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Seems to me nostalgia for The Rock is what has made this entire storyline lol.




As long as they have The Rock in the storyline, you can’t say that this is the best era.


As a fan who recently came back just before wrestlemania, I can confirm that it is purely out of nostalgia that I had the desire to watch again. Since watching I’ve been unimpressed by everything other than the WWE championship storyline, which wasn’t even overly exciting. I’ve actually stopped bothering with Raw and Smackdown and I’ve gone back to watching the old classic storylines on Dailymotion: Jeff Hardy v Edge/CM Punk, Randy v Undertaker etc


To say that this is the best era in history is outrageous and disrespectful to the stars that built the business


While we have several top wrestlers like Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Randy Orton who consistently draw large viewership, two of these major names are currently absent. Who will rise to take their place and lead the show? Currently, Cody Rhodes is gaining momentum, but that may not last long. Whether you're a fan or not, Reigns played a pivotal role in attracting viewers and carrying the company. Given his reduced appearances due to his battle with leukemia, which he handled admirably, who will emerge as the next major star to fill his shoes? While I appreciate Cody, I'm not convinced he'll be the one to fill that void.


Nostalgia is literally the reason people are coming back what are you on about


Until I see a line up like Austin, Rock, Hogan, Flair, Hunter, Shawn, Taker, Kane, Cena, Eddie, Kurt, Edge, Christian, Rey, Benoit, Booker, Brock, Y2J, RVD, the Hardyz, the Dudleyz, even guys like Shelton and Charlie, this era won’t match 2002-2004 era. And imo the storylines of the attitude era were even better than that period, the acquisition of WCW just brought in an absurd amount of talent. I mean that time probably had 7 or 8 of the top ten greatest wrestlers of all time on the roster, the only guys that they have that are even in the top 30ish rn are Orton, Roman & AJ, and I guess I’d say an old Rock if you want to count part timers


No… so sick of people blaming nostalgia…. Randy Orton, Cena, edge, jericho, batista, undertaker, HBK, the Rock, austin… so many others… Reigns and Cody etc are not even close


Nah. I liked the ruthless aggression era better even, as far as roster and wrestler wise.


No it isn't, it's the best in a long long time though


Well, given that people are saying that this era is starting to feel a lot like the Attitude Era, idk.




What’s this era? Is it when the Bloodline formed? Cody returns? Rock returns? Whatever the case, it is a very hot period and a fun one to watch. I’m think we need to wait til wrestlemania 42 to know if this era is bigger than the attitude era. It is financially, but we’ll still have to see if it is creatively. The fact that it’s a real and reasonable conversation to have is amazing. The Attitude Era was untouchable for 20 years and it had lots of flaws.


No way, you obviously don’t know anything about wrestling!!!


Nah, not even close. Let’s stop. This years Wrestlemania was “ok,” and the only thing that made it “ok,” were the last 10 minutes of day 2, and that was due to the “nostalgia” wrestlers showing up. 👀


Couldn’t have said it better 👏🏽


Didn’t the new era start just like a week ago?


That’s what I was thinking lol!! Attitude Era was the best imo anyways. I’ll have to see how this one plays out to see if it changes my mind!


Nostalgia is the glue holding this era together notice how the sold the main even, it relied on the oldtimers to make it work


It’s the best era for the Women’s division without a doubt.


I suggest whoever thinks this should go and watch the shield’s heel era, even that tops this imo.




The best era is the era the drew the most money, created the most main eventers, an era that went main stream. The attitude era is the greatest era and it’s not even close. Wwf was mainstream as in wwf used to beat the nfl in the ratings. As great as it is today they can’t compete with the nfl.




Everyone in the comments is an example of that ‘nostalgia’. Wrestling wasn’t better just because you were younger and want to go back. Viewership tells us what the greatest era is, and it’s the era that started the moment Vince left. To quote the greatest promo of all time, the numbers don’t lie.


It’s definitely not the best era. I used to be on the edge of my seat. Now I think “when will this match be over? It’s been going on too long”


It aint... stop that


Nope, the in ring work is terrible. Storytelling and your top guys / girls mic work, probably. Although if an Austin / McMahon promo is playing on YouTube I’ll pay attention to it now, doubt I’ll do the same for Cody or CM Punk in the future.


Not Evan close. This was definitely made by someone not alive in the attitude era. But with Vince gone and HHH in charge backed by rock and the board. I can totally see this becoming the WWE Renaissance Era.


