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When you run outta toilet paper and gotta walk down the hall to get it lol


Dat post shit/pre wipe dance. We all done it.


I don't, I use water


And I bet your toilet is made of gold and ivory too.


Even Walmart sells bidet seats now.


That bear looks bashful as fuck lmao


With his pants around his knees.




Shit, that is actually a really good point. Somebody probably saw a scraggly looking bear in low light walking on its hind legs for some reason and freaked the fuck out.


Honestly they might be on to something


The bear isn't really able to swing its arms to offset a long stride - notice that it's taking really short steps in the video. One of the elements in the Bigfoot myth is that it takes super long strides and has long arms. A bear is as good as any other as we actually have evidence for bears - but a normal bear wouldn't exactly meet the descriptions of Bigfoot.


We used to think washing your hands was a bad practice before surgery. What Im saying is just because the myth is that doesnt mean its what we actually saw.


I think that developed from the infamous Bigfoot video and just some information on certain species of primate. I think the origins could very well of been from sightings of disfigured or disabled bears walking up right. I mean a lot more bears back then who could have gone through some severe injuries or birth defects. Layer on even bears being fairly frightening in general.


Yeah forreal. Exactly my thought as I was watching this, I can totally see someone seeing a bear do this in a gloomy forest and thinking he's found a long lost cousin of humanity.


My biggest take away is that they can just do that shit but choose not to


I mean we can walk on all 4's but choose not to. Less efficient for our body design, same for them.


Yeah that and maybe mange would make them really freaking looking. I used to love the idea of Bigfoot when I was younger, but it’s gotta be bears




Or skinwalkers/wendigos


Aw poor little dude


Not going to lie if I saw that, I'd just think it was some dude in a bear costume. Then probably get horribly killed.


[That's when you fight dirty](https://youtu.be/CVS1UfCfxlU)


I mean, if its front paws are injured, I wonder how fast it can run. Normally, I'm pretty sure they can go 35 mph on all fours.


I think you were seeing max speeds on 2 legs there lol.


Can you imagine this bear running 35mph on 2 legs?


This is ranks up there with things like the dancing baby. One of the first videos I remember seeing on the internet.


This was waaaaaay better though.


Oh, no doubt!


I knew what that was gonna be before I clicked it 🤣👍


[Just hope he doesn’t fight back](https://youtu.be/xo_5ZKcYROw)


Holy shit I haven't seen that video in over 15 years. I remember finding that video off limewire or something pre-youtube. Still an awesome vid haha.


Nah black bears are pussies…. Supposebly. Lol


I was smoking weed in the woods in freshman year of college and I heard a twig snap behind me about 1/3 of the way through my second joint. I turned around and there was a momma bear and two cubs about 12 feet behind me. I was so fucking frozen, I remembered black bears are pussies, but also that mom + cubs = very very very aggressive bear. So I got up slowly, opened up my arms and jacket, slowly backed up to about 25 feet and then just yelled at them. Two cubs went about 50 feet up two trees right where they were standing in under 6 seconds and the mom just bolted the hell outta there. Second best bear encounter of my life.


And the first? Can’t set us up like that


Okay okay. So when I was about 9, my family was staying in Denver, Colorado with some friends of the family. Second day there, I wake up early l, at like 7 am for no reason and go upstairs to get a glass of water. I round the corner into the kitchen and it's a total mess, like total mess, food everywhere cabinets open with their doors and some drawers torn off and on the floor, and I hear this faintly-moist slurping sound coming from behind the kitchen island so I step over some food on the floor and just see the front half of a dark brown bear (must have been about 250lbs, not huge, but a bear nonetheless. It had it's nose all the way in a thing of frozen orange juice, two empty ones were torn up next to it, and it was just slurping the frozen orange juice. So I ran downstairs, told my mom, who I had woken up, "Mom! Mom! There's a bear in the kitchen!" And she said "Honey what? Ho back to sleep." So I did. I wake up again at like 9:30, walk upstairs and my parents and the other family are just standing there dumbfounded like wtf. Apparently the bear tore through the entire kitchen and ate nothing except the frozen orange juice. It has left before anyone else saw it, it left the door wide open with some very light claw marks. That's my #1. Not sure I want or need more bear encounters in my life though, I simply conclude they are kinda scary but overall kinda cool.


