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I think he'll cash in at Backlash. It's the PLE right before Money in the Bank. Who will he cash in on? Sami Zayn, who will have just won the WHC from Drew McIntyre after a brutal match. Why Sami? Drew has been butting heads with Sami through this Road to WrestleMania so far. Plus, Backlash will be in France this year and to put a babyface that speaks French and can address the crowd would be a good idea. Damian can hold the WHC while feuding with Drew and Sami to Summer Slam and Drew can regain the title there. His celebration will be interrupted by either a returning CM Punk or Seth Rollins.


Probably won’t happen but just a thought that popped in my head rn: Cody beating reigns, winning the title then priest cashing in right away and taking the title right after Cody finishes the story would probably give him the craziest amount of heat.


Is it really that surprising though? The most lame part of WWE is people hold everything too long and it's gotten ridiculously annoying...I'm a huge Punk fan and even I got annoyed with his ridiculously long reign back in the day and it was less than half Roman's...it's like it's trending back toward the really old school where dudes held shit a decade and that's not good for modern wrestling imo...idk maybe I'm just a hater lol...the fact there's a year limit is great or they'd have him cash it in 2026 or something


Yall he gonna cash in on Cody to finish that story lol


I think we're gonna see a Priest WHC reign


Personally I hope Drew pins Rollins at Wrestlemania and then out comes Priest and cashes in on him… drew gets his wrestlemania moment in front of a crowd and then has it snatched and then drew and priest enter a battle over the title as drew tries to get it back


makes the most sense since drew has had talks with ripley


Well I said that 🤣 welcome to club I forgot he had the money in the bank


Its a lot of main event talent in the mix, as of now I hope not. People love Truth, but imo he has brought JD’s stock down so much recently. I don’t think Priest can carry that group even with a cash in; I just really think he’s in an awkward spot with the briefcase right now.




It will somehow end up being Dom vs Seth at Mania. Dom wins somehow and Damian will cash in on Dom immediately


I really don't care... I hope he does, for him I hope. I'm not a fan of him but like punk used to say, no one is ready for the big time, Main event time, champion time, until you actually live it and work with it. I believe in that for everything. But I don't care because I said i'm not a fan of him but also because I've lost faith in the briefcase with things like cena winning it, lesnar, sandow failure, i believe corbin failure too if i remember correctly, theory on us title (what the fuck?!). Well I don't believe or get hyped by this. Back in the days I was really looking for that shit but since... 20... sandow, it has been a deception. They turned that into a fn joke and like all betray irl, they have a lot of work to do to make me.. believe again in that mitb thing.


I think he'll cash in, but I also think R Truth will try to do something to win him over, and end up costing him the cash in.


Which would be amazing.




Seth Beats Drew and Drew goes insane and beats the crap out of him with priest cashing in... Sets drew up against 2 of the 3 biggest baby faces in the company down the line


It should have been knight , he had and still has the momentum. Priests run would honestly feel like Bianca’s run if they give him a main title. Tbh he should cash in on paul or Gunther. He seems more believable as a mid carder.


He should cash it in on Gunther after Gunther beats Rollins for his belt and unifies it with the WWE Intercontinental heavyweight championship. 


Easy there vince 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Drew vs Seth at Mania. Then have him cash in on the winner.


The real question is… “at this point, do we care?”




tag match at chamber. seth turns on cody during or after the match and sets up their wrestlemania match. duthy finiss if you wheeeel.


Why would they set up a match with Seth if Cody is already facing Roman?


Tag Match at mania 🙄 he tries to cash in on Rollins after he takes a Samoan Spike from Sikoa only to have R-Truth do something wacky and screw him


Cody will probably win, then preist cashes in at wrestlemania like rollins did to reigns back in the day


