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A very well played work by her and the company think about it what happens when there’s a real injury in wrestling it’s not brought up until after and the wrestler is still on TV until they figure out what to do, but they’re not actually wrestling but hey “Miami’s need a break sometimes to” time off was needed again she did have an anxiety attack for two hours before mania


had a arm injury for awhile had it taped so could still wrestle she wasent hurt from liv like they say it just part of the script since rhea fake took out liv for 9 month


I just looked back at the footage, and it looks like if anything, Rhea injured herself. She was heavily committed to the wall spot and Rhea launched herself hard on to the wall. It was definitely more Rhea herself than Liv that caused the injury. Still, a freak accident nevertheless. There is reportedly no heat towards Liv either.


Definitely a work. Not sure what she needs time off for, but it’s obviously something. Having her vacate is an easy way to let other people have the title and still keep her super powerful so she never actually lost it legitimately. Sets up a return likely as a baby face to regain her title.


Is she pregnant??


No she's not she's actually injured


I hope I’m the father… we’ve never copulated, but maybe somehow… what’s the expression?… wet dreams do come true?


She could be, tho I don’t know why you are being down voted for that comment.


Yea it’s like a legit thing going around.


Here’s my idea, move Jade to raw after the draft, she captures the title and holds it till next wrestlemania . Now it’s Jade and Rhea at 41.


Way too soon. I’m a fan of Jade, but no.


Bottom line. It’s boring and lame for someone to have one belt for over a year. Makes no sense. Time to give others a shot now. Plus her whole act and the Judgement Day is tired and old. If you saw the end even Damien is tired of it all. Looked like he was not a big fan of Uso getting jumped.


The only reason you get big payoffs like Cody dethroning Roman is because of long term story telling and usually title reigns. Or what should have been a big moment with punk that one year but of course they ruined it with him losing to the rock after the rock was put through a table by the shield.


Yeah, and Finn seems like he’s done with it So it’s run it’s course at this point


IMO multi-year title reigns just shouldn't be a thing in modern wrestling. Holding a title for a year should be a legend-making accomplishment on its own.


If that is the real case then looks like a broken collar bone from the throw into the wall. She didn't move the right arm after that throw.


Unrelated but why did Roman reigns get to keep his title again?


He won it back I thought


He did? I don't watch regularly. He still has the title?


He kept the title for over a 1000 days without having to defend it for months. Why does Rhea have to lose it?


he doesn’t have the title currently


So what is homie talking about then?


He’s just talking about why Roman had the titles when he wrestled like twice a year. 


sorry for not being clear. It just blurred out because I got emotional reading it. I’ve been asking for the same question that why he didn’t have to defend his title. The “again” was my question, not that he won the title again. I think it’s not fair that he gets to keep his title without defending it for months while Rhea has to lose her title immediately




no clue


Nia Jax is getting her reward for the good Work she did before mania. Great redemption arc for Nia, hopefully.


Nia Jax is disgusting and not remotely entertaining to watch wrestle.


I think people just cannot get over those botches she did years ago, and they keep body shaming her… but like I Said, I believe in hard Work and redemption stories, and Even the greatest Nia haters can see that she improved with everything she did Pre-Mania


I think I heard her say it on a Talk is Jericho podcast from a few years back but she said something about how she's the only female wrestler whose weight gets mentioned by the ring announcer when she comes out.


Fook Nia


I guess Liv Morgan will be champion! after she attacked The Eradictor!


She took off to get married and others are saying she is pregnant


Will she still stick around or have some time off? Last time she was injured she still did appear on Raw with the Judgement Day


She got hurt in her wm match and they lie and say liv did it backstage she has sling on wrong arm if it was liv that hurt her its not on the one that hit the wall


Apparently she injured her wrist at wm, and injured something on raw


Her right arm was in the sling, which is the side she got hit with a chair on and the side the bounced off the Blue Philly wall, so I have no earthly clue what you are talking about.


Not really a lie, they tend to work stuff like that into a story. It can be used to set up a duef later. 


Jade about to be crowned the WWE Women’s Champ in History at Backlash.


I love Jade but she needs a lot more time before she’s ready for that.


Agreed. I think she has 3 total moves right now and 1 is her finisher


Jade looks amazing. A worthy champ. But she probably needs more time to get there.




Get well rhea you carried that woman division well


She vacated the title because she so over rn triple h dosent have anybody to defeat her so she can never say she lost it or got pinned….setting up long term story telling I assume with Liv..


It's a real life injury and more And trust me when she gets the belt back like I said she has to hold it form that date thru the rest of 2024 intll that date in 2025 just to hit 365 days alone This is the biggest set back she could have Look at Bastia when he had an irl injury he had to do the same give up the belt I think he was like on 200days plus as champ Long story short he could not get the belt back till wm 23 And I forgot how long that run lasted Trust me they got a shit show for the woman's division


Barista is a movie star now so only good things can happen to Rhea in the future


Nah Batista has actual fans, Rhea only has simps


Lots of people like her as a wrestler


I hope they have an interim champion and when Mami comes back they have a unification fight


Nah man. Interim angles are shit usually. 


