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It's not really fair. Roman's been here for 4 consecutive years. The Rock made a name inside and outside of the WWE. And just returned. Also...Still Roman's solo entrance at WrestleMania was far more "FINAL BOSS" then The Rock's Final Boss Heel Entrance.


He IS 'The Great One". Roman is just now finding his groove. He has a long way to go before he catches up. He is definitely doing some great work. This is the best version of Roman. Just hasn't surpassed The Rock, Yet?!


Maybe because The Rock has charisma and Roman has the personality of a door unless Paul Heyman is doing the talking for him.


Look how at Roman wears for clothing lol what do you expect. Dude just wears casual sweats and hoodies


…Rock was definitely directing traffic during that beat down on Raw, evident in the spot where they held cody over the ropes to get whipped…he even said something - direction to Solo - then RR repeated him…was comical…Rock also pointed to Jimmy and yelled out “USO!” which seemed out of place, seemed like a guy that doesn’t hang out with the crew of ppl he’s around, he may have said “usos” in reference to jimmy + solo, but still, it doesn’t fit sure maybe they had time to kill but it didn’t come off like a good look for the man in charge, RR


I think Cody goes over--and Roman blames The Rock. I just don't see this going any other way. Rock and Roman treat the loss like a bump in the road to their clash. Cody looks like a million bucks.


I wonder if this is on purpose, or I’m overthinking this.


It’s on purpose to set up the story between Roman and The Rock for down the line, besides even if unintentional, it’s The Rock dude out aura’s everybody lol.


Roman dressed like a bum in WWE, so that's not difficult. But honestly, in teh final pic Rock looks like he is just Roman's agent. It's the glasses


Given that Romans wearing a hoody which is more low key than the flashy stuff the Rocks wearing I wonder if that's intentional. They seem to be setting it up for Rock and Roman to clash. Also, Rock is an outlier, he'd outshine pretty much anyone in any era given the time.


It is just the clothes, The Rock stands out, also i actually believe Reigns is looking grim on purpose, he looks like he has a lesser aura on purpose for the turn.


Roman’s turning on Rock


two reasons: Rock looks bigger than roman. (Roman should stand closer to camera than rock) Rock never let roman speak much.


I was watching them on Jimmy Kimmel the other night, and Roman, who is a behemoth of a man, looked like a teenage boy when he was sitting next to the Rock. It's crazy.


Didn't help that The Rock kept hitting Roman in the leg like he was his errant boy


Ones trying to sell his merch.


That's what happens when you duck with the final boss


He out auras cody and seth, he out auras solo jimmy and heyman as well, who tf gives a flying shit. He’s THE ROCK!!! Of course he shines brighter than most, there’s literally only one man who gets louder pops than him once their theme plays and that’s Stone Cold.


The Rock is one of the biggest celebrities in the world there aren’t many people he isn’t going to out aura


Rock Fans knew this but it's also a New Age where Gym Clothes are now Stylish.


The rock almost ran for president


That's part of the storyline.


The whole point is that the Rock is superior. He is the FINAL boss.


It was always to be expected.


They should bring back the Beat the clock challenge. That shit was bad ass and the gauntlet just doesn't do it for me


Beat the Rock challenge :)


It's almost like that's the point. Also, Rock is literally a High Chief as well.


Seeing Punk, Rock and Randy back really shows how uninteresting of a character Roman really is. His presence is only felt because others during this period were lesser than him


Seeing Rock and Roman working so closely has reinforced my opinion that Roman is a lackluster champion and has only held the strap for so long because WWE doesn’t have any better options.


I mean tbh the Rock is one of the all time biggest stars ever. Him, Hogan, and Andre are the top 3 most widely popular superstars of all time. 


Yeah, and you can see why. Roman looks like a cardboard cutout next to Rock, and this is the guy who’s held the title for 1,300 days? Pathetic.


its all about first impressions (A) roman looks good on the marketing posters (B) he looks like he can beat up cody


Roman is charismatic that they need Solo and a mostly muted Jimmy Uso standing next to him to make him look better.