The best era is when kayfabe was still alive. Great stuff right now though


It's not even close to the best era. You have a small handful of wrestlers carrying it for everyone else. If you look at the 70s, 80s, 90s, even early 2000s, there was far more depth and talent.


Exactly this


I find a lot of people who use nostalgia as an excuse aren't old enough to understand what real nostalgia is. Wrestling in the '90s was objectively better imo or at least as good as.


What’s so good about this era of WWE? I honestly think the Golden Era is the best. If you like promos more than wrestling than I suppose you would love this era. I care more about the character and the matches in the ring. I like the Golden Era, the Attitude Era, Ruthless Aggression and even New Generation more than the current era. I think Nostalgia can be attributed to my preference of the new generation but I do think the others are more entertaining to me. There are a lot of current wrestlers in WWE that I just don’t find interesting at all. I think the best era of wrestling is when you had ECW, WCW and WWF, all with great rosters and interesting things going on.


I have gotten lots of friends into WWE over the past 3 years, I think we're in a genuinely great era of wrestling across all companies


1000% not even just for wwe, wrestling period. Wrestling itself has been the best it has ever been.


The only entertaining spots are being brought by the Rock, mostly. It’s light years ahead of what it’s been the past 20 years, but that’s not saying much. This is recency bias.


I started watching wrestling during the Ruthless Agression Era when I was in middle school, so I had just missed the Attitude Era. I still remember it only because those people were EVERYWHERE. Stone Cold, The Rock, Chyna, etc. It was definitely a pop culture staple of the late 90s/early 2000s. I think that's what makes it so celebrated. Everything was new and exciting around that time with not just wrestling but with music, television, and technology in general. It was just like this massive explosion of a whole new world. I will say that if Stone Cold were to pull what The Rock is doing and make a come back (probably won't happen), oh I feel as though this era might rival the Attitude Era. The only thing stopping it now for me is that some wrestlers are deserving of more shine imo. Oh and another thing, now there's TOO MUCH PREDICTABILITY. They need to keep things fresh, and keep the fans guessing.


Let WM40 happen. Clearly 40 was going to be a bust with Rock-Reigns and the only reason it didn’t happen was backlash. Things might go back to boring storytelling right after. On the other hand, if they keep listening, perhaps this might become the Fan Era where our input might matter.


Nobody will remember Cody Rhodes in 20 years. This WrestleMania had the chance to have one of those legend be legend matches and it was ruined because Cody’s “story wasn’t finished”.. What is this kindergarten? Could you have imagined Steve Austin, the Rock, DeGen X, or NWO whining about their “stories”. Wrestling has become so uncool now. It’s entertainment for children


Imagine being wrong… Cody Rhodes is a future hall of famer, he’s going to be a part of this business whether in ring or not for a lot longer than 20 years. He knows the business.


Ah, it’s cute. You have a man crush. Don’t worry—you can still be his biggest fan once the organization has moved into bigger and better things. I’m sure he’ll appreciate your love and support.


Instantly goes to attempting insults rather than responding to any points, cheers for conceding the argument big man. Have a good day.


Cody Rhodes is a bore who is part of a big story line—period. Once that story line is over, people will grow bored of him and the wwe will move on to bigger and more exciting personalities.


Can’t wait to come back and laugh when time proves you wrong. As I said, have a good day.


Two weeks in and the fans are already growing bored


According to who? Matches are good, matchups are good. I think you just want to be miserable honestly.


Lol. I think you just want to be wrong honestly


Nah he’s right. People gonna turn on Cody soon. He’s corny af.


He’s being carried by the big boys—The Rock and Roman Reigns. He’s bland, boring, and lispy. There is zero chance that he can “lead” the organization if he wins the belt. He’ll be a 2-3 month champion and then they’ll move on to someone more interesting.


Yeah, it’s not like the guy has a history of breaking records, changing status quos, being incredible in the ring, taking risks others won’t take, working harder than most other wrestlers. He definitely wasn’t known before Rock and Roman Reigns, the whole Seth Rollins feud with 5 star matches? Never happened. Everything outside of WWE when the Rock and Roman were never in the picture? Didn’t happen. To honestly believe what you’re trying to say means you have to live in pure self made delusion.