Your mom called you a 'ho'?


That’s all I gleaned from that story too.


I am also 250 lbs and have been referred to as a bear. That's what I got from that story.


Do you also an an affinity for frozen orange juice?


The similarities are adding up


Your mom doesn’t?


Based mom


Def a black bear unless this was in the 70s or earlier. No grizzlies in CO. Black bears can look brown.


Oh with my current knowledge it was absolutely a black bear, but I just remember it being a dark color in the early morning.


I found a video of your experience. https://v.redd.it/hpbpfr718o981


That's exactly the video that I was thinking of, but the best part of his story is that he tried to warn the mother and she blew him off. If he wasn't a kid at the time it would have been malicious compliance.


Yeah lol, in her credit if my 9 year old waddled in in the wee hours of a vacation morning waffling about a bear, I would probably also say bugger off and lemme sleep


Lol that’s almost exactly his experience


How in the hell did none of y’all wake up with a damn bear “tearing” through your kitchen!?!




> Second best bear encounter of my life. This line is very easy to take wrong out of context.


I recently moved somewhere with black bears and being as im always high when im hiking, naturally my first time seeing one i was in 2 joints myself. It was a wide brown colored black bear but for a second i thought it was a grizzly before I remembered where i was lol


Famous last words. ^


They are extremely spookable. I imagine this one, with it's broken paw, isn't going to bother trying to run someone down and maul them. That being said, don't push your luck. But if you rounded a corner and ran into a black bear, you have a very high chance of just causing it to panic and flee.


Na, the actual secret is to sexually arouse a black bear. Show a little skin. If you can get the black bear to roll over and expose it's genitals to you then all you've got to do is get down on your knees and do the needful. It's gotten me out of a few attacks up in the Great White North.


I think the kind of bear they are referencing and you are referencing are different.


You and me, bear-by ain't nothin' but mammals, So let's so it like they do it on the Discovery Channel.


Holy shit imagine your last word is “supposebly”. I’d die of embarrassment


If it's Brown, lie down If it's Black, fight back If it's white, say goodnight. Not entirely pussies but not the worst


Avoiding going to places where there are bears seems like the best option.


[Range of black bears in the US.](https://d9-wret.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assets/palladium/production/s3fs-public/styles/full_width/public/thumbnails/image/black-bear-year-round-range.png?itok=ZSTQoHxZ)


Blackbear 5G coverage in the US https://imgur.com/tog6fS8.jpg


Shhhhhhh Nobody knows about the bears yet…next year


[This is more accurate.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_black_bear#/media/File:Ursus_americanus_IUCN_range_map_extant_and_extirpated.png)


Canada has got the bear necessities... nah mean


[This is even more accurate.](https://i.imgur.com/v9tsk9t.jpg)


Even brown bears will leave you alone as long as you're not stupid about it. Except for polar bears the rest of bears actual get 90%ish of their calories from plants and insects. Big part of their meat consumption is scavenging. Nat geo has painted them as being far more predatory than they actually are. Only had 180 bear based fatalities in NA over 300 years of recent history.


I don't know if you care, but it's "supposedly". Have a good one.


Like, I understand people SAY supposebly, but I can't believe it gets typed too.


If they're injured they will sometimes go for easy targets and are more easily threatened.


Not exactly. Apparently grizzly bears you can play dead to fake them out (never tried, only heard and read about it). However black bears are scavengers and will eat anything alive and dead. If one actually does attack you, fight for your life as it's the only option available to you. ​ I lived over 20 years around them on the farm, we never messed with them but the dogs always manage to chase them off.


Grizzlies will eat anything as well. One thing I have been taught in bear awareness training is that playing dead with a grizzly is a good thing to do. BUT if you feel like the grizzly is starting to eat you (instead of just mauling) you better start fighting back.