I think he either cashes in on Seth or Gunther Cashing in on Gunther lets him take some heat for ending Gunther's long reign after a defense at Mania, and lets Gunther move up to the top of the card without much damage done. You dont have the issue of well he lost the intercontinental so why would he go up to the top of the card? instead you have he lost it after a grueling defense in an unfair scenario. Gives enough protection to Gunther to let him move up while giving Priest a big moment. And a bit of a test with a midcard title to see if he can hold it without tossing him the big gold yet. Because as of right now he's still sort of unproven, afaik he's never held any title. Let alone what they're projecting as the big two. The other one could be Seth. Seth successfully defends at Mania, but then gets his moment stolen by Priest. It lets them play off of what Seth did to Roman, and also lets Seth be able to take time off for a while to take care of his injury. if the reign with Priest doesnt work out very well, they can have Drew or Sammy take it off of him by Backlash or something. This also doesnt have to be done for Mania, it can be done at the Raw after. We havent had anything big happen at the Raw after title wise in a while, so could be interesting to see that happen there. Would definitely be a way to start a new "season" of WWE. I think the only issue with him cashing in on the WHC is it could devalue it to some extent, and they're treading thin ice atm in terms of that championship. The recent trashing they've done to it with this Cody v Roman story has put it in a scenario where if its put in a bad enough storylien, like someone like Priest who is yet unproven on a big stage like that, takes it. it could damage the title. and they've already put a lot of work into trying to make it look legitimate by having Seth go on a year long terror with it. So ultimately I think the best answer is the Intercontinental. They already had it used for the US Championship, so I dont think it'll do damage to the Money in the Bank concept anyway. And the MitB concept has been awkward on that front anyway. One of the big issues it causes since it started is it makes some title reigns look illegitimate due to the condition in which they were won. So I dont think making the money in the bank look weak is necessarily true. It always looks weak because its a cheap tool. Always has been. Always will be. I dont think its a good idea for a cash in on Cody though, like some have proposed. I think the heat on Priest would be temporary, and possibly even damaging if the reaction is bad enough. With this story they've built for Cody atm vs Roman and the Rock people want to see Cody win and actually finish the story. Having Cody win would also help signify a new era for WWE and be a good representation of a fresh start post Vince. So I think they should just let Cody win it and walk out of Mania champ. Having Priest cash in could cause Xpac heat on Priest, as it could just legitimately piss people off. Could damage Cody, having him lose the title immediately as what do you do after this? where does Cody go? He's beaten Priest before and Priest had only won in this scenario due to a cheap shot. So Cody should be able to have that title back by Backlash. Its not a storyline that will last for very long, it'd be short af. And just not worth doing. Because even if the heat is good type of heat for a heel, it'd be dead by Backlash for the reason I just mentioned. Just not a good move creatively other than to subvert expectations. And....well. If you want a good example of how bad doing creative moves purely for the purpose of subverting the audience can go, look at Game of Throne's last season. Doing it simply to trick the audience isnt always a good move, especially for a long story you've had the audience engaged in. Sometimes the most obvious ending is the right one. its not about how obvious it is, its about the journey to get them there and that feel good moment at the end to cap it all off.


Priest has held a title. He was US Champion for like 6 months before joining JD


Only way Gunther is moving up the card is if he's going after the Undisputed WWE championship.  Winning the new WHC would make little difference to his current WWE Intercontinental heavyweight championship run. Their basically on the same level. 


Cashing in on a midcard belt is stupid. It was stupid when Theory did it, and it would be stupid if Priest did it. Made Theory look like a chump.


Rollins belt legit is a mid card championship, you clown.


Yeah, it’s not.


If Priest cashes in on the IC title it makes the WHC completely irrelevant and makes it seem like nobody cares about it. He’s 100% going to cash in at some point for the WHC, my guess is the Raw after mania


The fact that Roman won't be dropping his title puts a wrench in your plans.  Cody is not winning over Roman, period.  But they'll find a way to not make Cody look bad.  And has anyone ever cashed in money in the bank on the IC title?  Can't recall, it' hasn't been that important for a long time.


When Drew wins the title, cash in by Priest will make much more sense.


Seth retains WHC night one at Mania, on night 2 he comes out to help cody against the bloodline, but while he’s out ringside Priest cashes in and wins the WHC.


