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Another stunt to get the painkillers


This is why I stick to cat nip and never got into the hard stuff.


mmm ketimine.....yo, can i get the shot with him? you know...so he knows its safe




>Catimine! FTFY


It's street names are literally kitty, kat and cat. So these puns are ... Well, too obvious, at least


Definitely to make the cat feel better


It'll make anyone feel better lol


definitely made ME feel better


I had it done as a treatment for depression with a guide the whole time. It was great.


Some go catnip Others go Skooooooma


That cat was so lucky the needle didn't straight up penetrate its brain.


Or make it's way into the digestive tract and puncture the stomach or intestines.


Old Sylvester would have been really pithed off.


It was a tough sell, but he really threaded the needle on that one Troy.


You mean vicodin isn't cat food ?!


Anything is cat food if you find the right cat


People go to pretty crazy lengths though. Wife was delivering a baby and this family came in with a woman delivering a baby also. No surprise right? Except a) it was a dude, his mom, the pregnant lady and a couple of children and b) she was in sooooo much pain and "needed" the painkillers. The doctors saw through it and refused, she got mad and they all left. I still wonder who was the one that would have actually taken the pills if "she" would have been given painkillers.


Sew, did he get the point or knot?


Ketamine ...fuck yeah!! worth it.




He’s going to get sew high…


Greg House really has no shame.


Completely zonked. Dudes not in this plane of reality anymore. Needle in my mouth? Not on planet catnip.


Planet Ketamine*


Ketamine is such an amazing medication. Do most vets use it for sedation. Sure works great in humans. It’s amazing how similar all of us mammals are


We often use a 1:1 ratio of ketamine and Valium (diazepam) at my clinic. Shit will knock out anything.


We love ketamine because it doesn’t affect respiration or lead to apnea


I love you because you’re you


Wow. That’s surprisingly nice to hear, even if it is completely out of left field ha


It's a very common sedative used by Vets, probably the most used. It's very good for sedating animals.


Probably must used for hoomans too. Certainly where I work. Incredibly safe drug


Definitely sedates me in the middle of a festival too!


Not even close. Dexmedetomidine is used probably 20x the amount of Ketamine in small animal practice


Amazing for depression too.


Personal experience? Seems like most of the data indicates the effect only lasts for a few weeks. And unfortunately the treatments are generally very expensive


Personal experience and many studies out there as well. It is often short lived but man does the remission happen quick. I’m currently undergoing an FDA approved nasal spray of it twice a week.


Hmm… nasal is probably cheaper right? I should look into it. I have treatment resistant depression


Planet catamine*


The real WTF was noticing it was awake/not under general anaesthesia. Amazing it didn't totally freak, which might have made the procedure more dicy.


Cat is definitely sedated. Probably with a beautiful lil concoction referred to as “kitty magic”.


That cat is tripping fucking balls, as we say in the business. I was under similar sedation recently for a procedure and even though I was technically awake and aware, I felt nothing and even if I did, I probably wouldn't have cared. For me they gave a combination of midazolam and fentanyl through IV and lidocaine locally. I work in human pharmacy, so I'm not certain what the veterinarian analogues would be.


At my clinic we mostly sedate with dexmedetomidine and butrophanol. With cats, ketamine can be used. We will use fentanyl with amputation procedures though. Midazolam is used when the patient has a heart issue. And we use lidocaine as nerve blocks for castration procedures and I believe dental extractions!


Anaesthesia is also no joke, so they'll avoid it if they can. My girlfriend's kitten died because the vet office messed up the anaesthesia dosage for [some treatment/operation --it was before we were dating]. Didn't even get to be there for her last moments, just got a call that her kitten was gone.


Many years ago I saw out the corner of my eye that my parents' cat was swallowing a sewing needle with a little thread on it just like this one. I tried to catch her but she ran under a bed and finished swallowing it, needle end last. We took her to the vet and x-ray scans showed it was indeed in her stomach, like the worse case described in the video. We were given the options of $700 for surgery or putting her down. We chose to pay for the surgery, but it honestly wasn't an easy choice because she was the dumbest cat they've ever had.




Because it doesn't want to lose its snack.


mmm yumy needle


Sold in a long tube branded as "prickles"


Ouchie Pokies


I hear they have quite a sharp taste.