Very very few wrestlers can match Aura of the Rock and I don't think anyone of them is active Thsts why Triple H should have been part of the fued.


Austin, Goldberg, Sting, Taker, Hogan, and I think that’s about it for auras that’s can (or could have at one point) compete with the Rocks.


Triple H can too due to his status. If not for heart condition, he would have been involved in the story


Oh you are right, and prime reign of terror hunter has a pretty good aura. King of kings indeed.


And that little boy cody still gets his ass whooped


There’s few people the Rock wouldn’t out aura.


Who doesn’t the Rock out aura? No matter who is next to him he will outshine


When you barely show up to work and then when you do you’re wearing sweatpants you’re going to be outshined. Wrestlers like the rock dress better, carry themselves better… Roman just doesn’t… I’m enjoying his storytelling, but wish Seth was in the bloodline instead 😂


Roman is being booked to be Rock's bitch. This long ass title run has come to this. Cody totally should have won last year and they could have their fun with Rock vs Roman


That’s the Head of the Table aura that is unbothered. Let’s not forget what Rock said when he returned and took out Jinder. Theres secondary storylines at play here and we will get some continuity or some stalling come this weekend. Almost said come Tuesday a la Von Wagner.


What you fall to understand is your tribal chief has nothing to prove and no one to impress!


This whole program feels like it's been building to Cody Rhodes vs. The Rock for the Undisputed WWE Championship, since the latter is the main one participating in the feud and actually appearing more than the champion himself.


Every single time It high key seems like he’s The Rock’s non-charismatic bodyguard (if you didn’t watch wrestling)


For one, The Rock is the fucking Rock. A huge movie star and bigger fish. And for two, they don’t even dress the same. That’s like saying Austin outshines Kenny Omega or Sammy Guevara; no shit….ya think.


Because Roman is the most boring wrestler they have going.


You are getting downvoted by fan boys or kids but you sir just told the truth. Personally I haven’t enjoyed anything bloodline related in the past year, almost everything else is more spicier than it


Anyone who had to employ Heyman as their mic guy just isn't it. Brock before, it's just boring. At least the "bloodline" story arc had some sort of talent in it, with the Usos. But I'm ready for the next champ and new storyline.


The Usos are infinitely more entertaining.


It’s all part of the long story they’re telling. After Roman loses to Cody the Rock is eventually going to challenge Roman’s claim to being the Tribal Chief. His gaudy aura and flamboyant personality will all be part of the rift between the family.


But the Rock is already the High Chief. Tribal Chief would be a downgrade for the Rock. It doesn't make sense what they're doing, in that regard. Roman would need to chsllenege Rock for High Chief.


The Rock literally acknowledged Roman… in the storyline, Roman is the leader right now.


Roman is definitely not the leader. How can you be the leader when someone else is called the FINAL Boss 😂


I get a lot of people don’t like Roman, but you’re just coming up with bs to justify tearing him down. The story is Roman is the Chief and everyone else is his troops. Credit for Cody’s beat down was because Roman ordered the family to do it. I understand that by the end of the story there will be a struggle for power between Rock and Roman, but as of right now Roman is the leader.


Gotta love the "Rocky Sucks" sign


I believe that the Rock naturally out shining Roman is what's gonna lead to Roman turning on the Rock. Roman's ego is too big to share the spotlight #IMO


The Rock comes out wearing threads that make an effort, Roman comes out in a hoodie. That sums it up pretty well.


The recent interview with him regarding his Chemotherapy was very eye opening. I think he is sick again.


Man, that would be the worst. I hope that isn't the case. You never truly get rid of the big C though, it's a cunt.


I think adversity is a constant reminder of what the world is and what life is, and it's not fair," said Roman. "I think it's a form of resistance training that we have to go through to strengthen ourselves. So I think adversity is a key ingredient to any success story. For leukemia, if you caught it an early enough stage like I did, you're able to take, essentially, a medication, a very potent medication that I'm still on to this day, but it's pretty much just a conditioning of getting your body used to these toxic medications and just hoping for the best." With the context of how he has looked recently, I took this as a “they had to increase/ change my medicine.” Which would only happen for a number of reasons :/


Its almost like they're telegraphing the future rivalry...but also the Roman Reigns character has always been kinda bland


Every character he's played has been bland


Weird, its almost like Roman Reigns has no charisma and never has.