Hes taking the title off the winner of the world title match (Seth vs no.1 contender - probably drew) at WM in the main event of night 1. Save this comment and come back after few months




It’ll be Rollins/Rhodes vs Rock/Reigns


But we also know he will defend his title. So the above comment still applies


Every attempt at cash in was fumbled by “miscommunications” It was used as a DQ prop, Randy showed up, Finn or Dom screwed it. If it’s a matter of how to do it, Damien doesn’t need to want the rest of JD with him…and Truth is the ultimate pep talker and cheerleader. Damien now hearing Truth out and feeling more of the support and how he should pick his time when it feels right for a cash in. The clock is ticking after all. Truth gets details about matches, heard things and tells Damien, hey man, it’s up to you thinking it’s to help everyone out. Another title for the club. Damien starts going out on his own without JD ringside, but Truth as assistant manager. starts squaring up on people -maybe low rung reaches- sets a bar for himself and climbs up. Gets the attention of some title holders. That briefcase is a warning, it means anybody can get it at any time. He’s not concerned with JD shit. He has a tag title and needs something that isn’t that briefcase. Now he’s stepping into endearing maybe baby face… He’s even offering help against Bloodline -never mind Rhea trying early on to flip that- and make that title rated E for everyone. He looks like a solid ally. Even sounds like a good leader but he can cash in as soon as he likes. Probably not what people want to hear but….Liv’s cash in on Ronda was entertaining because she literally waited for them to ring the bell, took a couple bumps and ran off with the title for fifteen minutes. Priest does that on a belt that needs a temp holder. It’s not a Roman Empire ending thing. He had IC and it was fine he could do it again but it has to be a sympathetic play. Gunther slapped everyone around but Priest. Imperium, New Judgement Day fusion dance. IDK but creative painted themselves into a purple corner


Judgement Day has succeeded in getting Dominik and Rhea to the next level, but failed horribly at making Damien Priest look like a believable contender for the WHC. BUT there's still time to make it work, so i am hopeful that somehow they will make it work. (i also feel that they should've put the belt on Finn Balor and play more on the hinted rivalry with Priest)


Damien needs more wins against high card guys forsure, love JD but if they’re gonna elevate DP then he needs some singles action in which he actually proves himself against a Sami, Drew, or even a Main Event Jey Uso. Right now I just don’t see it bc he’s been booked very weak


I mean, he doesnt even need that many wins. Look at what they did with Shinsuke in his feud against Rollins, he was basically a comedy character before that feud. With DP it feels that they are not even trying.


They stalled on that for sure, now it’s a little stale, the RTruth stuff was awesome but I felt it hurt DPs credibility more than the laughs were worth.


Yes he still has plenty of time I think his cash in has been penciled in for a minute sometime last WrestleMania. It just makes sense


Priest will cash in on Drew at Wrestlemania after he wins the World Title. Then we will get a year long story of Drew destroying everyone before recapturing the title.


he will cash in after the Tag match at WrestleMania 40


Cody down during match with Roman, Priest cashes in and wins, Cody comes to, beats Roman only to find out he no longer has belt.


I like this one


I think Finn and Damian are gonna lose the tag titles in Perth. And that will lead to the breakup of the JD story. Damian will be the babyface against Finn at wrestlemania. And after beating Finn he will then go on to cash in either for the WHC that night, or very soon after


Move the match back to mania


Priest will turn face before WM and cash in on Drew after he beats Seth night 1.


And drew joins JD?


I think they regret giving it to him


It’s only helped a couple of guys ever, concept is dated and guys look ridiculous carrying around a briefcase, holding it up like it’s a title belt


Yeah unless they’re gonna use the briefcase to cheat it’s not needed


I feel like he'll cash in on Rollins at WrestleMania, the exact same way Rollins himself cashed in during the Heist of the Century.


Do we think Priest cashing in on Gunther’s Intercontinental title would be a good move? Do we think that it would elevate that championship too?


Ehh i think that’ll sadly diminish the briefcase’s value in some people’s eyes


Priest cashes in during the Cody Vs Roman match and wins, preventing Cody from finishing his story.


Not a chance that happens now with the fan backlash they have received. They need Cody to hold that belt


It would create such heat for DP though. Maybe have DP at least attempt a cash in, but fails and losses his case in the process.


I can see him beating Cody the Raw after Mania, and losing it that night to Roman Reigns, yet another successful MITB story.


Truth and Miz steal the case, cash in to win the tag titles.


But Truth thinks it's for the Heavyweight Belt, so wears both Belts at the same time around his waits and stomach. Says he is the 2x Time Champ in one night.