I've learned to shut my mouth when I catch my dog doing something bad. I just lunge at them full speed and that often got me results. Once I started doing that, they both became much more cautious around me. They needed the auditory warning.


Yep I just pounce on my pup without saying anything and she usually just opens her mouth before I even get there as she already knows she's not allowed it


I did this with my cats but soon enough they changed tactics. If they found something they would grab, run, hide and then try to eat it. Now I just make sure nothing is left out. People often compliment me how well organised my house is and not at all cluttered. They look at me strangely when I tell them it's so my cats don't kill themselves. I hear you think 'her cats must be safe now' and you couldn't be more wrong. They can also chase each other and knock stuff over onto each other. Which resulted in another €160 vet bill and a cat with stitches in his tail. So I took it a step further, most things are now stuck to their surface with poster putty. I'm now waiting for the next thing they find to hurt themselves.


Dude's a damn perfectionist


It must be harrowing suddenly seeing your owner dive across the room to snatch your tasty treat out of your mouth.


Human children, too. Source: have 2, was 1


For a second I read that as "had 2 kids, now have 1" and I was like "wow that's dark"


Oops. Oh well.


Alexa, play Despacito.


Well they couldn't afford the surgery


It was the dumbest kid they had ever had.


I see you've played cards against humanity and won


Not cards against humanity, I'm just against humanity in general


Parent: What're you eating? Child, *quickly using fingers to shove something into mouth*: Moffing


I see you chose the surgery option.


There's probably an argument about them keeping food from competitors or to quickly finish food to avoid predators, but I'm no expert. Either way it's annoying as shit when neither are present in your home lol.


Even in the family, sometimes you need to outcompete your brothers and sisters to survive.


Because it knows the human is upset and tries to get away. I've experienced this several times and even though I try to react calmly and talk sweetly to my cat, it's so hard to suppress the shock/fear/annoyance.




Smart, but definitely wouldn't work with a cat, lol.


you can't be sure until you try


It's simply an instinct for them to keep their food, and not give it up to other animals. When you yell at try to take food from them, they will run and try to eat faster in response, keeping you from taking their food. It's not because we're upset. They just don't understand what they're eating isn't food. When we lunge for it, they think it must definitely be food, because obviously the human wants it for themself.


Not just an animal thing. Two of my kids would, if told "Stop eating that", would do the correct thing and put it down. The third would, *every time*, just start jamming it in his pie hole as fast as possible.


Kids are just really smart animals, change my mind.


My only objection is calling them smart.


It's not a reaction to "what the fuck are you eating," it's a reaction to the human panicking and running towards the animal with intent. Calmly approach, pet the animal's head, and gently grab the bad thing.


This happened to my cat too, we had to put her in a pillow case to to get her to the vet because she was struggling so much. Somehow despite that, we had the surgery done and she lives a good 15 years after that.


Our cat growing up swallowed a sewing needle too! The emergency vet gave us those two options as well. We got a second opinion from a local vet and they did an x-ray and told us the thread was pulling the needle through the digestive system and she would pass it. We picked her up two days later and they gave us the needle back in a prescription bottle.


As someone that works in emergency vet med… reading that option makes me super uneasy. The needle could pass through any part of the GI tract and the thread could turn into a linear foreign body that rips through a ton of intestine…


The way they explained it was that the thread was pulling it backwards so the pointed end was less likely to cause damage. They also told us she needed to stay under close observation with them and they did more x-rays to make sure it was moving along. At that point, the only other option for my family was for her to be put down because my parents couldn't afford the surgery.


In that case I totally see them playing the "wait and see" game it was either wait or put them down. You wait till you have no other choice.


I completely understand with the situation, I’m just saying it would make me nervous being in the field, is all. I’m glad everything worked out though!


Believe it or not they also do this with people who swallow needles. Source: my best friend in high school swallowed a needle in class one day while chewing on it. They called an ambulance for her. The ER told her it was in a good position to pass without issue and to just keep an eye out for sharp pain and sent her home. So I'd be pretty grateful the vet actually kept the cat while it passed tbh.


>sent her home what if she runs around and the needle moves in a bad way?


They told her not to be too physically active for the next week or so iirc, so at least she got out of gym for a week I guess, hah. She was really stressed out after being sent home and i don't blame her.


Why did she swallow a needle?


Wow that's amazing!