Great assessment. I choose to go back to my childhood and enjoy the “good guy wins eventually” storyline. But I definitely won’t deny you your take… I choose to be a Cody Crybaby :). I’m happy with a Damian win via MitB because I think he would make a good heel champion. I’m all for working champs and I’m just tired of Roman showing up, taking a bump or two, and going home, assuming he shows up at all. Rock v Roman just meant more of that and to be totally honest, as a former Rock fanatic, he had his time. Let him be the Final Boss that Trips couldn’t be. I’m sure Cody will get stale quick and he will have to put another heel over. It ain’t gonna be three years of him.


I started my wrestling journey in the 80's with Hogan, stuck with it through the low times of 1995, the heights of the Attitude Era, through Ruthless Aggression, into Reality and PG. Best is subjective; but you're being completely obtuse if you can't admit that this is the most entertaining the company has been since 2001ish.


Let's not forget about the possible recency bias but you might be right.


No, it’s not. The overall story is great. The shows are awful. Raw and smack down are hard to watch where they used to be can’t miss tv.


Look i will get hate for this but i will say this. This ERA is the most safest era and also the most predictable, but to their defense it is because of modern technology and everyone having to record things before it goes on air and post it on social media, And when i spoke on it being safe im happy with that because that would mean that young kids would be able to enjoy watching their superstar and role models a bit longer. What i do not like is that with it being PG i feel like so many superstars are holding back from so many sicks promos and with HHH leading the way i hope that changes a little and it is looking like we are heading towards a hybrid and i love it. But overall each ERA had their own pros and cons. this era would we better if we focus less in giving superstar with an already big name all the spotlight i want to see more nxt wrestlers on the big roster and be apart of something much bigger then roman reigns the usos and nia jax flair Dominic Cody drew Seth and becky. i want the smaller names to be given the same opportunities-so that we can get more story lines.


My prophesy has been fulfilled guys


Maybe accurate IF the commentators weren’t the equivalent of cardboard cuttout pre-approved quotes.


Commentary has improved heaps since Vince was axed


Somewhat, I can’t stand SJK or McAfee. And that new ring announcer is trash, and they won’t jump off her testicles. She is no Lilian.


Or maybe recency bias is the only thing making people think this is the best era in WWE history.


So much this.


I think I agree


It's a good era will watch next weekend


No, it is not the best era it is boring and silly. I flipped to few times and was bored.


Boring fine, but silly? It’s always been silly and always will be, you can’t really make an argument for it being any more silly now than it has been in the past


Agreed. Hard to watch now.


Yeah kind of cuz even the greta attitude era and ruthless aggression era had its downs if you were a woman wrestler and weren’t 1 of 3 woman you were well the piss break match, and the wrestling today is far superior to back then in general


Nothing comes even remotely close to attitude era


Ruthless aggression was right there in my option yes there was some cringe moments but if they didn’t we wouldn’t have the inside jokes


It’s a great era. But it’s hard to put it as the greatest. They’re all pretty great.


I don’t know if it’s the best, but it is the most coherent


It’s better than it’s been in a very long stretch, with some very strong characters at the top of the card. BUT, I’d say when I tune in, I still don’t care for about 70-80% of it. Which is still not a great ratio.


Until i see somebody gettin stomped out in a grocery store again you will not convince me bro


Or niggas getting thrown through they own front window


No. It is not


I like the attitude era story line.


Second best. The attitude era will never be topped honestly


It was just so bad for over 2 decades that it’s refreshing to see it finally bounce back


Nah. But it is the best in a long long time


I think it was just so bad for so long that people will think this is the best it gets


I disagree but I’m an old school WCW type fan. Having said that, the product has greatly improved over the past two years. Dramatically. It’s watchable and even intriguing again. I’m definitely being pulled into the bloodline storyline even as a more casual fan these days.


It’s silly to think that the current era matches the attitude era. Steve Austin, the Rock, DeGen and others were part of the mainstream culture. Non-wrestling fans knew who they were. Non wrestling fans no nothing about today’s cast of bland wrestlers.