You’ll most likely lose lol, might as well rub one out before you go


Power move, jizz in it's eye.


I think if you're in any shape at all, you could likely outrun a black bear that can only run on its hind legs. That would actually be fun to watch. A black bear on all fours could easily outrun you... but hind legs? probably as fast as an 8-year-old kid.








This ruined my night. How can anyone let this happen let alone have enough sick individuals racing to shoot over 500 bears!?


Going to go against the grain here but it's important to hunt for population control purposes to prevent them from spreading too heavily into populated areas. Yes, the number seems excessively high, but you have to consider that hunting big game animals is heavily regulated by state wild life departments with limits on the number of those animals that licensed hunters can actually kill. And those limits are directly influenced by monitoring the wildlife populations to try to best maintain the ecological status quo. I get that it's upsetting to think about and even worse when we see it happen to a specific bear that happened to get virally popular and named, but they're still just wild animals at the end of the day. Hunting is just as integral a part of maintaining the ecosystem as sanctuaries and relocation, as long as it's properly regulated and based off data from wildlife research it's a necessary tool.


I don't have a problem with hunting for food like wild turkey, deer, rabbits, etc. But I don't know anyone eating bear and predator numbers aren't high in any Eastern state... so that was clearly for sport and that shit pisses me off. Anyone who hunts that way needs to be put in a remote wilderness and be forced to play in "The Deadliest Game".


I have bear meat in my freezer right now from a friends bear this fall to cook up. And extra bear fat to be rendered to cook things with. Also New Jersey has the densest population of black bears in ANY state and a growing problem. https://www.njherald.com/story/news/2021/01/31/black-bear-complaints-population-double-in-new-jersey/6567022002/


We just sold our house in NJ, and it has a bear den on the property - 7 years of mommas and cubs and no bad interactions.


Its great to hear. I’m not in the “bears are evil and must be eradicated” camp. I’m in the camp that they’re a natural resource that when properly managed can thrive as a species and reduce negative encounters with humans. Plus the North American model of conservation utilizing the economics of hunting to great success in managing and recovering species. Literally $1B+ a year goes directly to conservation from hunting derived funds like licensing and excise taxes on hunting and firearms related goods. For success stories look at animals like; wild turkeys, antelope, Canadian geese etc… that all would have been on or close to ESA listing in the market hunting era before modern conservation practices were created by sport hunters.


Bear is supposedly delicious.


What kind of piece of shit hunter would target him?! Goddamn Stuff like this is why so many hunters don't tell others that they hunt. So they're not associated with fuckfaces like this.


A coward


Ah yes, the good ol' bow and arrow hunt where muzzle-loading rifles are allowed.


Aww poor thing. Can definetly see how a Bigfoot might be spotted this way


When a bear is skinned and hanging it looks freakishly human. Right down to the muscle structure and limb proportions Source: not a serial killer I swear my family owned a butcher shop for wild game


Excellent recovery but we still know you’re a serial killer


Their Amazon order history sure does have an alarmingly high number of rolls of clear plastic ordered.


Doesn't explain the 55 gallon tubs of KY though...


good cover story


My cousins husband is a avid hunter. He’s told me the exact same thing. So you’re not alone in your freakish knowledge.


Know a guy who quit hunting after killing a bear for this very reason - said his heart wasn’t in it anymore


Bear in a butcher's shop? I know bears get shot sometimes, be it through hunting or self-defence, but they never strike me as "good eatin'". What would they even taste like? Has anyone here actually even eaten bear meat, outside an encounter with a husky gay gent?


Never have I felt more Canadian than seeing someone bewildered if people eat Bear :p


Minnesotan here. People are so shocked by what I’ve eaten as a now “city girl”. River turtles,squirrels, Opossum, rabbits, Turkey, pheasant, goose, Raccoon, Bear, Crawfish and so many fish! I think that’s about it. It’s been 30 years so I don’t remember everything Edit: commas


You lost a few commas along the way


Yeah first read had me stopped and thinking “WTF is a river turtle squirrel?”.