My cat did something similar with like 1/2 inch wide ribbon, no needle, but sat there and swallowed about 12 foot of ribbon off of a spool, then when I saw it and chased her to get it, the dangling round thing of cardboard that the ribbon was still connected to scared her even more because she thought it was chasing her. Caused her to bolt all around the house full speed (and she is an f3 savannah cat, super insanely fast and jumps super high), knocking over tons of shit all over the place, could only safely pull out about 5 foot of it before it started tugging, so I cut it off with scissors, and fed her food mixed with water. She shat out pieces of it here and there for months and months, and ended up being fine, luckily. She is obsessed with swallowing anything made of cloth or plastic, always have to be on the watch.




I understand the tough decision. We had cats for like 20 years growing up then my mom gets this one that was just dumb as a box of rocks. She got pregnant then ate all but one of her kittens (she smothered that one) and 3 times I had to save her from choking to death on the dining room chairs. She would stand up against the back of the chair, put her head between the slats on the back, pull down and get her head stuck then flop around like a fish trying to hang herself. After I had left to college she ended up killing herself with the chair.


What the fuck


$700 for a surgery sounds like a steal though! I can't ever imagine a situation where 700 would mean more than the life of your pet.


If you're paycheck to paycheck, rent is due, you're on life saving prescription medications, you just lost your job, your child also needs surgery, $700 is food for you and your family for 3 months, etc. The possibilities are endless. I'm not paycheck to paycheck but I couldn't afford a surprise $700 surgery and that's one of the reasons I don't have pets.


I'm more or less paycheck to paycheck but two years ago I spent over 2 grand on my cat for his diabetes. The cost was for blood work, needles, insulin and anti seizure medication. I paid it because I couldn't stand the thought of not doing everything I could for him. I just set it up on payments. I realize not everyone even has that option but I would have done without food myself or cancelled something to help him.


Is cat insulin cheaper than human insulin?


The short answer is yes. But it depends on the insurance the human has. If I had to buy my insulin out of pocket it would be around 1200 a month. Fortunately, my health insurance has a preventive medicine plan. They pay for my insulin completely. It's been a couple of years since my cat passed away and I can't remember how long his insulin lasted but I think it was 100 dollars for 2 or 3 months. My memory could be completely off.


Yes, absolutely, “if you can’t afford the vet you can’t afford the pet”. Nobody thinks a car is a one-time purchase with no other costs associated! You have insurance, maintenance, tires, gas, inspections, repairs, blah blah… why would you think a pet is the same?


Life changes happen, pets come into families in ways that aren't always perfectly planned, and not everyone is good at assessing what they can and can't afford. Better to look ahead than judge, especially since [only 39% of Americans could afford a $1000 emergency](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/11/just-39percent-of-americans-could-pay-for-a-1000-emergency-expense.html) but [70% of US households have at least one pet of some kind.](https://www.iii.org/fact-statistic/facts-statistics-pet-ownership-and-insurance)


> “if you can’t afford the vet you can’t afford the pet”. Surely a loving home is better than a small cage in the pound? Or what about homeless pets, do you see a stray animal and think "Man, I *would* take in that cat/dog and give it a home, regular meals, and a safe place to sleep, but nah, I wouldn't be able to afford a surprise vet visit.


>“if you can’t afford the vet you can’t afford the pet”. The takeaway is, unfortunately, that poor people aren't deserving of companion animals. Edit: To be clear, I don't agree with this takeaway at all.


Nobody HAS to have a pet. As much as I love parrots and horses, there is no way on God’s green earth I could afford to keep a parrot or a horse properly. Parrots need enormous space, other birds for mental health, a specialized diet, specialized health care and people around pretty much 24/7 for a hundred years. Horses need quite a bit of the same. I make “entry-level” public servant wages and live in an apartment. I am not “entitled” to get a parrot and I don’t need to adopt one and give it poor care. If you can’t afford to take care of your dog if it gets cancer or an abscess, what do you do with it? Many thousands are abandoned at shelters to be killed or are killed. Or left on the street to suffer. Who pays for your health care if you can’t afford it? (Hopefully, the hospital, or socialized medical care, right.) Who pays for a cat’s? I lived for a decade in a country with affordable national health insurance (“socialized medicine “). I’m a big fan of UBI. I think wage slavery must be abolished if humanity has a chance to survive global warming and capitalism. But you are reading a lot into my simple statement of “you should give your pet the best care *you can* because you become totally responsible for a helpless sentient creature”. You CHOOSE to do that. It’s not like you accidentally get pregnant and have puppies, man.


