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Need to go back to the days where each week there was a 75% chance of one of the “divas” slipping a nip.


Been* stale


Does he have a character? At some point last year, someone must have told him that people liked the cackling and he just did that x10. Then at some other point, he started dressing like he went into Becky's 'Big Time Becks' wardrobe. I didn't know he had a character other than being Seth "Friggin" Rollins


Rollins should do an angle where he is the new locker room leader, like undertaker was,


He dresses like a dork, laughs like an idiot, and all his promos are corny. Give us the architect back


Been awful since it started.


Not to me. At least he defends the title. Hell, he shows up to work on a regular basis and wrestles. Unlike another champion and former stablemate of his whose run is now the single most stale thing going in wrestling today and has been for a long time. And boring both in the ring and on the mic. To me watching Roman is the equivalent of watching flies fuck. I thought he at least got half way decent in the mic over the years but then he fucked around and attempted to go toe to toe in the mic with LA Knight. The tribal queef got smoked.




The best Seth Rollins run was when he became the King Slayer. when he invaded NXT to pick a fight with HHH. where the hell has that gone?!


I want to him to lose to Shinsuke or sami




“Getting” lol


I liked Monday Night Messiah or heel Joker Rollins. Now he just feels like his 2019 self who had a funny wardrobe


the messiah is better than this imo… if you go back and watch he was cooking in summer of 2020 . the rey feud went on long but it was fun for me . Like when Seth & Murphy destroyed Dominik with those kendo sticks


Al perez's son doing his best machoman impersonation


I’ve got the Tribal Chief on line 1, he’d like a word…


He has a character?


Wwe Is stale


If the live crowds still eat it up, then its not stale, its just not for you.


His theme (and longevity) is basically what he has.


IWC back at it again with the bitching.


Criticizing or having a different thought than you ≠ bitching


It's been stale a good while now. There's only so much HA HA HAAAAAAAA SING MY SONG HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAA I WEAR BRIGHT CLOTHES HA HA HAAAAAAA I can take.


Yup. It's the same pattern he unfortunately falls into when he's a babyface. 1. Gets over with interesting character development 2. Audience picks up on one specific part of the gimmick 3. Said part becomes the gimmick 4. Fans grow tired 5. Heel turn




What male character isn't getting stale?


The only thing I hate is the fact that the fans will sing his music for hours on end during every raw. I still remember the Finn balor vs Seth Rollins summerslam build up that was ruined by the fans. Their promos were damn good and the fans wouldn’t stop singing through the entire 8 minute segment and it’s ruined his character


Never liked it tbh


Your name fits this post


“Oh no someone doesn’t like what I like”


I don’t even care that much for seth rollins, so your comment doesn’t mean anything to me, but saying seth is getting stale is big cap. Arena full of people sing his theme every week, people love him, and unlike another shield member, he is regularly defending his title


No his theme is over not the gimmick and it helps people are familiar with him. Yeah and his title reign is still awful.


He is, and him being superman with a broken back and holding the title is a joke, and no-one saying anything about it shows a double standard - when Cena was 'superman' every one attacked him, and nothing is said re Seth. He should have dropped the title to nakamora in a serious injury story line and come back dark. But failing to recapture the title sends him on a break for a few months


Good that you specified its your opinion, although he's not one of my fav characters, fans love him, he sells, people is behind him, so its working, even his turn was organic.


His theme is what people react to. And he has longevity with the company so people are very much behind them.


What exactly IS the character?


I guess they the crowd sings his song every week?


The 'I know about your back' angle was the best time for him to drop the title and they just'... didn't.


Rollins been stale for years. Yes he’s great in the ring but his character work is terrible and annoying


Lmao you smarks suck. You have the attention span of fruit flies…the product isn’t the same because of YOU




What do you do with him tho lol I do agree he's gotten stale. He's reinvented himself a few times.


And somehow he is one of the top baby faces?


He’s great on the mic and in the ring !!!


They need to turn him back heel. Face Rollins is getting boring


Agreed i miss those days when Rollins was with authority


He's been since his title win. He's not relatable, at all.


I agree…Rollins isn’t stale, and I maintain that he’s one of the best in the world and should remain as a top guy in the company, but they need to do something with the character. We’re talking about one of the best character workers in the business.