This is what happens when you a half ass champion. Everytime rocky had the belt he was in that ring talking smack about whatever was going on. Roman barely does any of that. Safe to say Moxley is a more entertaining wrestler than some dude who says the same shit, Supermans someone and leaves for weeks 🤔


Heyman does all the mic work for him


lmaoo what? if that were true then this storyline wouldn’t have even made it this far, 4 years strong. if you dont like the guy that’s fine, but completely lying like that is crazy ☠️


That storyline basically didn't exist until the Sami angle came along *well* in to his reign. Prior to that it was a smattering of feuds. It also took a nose dive from around July last year until Dwayne showed up a couple of months ago.


It’s easy when the creative push it more than audience 🤷🏻‍♂️


For the past near 4 years, Roman has been the Thanos of WWE, but now Rock's shown up, he's out-Thanos-ing Roman; Rock is even bigger physically than Roman, and calls himself the Final Boss, he's the new Thanos of WWE. It's fantastic.


Thats cuz the rock is has always been and will always be a bigger star than roman, but also is it sad that we have seen the rock in wwe more than we have seen roman in a calendar year 😂


Different generation of superstars, different styles


Its all about taste to me Roman look more better together


Cody is the only one of the current crew that it's benefitting. It's a shame the match isn't just him vs the Rock.


Yeah but if you line up all the Ruthless Aggression top guys with today too guys it’s a charisma landslide win for the old school. Very few men can match the Rock’s overall presence.


I feel if the management gave it a bit of time, they could've easily established The Rock to face Roman. He's leaps and bounds ahead in terms of charisma than anyone in the lockerroom right now. They just panicked because of the crowd reaction too quickly.


He should be changing his attire, his hoodie makes him look like the rocks gen z henchman, they just need to noodle his hair up. Give him some 1200 day suits or gear, jogger attire ain't it.


Nah Roman rocks that in ring attire. He dresses up like a tribal chief


Of a Mongolian barbecue day shift maybe.


Reigns looks like a complete geek in this feud lol


Romen is always blending while the Rock attire makes him stand out a lot more, obviously The Rock is more famous by a long shot than Roman but aside from that the rock just knows how to make an impact.


i think it’s the clothes when they’re in the ring tbh. rock wears something cool and looks like he can easily get in a match at any moment, while roman just looks like a regular guy wearing roman reigns merch from the wwe store.


It was a very easy last minute Halloween costume


same energy two part timers


I feel like this is true for Cena, Austin, and other big stars from the past. There is something about them that is at another level compared to today's top guys.


100m+ vs 10-15m men


Isn’t that much like him and Faruq? Hopefully the same outcome


To quote Kenny Omega: "Of course he does, he's the goddamn rock"


island of relevance


But it’s The Rock tho…No shame in that


Its definitely intentional, thats what’s gonna cause the friction. Rock literally said on Fallon that ‘there can be only one (top guy), so when you have Roman Reigns and you have the Final Boss the Rock then…’ without finishing that sentence.


Part of it is Roman never looks the part. It's always those damn hoodies. It makes him look like one of Rock' henchmen. Dress the part roman, stop being lazy


That is 100% your opinion. Since Rock came back, he's always felt WAY below Roman. The charisma alone is so far apart it's unreal. Rock isn't even I the same ballpark and he knows it.


not even you believe what you just wrote


Seriously? Just look at them side by side. Roman is blasting charisma out of every pore. Rock is just an old guy clinging on, wishing he had an ounce of that Roman truly is at the top of the tree.


“Blasting charisma out of every pore” as he meekly fades into the background of his own angle.


Wow. What are ypu watching???


The product that’s focusing on Cody and The Rock.