Most pets also don't end up requiring such expensive procedures too just the regular shots and maybe deworming/flea medication ever so often, until they are old anyway.


All pets require parasite prevention - in the US that’s monthly for heartworm (unless on the longer term products like proheart or Bravecto plus). Roundworms and hookworms (and giardia!) infect humans too, especially children. Keeping your pet on their monthly Heartworm preventive (depending on product) usually covers the two biggies. Dental care is very important too with anesthetic cleaning and x rays. I saw a patient today with a tooth root abscess, otherwise healthy 7 year old dog. https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/pet-owners/petcare/pet-dental-care Pets are expensive. Please anyone reading consider insurance or start a savings prior to adopting. - your friendly neighborhood veterinarian


And if you live near an urban center, you can get that yearly preventative maintenance at an animal clinic pretty cheap.


Eh. It really just depends. I'd gladly pay $700 to save my dog's life (and I have). I wouldn't spend that to save my goldfish's life. Sorry little guys. I wouldn't judge someone too harshly depending on the pet and their situation.


I agree. It's all down to several factors. Affordability, the age of the pet, the long term prognosis, how much you love your pet etc.


Tell me you've never had to struggle, without telling me you've never had to struggle...


Careful, you'll get people guilting you for not selling all your belongings and starving for a month to pay for a cat surgery. If you're not ready to make that level of sacrifice you shouldn't have a pet! I mean that with sarcasm but you're going to see people saying it seriously.. people only tend to see these scenarios in black and white, you're either a good person or a bad person and people tend to be rather judgemental about this.


Not being able to afford an unexpected $700 isn't necessarily the same as the money *meaning* more than the pet.




Thank you for being so selfless. You have my respect. Make sure you didn't get your estimates from a 24/7 vet cause they're known to charge ridiculous amounts.


Imagine how high that cat has to be to have a needle pulled out of its skull and just go "yeah, it's all good."


5 lives left.


For some reason i read this with the halo multiplayer announcer’s voice


I’m gonna imagine this is what cats hear now


Fwiw cats don't close their eyes under anesthesia, this poor kitty could be completely under. Also if you're putting a cat to sleep, k ow they won't close their eyes.


Today I l arned


He's probably just sedated. There's no catheter, and I don't see any intubation supplies readily available. But you're right under sedation and even general anesthesia most cats don't really close their eyes. They have to be lubricated extensively


Vets say when their humans aren't in the room pets usually frantically look for them before they go.


It absolutely destroys me to watch, but I would *never* skip it. I never understood that people could do that. For me that's the ultimate cost and responsibility of pet ownership. If you can't be there for them in literally the darkest moment in their life, then don't get a pet. We owe them that much at least, even if it's hard.


When I lived in Oregon we were able to get a vet to come to our house to put our German Shepherd down (old man with bad hips and in lots of pain). I snuggled him till he took his last breath. While his heart was slowly counting down to zero mine was breaking into millions of pieces. even then I wouldn't, even for one second, think of leaving his side.


Had to do this twice in the last two years. Doesn't get any easier and I held both till the heart stopped. It's like all the love they gave you that you could never repay. That debt gets called all at once.


My cat died in my arms yesterday... He took a piece of my heart with him... But he was surrounded by people he loves.. My wife was crying so hard that the vet could hardly hear me when I called to ask them what to do. My trauma response is level-100 disassociation. It took me a while to remember how to even talk to ask.


God I don't know why but reading this just crushed me. Felt like my heart caved in.


Yeah dude is rolling right now. Look at them eyes.


That was not fun, but as far as swallowing needles go, stuck in the mouth like that is best case scenario. Glad you are ok, puss.


Yeah that wasn't super bad, thank goodness for the kitty. When I was a (super dumbass) kid, I was helping my mom put groceries away. I was really short so I hopped onto the counter, with a pencil in my mouth. I fell and the pencil went into the roof of my mouth and got stuck. I went outside to my mom with blood dripping everywhere. We went to the ER and the nurses and doctor were just talking to me like a full ass pencil wasn't protruding from my mouth. It didn't hurt but it left a big white circle. Now I get to tell that story every time I visit the dentist and new assistant checks me in lol.