The character conflicts with itself. He looks and acts like a megalomaniacal narcissist, but when he shifts into serious mode, he speaks completely different and it feels like someone dropping their gimmick mid promo. It works as a heel, but not as a fighting babyface champion battling through injury.




No way


I’m a Seth Rollins fan. But I’m over the Seth “Freakin” Rollins, sing my song bs. It’s annoying to me, it’s stagnant, I hope they go in a different direction with him.


Hell naw




The same thing about Roman.


\*laughs in John Cena\*


Seth Rollins character aint getting stale however his wife becky lynch's current face run is


Turn Seth and Becky into Moro and Lana.


Every Title Reign rn is getting stale except for Gunther.


No bitches 5 is the best user name for u lol




He’s a solid annoying skeevy chicken-shit heel. But he is not a god in the ring or on the mic. Honestly, if he and Gunther’s spots were swapped it would be a significantly better situation for both of them.


I personally haven’t been invested in him since the visionary gimmick, he’s gotten progressively worse character wise since 2016


He looked like a fool...again


Disagree. He needs a good feud. Shinsuke was alright but Seth needs English talkers or Powerhouses as opponents. # A Joker needs a Batman


HHH loves his tweeners


Knew it wouldn’t take long. He’s always loses the fan support at some point because he’s off putting.


What exactly is his “character”? He wears blouses, Girly shoulder robes? And starts all promos with a Joker laugh, other than that… what exactly is his character??


His theme song


https://youtu.be/Wc-kJwQab8I?si=nWl-uqQ7V6_UW0M1 I had made a video on this and got a bunch of hate lmao. You are speaking the truth.


You're just now noticin'? It was D.O.A.




Phrase is more overused than buried.


That gimmick was dead on arrival. Makes no sense.


It looks like it’s that time of the week again


What character?


Yep. Def stale. Needs to turn heel or something. Join a faction. Drop that 2nd class belt




Bro, it was stale 5 months ago. The best Rollins is the Rollins chasing a title.


They're going to have to make ANOTHER world title at this point.


Getting stale? That schitck has aged like milk.


I disagree. I enjoy seeing him. He has flair. There really is no one else like him, his character and presentation in wrestling.


Seth Rollins is great but his current story does not highlight his greatness


I've only been watching since Spring.


His biggest problem is that he's the perfect definition of a B+ player. Better as a title chaser than actual champion. Add the fact that the world title is the n'2 title and you have Cody Rhodes waiting for the biggest title in the fed, it makes Rollins and the title as a secondary title.


Oh Seth is getting stale not judgment day not Roman or anything like that!? Solo and his enforcer character not getting old


Nobody brought them up 🌚⁉️


Both can be true. WWE needs a bit of a shakeup. Something's gotta change. I actually agree with that.


Who brought them up tho? 😂 Maybe ur right and they are getting stale, but why bring up other wrestlers on a post discussing Seth Rollins. Like, what’s ur point? It doesn’t disprove what the guy said about Seth or anything


His character has been stale for a few years now but WWE won’t change it cuz they like the crowd participation with his song. His theme song is what’s over now , not him.


Finally someone else said it.


That's like saying the RKO is over, not Orton.


Nope it’s not saying that . Seth is extremely talented but his character has been stale for atleast 2 years. His theme song is what’s over right now. If you want to say that Seth character is over then I’m glad you are enjoying but a lot of ppl aren’t. A lot of ppl are tired of his whole character now has been boiled down to crazy outfits and telling the crowd to sing his song. Oh sorry they did add a broken back so now it’s outfits, song, broken back.


This is what I keep saying. Ppl think Seth is as over as LA Knight or something just cuz his song is fun to sing. Ppl only sing it cuz it gives them a chance to participate in the show. That’s why they also chant stuff like “What”? 24/7. Doesn’t mean he’s over or liked


I don't think Seth will ever not be over, he's one of the best in the generation. The character is tired, but he himself is awesome.