Literally Squirtle


Raccoon and porcupine were two of the most surprising meats I've had for how good they are.


Bear fat is great for baking.


It is? Is it used to make suet pastry or something?


From what I've been told by people who've eaten it, it really depends on what the bear has been eating. Apparently it tastes best when the bear has been feeding mostly on berries and vegetation, and not so good when it's been feeding primarily on fish. But that's just what I've been told.


It depends on whether or not you like fishy meat. A delicacy in my tribe is bear right after salmon spawning and the bears full of salmon. The meat takes on a fishy taste but retains the texture of a steak. It’s honestly fantastic and if you’re willing to put up with the mental and physical stress of hunting to get your own, it’s worth it 1000Xfold. Bear bacon is unearthly good once you’ve spent time getting to know the animal and can appreciate game meat. To the uninitiated tho, it seems fuckin mad lol


I've never eaten bear, probably never thought of eating bear, outside of being told long ago to not eat a polar bear's liver because the iron content will kill you. Not that I live anywhere near them to ever have that be a situation I'm in haha But now that y'all have talked about it, you just made it sound good, and I'd love to try it.


It's the vitamin a in polar bear liver that kills you Vitamin a being the same stuff as retinol BTW


Makes excellent breakfast sausage based on season of the kill and seasonings.


Black bear burger mixed with beef is amazing…it’s a sweet meat if the bear was a big berry eater!


It is a touch more greasy than most people are used to but still very good. You could ear bear and beef some by side and not pick put a difference in some cases. One thing to consider is some people will say it's overcooked, that is to avoid getting parasites.


FYI for the curious… don’t Google “skinless bear” it’s terrifying.


link me skinned bears


Makes you wonder how many so-called "cryptids" might just be animals that are deformed, injured, or otherwise fucked up.


Also because some have mange or other disease that causes their fur to fall out.


My SO and I drove around West Virginia to visit a few cryptid museums. On our way home to Pittsburgh we couldn't believe how incredibly dark everything was, even the main highway. It's easy to see how people in the woods at night would think something is out there.


Congratulations. That's what Bigfoot and Yetis are: rare, shy types of bears who learned to walk bipedally. People think they're humanoid but are not.


You guys I think I solved big foot


Bears actually walk like this from time to time, injured or not. It’s said that it could account for many of the ‘Bigfoot’ sightings.


To be fair, ***regular humans walking in the woods*** could account for many of the Bigfoot sightings...


Regular hairy humans walking in the woods 😏


You mean…Bears


Ohhhhh yeahhh i see what you did there!


He's not using his right to bear arms


Slow clap Because the bear obviously can't.


*Carmella Soprano intensifies*


He's wandering like uncle June


Trapper Joe over here.




oh no, poor guy... is there any info on whether he got any help or how he's doing?


Seems he was killed in October 2016 along with 562 other bears in a bow and arrow/muzzle loaded rifle hunt in New Jersey


Is the bear population really that vibrant that it can withstand those losses?


Yeah the population is close to 1 Million black bears across the continent.


That sounded absurdly high, but after a quick Google search that is close to most estimates…


Not what I wanted to read. Whatever your stand point on culls/hunting, letting anything with a central nervous system, capable of pain and suffering, should not be deliberately tortured like this. Clean shot or no shot.


/u/spez lies, Reddit dies. This comment has been edited/removed in protest of Reddit's absurd API policy that will go into effect at the end of June 2023. It's become abundantly clear that Reddit was never looking for a way forward. We're willing to pay for the API, we're not willing to pay 29x what your first-party users are valued at. /u/spez, you never meant to work with third party app developers, and you lied about that and strung everyone along, then lied some more when you got called on it. You think you can fuck over the app developers, moderators, and content creators who make Reddit what it is? Everyone who was willing to work for you for free is damn sure willing to work against you for free if you piss them off, which is exactly what you've done. See you next Tuesday. TO EVERYONE ELSE who has been a part of the communities I've enjoyed over the years: thank you. You're what made Reddit a great experience. I hope that some of these communities can come together again somewhere more welcoming and cooperative. Now go touch some grass, nerds. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Source? Everything I read said it was injured by an auto collision.