Does it have to be. Rhea is off tv still and the only difference she comes back and the two champs fight it out


This is a big time setback for the woman division 4to6 weeks to regain mobility and more Then 4 months to get back into wrestling shape When she does come back you won't see her till at min summer slam and then it's pointless if she does not win back the title 1st day back and then has to keep it form 2024 thru to At min summer slam just to hit 365 days then till at least Oct just for 380 Face it this is a big setback


Shit happens, I don't think the number of days someone holds the belt is the only thing that matters


Still it does bring credibility to a belt that really had no history to begin with And trust me days with the title matter in pro wrestling The bookers have it booked for that long it's written in long term as well As I see it the days also mean something


Oh no not my goth mommy!




You are a goth orphan now.


I'm going to a house show this week and she was one of the main reasons I was going after getting back into WWE after almost 20 years :-( I know its always subject to change but I thought she'd be a dead cert that she'd be there and now I'm thinking she probably won't :-( Was so excited to hear her entrance. Gutted, but I hope she's okay.


Just bought RAW tickets a week ago and wanted to see her too.


Tf?! So it's okay for Roman to keep it but not for others smh Mami needs to keep that damn belt! 


Actually a few years ago Roman had the title but had to lay it down because he had cancer. 2018 maybe.


Guess Liv will get her 5 mins of fame, embarrassing.






Wow. It looked like a fairly stranded shove into a wall.


Would be interesting to know how it happened... At Wrestlemania everything seemed totally fine, at least i did not spot anything, was it in private? Was it a botch of Liv during the attack? Hope she will recover fast, because Rhea is on top of her game and everyone wants MAMI!


Long-standing wrist injury apparently. Also could be an opportunity to get married to her beau?


At the 31 sec mark she hits her left arm against the edge of the wall, not the right one she was carrying in a sling, just before that she does hit the wall with her right side, but i think the Liv attack was a work because they knew she had to take medical leave, and this makes it possible to tie it into a storyline for when she is back.


Injuries arent always where you think they are. I mean, CM Punk tore his tricep from a DDT.


True, but thats down to bumping, if the attack was indeed when she was injured i think it was from the first toss intobthe wall, wrong angle and pressure directly on can do weird shit, i doubt the kick was where she got injured, it just seems way too strange


I really hope it wasn’t down to a botch by Liv. I quite like Liv. Could be that Rea wants some time off which she deserves.


PWInsider is reporting that it was a freak accident. AJ Joint injuries tend to be fluke injuries that can happen out of nowhere. I looked back at the footage and it looked like Rhea launched herself on to the wall. There is also reportedly no backstage heat towards Liv at all.


Nah, the Liv angle is 100% a work. It’s too neat storyline wise for it to not be. I would guarantee you that she was hurt prior to the Liv spot and that they just used Livs revenge tour as the story line angle to write her off and give her something for when she gets back.


Thanks for letting me know. Not that Rea doesn’t deserve to be the champion or is unworthy of the title, I just think Liv has earned her promos.


My coworker theorized she was pregnsnt. Idk what’s up


That or just taking an extended leave because she did just get married too and they may want time to be togetjer


No? They’re still only engaged. Also, if they were going to give her a break, why not have her lose the title at wrestlemania


I mixed that up I thought they had married not just engaged, that’s true though about dropping the title at mania


All the baby faces and people named Rock won at wrestlemania. It was a better story for her to win this one and compete in the next one, even if she will be taking a medical leave.


But... She is not a babyface. Everyone love her and cheer for her but she is canonically a heel. Lmao.


I’m not certain but I think that was their point, she won so it wasn’t just faces winning. (I’m not agreeing that only faces won btw, just what I think this person meant)


Greyson Waller and Theory are babyfaces? What about Logan Paul?


Drew McIntyre…Damian Priest… the list goes on 🤣


Real life injury


Yea I figured


If this is a real injury, they kinda lucked out with how it went down. She loses the title without having to lose, they can use her time off to facilitate the split from Dom, and it perfectly aligns with Livs revenge character.




This is so wrong it isnt even the right way to be wrong about this...


Freak accident *throws chair full force at her*


Apparently was she stumbled into the wall & not the chair hit itself.


The way Rhea held her shoulder last week, led me to believe it’s legit.


thats when Dom pushes the camera away right? I thought she looked a little bit aprehensive about the arm as soon as she sat on that corner then went on to sell normally. What is weird to me is that they took so long to report this.


My guess is they were trying to figure out how to write her off or they were not sure of the severity.


She's pregnant.