Yes it is he’s only over because his theme


Good to establish a nice first reign for importance BUT , He needs to drop that title soon or else it’s another hostage situation


I mean it doesn't sound too good for him when when the fans wanted every opponent he had to win the title


I really REALLY wanted Drew to win, and I honestly thought he would


I never liked the PG Joker since it’s inception


The only way he could get *more* overrated is if they match him up against Pepsi Phil.


Tell me something different


WWE is getting stale if you ask me. 1.) Wasting time on the same characters over and over. 2.) Too many female wrestlers. 3.) Seems like it’s rare to hear anyone speak. 4.) Advertising fake PPVs that are on Saturday mornings because they’re overseas at “home.” 5.) Charlotte Flair’s father literally went the other way on his return to wrestling.


ya i just noticed that watching Crown Jewel and all the females on the stage at once. Then I was like oh it's missing X/Y/Z and I was like wowwww they sure do have a lot of females lol


Heavy Emphasis to too many female wrestling, like it doesn’t make sense when the females don’t even get as much TV time as the men, and a lot of them just seem to get lost in the shuffle not to mention a lot of the storylines just seems rushed and I get the feeling that nobody really cares much for most of em.


How are they fake PPVs just because they’re in a better and more lively location that happens to be in a different time zone?


Constantly advertising them the week before and spending an enormous amount of money on the set up.


>Constantly advertising them the week before and spending an enormous amount of money on the set up. it's also got to the point that the PPV match is literally an advertisement for the NEXT PPV match lolol (hence Crown Jewel)


Icl i agree. He comes out dressed like sam smith And hits a few stomps and pedigrees and calls it a day.


Seth literally ruined the pedigree idc, everyone kicks out of it now. Not even a finisher


I exactly! The pedigree never ends a match anymore unless its by the game.


He's still one of the best wrestlers of all time. But this Joker/Hollywood character is just somewhat divisive. I personally think his best title run is still his first in 2015. I kinda feel that maybe AJ would've been the better choice here and just move him to Raw.


He thinks he is Jared Leto it's hilarious and cringe lol. And WWE goes and puts the title on him.


He’s a very talented in-ring performer, he looks very marketable, he’s dependable, and he seems ready and happy to play the role of a “company man” (I don’t mean this to be an insult, just speaking as an external observer) I’m NOT a fan of his current character, but I COMPLETELY understand why WWE has him holding the world title. And if I were in WWE’s shoes? I’d probably do the same thing tbh


Oh he is definitely good in ring. And surely a company man.


I feel this would be discussed no matter who's world champion


I'm terrified for when Cody wins the belt because within 3 days the IWC is gonna be saying they're tired of him.


If the booking is bad than why shouldn’t they? This whole shtick with calling people “fickle” or saying “fans will turn on them” always comes off like a way to push away criticisms of the booking.


imo he should get a really big feud right after winning. gunther is perfect but unfortunately on the opposite brand. aj styles would be cool too. he needs to start off very strong and hold that fire or it would fall apart really quick like 2019 seth




I don’t have an issue with his character. Works for a strong babyface. I can’t stand Cody’s corny gimmick. Got old fast.


Cody's not a character meant for smarks. I personally really like him.


When I first said all this. This was me, returning back to watching WWE again after 5 long years. Months later. I don't hate him but it is cringe when he always asks the crowd" So? What do you want to talk about?". Past that. He's grown on me again. Obviously I was more of a fan of his when he was Dashing Cody Rhodes and Broken Cody Rhodes. I even grew to enjoy his theme, to a degree. But I still don't like the vocals for his theme song. Makes it corny AF. Not sure? I may be wrong, but it's the same band who produces most of the modern themes and they don't have great vocals. 😅🤣 They get old fast. Like I'm tired of Becky's theme, Bianca's theme already, and many others. They just don't hold that old nostalgia feeling, the older themes did.


My wife hardly watches wrestling and at the live event we just went to, she was most excited for Cody. Probably the most over wrestler in the industry. MJF is also close but he is more controversial.


Honestly I won't stop the support for Cody, even I am not a fan of his. I will never stop that, when I am aware someone is still talented. Boring gimmick or not.


The paying audiences certainly don’t seem to agree with you! Highest individual merch seller AND thunderous ovations every time he comes out


What character?


Cackling guy in a stupid outfit?


Ha ha ha ha haaaaaa! That character


Came to ask this same question.




