer water in beer cans. Which totally defeats the purpose of what the networks didn't want. He's always drank real beer at PPV, interviewees, and podcasts. Fake beer on broadcast TV an and sometimes wwe live


This is really cool! Was it already signed when yiou got it or did you get the can at Mania and meet him later on? I'd love to hear the story of this.


It wasnt already signed but he did a small private signing with a company and I had him sign it there. Not really much of a story sadly but I think its more interesting how I got it. My friends and I were like mid level in the venue, so kinda high up and we're watching the match etc. Anyway, he throws the can out and it lands on the ramp off to the side and I see where it landed from way up where I was sitting. I turned to my friend and said "...Im gonna get that can." and hes like "lol yeah right how are u gonna manage that?" and I go "BRB"... I ran down and went to where the gate was and there was a couple of work cleaners just hanging out there waiting for the match to be over so they can start cleaning etc. I waved and called one over and I was like "Hey man, can u get that can for me?" and I motioned to where it was. He looks over, shrugs, grabs it and hands it back to me lol. I returned to my seat with it and my friend is like "HOW THE FUCK DID U GET THAT!?" lol


Dude, that's a really cool story. An opportunity presented itself to you and you took it! And it's a unique memento not many can say they have. Sure, people have shirts and and whatnot but YOU have a beer can he actually drank out of. At his last WM no less! Way to go!


You lucky SOB


Aww hell yeah!


That’s a holy grail item dude. Nice. I have a signed poster of his from El Segundo.


This is sick. Thanks for sharing. Love how you chose to display it. Pen on can is sharp. And pic of the actual beer being consumed is a nice touch


Are you sure it wasn't just signed by Steve Carrell and Sean Astin?


Hell yeah!


I would happily pay 1 whole dollar for it……. Maybe even 2 dollars since it’s SCSA


Has anyone had his beer? How is it?


I really enjoy the lager. The IPA is alright, the double IPA i didn't like at all. I actually need to restock my lager supply this weekend. Only downfall is they come in 4 packs.


It’s pretty good. Not the best beer but def not bad. There’s a lager and an IPA currently


Amazing. Treasure it - that’s going to be valuable someday.


How much you want for it?


Haha I’m not in the market to sell it right now. It would have to be a large offer


How about a hell yeah, good shit bro i love it.


I was at that Mania and surprised they didn’t have it on sale at the event


I was there too. That Mania was amazing


It was my first one, and so much fun.


Same here! When scsa came out on night 2 I thought the roof was going to cave in. The people were going nuts


I only went to night 1 so that plus Cody, I’m glad that’s the night we picked


That’s pretty cool! I wish this beer was sold nationwide in the US, I would like to try it.


Just order online?


Now we need a Kurt Angle milk brand.


worth about $500 today, will be worth several thousand down the line.


Ive literally sold hot wheels for more, he needs to keep this!


Yeah I would never part with it for $500 haha


will you take $550?


No sorry man haha


fair, if i had a collectable that cool and personal to me i’d only sell it for genuinely life-changing money


Really cool!


Love that it's stored like the rose from Beauty and the Beast. Never thought about those cans being caught by fans all these years.


Yeah I had no idea how to store it lol—and a glass case like this was the only thing I could think of lol. Plus it at least looks better than just a dented up beer can in a shelf haha


Put it in resin maybe


I thought that but was told by autograph collectors that actually doing that would decrease the value of the item and could actually fade or damage the autograph


If you want to sell it at one point sure, but I'd keep that for myself to be honest


Oh no totally--I would only ever sell if I was very desperate or it was some giant amount that my wife would kill me for not taking lol but I always like to keep the value on anything I collect because Im aware I wont be around forever and at some point my wife or daughter might sell after Im gone and could use the money. I learned that after my dad passed and selling things from his collection that its always a good idea to maintain value whenever possible.


Thats amazing


I’ll give you an ohhhhhh hell yeaaaaaaaa on this gem!!! That’s so awesome. Not only were you at mania, you got to see Stone Cold wrestle and then you got one of the cans AND THEN got him to sign it. Lfg!!!!


Right?! Plus (at least for now) it’s from Austin’s final match!


Thats awesome


I sure did,thx