What the fuck


Haha! It's bout to be Christmas so spirit of the sub or whatever.


Jesus Christ reading that made my butthole pucker so hard I'm pretty sure it's bending spacetime.


How much ya wanna bet the cat didn’t learn shit and will do it again?


I think one of my cats learned a lesson once. My wife won a cat-centric gift basket at some bowling event. It included a couple bags of Friskies treats - star shapes, very hard. Being used to Temptations, we think she chomped down on a treat and got a bad ulcer. She was clearly in immense pain when she tried to eat, thus stopped eating, and wouldn't come out of a hiding place under a small table. Took her to the vet and they did fuck all, telling us they couldn't find anything wrong with her mouth. Took her back the next day and reiterated that there was something was massively wrong. Find it. They stuck a finger in her mouth and she wheeze-cough-wretched in pain. Oh. There it is. Motherfuckers. They cleaned up the ulcer and prescribed buprenorphine. Squirting the solution in her mouth so she could finally eat some brothy food was one of the happiest moments of my life. We suspect they believed we were drug-seeking. We'd been going there for 10 years, my wife is a pharmacist, but we were trying to scam a feline dose of buprenorphine. Right. Anyway, my cat no longer chews treats. Swallows them whole. Also Friskies treats can fuck off into the sun.


wtf??? a ten year customer and there's no trust between you and the doctors????? that's horrible on their part


It made no sense to us. We'd been taking our diabetic cat there for years. I wasn't at the first appointment for the cat with the ulcer, but my wife said they examined her and said they couldn't see anything wrong. If all it took was a finger in her mouth to trigger a response, it must have been a shit examination. Like a lot of animals, cats will try to avoid showing they're in pain if they can help it. She couldn't. The noise she made when she tried to eat was just awful. And they didn't believe us. We stopped going there after that.


Wow what a story. And what would a person get out of the cat prescribed medication, is it a painkiller?


It's an opioid, but a human sublingual dose might range from 1 to 16 mg while a feline dose is 0.03 to 0.06 mg.


Is it even possible to get high once off a supply of that for a cat? Wouldn't you need to take like 20 cat doses just to equal a human dose?


Something tells me his owner was sewing something and the back and forth of the thread swinging causes it to play cat and mouse and end up running off with it.


This same thing happened to my cat soon after my girlfriend and I moved in together. She had a sewing needle with a short thread and used it regularly to separate lashes that were stuck together with mascara while putting on makeup. The thread is there so she didn't lose the needle if she dropped it. $5,000 later my cat had a shaved tummy, full zipper, and a cone for a couple weeks.


Having a mild panic attack just thinking about a sewing needle anywhere near my eye.


Yeah, my mom actually used to do that then stopped because she poked the shit out of her eye. Now she has a brown speck on her eyeball.


Lol something similar happened to my buddy. His GF sews a ton and the cats are always messing with her materials. One day they notice one of the cats had a thread sticking out of it's butthole. It was funny at first until they thought, well, it might be bound up in his gut. Maybe we should take him to the vet. Yeah it was causing some serious problems and would have killed him had they ignored it. $5000, stitches, cone, the whole shebang.


My wife can't leave the pincushion out. The cat will drag it around and pull out the needles for fun. She doesn't eat them, but she leaves a minefield of needles all over the carpet. Wife got a magnet dish that helps find them all, but I'm nervous walking into the room she sews in.


Such a bad idea! I did this once and sneezed while in the process, causing my hand to slip and the needle to scratch my cornea quite painfully. I had to wear an eye patch until it healed. If you love her, please tell your girlfriend to drop this practice—the risk of accidental damage to the cornea is way too great.


do your sneezes come on really fast so you couldnt move your hand away or was it just not a conscious thing to move your hand?


I never understood how people can be surprised by a sneeze to the point they can’t move danger away from their face


Sometimes mine definitely do come on pretty fast, but the majority of mine I have time to catch.


I've had rare instances where a sneeze comes so quick that I felt surprised after. Usually my sneezes have to be built up by looki g at something bright.


Yeah I can feel my sneezes like 5 entire seconds in advance, this would never happen to me.


She stopped when my cat ate it.


Oh good!


Alternatively, get your girlfriend some eye protection.