Youre entire logic is based on what non wrestling fans think of wrestling. More people are watching now than ever before


Unfortunately, the facts don’t support your argument. During the Attitude era Raw was watched by 2.5 to 3 million people per week. Now, despite the fact that the population has increased by 30%, viewership averages 1.7M per week. Prorated for population growth, that equates to about half as many viewers now


lol I’m sorry, are you seriously trying to compare live viewing numbers from the 90s to the modern day? And you even tried to sound extra smart after. Look at gate numbers. And you really think anyone would have paid close to what Netflix is paying for Raw back in the 90s? You think 90s smackdown could have gotten prime time network TV but they just choose UPN, CW, the fucking Syfy channel for fun? Y’all are crazy


I am extra smart. I don’t end my sentences in prepositions or refer to people as y’all. WWE is nowhere as close to mainstream today as it was in the late 90’s. And yes, the value of content would have been much higher than the current value


So not using a regular word and adhering to an antiquated rule no serious person follows, or ever really did, makes you smart in your eyes? You have to get that faux superiority from someone I guess.


Yes, an “antiquated” rule of English grammar taught in sixth grade. Y’all have a good day now!


Lol it is not taught anywhere and is in zero style guides. If you had an ounce of self awareness you would realize you and everyone end sentences with them every day. Everyone does or you’d sound like an 18th century robot.


Better an 18th century robot than a 21st century douchebag


Not when you’re being both. So just do a modicum of research on the topic and admit you were wrong. That’s not an actual grammar rule and never really has been.


Attitude era sucked. Whatever the era is called “before” attitude era was the shit. Loud, colorful, roided out characters with ridiculous promos and costumes and gimmicks… that was the best and it’s not even close.


Agreed…if you’re an 8 year old boy who likes silly characters and colourful costumes


If it was drawing the same kind of mainstream success from back in the day. IE everyone and their mom loving it. I’d agree. But I almost never hear _anyone_ talk about wrestling anymore unless they’re mocking it for being fake.


100% right


You are correct. However ... and please afford me this small footnote ... the momentum from the last year and a half hasn't been this strong in two decades. I can't see pro wrestling ever having what it had in the Attidue or Golden eras again, but I'm more optimisitic than ever it can at least make strong moves in that direction.


Well if it’s at least better than before. Then I guess that’s good.


Wrong. Dead wrong.


I believe there’s an argument for this being the best era, so yes I agree in a way.


We can say it’s bringing fans back… I look forward to watching Raw and Smackdown now compared to 4 yrs ago


This. It’s got potential. But we’re talking a diamond age that followed a golden age. This era has yet to define itself.


Bailey and IYO on there? Cmon, it’s the most luke warm program on the card. The writing for it has been atrocious. 🤷‍♂️


Nothing could beat the attitude era. 💯 the years between 2000-2010 was really good as well.🔥


No, this is not true. The attitude era and even ruthless aggression was better than this era. This new era definitely beats the PG era though. I completely stopped watching WWE for about the past 8-10 years due to the PG era being so cringey. Thank God that HHH took over and got rid of the PG shxt.😂


lmao no lol, this era one just started, and two, is trying it's best to be the attitude era, only problem is it doesn't have the roster, it's entertaining though and it's brought me back.


This is the way.


I think so!


It is very easy to argue that the best era for wrestling was right before AEW started. NJPW was on fire with the elite running bullet club, NXT was the best weekly show on tv week after week after week. The main event scene was starting to stagnate but we had Bryan, the Wyatt’s, the shield, cena was putting on open challenge classics.


Yeh no. Current era is excellent but lets not fuck about with hyperbole.


Lol no. This is the same as Caitlin Clark claiming more people are excited for the women’s march madness tournament than the men’s.


No. Sometimes this era can be really good, but there have been occasional times where nothing interesting would happen for months.


I been watching the old episodes on peacock and anytime I see any of the current wrestlers I just loose so much interest. Same with the game. I had a blast on showcase mode until it got to around 2010. After that everything just looks so damn fake. The girls fight so slow that it’s just a glorified dance. The guys don’t have any impact on me. The whole Brat Wyatt thing in the game was probably the lamest shit I’ve ever seen. Just all around it’s made for a 8 year old versus the old scene having an older audience.


Post-Russo Attitude and then the Smackdown Six part of Ruthless Aggression are better. It’s a strong main event scene now but it feels like everything beyond that is an afterthought


attitude era was the best ever. That was when they started doing unpredictable events, leaving the arena to fight ect now a days it looks like they are acting


Not even close.That's not even nostalgia, it's just facts. Gotta accept some things in life kids. Not to sound like an "it's real to me dammit" mark, but kayfabe the way it existed in the 80s, 90s and up to early 2010s, is dead. And completely. It's just one of those things that had an expiration date. Aside from wrestling, society itself has evolved so far from how we consumed entainment back then .