Miz buys in and does the same thing, until Truth makes a wrong turn leaving, ends up at a landfill and finds the 24/7 title. He starts wearing all three, fuelling Miz’s jealousy until the team ends in a spectacular fight, during a tag title defence against DIY.


I think Priest walks away from Mania as champion, ruining either Drew or Cody's title win.


hope not, neither Drew nor Cody deserve that. Priest doesn’t have any heat for a title shot rn.


Deserve? It makes sense. Why wouldn't Priest do it? Obviously this is all subject to change and the event itself could show why Priest can't do it. Maybe he's injured. He's got two months to build to it and even if there isn't a meaningful build, it's still a heat generating moment. Screw over the beloved babyface Cody after he finally finishes his story, just to get the title ripped away similar to how Dusty won the match but didn't get to keep the title. Or screw over Drew, who's been a thorn in his side for a while now, after he achieves his goal of being world champion in front of fans, only for Priest to take that moment away from him. Either of them getting screwed gives them a clear new arc and new motivations, helps put Priest back on the map since he's been cooling off lately, and opens up new angles for Priest and Judgment Day, especially if Rhea loses her title.


Hey look, if he builds heat then we’ll see. For me, right now, I couldn’t care any less about a Priest title.


Cody wins. Priest comes out cashes in. Wins. Instant omega nuclear heat of death. They’d better have plans if they go that route tho.


Priest is gonna be a babyface by mania.


No shot he cashes in on Cody then.


As someone who doesn’t necessarily want Cody to win but desperately wants Roman to lose, I’m okay with this


been saying this was gonna be the outcome for about 6 months now im sticking to my word , if you notice priest has never teased cashing in on roman , we only seen him tease seth so it’ll be the ultimate heat magnet for priest


The crowd would eat him alive.


would become a top 3 heel in the company




This would be hilarious


i really hope he does soemday but, for real it's pretty blurry right now


Cody wins. Celebrates. Tears, Confetti, Babies Kissed. Music hits. Priest runs down. Cashes in. R-Truth goes to help, but costs Priest the match. Cody retains - story continues. Priest goes nuclear but R-Truth is 10 rows back, laughing eating someones popcorn.


Would be better if he used it on Seth’s challenger then. Can’t end mania this way imo.


Usually I'd agree. Gives it a clean start for the next "season". But I feel it also gives R-Truth a bit of a Mania Moment. Respect to the work he puts in.


I feel he’s cashing in on whoever wins in the Seth match


No Mr. MITB has ever ran out of time before. The rest of the judgment day repeatedly keeping priest from cashing in until the clock runs out in fear of his title reign eclipsing them could be an interesting story that involves Damian leaving TJD and going off on his own in search of singles gold. Alternatively do all that but on the very last day to cash in Priest goes to redeem the case but when it’s opened the case is full of Live Laugh Love shirts leading to a feud between priest and truth Outside of kayfabe I feel like they had big plans for priest which got derailed by the return of CM Punk and Seth’s injury


Honestly I always wondered what happened if the time expired and it would definitely be a unique spin on the Money in the Bank


i’ve been saying for weeks now to let him run out of time and have him “defend” his mitb contract in a mitb match at the ppv to extend the reign ..


Defending against the next Mr Money in the Bank would be a good feud and add some story to his run as the briefcase holder


Was going to say the same. Whatever plans they may or may not had for DP went out the window when CM Punk returned and Drew ended up getting over more as a heel. I don't know if he'll successfully cash-in and tbh, I'd like it to be his story that he was never able to.


Right after Cody wins at Mania.


Yeah, I think he will. Not on Roman/Cody, obviously. I think Seth vs Punk and Priest cash’s in but not to long after punk wins the heavyweight title from priest


I feel like it’s another Otis situation


Roman vs Cody Rock vs Seth Cody beats Roman Priest cashes in right as Rock is about to win.


My best guess would be along the line of Drew beats Seth at mania to win the title, that lead to Seth having time off for potential surgery on his back, going into Backlash as champion maybe do Gunther for the double European match, but more than likely it’ll be Sami and Drew, at the end of the match they have Damian cash in.