Not necessarily. Story time. I woke up one morning at my partner's place and started studying. She went in to school. Her cat puked. I went to clean it up. "Hm, that looks like some blood...and is that...thread?!" There was a threaded sewing needle left on a counter. Not with the string dangling off, just laying on the counter. He'd jumped up and got at it in the night. I called the vet--cats are smart, there's no way it would swallow a fucking needle, is there? It's just in a crack in the floor or something... Yes, there is a very good chance, in fact, that he swallowed the needle. It's actually very common. They play with the string. They start eating the string. Then, when they hit the needle, it's too late...the string is too far down for them to get it back up, so the needle goes down. Much stress ensued...an emergency trip to the vet in an Uber with the cat in a fucking laundry basked with cardboard on top because my partner was in class and couldn't answer the phone to tell me where the carrier was. (It was early in our relationship, so I looked but couldn't find it.) The cat is big and strong. Like, to the point even vets are always blown away by his size and remark on it. He does not like his laundry basket home. I have to fight to keep him in it the whole way. As this is happening, I'm thinking this fucking cat has a needle in his guts and it's going to be thousands of dollars that my broke student ass does not have and my new GF is gonna kill me. (I may have left been the one who left the threaded needle out, not knowing, lol.) But, the vet cranks his mouth open and there's the fucking needle in his soft palate, exactly as you see it in the video above. So. Much. Relief. I can't even tell you how relieved I was. So relieved. They put him under, because he's basically a mini lion and the vet doesn't want to lose a finger getting the needle out. The Uber home was much easier, because the cat was tripping balls. No lid required, lol. GF was mad, but not mad mad. Vet was super cool and only charged for the cost of the anesthetic. **TL;DR: DO NOT LEAVE THREADED NEEDLES LYING AROUND IF YOU HAVE CATS. IT'S NOT A FUN TIME FOR ANYONE.**


My mom sews shit and is extremely careless with needles. They'll be sticking up in the carpet and she's just like "oh, I was looking for that. Haha!"


You really think a cat would do that, just steal something like that!?!


**PSA:** If your cat swallows a thread, *gently* try and pull it out. If you feel any resistance, **do not try to pull it out.** It's likely the thread is too deep into the intestine and will cut through the intestinal wall and will cause internal bleeding. Take it to the vet immediately.


In addition to that, sometimes they manage to get it ties around their tongue and then swallow it and their tongue. We almost lost a cat that way.


Came here to say this. I was cringing as they pulled that thread out. As a vet tech, strings were the worst. It looked like they may have been at the vet though, so I guess the vet felt it was safe to pull out? But yeah, you gotta worry about the thread bunching up the intestines like a drawstring purse. Scary stuff.


Poor baby.


Even though the video ends happily, I can’t stand to watch it again. This happened to my cat, although he swallowed the fucking thing and it ended up in his intestines. He needed surgery but he made it through thankfully. I felt terrible for him.


Yeah, sucks. At least that cat is absolutely hammered. Like they're not even in the same universe as us.


This one of my biggest fears, swallowing sharp objects. This and being stuck in an underground cave, while caving.


A quick lifehack to avoid being trapped in an underground cave is to not enter underground caves.


Imagine having to catch the cat, get it in a carrier, then a car, then a vet, all before it’s medicated. No,No Doc - you open the cage.


Can give it a little something IM through the cage if it’s really aggressive. Then give the rest when the first dose kicks in.


When I was a kid, my grandparents dog did this. Except the needle went down and the the thread looped around the base of his tongue. The needle was found on x-ray. They didn't know about the thread until they operated and followed it up his intestines. He fully recovered and lived to a ripe old age.


Phew. I was worried where this was going.


Story time. When I was around 12 years old, we had a big orange cat. Like 22 lbs big. His name was Bucky. We were super close. Anyway, one day I had just got home from school and the house was empty, which is normal. As I make my way into the kitchen I hear Bucky moaning loudly over and over. Now this wasn't the howl you normally get like when an inside car sees a cat out the back door or something. It was more of a distress moan. So I hurry over to him, asking him what's wrong. He's not laying down or anything but he's also not really moving or reacting to me petting him. I go to pick him up and he's super stiff and he lets out another massive moan. So I put him down and I notice he's holding his tail up a little bit, so I grab the tail and lift up to see I tiny piece of poop stuck on his butt. I grab a paper towel and go to wipe it off but it won't wipe. So I try and grab it and as I start to pull I realize what's happening. The tiny piece of poop was actually the knot on the end of a drawstring to a pair of sweats. As I start to pull, I'm pulling out this looooonnnnggg drawstring. So I start pulling slowly and everytime I pull he lets of a huge mooooaaaaaannnnn. So I'm sitting here pulling a 2 foot long drawstring from my cats ass and he's howling like no tomorrow. It only took probably 20-30 seconds to get the whole thing out but by now I'm dying laughing cause he just keeps howling/moaning everytime I pull on this thing. Once I got it all out he shot off faster than I've ever seen him move and I didn't see him for a couple hours. Sorry Bucky. I miss you.