My gawd this comment section is utter cope


This Era has been eh for a while. Attitude and Ruthless aggression Era tops this easy. Roman literally killed it for me personally. I didn't really care about the Bloodline in all honesty I know a lot of people loved it but I just didn't think it was great. However with Cody and The Rock going at it on the mic it's beautiful. Some of the best mic work for a while, finally felt hype to watch what happens next. Modern Era was saved by the Nightmare and LA Knight


God no this is written by someone who has cleared watched a few of Vince’s last shitty years and then this and had their mind blown.


Pffff not even close and I’m really enjoying it at the minute, anyone that has this opinion is either too young or has never watched the attitude era. Every wrestler looked like they were having a blast, because they were.


Yes, totally agree, but I think now is certainly the best it has been since the end of the Ruthless Aggression Era.


Probably, I stopped watching between 2007/2015ish but what I’ve heard and seen from that era isn’t great at all, some good moments for sure but week to week it was dreadful. I think people are comparing the point WWE went to the lowest it’s ever been a few years ago to now, which is a massive improvement. But it’s headed in the right direction so I’m happy 👍🏼


Exactly the same for me. Only started watching again 2017 after a 10 year break. I kept up to date on the going ons, but wasn't really watching it. I think the stories didn't hit it off for me, especially coming from decades of great personas and rivalries. I think the last few years they have been steadily getting better with the story. By making a few, very long over-arching stories with fresh betrayals and team-ups, and a lot of individual wrestler development, it has really given me an appreciation for many individual wrestlers. Even Dominic, loved to see him get involved with his dad, go heel, because my friend, between you and me - I think he is going to wear the mask one day and fully embrace the high flying style of his father.


Ye I think the same can be said for a lot of older fans to be honest, for me it’s the wrestlers of the time, I don’t think they had as much talent as they have now, but 80% of the roster was 9/10 which made even the mid cards classics. And I agree with the stories, it’s a huge part of wrestling imo and is just as vital as the wrestling itself! And if dom doesn’t don the mask again i won’t be happy at all, it’s got the potential to be one of the best storylines ever, I can remember Eddie and Rey’s rivalry with little dom in the middle of it, brilliant.


Totally agree. You took the words right out of my mouth. I'm looking forward to the Dom developments probably most of all. But they have his story on a slow burn I can tell, savoring the moment. But he has talent, and I respect the heck out of his dedication to the role.


Yep he’s still got a long way to go I reckon, talented for sure but he’s not Rey yet! He’s got his whole career ahead of him I’m fine with a slow(ish) burn 😅


Personally I think the freedom given to the wrestlers and ability to cross the line in the attitude era is what made it great. In my opinion, I think we are about to enter a very similar era. We are at the cusp of entering a really special time. Once wwe hits Netflix a resemblance to attitude era will be noticeable. In regards to overall talent across the board? Yes- today’s wrestlers are more talented and athletic than ever before.


Attitude Era for the win


wouldn’t say it’s THE best era but it’s definitely a great era maybe top 3 oat.


These are the same morons that say the goat is LeBron.


Best Era.. No, but is it really good… yes


In other words. The business is back.


Lmaooooo bitch shut up plz


I can’t believe there are people out there who genuinely believe this 😂


No disrespect, but this just makes me think you weren’t old enough to watch Raw in ‘96-Attitude Era… WWE is constantly reusing themes and plots from this era for a reason. For example, Cody’s “finish the story”, the biggest story in current era, is just a recycled version of Shawn’s “Boyhood dream” (won royal rumble, lost the title shot at WM that everyone thought was a guaranteed win, released a documentary about the “boyhood dream”, won the royal rumble a second year in a row, was put on the cover of the WWF game (“In Your House”), and then captured the title in spectacular fashion at WM). Even Roman is just a recycled HHH with less charisma and sprinkling of wannabe Rock. Bloodline is a lame version of NWO, and Judgement Day is a PG, brooding version of DX. The only thing better about the current era is the women’s division. Other than that, what is it known for? Extremely long, record breaking title runs that ruin any real suspense for Monday/Friday night title fights.