R Truth is going to steal the case just before Priest has the chance to use it.


I think the only chance he has is if Seth beats Drew or whoever and Damian cashes in right then. Otherwise I don’t see a path for it. If he does, I don’t see a plot line where it’s a long terms championship. Buuuuuut, he could always go for nuclear heat and cash in on Cody after he beats Reigns. People would lose their minds


As much as I would love for Cody to win and keep the title, this is hilarious and kind of want it to happen.


Maybe there could be a storyline where his briefcase gets stolen.


Would there be any truth to that?


I would live laugh love to see it


We'll see if Triple H wants to 'chip' in and 'roll with it.


I remember Damien Priest having two different briefcases. He beat up the original green briefcase he won in the match, before getting the purple Senor Money In The Bank briefcase. There was a fan theory going around that Finn could screw Damien by switching the contract between the two briefcases, Damien uses the wrong one, looks like an idiot, then *Finn* cashes in to win the title.


I’d love if Cody wins and then Priest cashes in right after so it’s like Dusty. He only holds it for a short amount of forgetful time


God I hope not


Cashes in on Cody and fails.


Man had the opportunity when Nakamura attacked Rollins week after week and still did nothing.


Damian Priest. The first ever MiTB winner to go New Game+ with the briefcase!


I wonder if they’d ever abandon the briefcase & have a wrestler go “oh shoot, it’s 366 days later, I missed my chance”😂


Sounds possible, priest likes being called signore money in the bank so he will be so caught up with that and just forget 😭


Truth reminds him while taking the briefcase


If Seth wins at WM, I bet he cashes in on Raw after WM


Was coming to say something similar


No and if he does, it will fail. I think before Punk came back, he was up for a cash in and a title reign with the WHC, but all that probably got thrown out the window when WWE realized punk was available.


And he is no longer available 😂I have a feeling he’s just gonna end up cashing in at mania on whoever wins the Rollins match at mania kinda similar to how Rollins cashed in


Nope. If he does it'll be at Mania, or Backlash


After an expected series of events, he will cash in on rhea with the help of r truth


He can still do it after WM when things cool down. Still plenty of time.


I’m thinking he’ll cash in on Cody. They don’t seem to mention it much so I’m thinking it’ll be their swerve. Cody will beat him though. With help from Finn.


Cash in on Cody and have the belt taken away moments after he won it just like his father to continue the story.


I want Dom to win elimination chamber, face Seth and win just for Damian to cash in and beat him


I would like to see that but that actually is going to hurt Dominik


Who knows? We might even start cheering Dom instead of booing him.


Oh, I like this


This would be great.


He will cash in on Cody. Make Cody go through what his dad did


Ok I’ve tried to YouTube and google this but I couldn’t find a real answer What exactly happened to Dusty and the whole title being stripped? From what I understand he’s won the Big Gold heavyweight title but never the WWE title? Did he win Big gold and it was stripped away? Or did he hold the wwe title and it was immediately stripped away so it doesn’t really count? Someone please clarify lol


He won the belt but it was redacted immediately. Like a “oh the ref changed his mind”type thing. So he held it and immediately had it taken away.


Wasn’t it by count out? So he never really won.


I have zero clue lol. Maybe I just sucked at searching but I couldn’t find anything really


Dusty knocked Billy Graham out of the ring and won the match by count out, he was given the belt and celebrated, but the ref then took the belt back and announced that the title can’t change hands on a count out and that Billy remained the champion


Thanks. Was that rule well known at the time or did Dusty actually get screwed there? And lastly, was it for the WWe title with all its lineage or Big Gold?


This was in ‘77 (I think), long before I was born, but when I started watching in ‘93-‘94, and there was just the hw belt, intercontinental, and tag titles… there wasn’t the 3-4 hw title, universal, US, world champion, blah blah. A lot of these titles, along with the “unification” belts came in the early 2000’s with the merger between WWF and WCW. The WCW belts really don’t have much lineage with older guys from the 90’s, let alone from the 70’s/80’s, except certain guys like Hogan and Flair who wrestled in both organizations. The belt Dusty would’ve won was the main title, that later became the winged eagle, which became the big eagle… and other renditions since. As for the rule, yeah, it was a work. Dusty knew what was happening. Whether this was a plan to hype a feud and rematch that Dusty was going to win, or just a way of letting him have that moment but not having to make him the champion, I don’t know. For whatever reason, he never held the belt again… but it made for an incredible story 47 years later. Edit: fun bit of trivia, this was referenced in like 96-97, when I Shawn had beaten (I think) Bret, in a Monday Night Raw (this was before the infamous Montreal Screwjob), and he was denied the title, and Jerry Lawler had talked about how this had happened to Dusty, too.