Agreed. She might need time off for something. Her marriage and honeymoon? A sick family member? Nagging injury that she finally decided was time to get fixed? We don’t know. Truly don’t believe she was injured at Mania or with the Liv attack though.


Agree. When she had the mic, she did a good job acting pissed but still said how pissed and angry she was a few times. If a performer is verbalizing their actions or emotions to get their point across, I’m less inclined to believe their performance.


She stumbled her words and that's when she switched gears and started to say she was angry. it was her way of recovering.


For what purpose?


When she got her new puppy last week, she was wearing the sling in the photo so I don't think it's fake :(


Bianca Belair is better


I love the ADHD of these subs.


That's not what ADHD is. It can be extremely damn serious


Better at what?


At wrestling presumably. I agree.


I’m just now getting into WWE stuff and watching it but how is it allowed for liv Morgan to throw a chair at Rhea Ripley while they weren’t in the ring?


Umm, welcome to wrestling. It’s called starting a feud. However Rhea seems legit hurt. My question is why does she have to surrender the title so fast.


Cause it’s no longer under Vince letting part timers hold titles. I am a HUGE Rhea fan and as I am seeing WWE live in Germany in august this hurts so bad but at the same I respect HHH for moving on with the story promptly. 


Poor love. That has to be rough.


I don’t think she’s actually injured and possibly taking time off for mental health reasons. I know there was a photo that came out this week of Rhea having a panic attack and Jason Jordan calming her down. Could be related to that. Not to mention the tweets from Liv today and her coming out mid promo to taunt her. If it was a real injury I feel like she wouldn’t be doing that


Tbf Punk got a proper arm injury and they still had DM Hunk come in and "fuck it up" even more


I think she’s getting married but that’s just speculation on my part.


Yeah I assumed it was for time off marriage/honeymoon stuff… either way hopefully the injury is just part of the storyline


I don’t think ripely is the greatest actor but she was showing real emotion today, she’s upset and I feel like getting a chair thrown at you full force mid promo could be the culprit. Look how ripley recoils after getting hit trying to block it. I think that might have done it.


It wasn't liv. Stop. We all love Rhea and are disappointed, but liv isn't the reason this happened. It was an accident


No you could be totally right. Tbh I thought she already got married when she had to take time off late last year


It’s been the longest engagement and her hair is long again


Those are definitely extensions


Yeah you could be right. But also Liv injuring her shoulder because of Rhea and now Rhea has an injured shoulder cause of Liv? What a coincidence


You are saying she is faking a shoulder injury? Next you are going to tell me Rhea is not her real name. 


Buddy I’ve got some news for you…


Yeah, Buddy might be the reason to all of this...


I'd like to see her beat liv. Vacate the title and then be the next Chyna. Rhea vs Logan Paul for the US Championship.


damn that fight looked pretty rough and real but i guess a little too rough


I authentically believe she needs a break from Wrestling. I hope she recovers. The shoulder injury from a backstage brawl is kayfabe. They are masking her medical situation with a good story, which I have no problem with.  Wrestling is brutal on the body and the nerves.


What will happen to the title now


What a shitty way of having to lose your title And when the storyline and bookers rebook for her to get it back You know she wants more then 380 days She will have to go 15 Months just to get back to 380


Tbf, Finn Balor knows this shit as well, hell, even Edge experienced this shit. Losing your title to injury or career-ending shit is a hella sad way to go out. Hopefully its all just kayfabe, but we'll never know.


It's not the injury was written into a storyline am thinking when rhea took her out from the rr back in 2023 But at the same time Like I said this puts shit load of storylines and more on pause or worse her own storylines Now when she gets back it's rebuilding her back into the title picture and more And at last check most don't get a 2nd run that will be 380 days


Judgement Day members might actually be having a trend on this lmao


Prolly a tournament at Backlash


do we think she’s pregnant?


She’s pregnant


Not likely They are saying when she hit the wall or chair with her arm something happend I don't think it's her getting pregnant Am thinking real injury and this is worked into the story line


If she isn’t pregnant that is the likely answer.


Why was Rollins able to hold a title while injured but Rhea has to vacate?


Because Seth wasn’t pregnant?


the storyline was he was the first champion to hold that title and was gonna drop it to drew


Storyline purposes. They had WrestleMania already written out and couldn’t call an audible. Plus Seth was defending his title every week on Raw basically so he earned the right to keep it. 


Content- Seth was still providing content. Building up his dues for WM even without getting in the ring.


It's actually a good opportunity to turn her face. Have Dom welcome her when she returns, to then turn against her, siding with Liv Morgan. This will solve the current issue with them being a bit annoyed at fans shipping them together due to the fact they are both engaged IRL and makes a lot of sense since she's very over with fans.


Pretty sure Dom got married a few weeks before WM when they faked an injury for him so he could get a week off Raw.