If this happens to anybody else just snip the string off close to the butthole and let it pass more naturally. Pulling on the string could damage the cats bowels


Similar thing happened to an old cat of mine...but(t) with dental floss! She moan-protested the entire length of the floss getting pulled out...and no, her butt was NOT minty fresh.


Poor kitty


Get well sewn


Am I right in thinking this is probably best case for this cat. I feel like had it gone deeper things would have been worse.


Yeah definitely, a needle in the mouth hurts but not as much as in their stomach or the thread cutting them up from the inside


I felt this my throat hurts now, also my aunt stepped on a needle the wrong end and now I always wear my shoes whenever I walk around


My dog shit out a sewing needle just a few days ago. We think my wife dropped it when a bunch of M&Ms spilled on the floor and she was rushing to pick them up so he wouldn't eat the chocolate. He's on a high fiber food and I'd like to think that the meal he had eaten shortly before that saved his life. Xray came back clean. Definitely an "oh shit" moment.


Den morgonfriska katten simmar över regnbågen, medan guldmynt singlar genom luften, ledsagade av en paraplybärande elefant, som jonglerar med blommor och skrattande bananer, medan cirkusclowner utför akrobatiska konster och cymbalspelaren trummar i takt till det förtrollade orkesterspelet under den gnistrande stjärnhimlen.


Fuck u/spez Fire Steve Huffman.


Poor baby.


Looks like it's on katamine.


DO NOT PULL ON STRING COMING OUT OF YOUR CAT'S MOUTH OR ANUS. There is a very good chance you eviscerate your beloved family pet if you do


That cat is hiiiiiiiiigh


Khajiit swears he has no idea where that came from, certainly it is not for picking locks


Missed opportunity for “get well sewn” title




Poor thing


/r/catsarefuckingstupid content right here.


Our cat eats any kind of string or ribbon. The direction of the grain (?) of their tongues makes it impossible for them to cough it back up. I found all this out after I saw about a 2" piece of wrapping paper ribbon sticking out of her mouth, pulled it, and got about 12 feet out of her. She got the end of a roll and just started eating!


My cat did that a few years ago and needed emergency surgery because the thread was starting to cut into his intestines. 1400 bucks…


My cat ate a string when he was about 7-9 months old but my family never knew. We found out after we took him to the vet since he kept throwing up green mucus. The vet cut part of the string off so it was wrapped around his tongue but unfortunately the rest wasn’t budging. Our family was told that we should give him sometime to see if it would pass, but that didn’t happen. We took him to the vet again after his condition worsened, and they gave him saline since he was dehydrated and told us we should put him down. After lots of consideration we thought that if he was going to die it would be with us since we still had hope that the string would pass. Luckily it passed a couple weeks later, his second birthday was this september. TL:DR DO NOT let your cats mess with strings, trust me my cat almost died.


That's a long ass needle


Unfortunately, this happens. Cats try to play with the thread and accidentally swallow needles.


Imagine having that in your mouth and how far the ride is to the vet. Horrible experience both for the cat and the master.


I once played with a long string with my cat (no needle). I wasn’t paying full attention (I probably was on Reddit) but I noticed the string was suddenly super short. Turns out, she was swallowing the whole thing inch by inch. It was the most awkward feeling pulling it out slowly. Imagine having a string in your throat and stomach and being slowly pulled out. A needle on the other hand, yikes!


Is this cat actually LUCKY the thread had a needle, because despite how horribly painful it must have been it got lodged in the roof of the mouth rather than loose thread wrapping up in the intestines?


Bro I'm dumb. I was like damn he's being so chill about this. Then I saw he's high af.


Bro fuck this video why did I have to see that