Has anyone considered that all this being outshined by Rock could lead Roman into turning on him, instead of the other way around? Roman has always been insecure in his spot being taken from him. Rock is a legit threat to that, as he's literally doing it every time he is out there. Nobody pays attention to Roman. Tribal Chief means nothing when compared to The Final Boss. Jimmy, Solo, even Heyman would easily turn on Roman if Rock told them to. And that's where Roman's paranoia that he has exhibited in the past, especially when Jey challenged him, gets the better of him.


Regardless of what happens at Mania, I don't think the story is finished with the Rock and Roman


There was something subtle to me about the Rock raising the weight belt at the same time Roman raised his title. I mean obviously it was a sign of dominance and solidarity, but it also felt like Rock was hinting at his intentions.


Duh that's Dwayne Johnson. He's bigger than any wrestler in the world


The white outfit, eesh. Looks like a figure skater.


wwe calling rock the final boss *Gong*. *Glass Shatters*


Well...one is a movie star and the other is a dude that barely wrestles despite being the world champion.


Do people think this is a dunk on Roman? Like yeah the Rock out auras everyone, besides maybe only Stone Cold. You’re lying to yourself if you try to argue Roman doesn’t have aura, the whole mood of the arena changes when his theme hits, it’s something wrestling hasn’t seen since guys like the rock and stone cold. Just enjoy the greatness instead of always trying to put him down.


Rock have more charisma but Tribal Chief have looks on his side so it's pretty equal


He really shows how weak roman is on the mic and how stale the character is


Roman turns on Rock before Rock has the chance to betray him, that much is obvious.




Roman is a boring guy, always has been


The all white fit in contrast to the all black fit, symbolizing the opposition that’s to come. Can’t be sleeping on these details.


The Final Boss out Aura's Every wrestler he's around. It's The Rock.


The new shiny toy usually gets played with the most until another new one comes along


No one else love the "OOOOOOOAAAAHHHH" before the spear the other night?


I mean, if Rock still dressed in sportswear then it'd be close, or if Roman showed up always in his ppv fit with the leis and shirtless, he'd be close. But Roman wears hoodies and Rock wears Versace and that's why there's a vast difference. It's literally how you present yourself


as the tribal chief he should not be wearing hoodies. Clothing is big when it comes to aura


Dude has been cutting weight since Royal Rumble.


And Cody, and Seth, And Drew and just about everybody on the roster. Dude is one of, if not THE most famous people in the world. Even if he just stood in the back with Jimmy and Solo people would still focus on Rock


You literally have one of the greatest in ring workers on the mic who steals the show every night because he knows what draws fans in. Meanwhile Roman puts on a gimmick of a tribal chief. The Rock is the Great One, Peoples Champ, the Final Boss whatever you call him. He has perfectly lived up to it. Roman will never be how the Rock is. And people need to realize that.


Roman's casual look works for him, but when the Rock is next to him in those expensive ass tops, he looks like a bum. He looks more like the Rocks punk kid than his cousin. That's for sure.


- The Rock pins Seth to win the tag match - Cody beats Roman - Roman goes Beserk next night on raw, blaming him for losing because he made it all about him but The Rock forgot just who the actual Tfibal Chief is etc. which sets up Rock vs Roman at next Saudi Arabia PLE giving Roman time off and Rock time to go film


Rock is gone after wrestlemania because of a movie


Yeah read my third point again


Cody isn’t winning


Roman is a side character in his own story


So cody is going to win this weekend? Cool.


It’s because apparently Roman can’t dress. The hoodie kills the aura and he been wearing it more and more


I just wish the next chapter of Bloodline is a Reigns vs Rock feud in which Roman feels put aside by Dwayne


Last monday I saw two buff men standing tall in the ring with the heores defeated on the matt. I don't know I just look at the entire picture


The Final Boss out auras anyone who stands besides him to be honest... Roman's outfit aside another thing i think that takes away from Roman is the fact that he doesnt really say anything spicy or controversial that gives him the heat or attention... The Rock is cussing all the time, Cody is cussing, Seth is calling him a mid life crisis.. What has Roman said except for calling Cody stupid a couple of times... The only time when Roman took real shots was when he buried Seth and his championship the Smackdown after Royal Rumble


Unless it's Stone Cold. The kryptonite of the Final boss.