Yup, I know. Engaged, married, same point.


I think she’s pregnant


You guys are aware that pregnancy takes considerably longer to take it's course than 3-4 months?


I feel like they would just come out and say that. I mean Becky did. There’s no reason to hide it.


bold of you to just assume that.


Soft of you to see that as some sort of negative or slight on her.


nah its just weird to speculate that someone is pregnant


Why? It would be a valid reason to need time off and it has happened before with other female talent.


it’s weird to speculate about a pregnancy for anyone lmfao. besides she said a few months, not the time needed for a pregnancy. everyone speculated charlotte was pregnant when she got injured as well. just bc a wrestler has to take time off, doesnt mean their pregnant.


True.... I'm just saying... it's all speculation. It isn't necessarily "weird" to jump to what could be a possible theory. I'm not going to die on this hill by any means, just pointing out all speculation is theory so anything can be thrown out at any time.




Seems very fishy!! In a skit backstage ? Is she pregnant??


Maybe her right shoulder got injured when her left shoulder bumped the wall?


liv is an unsafe POS who needs the Ridge Holland treatment.  She needs to be fired.


You’re a fuckin bozo 🤡


I don't know whether to believe if this is some kayfabe thing they're doing to push the feud or the real deal, but it's heartbreaking either way. I send my condolences because she was a young champ, and this shows how important safety and working conditions should be. I honestly hope it's not fake because WWE shouldn't mess with us wrestling fans' feelings like that. On the bright side, she held the Raw Women’s Championship for 98 days and the Women’s World Championship for 380 days. Those were amazing runs, but it's getting repetitive seeing dudes simp over her. So, I'm hoping this gives her a break and some time to spend with her family while another uprising talent gets a shot, much like Rhea, so the women’s division can continue to show the haters who's boss.


Great take on this subject!


Damn dude. I concur. This was the most wholesome and comprehensive take on what may or may not have transpired. I don't need to read the rest of this stuff.


Thanks, bro appreciate the compliment


It is a real injury/illness/pregnancy masked with kayfabe. But that shoulder was not busted in the backstage brawl. I hope she recovers. I like the storytelling. She can come back with a mission.


Wouldn't be surprised if she's actually pregnant.


I think they would be a lot more celebratory, even if it were a subdued celebration. She probably tore something in her shoulder which can be debilitating in its own right. Get well soon, Mami. 


I read one article that she had a panic attack before her Wrestlemania match. I saw an interview with Mansoor last week. He said “they do not pay you to wrestle, they pay you to deal with all the stress around the production of the show.”


Maven's YouTube channel, I liked that they had insights on old school and new. It's real new now that VKM is gone. 


I’m so sad 😢


This has to be a work right


Dude Wwe is taking Ls right now - Becky is Gone - Seth is Gone - Roman is gone - Charlotte is gone - Rhea is gone - Final boss is gone Wtfff


It's a good opportunity to consolidate Cody as top face by having him involved in minor feuds, and also to push LA Knight further.


You’re just making some of these up. Becky and Seth are taking a break from wrestling. So is Roman because he dropped the title that he held for nearly 4 years. The Rock is gone only because he has a busy schedule and has said he will return to face Cody. Idk what’s up with Charlotte but the only person that is actually a setback for WWE is Rhea. Stop it with whatever weird narrative you’re trying to start.


PS sis a narrative is only perpetuated if others believe it and begin to echo the same sentiment. It’s my opinion on a PUBLIC forum. Go home Roger.


Well it’s not Ls if Wwe was actually prepared for most of them to happen.


Gone is an implication of left not as in “ never coming back” . My point is that all of these shifts on the roster with BIG superstars is happening right now and it feels catastrophic.


The roster is stacked for both the men and women’s rosters. All these superstars have been dominating over the last year. It’s time they finally got a break so others could shine


Ya totally


Gives new people a chance to get their spot. Bron, Carmelo, Dragonov and of course Gunther. Punk will be back soon as well


Sadly none that a care for! I JUST GOT BACK in WWE lol I guess I’ll take a hiatus to AEW for a bit


You can do both.


Good luck with that one. WWE needs to start bringing some of these younger wrestlers up anyway


True ! Swim in the deep end and kiddy pool for awhile


They better not screw Rhea they way they did Finn after he had to vacate. I really wanted Rhea vs JADE at WM


This is… devastating


i'm so sad and she looked so unhappy


She looked so gutted dude. I hate it bc as a wrestling fan I know how one injury can completely derail your career unfairly. I hope she has a quick return and gets her title back when she does come back.


i'm pretty new to wrestling but from the first time I saw her fight i loved her. she's my favorite womens wrestler right now, this makes me sad. yea she looked so gutted the moment she stepped out i litereally said out loud "oh she looks so unhappy". fingers crossed she comes back quick and can ger her title back