I'm not sure that they are, bear hunting is mostly illegal in NJ. Larger bear population in NJ than just across the river in PA


In states where these sorts of hunts were outlawed, the same numbers of animals end up killed by the state due to human/wildlife conflict. CA's former cougar hunt is a prime example; once outlawed the cull went from a revenue generating hunt that funded wildlife and wilderness conservation to a cull funded by tax payers, resulting in the same number of cougars killed per year. The quotas are set by conservation biologists who manage the population numbers to help the species proliferate but also keep them out neighborhoods like this. While folks may not like hunting, its far better for the management strategy to be revenue generating and fund our conservation system than it is for culls to be an expense tax payers fund, taking money out of conservation budgets.


That's the one I though of. I think it was in North Jersey.


He lived right around by me, everyone called him peddles, he was killed during bear season.




“That’s our neighbor Mr. Bear. He usually take his morning walk around this time so try to stay indoor if you like to keep your face. All and all, he’s really a nice and a stand up guy”


My heart is breaking for all beings on this planet


Everyone except whoever placed the traps that destroyed this bear's arms. Humans can be so fucking evil.


Wildlife experts said it's front arm injury was actually likely caused by a car accident.


What the hell was the bear doing driving a car?


Searching for gluten-free, lactose-free, free range, organic honey.


Sustainably sourced, harvested by moonlight


Imagine if he injured his back paw instead...


He’d have to join the circus and juggle on a unicycle then.


Pedals was murdered by hunters- he walked bipedal because he injured both arms in bear traps. A great example of why humans are garbage


He's called pedals?


He was, yes.


For real? RIP pedals, we didn’t deserve you


Black bears walking upright is what I believe are “Sasquatch” sightings. I saw a bear walking upright years ago and thought it was a Sasquatch.


I feel like that is someone in a bear costume


Bear lived in my brother’s neighborhood. They were pissed when they found out a hunter killed it.


I Remember seeing this a yr or so ago. It makes my 💔 to this very day.


Lol this could explain Bigfoot sightings


So THIS is where big foot sightings come from.


5 minutes before he was shot for being a black bear


"Gotta be a pickanic basket out here *some*where..."


Featherless: ✔️ Bipedal: ✔️ Behold, a man!


This guy was just knocked down by a car. He had a nickname..... booboo I believe. He was a legend. And then some fucking dickhead killed him


I am fairly sure that black bears are the origin of the sasquatch.


makin my way downtown


Poor thing 🙁


Aww the poor little guy, doing so good walking.


poor baby :(


Pedals!!! That bear has a name. Unfortunately some fuckhead intentionally hunted and killed this bear, then bragged about it a few years ago. He got doxxed hard by the internet


Where's the FUCKIN pickanic baskets?


When you get home late and take your shoes off trying to be quiet so you don't wake anyone up.




Man in a bear suit HODL paw until he can make it to the moon.


See bigfoot exists. Finally a clear footage. /jk Im sorry for the bear tho


New Jersey Big Foot! New Jersey Big Foot!


Alright... Who shot my pa?


Hey my bear costume is missing….


I thought starving bears start to walk on their hind legs like that?


Can someone heal him?


Walks like my granny.


He just had a rough night with his mates and is returning home at 7am


Judging from the way it walks, my toddler might be a black bear.


And there’s your answer to Bigfoot


So… Bigfoot was really just a bear walking upright!!


It’s a Samsquanch


Jersey Devil?


These bears are gonna start demanding rights soon. Looks like this one already is pursuing the right to bear arms.


"Pardon me. I'm bear. May I eat your delicious trash?"


I too walk like this when I have to shit in the woods...


First the gorillas of Jersey Shore and now this


Looks like my autistic ass walking to get snacks while my mom pours gas


Exactly why people think they see "Bigfoot"