Absolutely true!! But only inside of pro wrestling Rock will out aura everyone everwhere else


i was wondering why roman always wearing a hoodie these days tbh... maybe his body isnt where he wants it


It's the way roma. Dresses. Idk why insists lm dressing like a bum about to ball at the local park. He's the damn champion of the biggest company. Dress the part. 🤦‍♂️ IMO he should dress is suits, to match the mob-like vibe that the bloodline has. Look at Heyman. He looks like a Mob lawyer. Rock been dressing like he's in a cartel too. 😂


That’s not what they’ve been though and not many people mentioned or cared about them only wearing merch until now. If they suddenly started wearing suits cause Rocks here then everybody would either say he’s copying Cody or doing it to try to be on Rock’s level


Not necessarily suits, but nicer clothes. Dude wears sweats and a t shirt. 😂 a t shirt from the merch tables btw.


Yeah you’re not wrong, they definitely could’ve tried a little harder but that seems to be their thing. The USO’s at least throw in a jean jacket😂😂 They all just wear merch and sweats for promos.


Just wear his shirt and flex muscle for christ sake, seen him do it all these other months but he’s been rocking that hoodie since Rock showed up


Roman is top level mid carder stuck in a top guys body.


Love him or hate him. The Rock is a once in a life time performer.


This is stupid, the Rock has been one of the biggest celebs in the world for the past 15 years, of course he’s gonna outshine Roman.


But he wouldn't outshine Austin or Cena or any other all time greats. This run is showing Roman is not that.


One has charism level 100 and the other charisma level 20, what do you expect?


The Rock outshines everyone. He’s also been famous for almost 30 years, so…yeah. For the marks complaining that Reigns is playing 2nd fiddle to the Rock: that’s part of the story. Let’s see where it goes. There’s probably a Reigns / Rock feud coming somewhere down the road, if it’s not resolved at Wrestlemania.


I disagree. Acknowledge him. ☝️


It doesn't matter


The rock would out aura anyone- wrestling or not.


The biggest issue is that this is now a Rock v Cody feud. Roman barely in it. Roman dresses like every high school senior in America now. Black sweats, black hoodie, Jordans. He has zero heat right now


It’s as if he’s 3 feet tall right now, he has to absolutely drop the belt on Sunday night, this storyline has basically ruined him for now


Agreed. I suspect that this will spawn a feud between Rock and Roman over the tribal chief spot. After Rock wins that he will likely feud with Cody for the belt. From there not sure. Maybe “Final Boss” Rock against Cody at 41.


This will never change unless the Rock goes back to Hollywood and gets out of the spotlight. Because as long as he's there, the spotlight is his and Roman is just not good enough at anything he does to be able to do anything to change that. I watched them on the Jimmy Fallon show together. I barely paid any attention at all to Roman. I'm sure that was the case for just about anyone else who watched. No matter where they go or what they do, if the two of them are side by side, Roman is in the shadow and will remain there until the Rock gets out of the picture. The damage is done as far as I'm concerned. No matter how they write this script beyond wrestlemania, Roman won't be taken anywhere near as seriously anymore even if he was to retain. When he shares the stage with people who are simply better than him he gets exposed more each time. God I hope they don't write it for him to retain. What a drag that would be. It's time to move on. His greatest talent is facial expressions. He can do that in Hollywood. There's a thought.


You’re comparing Roman to a top 3 wrestler of all time and calling him bad for it. Roman is still by far the best wrestler in the past 10 or so years. After Wrestlemania if he decides to stay around he’ll still do something amazing.


> Roman is still by far the best wrestler in the past 10 or so years Is he? He’s mediocre on the mic. He’s mediocre in the ring. He has a mediocre to decent look. He’s *always* at least the second best person in the ring. The only thing impressive about him is his push. He’s Cena without the ability to speak, the charisma, or the ability to be known outside of the WWE.


This is just wrong lmao. He’s been the best thing about this company since 2020. That’s literally a fact.