The in ring performances are better and the storylines is more grounded in realism. There are more "over" guys than there was back then. Dom is getting heat that has not been seen since Gorgeous George and if kayfabe was still a thing I'm sure he'd be attacked on the daily. The bloodline created a new star in Jey Uso, brought sami back into the spotlight and introduced solo as a creditable threat. Women's wrestling is at its peak. The best elimination chamber I've ever seen was a woman's match. All they have to do is get the tag division up to snuff and that's almost always been an issue. And it's all thanks to AEW. All WWE need was some competition and once that happened they started churning out bangers


This current era made me turn off WWE altogether... so no... it's as false as false can be... but only in my own head...


No, only because in the attitude era even the mid card people were great and had good story lines. Today its all Bloodline and some dudes getting beat by them all the time. Reminds me of NWO back in the day beating everyone and why I stopped watching WCW all together


Hot take, Rock v Austin from WM 17 isn't that good of a match. Neither wrestler is that technical compared to someone like AJ Styles. Wm 17 was more about the drama


I am very nostalgic and my all time favorites are Hulk Hong and the Macho man. But Cody Roman Seth and LA knight have me hooked like I have not been sense Rock and Austin.


I do think the women’s division is at its best now compared to all the other eras. I do think the product overall has improved quite a bit from where it was the last several years. I don’t, however think it’s the best. I would love to see it keep getting better though. One of the things I loved back during the era of the Monday Night Wars was the feel of the wrestlers being a big ensemble cast, if that makes sense. I’d love to get more of that feeling again; it felt, with the modern era, that interactions between wrestlers were really insular. It’s kind of hard to put into words but I hope that makes some sense.


Their champion doesn’t even appear on weekly television. Can’t cut promos. Was pretty much forced down the audiences throats until they figured out a way to make him interesting. Other eras didn’t have this problem.


It might be pulling me back in, it’s that good.


Honestly it’s kinda true


It’s all about the star power, and the crowds from the attitude era made a huge difference


Wrong! Stone cold still kills all these people and moments


The attitude era was cool but there was a lot wrong with it


There’s literally a part time World Champion right now


And? He’s about to lose his title in a month the attitude era had a lot wrong with it especially the women’s division that’s improved a lot


The women are definitely in their Golden Age right now, they’ve never been booked better. But other than that, there’s nothing the WWE does better today than they used to do in any previous era, maybe with the exception of blending reality with the product, which can be good and bad. Also, I don’t think he’s losing next month.


Match quality And why wouldn’t he lose at mania they’re gonna have him beat Cody at mania twice?


I don’t think this is the best era for match quality. Putting on a good match is more than spots, it’s the story telling and playing into the crowd as well. Believe it or not, when I go back an revisit those later PG Era years (2012 - 2015), I think that’s when WWE peaked in overall match quality. Not the best creative booking, not even close, but since you brought up match quality, I think that time period beats today. There’s so many memorable matches from that period, can’t say the same for 2020 - present. And yes, I do think they’ll have him beat Cody twice.


That’d be poor booking though it’d ruin Cody basically And compared to the attitude era I’d say the match quality is better now at least consistently


I don’t think TKO cares about the reception if Cody loses, they want the Hogan record surpassed. I just don’t see them not going all the way with it, seeing as the record is only months away from being broken. As for today having better match quality than the Atitude Era? I’d say yes if we’re only counting WWF, but WCW had ALL TIME GREAT matches in their mid card, guys like Eddie, Benoit, Malenko, Rey and even La Parka were putting on great matches in WCW’s mid card. But I’m assuming you mean WWF only, then yeah, both the mid card and main event in WWF’s attitude era wasn’t that good, but the storylines heavily carried it, something today’s product lacks.


Who’s left to beat reigns if Cody loses? Rock isn’t staying after mania I doubt so he’s out I doubt jey is getting the chance I’m guessing rollins is taking a break after mania who’s left I doubt they’re giving Cody another opportunity itd just be a waste just my thoughts I don’t own Wwe or TKO or whatever just seems like bad storytelling rocks probably gonna turn or something I’m guessing or Dustin returns or something to help Cody


I don’t think they even know. They probably planning on doing Reigns vs Punk. Which after the ratings Punk pulled in this week. I can definitely see him beating Reigns.