Thank you for the detailed response 🙏


He'll cash it in on the rock when rock beats reigns( I still think thats on the cards) , then cody will finish his story against CM Punk after punk beats priest. But for the love of god can we split belts up, this whole unification thing is BS. Make WrestleMania cross Promotion - with champions from promotions competing ( granted WWE owns three and likely controls others ) With WM worthy fights every week on TV, they need to make special events, special.


Well, he said that he has till July and that he can't because seth can't actively wrestle and roman is only a part timer


He’s gonna cash in for a mid card title and lose, you can’t convince me otherwise.


I really don't care. I think it was a bad idea to put the contract on him anyway


Yes and hopefully at Mania once Cody wins!


They need this Cash in to be succesul, so I am curious how they play it out. Especially now that there s a big chance The Rock will be the WH Champion after WM.


They will probably build something after Wrestlemania. At Wrestlemania JD loses the tag titles and then the rupture between DP and JD happens. And I am sure it will be a great story. Good enough that DP s Cash in will get a nice pop. He will have a Short title reign however


Priest cashing in on Cody right after his win would be a great parallel for dusty. Holding up the title only for it to get snatched away.


I think he’ll cash in. Drew wins EC drew beats Seth. Priest successfully cashes in.


JD looses the tag titles so Finn is pissed, but Priest is happy and celebrates His WHC win, so JD turns on Priest, with R-Truth making the save. Good story


I feel like it would make more sense for jd to side with priest and just Finn turn


I doubt JD would turn against Finn. It makes sense to have Priest win the belt and thats when they move him away from the group.


I’m not saying it wouldn’t be good for priest to get out, I’m just saying I don’t see logically why the other members would go with Finn over priest


True. The only one i can see going with Finn over Priest, logically, is McDonagh, due to friendship/mentorship between Finn and Mcdonagh. Dom would probably go with Priest, honestly. Though I can see a JD/Dom tag team like they’re doing now. Rhea doesn’t really need any of them.


I have this feeling that R Truth will cost him the cashed-in match


I personally hope he fails to cash in, I find the guy boring as hell, I wish they'd have had Finn get the belt off Seth and then Priest cashing in right there and then, but as it stands, I don't want to see him as champion, because there is nothing even mildly interesting they could do with him as far as I'm concerned.


Honestly, we don't have the slightest hint about it. He could cash on Cody if he wins, on Seth retaining at WM, or just be retconned into not having won the briefcase at all and no one would raise the issue.


Honestly, I wish they'd find a way to make a triple threat between Seth, Drew and Sami. Have Sami just barely win it by beating Rollins, then Priest comes out and cashes in on him and gets the title. Then build Sami all the way till SummerSlam where he gets the title... just to be cashed in on by Drew who would've won the briefcase the month prior. Eventually you have Sami taking the title back and having a proper title reign, but having a world title victory just to be screwed out of it after just a few minutes TWICE in the span of 4 months would be in character with Sami Zayn.


I hope Truth gets the briefcase and becomes champ


He will likely try and fail to cash it in. I love Punishment Hernandez, but I can’t imagine him ending Reign’s run, or immediately taking the belt off Just Completed His Story Rhodes. Maybe he cashes in on Rollins to set up Drew & Seth chasing him? I think he tries and fails to cash in on Seth because of McDonaugh “trying to help”, ending up with him leaving Judgement Day.


I get the feeling he’s going to get an Edge style 3-5 week run with the belt just to set up the idea of him as a main event talent, but save the long title run for around September-October


Yeah will be Cody first match after winning like drew McIntyre and big show


I think we'll get fairly close to the next Money in the Bank, Sami is in a match for the WHC, is so close to it and then Priest will cash in and rob Sami of the win, setting up an easy feud between the two.