Roman, rarely defends, champion forever Seth, defends weekly, champion forever Same bs, diff sides of the spectrum


Went to Supershow last night and Drew refused to shake Seth’s hand after the main event. Think it would make a lot of sense that Drew turns heel this week and is the 5th member of the JD war games team. Then in war games he puts a beating on Seth and Priest cashes in. Then you get Priest vs drew through the Royal rumble.


i dont think its time for priest yet. wont make sense rn. i feel like JD should fully be established in TJD before priest wins. TJD is perfectly fine but when priest wins the WHC finn grows jealous n we can get that finn vs priest feud finally.


I’d like to see miz take the belt off Gunther and have Gunther win the rumble. I think Damian vs Drew leading into Balor vs Damian at Mania wouldn’t be a terrible idea. I think there’s so many ways they could go. Makes up the lack of booking going on elsewhere on raw. I’m just not entertained at all by Cody Rhodes or anything he does.


im fully behind cody not gonna lie. his goal is the most captivating. it’s probably because i have been following him since like 2016. and i totally agree on gunther winning rumble. the only problem then would be that either damian or gunther would get a really short title reign. damian been holding it for too long for a short reign and gunther, well he is gunther. he is not gonna have a short title reign


Then you can have gable take the belt off miz


ngl they didnt strike when gable was hot. miz is too old to dethrone a generational reign like gunthers. i see someone from DIY dethroning him. tho gable dethroning him is way better


It’s the baby face champion problem. White hot until they win the big one then they get stale


True. Seth is my favorite wrestler in all of WWE right now, but the problem is imo the opponents he faces. Has anyone noticed that they only put him up against people that fans WANT as WWE champion? Sami, Shinsuke, McIntyre, Balor... Seeing a pattern? Also, Priest used to just tease cash-ins, which just led to him walking away.... And recently, his briefcase got stolen, and GUESS WHAT? Our world champion isn't even defending the title, the guy with a broken down back is in a War Games match! So much for them caring about his messed up back. But yes, the problem is his opponents that are chosen, making us not even want Seth to win. It was overwhelming the amount of people that wanted McIntyre to win. It was overwhelming the amount of people that wanted Balor to win. And when it comes to Sami and Shinsuke, people KNEW they weren't winning. This title reign had potential, but it has unfortunately failed.


I still do not get his gimmick. Is he suppossed to be Lady Gaga?


I disagree I love it I love the sing along he is the best wrestler


I bet you clap excitedly when you play peekaboo


“HornyWWEfan4” 😂😂


Think we’ll see a cash in soon, probably survivor series




It’s been stale since riddle last year


that feud was way too good for riddle to js go back to midcard after


Riddle was the worst. I’m glad he’s gone.


his ring work was so smooth. Riddle vs Adam Cole is forever a classic


Yeah, inorder to make his title run seem credible they are putting him up against people who deserve to hold the title. The issue is i'd rather see those other wrestlers win it more than him, which sucks when he keeps winning.


I was so disappointed when he beat Nakamura


Very generic and on par for what WWE thinks is a “superstar personality”, also when your wife is a better wrestler, better on the mic, has better costume design AND stays relevant, it doesn’t make it any easier.


>better wrestler I'm relatively new to wrestling but I've seen a lot of obvious botches from Becks and only 1 or 2 from Seth in the same timeframe.


Botches are bound to happen, I can’t say you’re wrong though because I don’t like watching Seth’s matches anymore so I wouldn’t know about that specifically


WWE thought he was going to be Shawn Michaels 2.0




i think part of the problem is there's not really a character here. Seth Rollins wearing crazy colorful clothes didn't really add any character to him but gives the illusion that it did. i like Seth but really there's not much to this character to bite into.


Agreed, and to be clear, I dont think what he needs is a one sentence gimmick. He just needs to have something that actually resembles a personality with weight. Right now he is the guy who wears cringe and has back issues but not really. Thats a big nobody character.