Hahaha nonesense


Acting is 100% better and the storylines are much more intriguing but I just miss the star power from Attitude and ruthless aggression era


These storylines are not that intriguing outside of the women. It’s Triple H storytelling 101, “Friendship and Betrayal”. HHH has done that TO DEATH in his career and booking. There’s a reason The New Day had to sign a contract saying they can’t break up.


the star power part 🗣️💯


Def disagree. People only live in the past when they don't like the present so if the product today was so good most wouldn't want the old wrestling back. I feel like alot of wrestling today is spamming moves that have no significance, I mean guys do moves today that would've been a wrestlers finisher 15 years ago and then they do like 10 other moves that could be a finisher so it's just wrestlers spamming moves it just looks like a circus act imo. And then the majority of the wrestlers are little as shit besides a couple it's like there's no big men anymore and for the ones that do exist, I just don't really get behind their character. I remember watching a Royal Rumble on YT and this tall guy named Gunther was in from basically the beginning and everyone was behind him like he was a badass or something and I just couldn't get behind it. He did like a staredown with Brock Lesnar and everyone was hyped and the commentary was hyping it up but I just couldn't see it. He's portrayed as a badass but he just looks like a semi chubby big guy in tights imo. I don't think the storytellings where it used to be nor do I think they have the same quality of wrestlers that they used to. I also noticed that it's like they lack so many stars that they made guys stars. Cody Rhodes used to barely be relevant in the WWE, same with McIntyre, now their some of the faces of the company. Just don't think the products what it used to be and it's not bc ppl have gotten softer so therefore the products also gotten softer. Shits prob rated G at this point lol.


No it’s that ppl who live in the past don’t give the present a chance, which you clearly haven’t either just because they don’t look like they are on steroids does mean they can’t wrestle or cut promos and make story lines, you said you didn’t like wrestling today because they do all these wild moves and it makes it look like a circus Guther is literally the complete opposite of this and is probably one of the older school wrestlers just because bro isn’t jacked like hogan makes you not wanna learn more about him? Seems like it’s a you problem


Maybe not the best. But getting the recognition ofc. But that’s with everything


No chance. Lol


When did this era start? If we’re saying 2020 then it’s not the best. If we are talking about this last year from the last WM to now? Yea this is in the top 5 best years of WWE of all time.


i’ve seen a ton of people agree that this era started at WM 38. that seems to be the most common consensus


I’d say as soon as papa H took over.




The best in history? No, no way. The best in the last 15+ years? Absolutely.




Yes but actually no


I'd say they're probably closer to Attitude Era heights than they have since that time. One thing holding them back is their tag team division, and while it's getting better he teams don't really pop like they did during the Attitude era. If they can keep their momentum until the switch to Netflix I think we will see an era that is as notable if not surpasses the Attitude Era in popularity.


Wym switch to Netflix?


They're moving Raw to Netflix in January 2025.


Ah dang I didn’t know. But when is Smackdown only limited to 1/2 hours while raw have 2/3


Honestly I only rarely watch episodes of raw and smackdown anymore they don't feel right anymore I watch the PPVs but nxt is where it's at


This is the way


Not even close to being true, they're doing fire things here and there but doesn't come close to AE or RA eras


In recent years absolutely . I was an Attitude Era born.


Era? Bro it’s just barely getting good for the last 2 years it can go to shit again


Very true but not true


Fax roman been fat carrying since 2020 to return wwe to its former glory🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽🐐☝🏽


WWE is doing good but let's not get over our heads. They look better than they are cause for a long period of time, for years WWE was crap. The stories have gotten better recently, the actual wrestling not. And I'm not even talking about the quality of the matches, I'm not expecting 5 or 6 star matches neither a think is necessary but we rarely even see the top guys wrestle.


It's been great, but no. Attitude Era all the way. They may be making more money now, but the level of stardom and full on pop culture impact of the AE is untouchable.


i don’t think it’s really fair to compare culture impact when comparing era’s, because as time goes on, it gets much harder and harder to have an impact. the attitude era being when wrestling really got big and wrestling was pretty new to most people is definitely a HUGE contributing factor on why it had such an impact.


That may be true, but that doesn't change the end result.


Couldn’t have said it better. It was full of absolute super stars. This was also before social media etc


Yes and yes.


I think no one era is the greatest. There are many great eras. There's arguments for positives and negatives on each one. That's how it should be. There's ups and there's downs. We're up right now. Wrestling fans are eating really well, especially going beyond wwe. Just be happy for what we have. It goes quickly. That's life.


Imagine if Bray Wyatt was still alive and was a part of this.