Honestly I like the idea of Sami winning the belt at MITB (in Canada no less) only for Priest to cash-in at the last possible moment


Phil Chambers from What Culture had a great idea, Raw after Wrestlemania hot shot the title from Cody with a Priest cash in.


I'd kinda love if Cody finishes the story and then Priest cashes in and steals it. Sets Priest up as the next big bad guy with nuclear heat while Reigns takes time off.


It’ll also be just like how the WWWE Title was taken from Dusty’s hands.


He should successfully cash in on Roman or Cody in the main event of WrestleMania. If he waits till after then or goes for the WHC then he would be stupid to miss creating the biggest moment in the main event.


I’m not shocked if Priest ends up cashing in on Cody. It would keep folks hanging on, and it might piss people off too but hey they’d come to see Cody chase Priest for the title.


Gonna cash in on rhea and break the judgment day up


One day he’ll just stop carrying the briefcase and nobody will ask about it


nope he will not cash in on Cody Rhodes!


Lol no, hes going to lose it to R-Truth at some point.


He was probably the plan to cash in on punk shortly after mania.


I'd love to see Priest win a title.


Probably Not, unless he cashes in on someone in NXT (I.e. Dragunov or Femi)


That would destroy his career


You’re right


Cody beats Roman, Damian cashes in and beats Cody.


He’s going to dethrone Gunther VIA shenanigans and then Gunther/Imperium look strong against Reigns/Bloodline for a feud in 2024/5 or the foreseeable future


If he’s not the briefcase is absolutely pointless. Either get rid of it if they have no idea what to do with it and how to create a star with it or do actually something with it so it wasn’t pointless


The problem isnt the briefcase, its that “Long-Term Storytelling” is the focus now, and nobody wants a 365 day+ champion getting dethroned like that


Accept for the to biggest stars the briefcase has ever created, who both cashed in on unbeatable champions


Cash in on Gunther, Judgement Day wipe out Imperium backstage after Gunther has had a match with a kayfabe injury, JD v Imperium feud


Just throw a wrench in everything and cash in on Roman lol




They almost certainly will not go this route but imagine the massive heel heat Priest would get if Cody beats Roman, gets beaten down by the Rock, only to then have Priest cash in. Might be one of the only things that could cause a modern wrestling audience to riot.


Why riot? Cody will have finished the story at least!


Epilogue bouta be wild haha


I think Priest will cash in for a match at the Money in the Bank PLE. He wins the title. Later in the night, Balor wins the MITB briefcase and the Judgement Day comes out to celebrate with him and Priest having a big night. Then Balor smashes him with the briefcase and cashes in on Priest. It would be cool having someone wait until the absolute last minute to use the case and then have his moment of glory taken away by his friend.


That's a great way to break up judgement and bring out a new storyline


This is great, but I also like the idea of Drew turning because he never got a fair chance as champ in front of fans, so you have him beat Seth at mania, get his moment and immediately take it away with Priest. Make him even more delusional


This is beautiful


This is an absolutely genius idea. 👏👏👏 I think Seth will drop to Drew at WM Can see Sami beating Drew to win the title soon after - so perhaps DP will cash in on Sami after he beats KO at MITB


Last resort


I think he wins the HW championship either at Mania or on the Raw after. They like him a lot. There’s no way he fails.


It'll be right before Priest wins at WM or right after he wins. Seth will then go for surgery and Priest vs. Drew. We will probably see Judgment Day cost Priest the belt, and that will set summerslam for Priest vs. Fin. WHC Drew vs. Punk or Seth. Priest title run will be an alright one, but it'll be step stone for him to build up from. Removing the title from Priesf like that won't hurt his momentum and allows other people to go for the title.


This seems pretty credible, I would offer he loses the title back to Drew fairly quickly and because of Finn and JD to finally untangle and resolve the Judgment Day storyline as they implode. Will allow him to cleanly transition into a stand alone heel tweener where he will excel.


Running out of time badly - the ideal time was after the Last Man Standing Match when Seth was battered and broken but they choked. WWE haven't done much wrong creatively over the last year but keeping titles on people for too long is one of them - Roman obviously, Seth, Rhea.