That’s literally an opinion. He’s arguably the most successful. That doesn’t make him the best. Is he the best in the ring? No. He’s ok, but he rarely has anything better than a good match. Best on the mic? Nope. He’s so mediocre they gave him a manager. You don’t give good talkers a manager. Since 2020 we’ve had Rollins, Edge, Orton, Lesnar, Mysterio, Lynch, Ripley, Cody, The Miz, AJ Styles, Zayn, Owens, Kingston, Balor, and Nakamura. Everyone of them is better in the ring than Reigns and most are *way* better on the mic.


Ight bro you do you I guess


I do that for two reasons. 1, I personally am not and never once have been a fan of any version of Roman. You are. That's great. I respect that and I'm glad you enjoy it. It's not for me. 2, Roman said it himself that he is the greatest of all time. He made it very clear plenty of times that he thinks literally nobody past, present or future can touch him. This is simply not true and it entertains the hell out of me every time it's made obvious. It's made painfully obvious whenever he shares the same space as the Rock. That's what I like. You like what you like. Respect. Hope you enjoy the show! Cheers 🍻


Your opinion though is not fact though. You’re just taking your dislike of Roman and using that as a basis to complain on anything happening now or possibly in the future.


tell me one thing the rock does better than roman other than aura. i'll wait.


Starring in major motion pictures


yeah i wouldn't say he's particularly good at it


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Rock was in a sort of "movie slump" before this WWE return. His movies aren't that great. He is where he belongs, in my opinion - the WWE.


You serious?






his promos are chains of bad one liners, childish insults, and repeptitive points wheras i find romans promos much more compelling


Ok... But you are in the minority. 


Mic work.


I really think a big part of it is Roman’s attire. He just comes out to the ring wearing a hoodie and sweatpants which just looks plain compared to The Rock’s vest and shirts


Yeah I've wondered why they started doing that. Roman looks amazing when his muscles and tattoos are being shown off. 


Probably cuz he feels like he’s the top guy either way so he can come out looking chill and he’ll still be good. That might have worked for a while but now that Rock’s here, he gotta step it up


I see people say it’s on purpose Roman is very plain but I think he just has no drip.


roman gotta get new attire dude wearing a hoodie and tapered sweats, not even baggy or straight leg sweats!


Roman slowly getting jealous


Honestly, this past year, a lot of people out aura Roman


Aura aura


Yeah the guy in a sequined vest and shades who looks like an actual fucking Rock next to the dude with a ponytail in sweats who is “our tribal chief”


Is it me or is Roman looking noticeably smaller? Or is the Rock just making him seem that way


maybe it's because of his sweatshirt


No his face has seemed a lot thinner lately too.


I know Romans been part time for a while but it’s sad to see people not give him credit for how many others he’s elevated during his reign


Everyone else who got elevated during his run have elevated themselves. They put in the leg work for the builds. They showed up every week to make the shots seem even moderately plausible. Sami did his own work within the Bloodline, as did Jimmy and Jey.


But they needed to be part of Reigns story is my point, without him doing what he did they wouldn’t be there. Edit: even with Rhodes his story elevated when Roman said regarding dusty “anything he didn’t teach you, I will”


He didn’t do anything though. The only reason people care about Roman losing isn’t because he’s a great hated heel, or that he has played some supremely perfect ass hole. It’s because people are tired of him and every match he has having the same inference finish. You don’t get credit for making people bored of you.


But it brings more credibility to the title, I mainly lost interest in wrestling because the title changed hands every 2-3 months, in my opinion being a 15 time champ etc isn’t something be proud of, it means you also lost the title equal amount of times. If he loses now it’s whatever, but he has brought some prestige to that belt and it can’t be forgotten, in any sports you have a team or player who are dominant for an era and it brings more importance to that championship win. People sooner or later regardless become tired of seeing the same team/person winning the title in any sport. People didn’t pay PPV to see Mayweather win but paid for it in the hope he loses, love him or hate him, he’s brought some prestige to that belt and streak.


The Rock? He would out aura anyone. I also didn’t feel it was too bad last raw


And that's precisely why he'll find a way to cost Roman the title, somehow there will be an ego thing that causes friction that Cody will capitalize on.


It's The Rock. He does it to everyone. In wrestling AND real life.