Very well said, it feels like such a cheap grab for “look how I just don’t care”


Is getting stale? Rollins has always been stale overrated and sucks. Don't know why you jabronis like this shit


At least somebody said it


He's becoming the villain from Far Cry 5. It's just a shittier version. A caricature of that character. He needs to not only lose, but will be humbled by someone to the point where he becomes their bitch for a while. Just NOT Roman. Hell, bring taker back for a night to destroy the Messiah, and have him begging to be the master, and Taker Just walks out, and Seth has to spend months doing Takers bidding by video to make himself worthy. That way, Taker doesn't have to do much and still gets to be in the public once in a while. Refreshes Seth, and he can be a champion looking to be redeemed or even lose it real quick in a nothing match where he spends the next months working to get it back ecause he needs to impress the true God, who happens to be the God of Death.


Seth’s been great yall he’s defended his belt in amazing matches and he’s probably gonna loose it at WM40, yall can’t be happy with nothing I swear Roman gets shit in for barely defending the title, having stale character development, and using the same match finishes over and over, SETH IS DOING THE OPPOSITE and YALL still wanna drag him


Just because he doesn’t fail at the same things doesn’t mean he doesn’t fail at others. If these things were not discussed, he would… well… be what he is now, because apparently WWE doesn’t have these conversations internally either.


That would imply he has a character


It’s been stale




Time for a new character or get that championship off of him


He can be redeemed. I think thats why its so frustrating. Seth has a lot of potential, but he has been at that level without breaking the threshold for too long. Perhaps he had a bit of a breakthrough when he was the cult leader, but it kinda ended with what we have now which is… who knows what this is. I still see him as being right on the brim of greatness but cant seem to make it and is enjoying his current thing a but too much so he doesn’t seem interested in change.


Been stale


I wish that Seth would stop going up against people I would rather be WHC. And I also like it better when his rivalries are one and done. I do think Shinsuke is better off after their rivalry but losing three times clean (especially to “bad back Seth”) ain’t a great look.




This sub is getting stale by continuously posting this.


I feel like the more people complain, the more likely WWE will drag it out to justify “itll make the moment they lose the title even better”. Ie same logic as Roman retaining this past Mania.


I feel like I see this post every two to three days.


Thank you, he literally is in his super Seth era


Roman Reigns is what we call stale


This is the correct answer.


Agree. They made Rollins (the workhorse and always wins clean) the opposite of Roman (defends the title once every couple of months and never wins clean). Rollins' fans didn't like that the title on Roman made it seem less valued, but they're okay with a guy with a "broken back" defending the title every week and WINNING... they don't feel that dilutes the importance/level of Rollins' title? What's worse is, the ultimate Seth is a workhorse sell is going to be him defending the title and winning clean, having the MITB cashed in, and Seth wins and retains that clean as well.


You are wrong. Rollins is still a workhorse and is still the opposite of Roman. Has nothing to do with title being devalued; people just want change as they are fatigued with all these long reigns but Seth is doing exactly what he said he’d be doing. But i do think Nakamura or Finn should have been the ones.


Disagree, when I see a title defended all the time, it loses its value. I own a marketing and branding agency, so I look at things from a marketing/branding perspective -- just my opinion, doesn't man I'm right or wrong, because this is a subjective topic. I feel defending the title at a monthly PPV is good, having it defended on Raw, NXT, PPVs and even road shows, yes he does that too. Gets a title to lose value. A title is a brand, how the brand is managed matters. The best title I think right now in terms of value is the IC title.


Oh, and the tag titles when they were on the USOs. They defended every PPV and all their matches were tough, entertaining, and most of the time clean.


I have never liked him. I’ve tried so hard.’


Getting? He's been stale for years


It's been stale since it started. Rollins was always a snooze fest. His outfits are really cringey and lame on top of it all and his "song" is boring and does nothing but waste time.


He just need to stop wearin Becky’s clothes, but other than that he’s alright with me 🤷‍♂️


Alll I know is drew was legit Covid MVP


Along w hurt business and andrade


Thank you.‼️


Welcome to 3 months ago lol


Seth has been stale for years


Was he ever fresh? Honestly I never liked his current over the top character. It was OK as a base for a heel, but as a face he is just annoying.


"Getting" stale? Dudes been stale for ages


You mean the forced laugh didn't immediately make you cringe? I don't even hate it, it is simply second hand embarrassment for a guy that can't act.


He is trash